i like guitar hero 1 and 2 i got them im age 9 im good at guitar hero 1 and 2 i love cats im a boy i got cats called evee and shadows im a cat lover plus i like games and im on the computer alot i play the guitar i kinda like the tv i like to go to bed at a late time like 4:05 or 1:30 or high i play runescape i play clubpenguin i play rpg games i go on battleon.com it a game its cool im good at it i love it i like movies like cars i like basket ball i like baseball i like football and dodgeball my brother is in the navy and i miss him he calls me and sends leters my name is christian i live in florida north port my faviorit shows are "hannah montana" sponge bob ""suite life of zack and cody" and lots more i like death metal i love scary movies like silent hill and x- mas and lots more
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