
Name: Aeson Jaspal
Age: 29
Sex: Male

Greetings visitors.
I suppose as you have come across my page you are looking into finding out a bit more of myself.
I find work under the hand of my employer Magus Auvern. Whom of which goes by King or Father, I deeply suggest you not hassle him. It may very well just be the last thing you ever do.
What exactly do I do? I am a scientist of sorts. I study human children with mental disabilities. Most demons find humans as irrelevant and uninteresting. I, on the other hand couldn't find them more intriguing. Their expression of emotion, the way they eat, walk, talk, and interact gives me reason to study.

My username, Aegyptiae Venom? Translated from Latin it simply means Egyptian Cobra.

Perhaps you have more questions pertaining to my character? Simply leave a question, or comment if you would much rather have simple conversation.