I'm Aeriandria20 Years Young
Just on because am addicted to Gaia
Happily Taken
Don't be a weirdo
Help me with my Questing? Alchemy?
Birthday: 03/06
Zodiacal 34bil
Moira's Fashion Flashback 2.7bil
gaia_nitemareleft Taia^. gaia_angelright
[img:6478c5c319]http://orig00.deviantart.net/cdb9/f/2015/265/d/1/aeriandria_by_hellok8ie-d9ahu6p.png[/img:6478c5c319] HelloK8ie <3
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thanks for the wings! 3nodding me love you long time 3nodding
-wants to send something back. realizes that inflation has gotten to the point where 1mil is nothing- crying well crap.....
Each item bought leads to the completion of my quest.
Once again, Thank you blaugh
Ooooh youuu