
alittlehelpfrommyfriends's avatar

Last Login: 03/10/2008 1:57 pm

Registered: 05/05/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/30/1992


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This Would Be Me

Well yes. I am Kathryne. I am a nerd. I'm a musician, a student and future achiever of a medical degree. Of course. I live in Texas. I play the guitar, saxophone, piano and am a vocalist. I am an actress of musical theatre. I am a diehard nerd, and even though I have artisitcal interests, I'm about as square as you could be. But hey, it's hip to be square, right?

I'm not one of those morans who believe in saving the earth and hugging trees and recycling. I'm also not self-obsorbed, or think that life sucks and should cut myself and wear black. I mean, get over yourself. I'm just a person, who walks the earth. I wouldn't have it any other way (unless I could fly, THEN it would kick a**).

Yup. That's about me.

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The greatest battle lies... within! Spiderman 3 was the best movie ever.


\m/ Nerd Out. Rock On. \m/

Yeah...this is really me...