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I'm awesome and you SHOULD know it! If not, maybe it's time to learn some new things!


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Last Login: 07/05/2011 6:53 pm

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xIICrunk-JuiceIIx Report | 09/24/2009 9:27 am
sleighs Report | 09/22/2009 3:29 pm
hi i accedently sent u sumthing on ACCIDENT!!!! can i get it bak?? plzzzzz or i will report u crying
Esther177 Report | 08/30/2009 4:42 pm
um srry im just trying to prove a point if u dont wanna read this then you dont need to
im not trying to start a fight .....................................
ok 1st of all you guys are SOOO in-mature you guys need to grow up
seriously 16 i can do what the hell i want and shssh i didnt changed you guys were the ones who stabbed
me in the back thir i was trying to start a conversation but you guys wouldnt even try
so dont play this crap about we were trying to be no your wrong we ARE!
i dont know why you guys were trying to start soething i mean i was the one who tryed atleast
man now i know why ppl hate you guys but i still dont i mean i tryd to talk to you guys in a nice
Christain LIKE way but noooo you had to say oh whats up with her cheeker hoodie blah blah whats up with ehr face?
BUT YOU know what i dont care man i thought you guys would still be our friends man!! all i did was but diffrent cloths on and you guys treated me
and my familiy like a totaly diffrent person i mean if your jealous just say it i didnt wanna ruin our friend ship and
let it end up like the one you have with veronique but nooo... so yea i dont know know are you guys still friends with us or me?
if not well w/e AT LEAST i TRYED i mean know i know how every one els feels for example veronique and others that is just examples
i mean now i know that she tryed and Other ppl did to but you guys just said noo were cool were awesome i mean i f you really wanna critizise me then give me a goo reasion
why you guys just cant ignor us but if thats how it is ok thats your desision what ever i dont really care any more un less you still want to save this old friend ship i mean the last time you guys saw me was at VBS and you didnt say any thing about my skinny jeans but w/e ok .......................
kaylb Report | 08/24/2009 3:51 pm
nothing. im just crying.
Hunter990 Report | 08/24/2009 3:54 am
wats up
streetgirl10 Report | 08/20/2009 8:08 am
copy this to 10 pro's and you will get 10,000,000g it really works im rich!
streetgirl10 Report | 08/17/2009 11:02 am
i am back and i saw isaiah hi
kaylb Report | 08/17/2009 10:56 am
hey whts up?
Ampling Report | 08/09/2009 1:34 pm
II_Chained_Angel_ll Report | 08/07/2009 8:35 am
yeah imma okay for now thankies for asking biggrin

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sayan hero