
AmbreLaRock's avatar

Last Login: 07/19/2024 1:11 pm

Registered: 10/04/2008

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My name is Amber and I've been on this website for almost 10 years now and I keep coming back to huge changes every time I take a hiatus, ha.

Feel free to leave a comment or send me a private message. I am largely inactive but I'll never fully leave this website. My real life significant other is shiningchar who I have recently ( as of July 2018 ) introduced to this website.

I'm not 100% sure how some of this newer(ish) gaia stuff works but I'm trying to figure it all out. Wish me luck sweatdrop


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Slamboyant Report | 04/18/2020 2:27 am
OMG, thank you for Halo's Gift at a reasonable price!
BeeNiri Report | 09/08/2018 6:22 pm
“Thank you very much for the purchase!”
feline_friend_of_cats Report | 08/09/2012 12:41 am
thanks so much for buying!
mew mew214 Report | 03/19/2012 6:38 pm
mew mew214
ommmmg avi ishh awsomme
Ohh-Nikki-Darling Report | 03/15/2012 5:52 pm
Thanks for buying have a nice day! biggrin
Hello I am a person Report | 03/10/2012 2:17 pm
Hello I am a person
cool avi
RandomizationStation Report | 08/07/2011 9:21 am
I'll look at it later
RandomizationStation Report | 08/05/2011 10:29 am
ya i doubt if its a really funny song that we'll sing. Especially if it has vampires and werewolves in it. But anyways I got the art and I love it! did you get the money yet? and did she send you the art?
Nikonope Report | 08/04/2011 8:07 am

Amber you son-of-a-gun. You got Toxic Kitten? I'm jelly. XD
And poor.
RandomizationStation Report | 08/02/2011 9:51 am
AMBER WE WON! DARNIT COME ONLINE WE ONE FIRST PLACE! we need to decide what art we want and then I'll tell her to split it 60 (you) 40 (me) since you did all the spriting and I feel bad. Oh wait you can't come onlione til 12 stressed


I always try to have the lowest price. Trades are welcome and prices are negotiable within reason.


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