--I'm Mark
--I like cats
--That is all.


Ikura desu ka?!


This is my b***h spazz (x
Hes the greatest son of a b***h YOU WISH YOU HAD! He's mine now stfu. c:
Spazz is amazing, hes HILARIOUS, my rape buddy; he helps me with my problems and HES THE s**t. I love him alot, hes one of my favorite people to talk to. Annnnnd rape. c: I WILL EAT HIS BABIS. D:< AND YOURS. He's a lil derp. DERP. I love you spazzz, AND IF YOU GUYS HURT HIM IMA KICK YUR a**. BWHAHAHHA! You will be my number one rape buddy forever! and ever. and ever. and everrr. xD
Ikura desu ka
Ikura desu ka
Ikura desu ka
Ikura desu ka
Ikura desu ka..