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Myin Report | 02/27/2009 6:31 pm
I fully understand what you're saying, and I hate to say that I am QUITE the hypocrite, though I'm not at all proud of it.
And don't get me wrong~. I haven't lost all hope in humanity. xD If I had, I wouldn't be here right now.
Myin Report | 02/27/2009 6:23 pm
Ahaha, well, that situation depends on events that have occured in my life since I was young. xD;
But, once I get to know a person, I think better of them.
kuma Report | 02/26/2009 2:00 pm
Because the -chan pissed me off. XD
kuma Report | 02/26/2009 11:56 am
I can't help the way Gaia layers. T-T Why are you so mean to me, Mell? D:
Macabeak Report | 02/23/2009 11:23 pm
I'm alright. Going through money one day at a time sweatdrop (About to move at the end of this week, actually)

Life treating you good?
Insanity Stitches Report | 02/23/2009 7:27 pm
Insanity Stitches
Oh gosh! You're in college o 3o!?
Learn something new each day.

It's good to know you are still around x3! I thought
you had quit or something.

I have been pretty well.
Insanity Stitches Report | 02/23/2009 7:21 pm
Insanity Stitches
Aw~ Mellorino~ You're to kind.

It is great to see you again! It's been such a long time~
How have you been?
Macabeak Report | 02/20/2009 1:59 pm
Hiya! Long time, no talk! biggrin How's life been for you?
Sage Winters Report | 02/19/2009 9:13 pm
Sage Winters
Pretty good.
I had done the same. Haha.
Sage Winters Report | 02/19/2009 9:08 pm
Sage Winters
Omg hi.
How have you been?

Yohoho... Captain Mello

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Thanks Alexeroo for the Art.

Pirate Crew of the WG >> The Drunken Pirates.

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All Avatars pictured at time of joining.

The CREW in order of joining:

The Gunner: Malinger
The Navigator: Macabeak
The Thief: Auri-Lucia
The Lowly Grunt: TomtaJolz
The Voodoo Princess: Circles in the Sky
The Look Out: DJ Fetusface
The Ninja Spy: Suscha
The Blacksmith: Sage Winters
The Bar Wench: Tenshi Boricua
The Rum Wrangler: Riyo-Chan
The Pirate Bard: Durden Was Right
The Boatswain: Alexeroo
The Witch Doctor: Nerdy Ferretstroker
M'drunken Lady Map Weilder: Danjah's Mistress Kaizoku
The Killer Zombie: Insanity Stitches
The Chef: SoulSummoner
The Beeastly Sea Dog: Cinnabee
The Cannon Manager: Neverar Ultima
The Ship Pet: Zeh Little Critter
The Drunken Maroonee: ClumsyMooseProductions

Wanna join meh crew? PM the Cap'n!

Pick a Song... I hope you like it.

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Wanna Learn Something?

Ok. So.
11/21 is a Sacrament number from the game Silent Hill 4.
A man named Walter Sullivan must kill 21 people to complete the ceremony of the 21 Sacraments / Holy Assumption. He would kill and carve the numbers on the victim. So on the first would be 01121, meaning 1 of 21.
He is the 11th Sacrament, killing himself in prison with a spoon.
So from that, he is given the power of Heaven, returning as a ghost to finish the ceremony. Or at least try. Depends what ending one gets.
by DJ Fetusface

Wicca is a branch of Paganism, and tends to follow the line of witchcraft, be it minor or the 'serious' stuff. It is a polytheistic religion, which means we worship numerous gods and goddesses, as opposed to just one. We believe in Mother Earth, karma, and in reincarnation. Some people are more serious than others, in that they are very strong in their magical beliefs, and will do more magic. Me, I stick to little things. Reading Tarot, 'editing', for lack of a better word, traffic lights to align to my needs, i.e, getting places faster ( not hugely often, mind you ), stuff like that.

That's the basic stuff, because I'm lazy. I'd tell you that you could easily do research on it, but that would be a lie, as most references are written by devout Christians who play it out to be a black, devil-worshipping, going straight to Hell kind of deal. Trust that that isn't true, as we don't believe the devil even exists. =smiles=
by Den Dristige Djevelen

Did you know that the average height of a male peasant in the middle ages was 5'? and that they weren't aloud to hunt or really eat meat, lest they might have the mind to revolt against their local lords?
Haiyou pijiu means 'I'll have a beer' and my sig reads 'I live in a giant bucket.' xD Both useful Mandarin phrases.
by MichiFishy

Did you know that Romans found aquiline noses attractive?
Also that the Latin word for left was sinister.
There was this guy, Gaius Mucius Scaevola, in a myth who put his right hand in a fire until it was crispy, and showed no pain.
He had been captured, but because of that Lars Porsenna freed him.
They nicknamed him lefty.
from HaveSunshine

Honorable Mention: I also received information about psychedelic drugs from equinoxia though I deleted the PM. It's a shame.