
_AddyBear_Rawr_'s avatar

Last Login: 07/21/2010 5:46 pm

Registered: 08/18/2009

Gender: Female

Location: DFW, Texas

Birthday: 10/31

Occupation: Annoying daughter

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Hi there!! I'm Addy, but see I'll let you in on my little secret... my real name is Angelica Elizabeth Smith & I am OLD @ w @. YAAAAAAY, * coughs * oopsie-daisy, but anyways, I used to play a game called vmk~ They closed its doors tho like almost 2 years ago :' (. So NOW With my mother, xXkatie-belleXx ( Avastcookie ) the one and only

Hello, This is Addy at 5 o'clock on Gaia 4 U news with some ShOcKiNg updates on the murders location....

YEAH, I'm at summer Science Camp! Yay! IT'S THE BOMB, Peeps! * giggles * Yes, well.. I'm sorry if I hadn't told anyone ( Except mom.... ) And I've been gone for a restrictively personal-only reason! Yep Yep... so... sorry? If you need to talk to me, feel free to message me here and when I get internet access, I'll answer you!

I Wuvv You All~


More About Me:
Favorite Color: red/blue/& green
Favorite Food: Pasta razz
Favorite animal: Charlie the unicorn
Favorite actor/actress: Katherine Kralick ( actress in training ' LOVE YOU MOMMY! )
Favorite movie: Underworld
Favorite TV Series: True Blood
Favorite School subject: Reading & science
Favorite vmk memory~: When I first found my parents while being chased by a huntress named Rose. ( That Nasty lady D: ) My mommy was suuuu beautiful ^^ and my father was the handsomest daddy in the world~
Favortie age to be:16
Favorite type of pie: Cherry Cobbler! ( None of your bisnich D: )
Favortie type of cookie: chocolate chip~
Favorite fruit/s: Guananabana, orange, grapes,apples,mangos,peaches,kiwis, Potatos, strawberries, & papaia.

mean people
bitches ( Oopsie daisy! )
people who lie on purpose
People who act like they know it all
people who punish unfairly
people who blame it all on one person
people who drive on the wrong side of the road
people who pick on someone
people who ride horses backwards
people who puke themselves to be pretty
people obsesing over their own image
people who think they are less then perfect in their own special way ;'D
I am Angelica Elizabeth Smith, whom is 13, whom is 130 pounds, whom is 5''8, whom has blue eyes deep as the sea, long black hair dark as night, full pink lips, and an love for benie babies! I am a former girl scout, just graduating from brownie-hood ^o^, NO I DON'T SELL COOKIES, i hate selling things! I am terribly shy, tho my mother says i have the voice of an angel when i'm not paying attention. I keep my thoughts to myself, tho when asked for an opinion, i'll let it all out! I live with my ( real ) mom and dad in Fort Worth, Texas i have a little brother and a poodle named Spike. I love cactie ( a cactus ) i have 15 exactly. My dad moves around ALOT so, i'm staying ( for now ) in a house across the way from my ( not so exactly real ) mom, Katie. ^^ I met her as a little child and our parents kinda clicked so now we practicly live together ( not reallly ).

With Love,



View All Comments

XxKatie-BellexX Report | 07/02/2010 4:30 pm
Sorry, darling, I said the little cool avi thing for a quest... Tell me how camp is, and if your doing okay.. you haven't answered my phone calls or texts...
XxKatie-BellexX Report | 07/02/2010 4:28 pm
cool avi
Fries_on_Fire Report | 07/01/2010 10:06 am
>_> What's going on?
Fries_on_Fire Report | 02/13/2010 6:07 pm
Uncle alert!!! ' pokes '
last-freeman Report | 01/24/2010 6:41 pm
- kisses addy's forehead- dont worry addy... i understand...
XxKatie-BellexX Report | 01/24/2010 3:41 pm
Yeah... Thanks lovey..
last-freeman Report | 12/15/2009 4:29 pm
Fries_on_Fire Report | 09/17/2009 5:38 pm
Well, then that makes me your unhappy uncle ;P Hi there Addy.... my niese. I'm from VMK too ;O Princeroy
Fries_on_Fire Report | 09/06/2009 3:23 pm
Whoah, uncle? huh? Who's this?
ii-Sir Awesome-ii Report | 09/04/2009 5:52 pm
ii-Sir Awesome-ii
good you?



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