Convil Sammie

Convil Sammie's avatar

Birthday: 09/17


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Stuff I want DX


Smashing Songs of Praise

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Hey! Name's Sammie, and I am a senior in high school. I live in the state of Georgia! 8D
My absolute loves include playing the violin, singing, [horribly] dancing, and drawing! I also love watching the odd movie here and there.

My absolute love and obsession is REPO! The Genetic Opera. I love it. TO DEATH. it is utterly amazing, and it's been helping me out of a MAJOR depression. I'm part of the shadowcast 21st Century's Cure; if you're in Georgia, please check us out! We're pretty spankity awesome.

I LOVE Nightwish; they are amazing. Other favorite musical peoples of mine include Within Temptation, Owl City, Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson ... I LOVE video game/movie soundtracks, though. Seriously, those can house some of the best music of all time.

Now, games. I am a HORRIBLE gamer, and I am mostly in it for the fandom. I am a Nintendo whore, even though I have a PS2 and a plain ol' Playstation.
My absolute gaming loves are Metroid and the Earthbound/Mother series! My other favorites include Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Zelda, and Kirby!
I love the book series Guardians of Ga'Hoole. I finished American Gods recently, and I am now working on Good Omens, Funny as hell.

I also enjoy roleplaying, though it's limited to Super Smash Bros. or REPO! for the time being. If you want to try and convince me to do something else, feel free to shoot me a mail. I can do chat OR story. But I warn you now; I'm fickle as hell. You'll need to prod me a bit.

I'm working on a book; if you wouldn't mind editing it or pointing out holes while I'm writing it (that might take a bit, looool), shoot me a mail. :'D I might pay you for your troubles.
At this point, though, it'd be character analysis ... <_<;;

Oh, and I am a TOTAL art whore. Want a commission? Feel free to PM me; we might be able to work something out. ;D


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Pixie-elf Report | 09/17/2010 3:57 pm
Happy Birthday!
Professor Cypress Report | 09/17/2010 1:38 pm
Professor Cypress
Vitalli Report | 09/17/2010 9:33 am
IttyBittyBirdie Report | 09/05/2010 7:53 am
Hey buddy, sorry I didn't reply striaght away, I really haven't been on gaia for a while.
Just so you know,I wasn't being ignorant, I was just away.

Love; Birdie
Scruff The Mercenary Cat Report | 08/02/2010 1:26 pm
Scruff The Mercenary Cat
epic avi
JlLL VALENTlNE Report | 07/13/2010 8:09 pm
Hello there. c:
Toro the Bullfighter Report | 07/02/2010 11:11 pm
Toro the Bullfighter
"We meet again, Samus", Sa-W said, showing obvious ease.
"Hopefully you won't try to kill me like that first time we met!," Sa-W said, suddenly laughing.

{** Hi there. Long time no see **}

Alice Cullen Seas You Report | 06/24/2010 2:08 pm
Alice Cullen Seas You
<33333 my friend! it's been so long! I miss you! i misssss you!

call me. i left a message on your cell phone, we should do something tomorrow! TOMORROW. biggrin
i Baka l Report | 06/22/2010 1:45 pm
i Baka l
ok thnx
i Baka l Report | 06/22/2010 7:14 am
i Baka l
sammie i need ur help D:
u kno that gun u had when u were samus?
what was that called ?
im not cosplaying as samus i need it for another cosplay

Please note that all
of these items are for my Samus cosplays.
They will not be wasted whatsoever, or re-sold.