u never on and also why the ******** u always calling me a damn b***h before the s**t was okay but after tat i got really pissed being with no one till i met the person i go out with s**t he bought me somthing and i got him somthing just accpet it iz over i know u going to call me a b***h and all tat s**t but i dnt give a ******** listen all u have to do is tell ur self tat it was my lost im srry and i still have some love for you
well for ur info i havent been on diz mother ******** website is because ive benn some pretty danm sex, something you know absoultly nothing about. u stank client. who looks lik a mother ******** asswipe with a stank a** b***h outfit with a smaller than a marble d**k and for ur mother ******** info.................... your just hatin on me cuz u cant handle or afford this sexy a** pussycat
xoxoxoxox-u know damn well u still want and lov me.
P.s -ur still a small d**k pussyass b***h. later asswipe.
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xoxoxoxo-lata pussyass.
from ur death wishes-this sexy pussycat-aundreadrea911
xoxoxoxox-u know damn well u still want and lov me.
P.s -ur still a small d**k pussyass b***h. later asswipe.