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gavyn_the_gallent Report | 11/09/2012 6:33 pm
tis another day and another day of despair since i cant be with you and i try to think everyday more and more i cant seem to realize the fact you and her are like the same to me since i see my self cornering in the darkness yet again the more i want to end myself in this brutal life. the triangle i am in is one of the hardest decisions of my life both want me yet to choose one makes me break the other. a Heart torn by love tangled by the locks again to the point where it is struggling to break free tis another day where i feel hatred for myself and my actions tis another fu cking day since i cant seem to find my light nothing will see this light anymore i feel like my eyes are shutting and they will never be open again. tis the last day i see in this life before i shut my eyes and hide over a false smile like a pumpkin with no face carved in it showing emotion. so i say this once and unless something happens i am never opening my eyes I LOVE YOU and this will not change i am also in love with her yet i cant choose this difficulty is going to tear me apart. i feel sad yet furious wit my self i am just a sick mother fu cker and you can do better than me live your life to the fullest just dont go overboard i am worthless and loss with no power to sent into darkness to recover lost strength is hard especially when i cant seem to decide between the two loves i know furious by love and hatred for self i am again worthless and i am not worthy for either you nor her
gavyn_the_gallent Report | 11/08/2012 3:45 pm
even if i do something wrong or bad like that i am pleased to hear that from you
gavyn_the_gallent Report | 11/07/2012 12:08 pm
i am now back in the darkness with a face with confusion between love to dark for me keep the light crying
gavyn_the_gallent Report | 11/07/2012 12:06 pm
to every person there is two separate lives for me there is the one i want with you and then the one with another i feel like in the end i might cause someone to be hurt i dont want this i want you and then i want someone else my mind is to the point were if i do wrong i will never forgive myself to see us together i think it would be awesome and then there is another DX i feel like i want to die now cause i have no idea on to choose i cant choose you cause t would break her heart i cant choose her cause it would break your peaceful heart i just dont know but i do care for you hell i do love you sweatdrop i just want to have a ******** life with no regret that never happens to me
crying so i am so sorry f this is not what you wanted to hear but just listen and think do you really want me or can you accept the fact that i am in a complex state right now i dont want to lose you cause of how great you are i just....dont know anymore but again i do love you and i will be here until the last day of high school so ya *kisses your forehead* dont be mad at me k
gavyn_the_gallent Report | 09/04/2012 3:03 pm
hey babe i am going swimming right now so if you get on i am going to be on but busy k love you heart heart
gavyn_the_gallent Report | 08/31/2012 5:05 pm
i want to talk to you so my day ends normally heart heart
gavyn_the_gallent Report | 08/28/2012 7:05 pm
im sorry boo but i am so tired i am going to go to bed and then hopefully talk to you tomorrow (on phone) instead of here. i love you and i will talk to you later babe heart heart
gavyn_the_gallent Report | 08/28/2012 5:05 pm
always i will and plus til we are together thinking of you and wanting you and dreaming about you is always going to happen
gavyn_the_gallent Report | 08/28/2012 3:11 pm
just thinking of you boo heart
gavyn_the_gallent Report | 08/24/2012 8:09 pm
hey ally one of the things on your profile said you need someone to love you that shouldnt be there since you already do


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