
I frown on "about me" sections. Then again, I suppose I should probably make one, so here it is.

I'm 6'0", 145, with pretty hazel/green eyes and a killer personality, but not the personality of a killer. I am currently the proud owner and operator of a mushroom farm. Together with my lovely ladyfriend we are working to extend our mycelial networks across the globe. The next project: Human-loving Cordyceps.

I've also been told that this isn't a dating website, so I should probably stop at that.


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/07/2012 7:06 am


Thanks for the purchase!!! yum_tea
Obsidian Dreamlight

Report | 06/24/2010 5:50 am

Obsidian Dreamlight

Cool Avi

Report | 06/22/2010 9:16 pm


lol sounds good. ^^ And maybe her dish is good enough to override my deep seeded hate for celery. XD

Report | 06/22/2010 9:22 am


I think as long as you make it, it should taste fine. XD I haven't really had the most talented of cooks prepare such foods for me... sweatdrop

Report | 05/26/2010 11:53 pm


I'm quite a fan of your avi. Hope things are well.

Report | 05/01/2010 6:55 pm


bwahahahahaha. Your about me section made me laugh.
"I have also been told this isnt a dating site"

Report | 10/09/2009 7:57 pm


I see. Well I'll look for you on MSN then, if my MSN would let me sign in though... DX Ugh. Really? That's an intriguing idea. A mushroom farm could be very prosperous. I assume you'd get out to the farmers markets and all that then? I think that could work quite well actually. I wish you the best of luck. ^^

I've been okay. Lots of work, so not much free time. DX Nothing too exciting. I got KH 358/2 Days for the DS so I have been super happy and been playing that. Things are going well with Kat, and I am in the market for a PS3 and Beatles Rockband. XD Wishlist though, nothing is really happening yet. XD

Kind of early question, but are you planning on coming out here for Christmas or anything?

Say hi to everyone for me. <3

Report | 10/09/2009 12:20 am


Hey. How's it going? Does your cell still work? Like texting and stuff? Any idea about cross country rates?

Report | 08/08/2009 1:21 pm


lol I have no idea what colour they are. The one on the box is blue so I assume the one inside is blue too... XD

Oh dear god. That is rather frightening. You should hunt them or something... XD I know! Sell them! You could make MILLIONS! XD

Ah, that's kind of weird. I would have assumed that driving in every province would be the same. Whatev. I'm sure you two will be able to get them. <3

lmao, I still remember the sleepless up until 4 or 5 nights... XD Well I didn't get this message until 1 pm so I'll take it as good day... XD

ttyl. <3

Report | 08/07/2009 11:11 pm


I see... XD Maybe she was a ghost! DX But wait, I thought you had a driver's liscence already? Do you have to get re-certified? Or is it for Asia? XD

lmao, that's too funny. I actually had a customer yesterday buy one and tell me how amazing they were. We actually had quite the conversation about it, and also the death of Billy Maes. XD I'm glad they work well for you. I should get some. OMFG We are also selling ******** snuggies right now! rofl But in all seriousness, I hate them. XP

Ah, I've been there before. I'll be sure to check it out. ^^


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