I love photography, music (making and listening to it), reading some really good books, I also love to draw.
If I call you sweetheart or hun, don't fret! I call everyone that.
wink I'm a total Doctor Who fangirl (NOT the type of fangirl that makes you want to bash their heads in. I'm much more sensible then that.)
I got to visit England (and Wales!) in Sept. 09. Which was pretty damn awesome, I gotta say.
I'm a (second generation!) Trekker. I grew up with Star Trek my entire life. But I fell back in love with the fandom after seeing the Star Trek (2009) movie. c:
I'm also a big fan of Chuck, Warehouse 13, Eureka, CSI, and (somehow) Glee.
(God that is a weird mix of shows! Haha.)And those are just the shows that are on-going!
I'm now a (quiet) Klaine shipper and Kurt remains my favorite person on Glee.
heart [And for some reason I kinda like the Spirk pairing. No idea how that happened, but oh well!]And my favorite (dude) actors are!
Chris Pine, Chris Colfer, David Tennent and Zachery Levi.
3nodding (Do you know how they're all alike? If so, tell me! : D I want to see who notices.)My dA is:
http://hanyoalchemist780.deviantart.com/My Twitter is: http://twitter.com/#!/AdorkableQuirks
Know any good Klaine/Glee, Spirk/Star Trek, ChuckxSarah/Chuck or Warehouse 13 fanfictions? Tell me! I'd love to read and review them!
[On a side note, I'm a big fan of Hanna is Not a Boy's Name by Tessa Stone! If you like her and her comics/art too, please please please tell me! There are not nearly enough HiNaBN fans in the world!]
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I know how you feel; my friends love Glee, but I can't imagine them getting into fanfic. I just stumbled across Dalton because I was looking for something to tide me over until Tuesday.
Ha ha, it's cool! I ship them too. 3nodding I just love their character dynamic; it's so flirty and cute. But I have to admit... I'm still holding out for Kurt/Sam a little bit. I love their dynamic too.
I don't even have one, but I follow a couple. And holy crap, have you seen her Google fan map? *awed at hugeness and number of fans* Although, I am severely disappointed in the lack of Ohioan fans. My state's letting me down!
Oh wow. If it's a week, then one should be up very soon; chapter 22 came out on Valentine's Day. O: *excited* I can't wait to see what happens next. I just want Kurt and Blaine to make up already and be adorable and happy again. D':
And oh my God, she has a Tumblr?! I had no idea, thank you! I'll go comb through it now! whee
LOL ikr Watch em ! smile