hey my names miranda
smile got a few nicknames liiike
smile mandy mj or maymay (haha my friend gave me that last one hehehe ) soo ya i moved from the best life ive evr had 2 yrs ago to now here where i live just a lil old town in the country i went from livin in a sumwut smmmmaaalllll ( very small! lol ) city to a town in the country so i ges u can say now im kinda a country girl
smile if u knew me then u culd see y its kinda hard to explain myself on here haha (: my best friends in my old town and still r now r : tyler (tytybear!
biggrin ) jordan (jojo hehe luuv dat nickname but not as much as tylers hehehe ^^) then beth and ashly they hav all been there for me thru everythin
smile OH YA!!! then theres alsoo meghan
smile hehehe (: well i pretty much dont talk to people as much as i used to but wat evr i miss my home town and everyone in it i loove music its my life im very very protective over my friends unless there the ones that piss me off hahaha
smile still love them to death
smile id give my life to save my friends life im a very stubborn but niice and fun to be around girl
smile i mainly like country rock metal rap and well basically any type of music haha
smile except for very very VERY oldies music like my grandma listens to HAHA lol well ya thats pretty much it
smile hit me up if ya evr wanna say hi or talk latarzz!!
smile <3