who i is... iBess!!!
Hey, I'm Bess~!!!Heyyyy, peoplez! My name is Bess! I am a really fun and adventureus person who can't spell either~! XD I think I'm pretty adorable and people say i look a lot like a doll. I aggree~!!! <3 Teehee!!! I love to draw and write, as well as listen to music, hang with my friends and read manga/ watch anime X3 Sadly I am going to a boarding school that doesn't allow internet for personal use DDDDDDx so I won't be on my account from January 2 to... at least 6 months from then XC So saaaad!!!!~ But I may pop on from time to time :3

I am happily taken by, probley the cutest boy in all the land, his name is Ben heart >////<
And then I have my awesome Gaian Brothers! And sisters! Yey! They're amazing people, really! x3 i dont talk to people who aren't amazing -.- Seriously. Lol!

Total Value: 43,805,205 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Kottan Bell Reunion
FELINES - Monkutan
Black Nutcracker Prince Coat
Stitches the Grick
Alex the Raccoon
Albino Bat Companion
Albino Bat Companion
The Case of Pietro 7th Gen.

Total Value: 4,590,263 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
The Case of Pietro 7th Gen.
Bloody Upper Arm Bandage
Black Cross Belts
Compass of Seidh 6th Gen
Chanho the Tiger Plushie
Black Chunky Sneaks
Noel's Gift
Hide Vinyl Strap Pants
String Ensemble
Rainy Day
G-Rave Belt
Tanks fo' checking out mai profile ;3