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Curbside_Cyanide's avatar

Last Login: 07/16/2023 9:19 pm

Registered: 02/26/2006

Gender: Male

Location: GA

Birthday: 09/30/1993


What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club


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Eskimosaurus Report | 10/03/2012 5:24 pm
np! hehe hope all is well and schoool isn't too busy for youu. User Image
Eskimosaurus Report | 09/30/2012 3:46 pm
gaia says it's your birthday! so happy birthdaaay :3
Eskimosaurus Report | 07/07/2012 9:26 pm
Hey Curb! :3
How you doing? I haven't roleplayed with you in so long..
I'm wondering if you're still interested in it.

I have a new roleplay called "The Contract" and it's an arranged marriage one - I also need two guys who can type decently! And I thought of you from Flight of a New Leaf. Lemme know if you want to join :3 It'd be nice to rp with you again.
Shadow of Kanda Report | 10/20/2011 8:48 am
Shadow of Kanda
Lol, good
Shadow of Kanda Report | 10/08/2011 12:27 am
Shadow of Kanda
Where'd you go?

You kinda died on me. :/
Shadow of Kanda Report | 09/11/2011 7:35 am
Shadow of Kanda
Your username has a nice ring to it :'D
killer_purple_froggy Report | 08/09/2011 10:03 pm
Yeah... I'm almost sorry about that. But you had to know that bragging about how you almost had 'invisibility' was a bad idea. On the bright side, I promise not to CB-stalk you and intentionally post in all of your threads just to prevent you from ever getting it.
The Big Kuma Report | 08/03/2011 11:02 am
The Big Kuma
thanks for the buy.
Annasay Report | 10/21/2010 7:33 pm
        I just need to look up a code or two, what exactly do you need help with?

        And thank you! I've really gotten into cluttered avatars recently, so I'm constantly changing them.
Annasay Report | 10/14/2010 1:15 pm
        If you need some help with your profile, I may be able to do so. My dad taught me a little bit of HTML/CSS, so I know a thing or two when it comes to Gaia profiles.
        And isn't it amazing how much a website could change in only a few months? I took a month long hiatus, and I was amazed by the changes.
        And my avatars have changes so much it's ridiculous. With all of the new items coming out, I've been changing it almost daily.
        Oh and speaking of avatars, I was wearing the Grizzley hoodie you gave me a while back. I still can't thank you enough for it. smile





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