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Jasper, my husband.

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Renesmee, my darling niece.

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Edward, my brother.

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Bella, my best friend.

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Carlisle, my father.

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Esme, my mother.

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Emmett, my big brother.

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Rosalie, my drop dead gorgeous sister.

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Hello. I am Mary Alice Brandon Cullen.
I was born in Biloxi, Mississippi, in the 1920's.
When my parents learned I had visions of the future, it wasn't very beneficiary on my part. I was thrown into a dark cell in an asylum and let me tell you, that wasn't very fun. There I sat, alone in that cell and receiving frequent shock treatments in order to 'help me with my memory'.
Mine never came back...
Luckily someone who worked at the asylum changed me into a vampire before James, a tracker vampire, could have a chance to hunt me down and kill me.

Through my visions as a vampire, it was then that I saw the Cullen family. I learned the diet I practice now, which is strictly animal blood. No humans. I watched them through my visions, learning more about them and copying their diet. Soon after this, I began to have visions of Jasper. Basically, it was love at first sight. We eventually met in a diner in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1948.

After Jasper and I married, we joined the Cullen family that consisted of Esme, Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, and Rosalie. We live among humans now, moving when ever necessary to prevent our secret from getting out. It wasn't until 2005, that I met Isabella Swan at Forks Highschool.

Clumsiness. That was the first thing I noticed about our dear little Bella. She was always tripping over her own feet and finding some way to hurt herself. It was a wonder she made it to highschool. Though Edward, my brother who had been single for 106 years, found her more irresistible then anything in the world.
Things just sort of snowballed from there.

Now she is a happy part of our family and a vampire like us, along with the darling Renesmee, whom she had with Edward after they married.
I don't think things could get any better then this.


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Alice Cullen is Love

Alice Cullen is Love's avatar

Last Login: 07/07/2013 12:22 am

Gender: Female