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They tell me I'm Pretty (:


Warrior Nero XIII
[Comment me or PM me if you want to know what my name means (:]

My cosplay usually switches between Nero and Dante. I'm usually Nero though

Favorite Collab With my SSS (Super Sketchy Style 8D )

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User ImagePersonality: Shy, caring, nice (When not provoked)
You may call me: Nero or Terra (only close friends call me Terra)
Age: Don't need to know
Birthdate: September 22nd
Likes: My friends
Dislikes: Drama, brats, selfish people, spoiled A-Holes, people with no respect for others.
Favorite Characters: Nero, Dante, Ryu Hayabusa, Lars Alexandersson, Jin Kazama, Firion, Noctis, Ryu (SF), Terra, Ventus, Zack Fair, Emil Castagnier, Gintoki Sakata, Link, Warrior of Light, Aqua, Yuffie Kisaragi, Claire (Lightning) Farron, Shiki Misaki
Who do I worship? : Ryu Hayabusa~
Interests: Swords (Yes I love swords >_> )
Hobbies: Drawing, sleeping, on my laptop, Playing VGs (Video Games)

What's ******** up about me is I enjoy others pain emotionally (Yeah I'm sadistic that way) or physically (as in a fail), but when it comes down to my friends being hurt, I feel like s**t.

Okay lets get one thing straight I might seem like a nice person, but when I'm pissed off I'm not so nice, especially when it involves my friends. I will probably do something about it unless my friends tell me not to. I'm pretty much like this in Real Life, people are afraid of me, older or younger it doesn't matter I will beat you to a pile of pulp if you ever hurt my friends. Now have a nice day c:

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My favorite games are:

User ImageUser ImageDevil May Cry (Only 3 & 4)
Kingdom Hearts (Series)
Final Fantasy (II, III,VII, XIII)
Ninja Gaiden Sigma (Both 1 & 2)
Tekken 6
Tales of Symphonia (Both games)
The World Ends With You
Dissidia: Final Fantasy
The Legend of Zelda (series)
User ImageUser ImageMegaman (All of them)
Ratchet & Clank (Series)
Street Fighter
Marvel vs Capcom (Can't wait for #3 >< )
Custom Robo

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User ImageI Support:
Terra x Aqua
Vincent x Yuffie
Nero x Dante
Roxas x Xion
Axel x Roxas
Neku x Shiki
Lightning x Hope
Cloud x Tifa
Zack x Aerith
Zack x Cloud
Ryu x Hayate

My favorite couple is Nero x Dante, because they're so cute together! Got a problem? Then I suggest you shut up, unless you want a hole in your face (as Dante always says) c:
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I don't Support:

Riku x Kairi
Vincent x Lucrecia
Beat x Shiki
Neku x Rhyme
Nero x Kyrie
Dante x Lady
Ryu x [All DoA Girls]
[Probably more but I'm lazy]

Time for Stamps!

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I want to cosplay in RL:

Nero, Dante, Terra, & Lightning

(DMC4 (I'm not gonna walk around shirtless in Dante's DMC3 clothes D: < ) , Birth by Sleep, FFXIII)


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I heart Tetsuya Nomura's drawings
I'm a big fan of Johnny Yong Bosch's Works~
I'm currently in love with Nero from Devil May Cry 4 & Dante from the Devil May Cry series (I prefer DMC3 Dante~ Basically shirtless Dante)
Don't steal my profile, I made it myself, if you want me to make you a profile, please PM me!
You may add me if we have talked a bit, I don't want you to add me if you only talked to me once & never talk to me again
Nokutisu Sukai is my dad hurt him & I'll kill you Bl

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Now a little about Nero~

I was just a normal guy who was an Organization called "The Order of the Sword". One day my childhood friend, Kyrie was attacked by demons, I was then enraged and from that day forth my arm changed the voice echoed "Power...give me more power!". Well that was just a while back, now everything's pretty much back to normal, me hunting down demons, and junk. Until that day, that very day which was the "Festival of the Blade" a man wearing a Red Coat who was Dante, busted through the roof of the Opera House and murdered Old Man Sanctus, Credo being the reckless guy he is, went to attack Dante, while I, being Mr. Hero and all, tried to get Kyrie to safety but she loosened from my grip to go to see if Credo was okay. Kyrie then was attacked by Old Man Dante so I decided to play Knight in Shining Armor and told Credo & Kyrie to get out of the opera house while I dealt with Dante. From that point on, it was smoothing sailing, until I had to go capture Dante that is...My first encounter with that Abomination of a Scientist Agnus really pissed me off, seeing as how I had to go to his Hell-Hole of a lab, he ended up pinning me to a wall with Lances in my freaking shoulder and then he stabbed me with a sword thing in the CHEST you know how much that hurt? well it hurt...a lot. That moment I awakened, giving me more power than ever before, apparently it's called a Devil Trigger, I also received a sword called "Yamato" it's a pretty awesome Katana you know? Later on though I met with Dante again, Dante wanted his brother's sword back so we fought for it, but I needed that sword to save Kyrie so he let me keep it for now. Later on I was absorbed by "The Savior" psh Savior my a**, it didn't save me instead, it ended up using my powers for it's own purposes, turned out that Sanctus was behind all of this. Dante being the "hero" and stuff saved my a**, sort of....I ended up having to fight with Sanctus, and I beat him! great news huh? I also saved Kyrie and destroyed the savior. Dante and I went our separate ways, with him entrusting me with Yamato.

Proud Members of the GBG~

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I also want to include Koakku~ for always being there for me even though you're a BAKA at times D: <

I'll get back to you soon

View All Comments

Nokutisu Sukai Report | 07/07/2010 11:02 pm
Nokutisu Sukai
Jackpot? >_>
Prodigal Ezreal Report | 07/05/2010 3:50 pm
Prodigal Ezreal
WELL, I'm not on your stalker list so I'll just tell it to you directly. ;D
Prodigal Ezreal Report | 07/05/2010 2:35 pm
Prodigal Ezreal
Oh well~
You're pretty. ;D
Prodigal Ezreal Report | 07/05/2010 12:40 am
Prodigal Ezreal
You would, wouldn't you? D:
Prodigal Ezreal Report | 07/05/2010 12:32 am
Prodigal Ezreal
LOL hoe your post style doesn't fit in my comments. XD
BioR2_Moira Burton Report | 07/02/2010 12:54 am
BioR2_Moira Burton
nice profile, Nero
Asshu the Bloody Report | 06/29/2010 4:27 pm
Asshu the Bloody
Kometto Meian Report | 06/29/2010 2:08 pm
Kometto Meian
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"I'm not a 'Kid'. . ."

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Don't deny your gayness!User Image

". . .I'm Lightning's 'Prince'!!"
Asshu the Bloody Report | 06/29/2010 1:17 pm
Asshu the Bloody
yy i wan <3
Asshu the Bloody Report | 06/29/2010 1:14 pm
Asshu the Bloody
hi bby


Warrior Nero XIII