Professor Cypress

Professor Cypress's avatar

Last Login: 01/20/2025 4:23 pm

Registered: 05/14/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 04/02/1992


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Behind the man

Heya travelers,I'm finally gonna put down a REAL little summary of myself here.
I'm Alex, age 32 ,and I'm a comic/manga aficionado and I'm currently at university to complete my degrees while I stream on Twitch. Most stuff I do watch of it is usually made before 1999 and I basically don't care much for extremely mainstream stuff most of the time, and I can be a bit...feminine at times. (okay, A LOT, and I xdress my avi a lot)
If you want to talk to me or know more, leave a message or something.

I'm not here as much as I use to (site's become dead due to lack of ACTUAL content), but you can EASILY catch me on Twitch and Discord these days.

Class: Misanthrope
Species: Human (of flesh and blood I'm made~)
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Straight (huh-durrr!)
Religious views: Christian [possibly Orthodox] (working on becoming a better one)

Switch Friend Code: SW-5102-8566-3618
3DS Friend Code: 4614-2282-4012
Discord: IndigoProfessor#5818 (message me to let me know whom ya are)
My Twtich

If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile. DON'T JUST IGNORE THIS because in The Bible it says if you deny Him, He will deny you in front of His Father in the Gates of Heaven. This is the simplest test: If you love God and you are not ashamed of it, copy this and put it in your profile. God will smile at you.

Recent Visitors

oni the oni on 01/07/2025
Intoxicating Despair on 12/16/2024
Sultry Criminal on 11/24/2024
Main Event38 on 10/30/2024
Elusive Dione on 07/29/2024
DiabeatMe on 04/19/2024
GS Sailor Amphitrite on 04/18/2024
EphemeralAmphisbaena on 02/23/2024
winerzz on 12/31/2023
xStep Bro on 09/02/2023
Princess Skylen on 09/01/2023
Genrin619 on 09/01/2023
Fluffy Floof on 08/05/2023
Penny Whistle on 06/26/2023
Rimuka on 05/29/2023
Tina Tomorrow on 05/26/2023
JesstheOtaku on 04/23/2023
The Omen of GO on 03/16/2023
Batsy Universe on 01/18/2023
Punkin Tits on 12/31/2022

Talk to me

View All Comments

Gumby Ningata Report | 01/22/2025 11:09 am
Gumby Ningata
I know it is late but thank you
Intoxicating Despair Report | 07/17/2024 12:08 pm
Intoxicating Despair
Randomly logged in and wanted to say hi. Hope you have been doing well
Sailor Moon Report | 07/12/2024 5:56 pm
Sailor Moon
User Image

It's a bit like that, I think Gaia is picking up again, with more features coming out etc, and ruffle being used for older games smile
Sadly plat system is meh, zOMG used to be good for plat, we used to get 300kp roughly from it but now I resort to dailies emotion_facepalm I'm so broke and my items are worth nothing xd
Sailor Moon Report | 07/04/2024 2:57 am
Sailor Moon
Yeah, it is actually nice, something different, they also have 3D rally now (which I'm not too fond of) but I like the new chat, but nothing beats towns lol
There have been inventory changes too biggrin
Sailor Moon Report | 07/04/2024 2:38 am
Sailor Moon
There's a new chat function (Looks like a mario/sonic set up side screen) if you are on the computer it's this here: User Image

It's actually decent lol
Sailor Moon Report | 07/04/2024 2:22 am
Sailor Moon
Oh I'm glad hubs was there tbh sweatdrop we had to powerwalk our way through the supermarket! xd

Are you catching up on all the gaia news? surprised or rather items?
Sailor Moon Report | 07/04/2024 2:18 am
Sailor Moon
Aw bro I'm sorry!!!
I honestly did too, I thought they worked elsewhere... so it was a bit of a shock, luckily hubby was my bodyguard hahahaha
Sailor Moon Report | 07/04/2024 2:15 am
Sailor Moon
Oh funny story but I ran into my ex a few hours ago... you know who. hahaha didn't talk to him because he was working but I haven't seen em in like 3 years xd burning_eyes
Sailor Moon Report | 07/04/2024 2:00 am
Sailor Moon
Oh snap, two well-known holidays we both have!
Yeah I started to use insta for my cosplays because I found too many non-cosplayers (like work colleagues and family) could see my outside of work/my own time business and I felt judged? They don't really understand, put it that way sweatdrop
Sailor Moon Report | 07/03/2024 8:29 pm
Sailor Moon
Mines easy to remember, day before Halloween emotion_skull
When is yours?
I dont use fb these days, I have an instagram now!


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I cross the void beyond the mind
The empty space that circles time
I see where others stumble blind
To seek a truth they never find
Eternal wisdom is my guide
I am the Doctor. -Jon Pertwee,the Third Doctor


My faithful companion,Lotus the Sneasel under the cover the darkness. She better not swipe anymore wallets again.

Style never stays still~