Information on my occupation

"Hail, my Lords and Ladies! I hope you can lean a little about me while you are here. My name is Aerodil, Princess Aerodil to be precise, and I was born in the Kingdom of Avonlea. Avonlea is filled with cobbled roads, houses made of wood and a wall made of stone. My kingdom is surrounded by a sea of golden wheat with a forest not adjacent."

"I myself am very sweet and demur; I love to plant, take care of animals, and so on. However, my favorite activity while I am not doing my duties is reading books."


Aerodil is one of the few princess from my fantasy book; one I have been writing since February 16, 2009.

I really love to write, for it is one of my favorite past-times. The whole world opens to you, and things only dreamed about come alive.

I am a huge fantasy nerd, and Lord of the Rings is one of my favorite movie series.

I do have a deviant art page, but I am not so active on there anymore. You can see all of my previous dolls if you wish.