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heart Hi, I'm angelbunny32 and it's nice to meet you~ heart

I'm currently in a relationship
heart I absolutely LOVE my boyfriend, he's just so sweet heart

Other things about me is, I like to draw, I draw cute chibi style art, specking of art, I like trying my hand art other types of art type projects even if i'm not an expert at it... weather it be sawing or making charms, I still find them fun to do ,,^ v ^,,

I like watching anime (particularly with someone) I also have a reading disability, so I watch dubs because of that, my favorite genera is comedy, I love to laugh, and I love romance comedy the most, but just about any comedy is pretty good to me, I don't particularly like watching horror, I scare easy...

Also, I love to talk, It makes me happy to have a fulfilling conversation ,,^ v ^,,

Likes: Bunny's and other cute animals, pink and white, ice cream, chocolate, cute clothes, cute plushies, and music. heart

Dislikes: American Cheese, Meatloaf with ketchup, rude mean people, load noises

(''(..)" )
(=0.0) ~♥
( (" )(" )

(To give you more of an idea of how my art looks)

My Art




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Heairit Report | 03/26/2011 7:54 pm
oh wow u look so cute
Violet_Baudelaire24 Report | 12/22/2010 8:46 pm
hi im buffy wc 2 gaia


angelbunny32's avatar

Birthday: 06/11

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