Me c:

-AngelKiddy-'s avatar

Last Login: 12/04/2020 2:05 pm

Registered: 01/12/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/09

About me

Hi there i am Angel ^^
I live in The Netherlands so my inglisch is not that good.
whee Things that i like?
I like....Anime yeah and i like my friends.
I am going to church what i really like biggrin
Yay I am a Christian! 4laugh
Well what do i have to say? smile
wink Don't give up and be yourself.
Make youre dreams come true and be there for your friends 3nodding

Kiss Angel. heart

-Beloved- My sweet man sings this to me.


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Selene dark princess Report | 06/09/2016 4:54 am
Selene dark princess
Happy Birthday
iChiiChobit Report | 04/20/2016 10:33 am
Hey girl! How ya doing?! biggrin
Fallen Angel Kieran Report | 07/30/2014 10:30 pm
Fallen Angel Kieran
Wow seriously? I thought I'd be coming back to a whole new zOMG....
kk cool I accepted your add! smile

(Sorry it took forever to reply just had a ton of things going on......)
II-ShadowScythe-II Report | 07/28/2014 8:57 pm
Wow thanks Angel. You really brightened up my day today. God bless and Enjoy the rest day emotion_c8
Chercia Report | 07/13/2014 1:11 am
idk who you are, but thanks!
sorry for the late reply, haven't been on gaia lately
Fallen Angel Kieran Report | 07/09/2014 12:07 am
Fallen Angel Kieran
Oh I see. I mean I played for quite a while but not that long lol...
The ring set I have on me atm might be outdated but they're all 10.0 lol.

If you want you can add me and I'll try to play whenever in a crew with ya.
Fallen Angel Kieran Report | 07/03/2014 11:45 pm
Fallen Angel Kieran
Back than I barely needed a crew but if it's changed that much to where it's more difficult I think I'll have more fun! lol

smeb/smob? i don't recognize those terms lol....

lol that's why i normally add anyone and everyone i know that plays and would get along with me so that it'd actually be fun to play and kinda cut out looking for a team xD
Fallen Angel Kieran Report | 07/03/2014 3:15 am
Fallen Angel Kieran
Ikr? But tbh it also depends on trends lol But yeah I kinda did the same but kept the main things I actually did want just in case I wanted to come back to Gaia lol...
zOMG is empty?
Fallen Angel Kieran Report | 07/03/2014 12:24 am
Fallen Angel Kieran
Hacked a gold generator? Hmm.. I mean I noticed the price jumps on things but mainly items that were only given out around a certain time and are not available anymore but I mean I kinda understand it especially since the chance items were only around at the time they were being sold so I guess logically I can understand why they increased but I must admit I was shocked it was that much lol...

Fallen Angel Kieran Report | 07/02/2014 4:42 am
Fallen Angel Kieran
lol sorry it took so long to list it I just returned to Gaia just like a 2 weeks ago or so xP

I hear people say
'my life is a hell'

when those people die,
and actually go to hell,
they will say:
'now that I know hell truly,
my life on earth was like heaven'

but for those that will go to heaven,
the life they live here on earth,
is the only hell they will know.

therefore I will serve God,
with all my heart, with all my soul,
with all my mind and all my strength
so that I will truly know heaven.

Don't give up.
Angel -X-