
angel_from_hell93's avatar

Last Login: 02/14/2008 2:54 pm

Registered: 12/19/2007

Gender: Female


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Sup, my name's Chassidy Ewing, i'm from a place people here call J-Town, so do i. i'm 14 years old and in the 7th grade, cuz i got expelled from getting suspended too many times and getting too many notes in the 4th grade, and i didn't bother going to summer school, so yeah. i've heard some people say i'm too violent and not a people person, so half-way through the year my "mom" and "dad"(i'm adopted) started home-schooling me. I'm bisexual and some people don't believe me because i don't fit the image or sumthin, and other times guys think it's sexy or cool and it ******** annoys me. i have the greatest girlfriend in the world, when i'm around her i'm calm and my temper just disappears, she makes me happy and "normal". Her name is Charlie(not her actual name but she wants me to call her that on here) she loves me for who i am, she makes me use manners even if she is younger than me. She's 13, but i still love her with all my heart. If any guy or girl messes with her, i'll kill them right after i kick their asses. I cuss a lot, at home, at school, in public, on the internet, i just don't get why you can't say them, they're just words, although, Charlie does slap me when i say a really bad one or call someone something, hehe, it doesn't hurt one bit but it makes me shut up, lol. I pretty much grew up in an orphanage and was adopted when i was 9. I never knew my actual mom and dad, i was told that i ended up on someone's doorstep in a car seat like in those stupid freakin movies, only they're usually in baskets...I met Charlie at the school i used to go to, we've been dating for about 4 & 1/2 years now, she was 9 and i was 11, but it was only because it was a couple days after my birthday and she was gonna turn 10 that month. My "mom" knows i'm bi, but her mom doesn't know, and her mom knows i'm bi and doesn't like me cuz she thinks i'm a bad influence on her. Charlie's mom doesn't even know we're dating! Her mom pisses me of so much, and i wonna run away with Charlie when we get older, just so we can get away from all these stupid people.


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Total Value: 16,673 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Black Tribal Bottom Tattoo
Black Leather Belt
Heart of Gold
White Puffy Hat
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Egyptian Gold Anklet (right)
Egyptian Black Linen Wrap
Ocean Blue Wrap
Crossed Sports Bra


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Chassidy's Journal

Wth, it's my journal, i think the title pretty much speaks for itself.


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animaniac94 Report | 01/19/2008 2:15 pm
How dare you try to talk to me! User Image Don't call me baby ever again you cheating whore! There's a such thing as restraint and realizing 'oh wait, i have a girl already, this is wrong' without having someone have to spell it out for you!! Yeah, it does sound stereotype, where'd you get it from, some cheesy romance novel? Oh yeah, i'm SO sure you're sorry, and guess what? I'm ashamed of ever meeting you. You deserve nothing from me, you don't even deserve anything from anyone. I hope all your relationships end quickly and in ruin. I will never take you back, even if you apologize a million times. Your heart, sould, and 'fibers' can shove it.

I HATE YOUR GUTS! User Image User Image
animaniac94 Report | 12/25/2007 1:30 pm
Yeah, i can remember clearly the last 5 times, lol.

Oh, alright, proud I am, lol. *hugs and kisses*. It's ok baby, you don't have to get me anything, i've already got you. ^_^

Well, let's see.....I got a red jacket with matching pants, and awsome watch that says hardcore, diva, s.w.a.l.k., ink, love, sexy, queen, and other stuff, and i for $25 from meemaw, $25 from my mom's sister, and $30 from nonk.
animaniac94 Report | 12/25/2007 1:16 pm
hmm....and i wonder when your mom would come in and say "Chassidy Marie Ewing and *MYNAME* *MIDDLENAME* Bertrand, what on earth on you two doing?" lol, like she always does when we're trying to do something and she catches us.

Yep, I know, she doesn't let me do anything. I know, i'll get you back for it, and i'll leave two hickies on the most noticeable places on your body...heehee. HEY! Boob size is SOOO personal, lol. *Cough* *cough*.....that's personal as Aww, you're SO sweet, i love you so much baby. What are you talking about? You're all i need for christmas, and it's the best possible thing you could've given me. ^.^
animaniac94 Report | 12/25/2007 1:02 am
lol, what would we be doing baby?

thanks baby ^.^. she's probably freak out and ground me then say i can't see you and THEN she would tell me i'm not ungrounded until this "PHASE" of mine passes.......i hated that, and you gave me a hickie on my neck that i had to say was a bruise from my brother! lol you did get my shirt off, well almost al the way off, i only had one arm in and you had already unlatched my bra, and it was FREAKIN COLD OUT THERE! yeah, she does ruin the fun sometimes, lol. well baby, i have to go to bed, i love you, and i always will no matter what. ^.^
animaniac94 Report | 12/25/2007 12:47 am
hmmm, i wish i was there with you, just so i could hug you and kiss you. ^.^

I'm sure it's just her maternal instinct kicking in, she lost her first child right after it was born and found out she couldn't have anymore after that, i mean, cut her some slack please, and maybe hearing her out once in a while will help, because you pretty much ignore her when she talks to you. Baby, she even keeps us being together a secret from my mom and everyone else. I would love to have a mom like that.
animaniac94 Report | 12/25/2007 12:40 am
aww, you're so sweet. ^.^ i love you baby.

Now Chassidy Marie Ewing, what did i tell you about talking about Mrs. Mena that way. If she wouldn't have adopted you, we probably wouldn't have met!
animaniac94 Report | 12/25/2007 12:34 am
hey baby, what're you doin up this late? lol you know mrs. mena's gonna get pretty pissed if she finds out. ; p


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I'm Chass's dream avi, do you think you could donate so she'll be able to look like me???