
Airavarri_Nosetti's avatar

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Registered: 05/23/2007

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Howdy folks I'm an Okashira, what is a Okashira you ask? An Okashira is a teacher, mentor, leader, an older sibling. I also love the Japanese Tanuki. Tanuki, is the Japanese word for raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides). They have been part of Japanese folklore since ancient times. The legendary Tanuki is reputed to be mischievous and jolly, a master of disguise and shape shifting, but somewhat gullible and absent-minded. Tanuki is often mistakenly translated as raccoon or badger. Statues of tanuki can be found outside many Japanese temples and restaurants, especially noodle shops. These statues often wear big, cone-shaped hats and carry bottles of sake in one hand, and a "promissory note" (a bill it never pays) or empty purse in the other hand. Tanuki statues always have large bellies. Older depictions of the tanuki show them as having large testicles as well, although this feature is often omitted in contemporary sculpture.

The comical image of the tanuki is thought to have developed during the Kamakura era. The actual wild tanuki has unusually large testicles, a feature that has inspired humorous exaggeration in artistic depictions of the creature. Tanuki may be shown with their testicles flung over their backs like travellers' packs, or using them as drums. As tanuki are also typically depicted as having large bellies, they may be depicted as drumming on their bellies instead of their testicles -- particularly in contemporary art.

A common schoolyard song in Japan (the tune of which can be heard in the arcade game Ponpoko and a variation of which is sung in the Studio Ghibli film Pom Poko) makes explicit reference to the tanuki's anatomy:

Tan Tan Tanuki no kintama wa,
Kaze mo nai no ni,
Bura bura

(Roughly translated, this means "Tan-tan-tanuki's testicles, there isn't even any wind but still go swing-swing-swing". It then proceeds to continue for several verses, with many regional variations. During the Kamakura and Muromachi eras, some stories began to include more sinister tanuki. The Otogizoshi story of "Kachi-kachi Yama" features a tanuki that clubs an old lady to death and serves her to her unknowing husband as "old lady soup," an ironic twist on the folkloric recipe known as "tanuki soup". Other stories report tanuki as being harmless and productive members of society. Several shrines have stories of past priests who were tanuki in disguise. Shapeshifting tanuki are sometimes believed to be a transformation of the souls of household goods that were used for one hundred years or more.

A popular tale known as Bunbuku chagama is about a tanuki who fooled a monk by transforming into a tea-kettle. Another is about a tanuki who tricked a hunter by disguising his arms as tree boughs, until he spread both arms at the same time and fell off the tree. Tanuki are said to cheat merchants with leaves they have magically disguised as paper money. Some stories describe tanuki as using leaves as part of their own shape-shifting magic. Also, this is why tanuki is described as having large kintama (lit. gold ball, means a testicle in Japanese slang). While tanuki are prominent in Japanese folklore and proverbs, they were not always distinguished from other animals. In local dialects, tanuki and mujina, kyujitai: can refer to raccoon dogs or badgers. An animal known as tanuki in one region may be known as mujina in another region. In modern Tokyo standard dialect, tanuki refers to raccoon dogs and anaguma refers to badgers. Regional dishes known as tanuki-jiru ("tanuki soup") may contain either raccoon dog or badger, although the taste of the latter is often preferred.
In Japanese slang, tanuki gao ("tanuki face") can refer to a face that looks like that of the animal, or a person's facial expression of feigned ignorance.

Ok got all of that?!


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thevideogameplayer Report | 12/15/2008 12:27 pm
XD *huggles tight* i'm good, school is going well (freshman year, OMFG I"N IN HIGH SCHOOL~~!!!) and i got my hair cut since the con. how the hell have you been?
thevideogameplayer Report | 12/15/2008 12:09 pm
king!~!~!~ ^w^

(lol, emo girl from the CT con) long time no speak ;p
Bohis Report | 12/04/2008 2:56 pm
nice correction, is it the shirt from that site?
Serptastic Report | 09/22/2008 5:26 pm
Awesome-looking avatar!
Are-kun` Report | 09/14/2008 9:18 pm
Yay we get to play dress up!
Are-kun` Report | 09/14/2008 7:18 pm
Are-kun` Report | 09/14/2008 7:17 pm
I think I have Tuesday off. And I have 10 bucks for you. But I'm still too broke to pay my way into the club User Image

Are-kun` Report | 09/14/2008 12:17 pm
Yes. Always.
Are-kun` Report | 09/13/2008 10:34 pm
Destrus Report | 05/28/2008 8:28 am
Nosetti-chan, where are your clothes?



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