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misimix Report | 10/21/2007 1:29 am
kongrats. to your names day and i'm sorry i mist it it wasn't on perpose!! ^.^
misimix Report | 09/17/2007 8:47 am
mohahaa ...were are you litle girll com out com out were ever you are....8B

okok..I wanteed to say I'm not gonna be in riga for a few days(2) but I realy miss you and I'm sorry for everything...
Mush Mouth Report | 08/12/2007 11:34 am
nothing mutch
Mush Mouth Report | 08/09/2007 12:57 am
heyy!!! what's up???
Mush Mouth Report | 07/09/2007 1:47 am
tx and welcome
TheWanderingNomad Report | 07/07/2007 10:34 pm
Boo! Haha, scared you XD...unless I didn' which case the first portion of this comment would have been pointless...*pulls out eraser* MUAHAHA! *tries to erase* IT DOESN'T WORK! OH THE HUMANITY!!! Well...I suppose I could just delete it...but then I wouldn't have anything to ramble about...and on a completely different (and much cooler) subject...MUSE ROCKS!!!! I love awesome...and now we return you to your regularly scheduled brodcast....And now to Chuck with the Weather...*swtches camera view* Hey, thanks John, todays forecast is a 100% chance of randomness, and a 50% chance of people wondering why I took the time to write all this crap...Well, the answer is simple, I'm BORED out of my MIND...well...If my mind would let me escape I would...but anyway...What do you think o-- *gags myself*
Mush Mouth Report | 07/06/2007 2:47 am
well... First U have to choise old school profile from your account preferences... and then u can find some old school profile themes from an the when u have copy theme's code paste it to account/theme! easy..? o_O
Mush Mouth Report | 07/05/2007 3:08 am
hello! ^^ what's up??? I did new profile theme! ^^ What U like???
misimix Report | 07/04/2007 6:41 am
Pleas dont be mad at me ore any one els I'm schoor you'r not gonna fail becaus of one painting just trie your best to morow and you'll see it'll be fine ^.^

every clowd has a silver line..

and if you faile it won't be because you'r not good inof but only because you didn't have much time...come on cher up you'll see it will get better ^^ ..promis
misimix Report | 07/02/2007 12:42 am
thers something mising in your profile

OH I know..its me..=P loves ya

and wishes you good luck promis me we will bos trie aur best to get in!!! =^.^=

it's me.

alimy's avatar

Last Login: 10/07/2008 9:34 am

Registered: 10/31/2006

Gender: Female


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my perfect idea

here is all about peps perfect ideas wel we all are unik and we must talk abuot it because nobody like you are in the universe.....


OMG! you are here i can't belive!?