Amethyst Shinigami

Amethyst Shinigami's avatar

Birthday: 07/21


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Hi there~

My names Tsuzuki.

And I'm a Shinigami. You know, a god of death, one who ferries the souls of the dead to the afterlife blah blah blah blah blah~

I have the world's cutest partner too! His name's Hisoka. Hisoka's young for a member of our department, but he fits in nicely. He even reminds me of Tatsu. >3> All serious and stern and making me do my paperwork.

I'd much rather pop down to Japan and get some steamed buns, or maybe a cake or two...

Hm...I want cake now. =w=

-slinks off-


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Aliens are real Report | 01/26/2010 12:34 am
Aliens are real
-Snatches the rose out of his hand, tossing it away.-
I apologize if I do.
And I hardly doubt you'll ever figure me out.
Aliens are real Report | 01/26/2010 12:17 am
Aliens are real
-Pats.- Don't worry about it.
Aliens are real Report | 01/25/2010 11:41 pm
Aliens are real
-Sneaks in and gives a surprise late New Years and early Valentine's Day kiss.-
> >;

iHijiri Minase Report | 12/21/2009 10:22 am
iHijiri Minase
-Falls over.- Ack! >A<
iHijiri Minase Report | 12/13/2009 4:15 am
iHijiri Minase
-happily returns the hug as well.- ^^
iHijiri Minase Report | 12/10/2009 1:06 am
iHijiri Minase
-a bit confused but nods anyway.-
Ah, if you say so, Tsuzuki.
-faint smile.-
iHijiri Minase Report | 12/09/2009 8:09 pm
iHijiri Minase
-Nods.- If you say so.
O_O; R-Really?
Friends for a long time?
B-But how? ^^;
iHijiri Minase Report | 12/09/2009 3:58 pm
iHijiri Minase
Ah, I see. ^^
Its nice to know someone for that long.
I have to admit.
I am a bit jealous of you two.
iHijiri Minase Report | 12/09/2009 3:33 pm
iHijiri Minase
Ah, that's good to hear. ^^;
So how long have you known, Seiichiro-san?
iHijiri Minase Report | 12/09/2009 1:25 am
iHijiri Minase
Seiichiro-san said you need to watch me.
He also wants you to stop slacking off.
> >;; He's quite scary.

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