
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved. - Sun Tzu

The man:
I am an Intelligent, Offten bored and sleepy; Social Outcast..

I was born and raised on Maui. I don't have a loving family and all that crap, but I manage just fine. My Dad and my Mom got divorced way back when before I can remember, and I have only met him 4 or 5 times.

When I put this up here I knew my enemies would look for hate in what I have to say, people are always trying to shut me down and find my achilles heel. But go for it. Try me.

The Character:

The Eulogy

View All Comments

Game King Zero Report | 09/29/2008 3:03 am
Game King Zero
ima give you 1000 i need to test this out before i actualy get serious with this. lol work ur magic ok
Game King Zero Report | 09/29/2008 2:08 am
Game King Zero
hey i heard from essodes you give gold for tokens or somethin like that..can ya help me out i need gold
hanaRuru Report | 07/12/2007 5:19 am
crystal warrior7724 Report | 06/13/2007 1:51 pm
crystal warrior7724
BlueBerryMuffin001 Report | 06/13/2007 7:19 am


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Last Login: 03/05/2012 10:30 am

Registered: 04/22/2006

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The End

[ Whisler ]
[ Whisler ]
[ Whisler ]
It was a bit to funny having no company during these times, well more uncomfrotable then funny. Time would be up soon and the bounty's update would be clear making the rest of Whisler's life a fight for survival. " I miss you..." he spoke out a bit delusional. His cut began to bleed, a solid gash was seen pierced through the young mans side. "I can't hold this up" he said clearing his throat and mind.

It looks like someone else got here first. I guess Jiro will finish it.

Jiro thought leaning against a tree, meditating in the forest near the Hinata dorms. "Don't worry, Jiro will end you pain quickly." He said speaking of himself in the third person. Jiro pulled both his hands out of his trenchcoat pockets. He mad a sharp motion with his hand causing a blinding light to erupt out of his hand. When the bright light subsided there was a large long bow in his hand. In the backdrop hundreds of white dove feathers floated down towards the ground. "This bounty is mine." He said pulling back the string of his bow causing an arrow made of light to solidify. "Die... Whisler." He said releasing the arrow causing it to rip through the skies. The arrow made of light passed through the building wall without damaging it and continued on at Whisler.

Screetching through the wall Whisler was very sure his only chance to live was a quick dodge. Lifting from his right leg he pushed upward trying to slide away from the rocketing arrow. But it wasn't as easy as the young man thought. The arrow Ripped through his hamstring killing all nerve in his left leg. Body shock was quick and Whisler would soon pull from the trance. letting out a blood clotted cough he soon fell to his knees "********!!??"

Jiro smelt blood in the air. "Hit successful." He said jumping once in the air and disappearing in a flash of light, only to reappear inside the Hinata dorms in an equally bright light. "Whisler-san." Jiro called out scaning the room for the wounded man. "Whisler-san... If you can hear me... Decide now... Will you die like a man or like a sheep?"

"Heh, I won't die to..." blood skipped through his words and out of his mouth. A tired look came across Whisler's face and it was time. His lungs had shut it's self down. Whisler had only a couple seconds to live. "......g..et it done" His body was stable on two knee's he was just waiting for the final blow. This time the man would not come back like usual.... Whisler was going to Die.

"Pathetic... This it the gaian once praise as the last Mumesenshi? Say hello to Jing when you meet him in hell." Jiro said pulling back his bow string once more, only this time three arrows of light became solid. As he released them the three arrows went into each one of his limbs. Jiro made a upward motion with his hand and the three bars of light which were jabbed into each of Whisler's limbs lifted him up in the air. "Zebo�l, Be�l, Sunig�r�m, Loutzif�r, Astar�th!" Jiro said while drawing a pentagram in the air. Whisler's eyes went black and his mind became submissive as he remembered his life seeing it flash before his eyes. Soon Whisler's body fell lifeless and his corpse fell to the floor. Jiro knelt down at his side saying a brief prayer before grabbing Whisler's corpse and throwing it onto his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for any interuptions." Jiro said as he disappeared inside of a barrage of light.

WHISLER-SAMA, You will be missed. - [A]rashi