
Izukkun's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/23

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Remember, time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

World's okayest lesbian.

| Katie | 26 | Female | Panromantic Lesbun | Engaged ♡ |

Hey lovelies! My name is Katie and I'm a huge dweeb. I like pastel colors and cute things and blood and gore in video games, and I really love my fiancée cr0wchild. <3 My interests are a bit scattered, but they generally include Pokemon, My Hero Academia, Left 4 Dead, Fallout, and a plethora of other video games and anime. Feel free to shoot me a message if you feel like talking! I'm always happy to make new friends! I'm kind of shy, so forgive me if I have a hard time getting to know you! I've very much an introvert, so please keep that in mind. QuQ. I also really love gradients and sunsets and astronomy and stars! <3

Please don't send me random friend requests if we haven't spoken before! Thank you! ♥


View All Comments

DragonAgito Report | 08/24/2023 5:32 am
naomita98 Report | 01/29/2021 7:49 am
heart super cute avatar heart
ItsYaGirlMoMo Report | 01/12/2021 8:16 am
heart Thank you for your purchase, I hope you enjoy your item! heart
ichthyosis Report | 01/11/2021 10:22 pm
thank yeww e____ e
SayILoveYou_xx Report | 02/07/2020 11:19 am
Love your avatar ❤️
Chitoge Report | 01/10/2020 4:36 pm
Thank you for your purchase.
Tokala The Foxy Report | 02/03/2019 10:39 pm
Tokala The Foxy
*Dances on your profile*
AIamanthea Report | 05/25/2018 6:57 am
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"Keep staring, if you'd like."

Q T yum_pie

"It will make turning you to ash that much easier..."
CandyKath Report | 03/06/2018 4:17 pm
Woa I love your avi!!
How are you doing today? heart
Delusional Daydreams Report | 12/21/2017 12:31 am
Delusional Daydreams
Thanks for the gift!


☙| Katie | 24 | Female | Panromantic Lesbun | Engaged ♡ |❧
[AKA "Tiny one". Thanks Bunni~ ♡]
cr0wchild is my sunshine~ ♡♡
My dumb face.
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