
Update!: I am not leaving! My friends, who I missed desperately over the last six or seven years or whatever...have come back to Gaia! I am excited, and hopeful that this is the start of something wonderful.

If you're here, I've probably sent you a trade recently, and you're curious who I am...

It's not really important.

I've been flitting in and out of Gaia since December of 2003...I've seen a lot of changes...and I'm finally at the point that the bad outweighs the good.

I want to remember Gaia as it was when I joined: A warm, fun-loving, accepting group of people. A place where I could go and have a conversation, and just enjoy getting to know other users.

The Gaia where I thought 30,000 gold was a lot.

But that's not what Gaia is anymore. Gaia is dying, slowly. It's cancerous. All Gaia is to me now is a group of mindless bumpers, and a group of people who keep finding new ways to rob them blind. We're all just money hungry isolationists. And I don't like that.

So I'm choosing active Gaians who have stuff on their wishlist that I own. And I'm whittling away my inventory with the hope that the recipients will love and adore the items I once did. With the hope that this will be a warm memory of what Gaia used to be...and the hope that maybe this might spur others to give generously and stick around Gaia. I believe it can be saved, and can go back to what it used to be...but not unless everyone's on the same page. So this is my act.

Goodbye! Keep being awesome, Gaians.


Viewing 12 of 22 friends


Aidan's Collective Thoughts

Meh. It's a journal. I think in here.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Klaus Engel

Report | 01/30/2015 5:50 am

Klaus Engel

thank you! mrgreen
Trush CAN

Report | 01/22/2015 3:46 pm

Trush CAN

Hi..Just want to say that I love your "about".
Yeah, everything started going downhill after 2011-2013. I think those years were gaia's peak. And then inflation happened and zomg disappeared. Only chatterbox keeps me going now.

Report | 01/16/2015 10:38 am


Pinty mentioned something about that ban once upon a time. I've stuck around, beta tested for a while. Now I mostly lurk places and turn a blind eye to the latest CEO's effect on the company for personal reasons mostly. If you want to keep in touch there are external contacts. Otherwise, I'll be here for the foreseeable future and should things change and you come back feel free to drop another line.

Report | 01/15/2015 2:13 pm


Hey Aiden. Wondered what happened to you. I remember the poof and then that was about it. Leaving again? Well, if you must. You were going to spam me? That should have been unexpected and fun. Hi-bye.
Lillith - DeaD MaRiOneTTe

Report | 01/15/2015 12:48 pm

Lillith - DeaD MaRiOneTTe

Wow, thank you really much! emotion_hug
Lillith - DeaD MaRiOneTTe

Report | 01/15/2015 12:19 pm

Lillith - DeaD MaRiOneTTe

Are you sure to gift these things to me? redface

Report | 03/24/2014 10:16 pm


Thank you!!!! Your help is very appreciated!

Report | 03/24/2014 10:28 am


You sure? emotion_kirakira emotion_kirakira emotion_kirakira emotion_kirakira
Yoru Kurosawa

Report | 03/27/2012 10:55 pm

Yoru Kurosawa

Thank you very much ^_^

Report | 03/14/2012 5:24 am


Random hug for you from me. emotion_hug


Gaia, you got lucky. My friends are back, and I'm not leaving...but you're on notice. 3nodding

In other news...A Cup of Tea is back! Come hang out and have some tea![/color:9d14c3a38b][/size:9d14c3a38b][/align:9d14c3a38b]