angel of night lovers

angel of night lovers's avatar

Last Login: 04/26/2013 7:01 pm

Registered: 09/24/2007

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Birthday: 02/24


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useless opinions. ;)

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Aeromantic Topic Terror Report | 05/23/2009 12:48 pm
Aeromantic Topic Terror
amen to that one. I can't help it really... lol
Aeromantic Topic Terror Report | 05/23/2009 12:36 pm
Aeromantic Topic Terror
Sounds like you've had a broken heart for some time...
Aeromantic Topic Terror Report | 05/23/2009 12:23 pm
Aeromantic Topic Terror
No, i'm on a mission actually... having fun a long the way, but knowing that death is but a barrier, and that i've been dead inside already for some time.
I keep the bit of optimism left in me though, and i apply it, trying to help everyone i can... because i know that there are people out there, that need help, they need someone to care when they're all alone, someone to hold them and be there for them, just like i wish i had someone like that for me. and even though i'm not worth caring about, they are.

Yeah, i'm leaving the world, yeah im depressed, but im not apathetic... i won't ignore those around me because my life sucks.
Aeromantic Topic Terror Report | 05/23/2009 12:13 pm
Aeromantic Topic Terror
I'm 16 as well... my life has been a living hell since a year after i was born.
and it keeps getting worse.

But whatever you do, don't try it again. I'm a hypocrite in this area, i know.
Aeromantic Topic Terror Report | 05/23/2009 12:08 pm
Aeromantic Topic Terror
oh my... *hugs you* thank God you're alive.. :O

I've tried before and i'm trying again. only this time, i won't fail.
Aeromantic Topic Terror Report | 05/23/2009 12:02 pm
Aeromantic Topic Terror
that's horrible... D:
i'm sorry all that happened to you.

I've been in the hospital too... in and out for the past couple months..
I've lost the one of my friends to a brain tumor on March 14th. That makes the 6th person i've lost that i really loved and cared about.
Things for me just keep getting worse. But the end is soon.
So yeah, right there with you. I'm perfectly fine. (:
Aeromantic Topic Terror Report | 05/23/2009 11:48 am
Aeromantic Topic Terror
Heyy (:
haven't talked to you in awhile. How's things?
Astrid Thorsdottir Report | 02/23/2009 1:37 pm
Astrid Thorsdottir
happy b-day!
Aeromantic Topic Terror Report | 02/21/2009 2:01 pm
Aeromantic Topic Terror


Yayz!!! User Image
Rico_142 Report | 07/17/2008 6:31 am
Here's an annoying chain letter xD!!

first, i want you to know that you are amazing and i love you to death. if i don't get this back, i understand. but i have a game for you. once you read this letter you must send it to 15 people that you really care about,including the person that sent it to you. if you receive at least 7 back, then you are loved. nobody knows what they have until they lose it. tonight,right at 1200am, your true love is going to realize that they love you! then something is going to happen to you between 100 and 200am. tomorrow be ready for the greatest shock of your life. if you break this chain you are going to have bad luck in love for the next years of your life.send this to 15 people in 15 minutes hey i love you!!!! lol!!!!!! take care and have fun!!!!! lol!



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