
Skywingman's avatar

Gender: Male

Location: Unknown

Occupation: Lone Warrior

A Cry for help

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The Sky Enforcer

Covenant "Skywing" Phoenix, born a prince, lived a rebel. Amongst the clouds was an Empire, the Golden Empire; Covenant's father was the King of it's low population. The habitants of the Golden Empire were a race of their own, although no name was given to their uniqueness. Their skin is pale white, with a horn adorned above their eyes, centered in the middle of their foreheads. These horns resembled that of a creature of fables, of myths; the Unicorn. This special race were gifted with abilities, although they differed with the varying bloodlines. Each of them could fly, manipulate matter with their very thoughts, and oblige metal materials to bend to their very will. The only difference between each one of them were their physical traits, their facial features and their hair. Nobles were giften with pure golden hair, that remained elevated in the air on itself, at all times. The rest of the citizens had silver hair, all worn in different hairstyles.

In the Golden Empire there was an elite group of citizens deemed worthy, that served as a protective force; bringers of Justice to Gaia, and beyond. This team was named, 'Sky Enforcers'. Every year, tests and exams were held, in order to select the one warrior that would be added to the group. Noble's were not permitted to access these tests, it was forbidden to risk the life of a royalty. One year, when it was time, Covenant left the safety of the Empire, and in order to conceive his true origins, he erased the symbol that defined him, he shaved his head. Covenant was born a warrior, his true calling was serving his people on the battlefield. The rebelling teenager had yet mastered his abilities, and yet he had been administered as a Sky Enforcer.

When it was time for Covenant to embark on his first mission beyond the Empire, it saved his life. In his absence of two years, a great and powerful evil purged the land, annihilating every living being habiting the clouds. When Covenant's squad returned to their ruined home, they were attacked. He managed to escape, half dead, but the rest of the unit were destroyed. The fate of an entire race now laid in his hands, for he was the only one of his kind left. The Golden Empire was decimated, therefore the lands of Gaia became the new home of Skywing. He anbandoned his true name, and adopted one that would represent him as a savior among citizens. And so his journey in honor of the Sky Enforcers began, as he sought out redemption, for the guilt of the near extinction of his kind weighed down upon his rugged shoulders.


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iBlitz Boy

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d0mino effect Report | 07/26/2008 3:27 pm
d0mino effect

Kid Icarus Report | 07/26/2008 10:47 am
Kid Icarus
DDDDDDDD: WHAT. No classes D: WTF.
I'm debating about this game now xD
Kid Icarus Report | 07/26/2008 10:36 am
Kid Icarus
The girls DID have better items xD
I don't remember-- were you able to customize the color of the items?
Kid Icarus Report | 07/26/2008 10:24 am
Kid Icarus
d0mino effect Report | 07/24/2008 1:15 pm
d0mino effect
You didn't look hard enough. D<
Kid Icarus Report | 07/23/2008 10:37 pm
Kid Icarus
Aaaand, once again, we've dominated each others comment boxes.
Kid Icarus Report | 07/23/2008 10:25 pm
Kid Icarus
DUDE, that'd be so awesome. Holy crap. Awesome.
I'd even be content with just having all of the stuff from the SC creation on Gaia. But having full figure avatars, customizable with all the appearance specs... Oh man.
Kid Icarus Report | 07/23/2008 10:17 pm
Kid Icarus
Hm.. I do like the new stat aspect of the clothing. Problem is that now everyone will have the same outfit that gives the most stat boosts as opposed to just having an outfit that looks cool.
Kid Icarus Report | 07/23/2008 10:06 pm
Kid Icarus
The latter is true and the FORMER IS ******** AWESOME HOLY s**t.
Kid Icarus Report | 07/23/2008 10:00 pm
Kid Icarus
YES. YES. YES. Gawd, if I could even just have a sample that allows me to make characters with all of the items available... OH MAN, I'd have a ball.
But yeah, show me the stuff you do.
