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Mitalcik's journal...And Isale's
lol here i shall put what ever i want but mostly it will be Mitalcik and Isale's entry's......
Story of unfinishedness Revised.
"You cannot trick me I am no fool"
"You would love to believe that was true wouldn’t you?"
"Seeing as how your plans, your sick ways of fooling around and your brilliant mind with a dark twist have failed yet again I believe it is true."
"Well since when were you so poetic?"
"Since, I found your stash of stolen library books."
"Ahh.......I understand now."
"That wasn’t necessary to take those you know we don’t really need them."
"Of course we needed them look at you I’ve never seen you talk so damn divine."
"Bullshit, I could talk like I was educated before I read those books!"
"Silver, just trust me ok?"
"You know I do."
"Well that’s good because now I’m going to cause you a lot of pain."
I knew what was coming. I was still bleeding and there were still two bullets in my leg that needed to come out. Cole thought it was a good idea if he did the surgery instead of taking me to the hospital. I would go myself, but I’m so drugged up on pain meds I can’t drive and I’m not exactly in walking condition. So I’m going to try anyway, I braced myself on the arm of the chair and stood up, wobbly, queasy, damn I’m going to throw up. I do, all over the floor and on my ******** shoes I just bought the damn things. I’m not going anywhere.
"Cole, will you knock me out before you perform your freaking experiment?"
Sometime I swear that guy is trying to kill me. In all seriousness though he always gets what needs to be done finished with out any complications. He turned from the pot of boiling water scalpels and other shimmering tools eyeing me, my wounds bound with bits of my own shirt and still bleeding, and what I have spewed on the floor which looks like 50% blood.
"You look like s**t." He scrunched his face up from the puke "I don’t want to clean that up."
"Well I would but I’m a little incapable of such actions."
"You’re lucky I like you, Heh I’ll do it after I fix you up and as for your question no I will not knock you out but I can provide you with something that can."
I slammed my self back in the chair look up and Cole is right next to me holding a syringe full of a clear yet off white liquid, needle goes in my arm and I feel better already the was pain receding. I don’t know where he got the syringe and where the liquid came from is an even bigger mystery all I know is that they are here and they are helping me.
"I’m one lucky son of a b***h."
Every thing really blurry now I can’t tell if Cole is still next to me or not but if he is, he is smiling.


I try to roll over on my side to see where I am but the pain from my leg is too unbearable it speeds up my spine and rolls over my rib cage. I don’t know if its just the pain from my leg or if I have some heavy bruising but what ever it is it hurts and I’m pissed roll back over and stare at the pale purple ceiling sliding my hand down to my leg to pick off the bandages to see that damage but I don’t have enough fine motor skills in this point of coma recovery to do so. I am completely naked except for a sheet that has been thrown over me; it’s clean so Cole didn’t use it during his surgery. I don’t see why he had to relieve me of all my cloths, especially my shirt..Oh wait it was ripped bloody and thrown up on. I change my mind most of my cloths were like that. Being naked was necessary. Cole is no where to be found well at least not from my view which is lying down on our kitchen table. I sit up and look around my House, yes, I have a house well at least
Cole and I do, its one story two bed rooms one bathroom and the kitchen and living room are combined to one it looks as if some one knocked out the wall separating the two. You can still see the 5 inch strip of drywall on the floor between the living rooms hardwood and the tile of the kitchen. It smells like pine sol and ammonia wow Cole actually cleaned up my mess. Our shelves are pretty empty no framed pictures or nothing we only moved in here a few days ago, I felt it unnecessary to completely unpack. We have one chair a lazy boy I think I’m not very sure but, Cole and I fight over it a lot.
....No reply, damn that means I have to make my self some food. I'm really ******** hungry I haven’t eaten in over 24 hours. I really don’t want to get up though. My hunger over powers my will to not move, I slid off the table dropping that sheet to the floor wincing at the pain surging from my leg,
“Holy ********!”
It’s really cold talk about instant goose bumps, blue lips and hypothermia, I gathered up that sheet and wrapped it around me surprising what a thin layer of cloth can do, now where’s the thermostat....I have no ******** clue where it is so I limp for my room. Apparently being cold needs to be fixed before my hunger does. My room consists of a mattress on the floor and a closet with my clothes and a few items in it. I prefer it simple like this. I pull out some boxers and a sweatshirt I contemplate pants but don’t do it. I pulled on my selected clothes and ditch the sheet on my bed. Time for some food, I walk straight for the fridge but the sound of some one trying to get in my house slows me down a bit, Click, Click, Click, well they unlocked all three locks in no time flat so its ether Cole or a lock pick master of doom .It was Cole he opened the door with his arms full of....It smells like Chinese food I Run over to him grab the bags and dash back to the table.
" Well you’re welcome and I didn’t expect you to be awake let alone running."
"I’m extremely hungry my friend."
"Hunger does drive people to doing things they wouldn’t dream of doing I suppose."

I tore the Bag away from the food. I didn’t lift the boxes from the bag, that bag was destroyed around the food. . I gazed upon the feast of white rice, soy sauce, sweet and sour pork, chow mien, and shrimp stew with those noodle things. Hell I could’ve believed I had died and gone to heaven if it weren’t for the fact I was missing some skin on my thigh. I grabbed a pair of chopped sticks and went at it, eating from every box. Cole on the other hand grabbed him self a fork and a plate then gorged in the deliciousness of take out, for he hasn’t eaten as long as I have.
We both are failures at cooking Cole is better than me but only because he doesn’t burn that macaroni. Dinner was finished in a matter of minutes well I think it was dinner I haven’t kept track of time since we got here I think it may have been 8:00 when we arrived but I don’t really know all the blinds are closed so I cant look out side and see.
"What time is it?"
"Um," Cole looked around for a clock.” the clock would have been a useful thing to unpack Silver...what box do you think it’s in?"
"uh..hmmmmm..errrrmmmm....The Kitchen box?"
"No, I think I packed it with my stuff."
"Well then why the hell would you ask me where it was.”
"I don’t know."
He finished cleaning off the table, I felt so special it’s hard to get Cole to clean anything and here he was waiting on my every whim, well sort of.
" Let me see your leg Silver."
"What leg?"
He sighed, shook his head and told me to go sit in the lazy boy (ha it is a lazy boy)
I went and sat down in it semi side ways with my right leg up on one arm and the other one on the floor like some sexy underwear model. heck in my opinion I wasn’t bad looking at all golden short hair, golden brown eyes high cheek bones and a strong jaw line, but Cole when it came to Hair and Eyes he won. His hair was a dark black that was almost purple. His eyes were a ring of light blue with a ring of dark blue on the out side. The way they were colored made his eyes look like a never ending tunnel of water with light at the end. If you stare at his eyes for to long enough you literally get lost and forget what you’re doing. Unfortunately no Girls ever gave us a second glance because we always looked like we were going to kill some one or we were about to get killed which most of the time it was true.
I have been hit in the face with something right smack dab in the middle of my face.
"Silver stop sitting like that or you’re changing your own damn bandages."
Gauze had hit me in the face. I started to speak but changed my mind it would probably be best if he changed my bandages. If I attempted to they would end up falling off and I would some how start to bleed like a broken water faucet. I had been shot twice in the upper part of my right thigh and its bad enough Cole had to take out my bullets I don’t plan on having Cole that close to me ever again, conscious, or not. If I have to choose healing or not I guess Cole in between my legs is the answer.
"Could you knock me out before you start the gauze wrapping from hell?"
"What’s that supposed to mean?"
"I don’t want you touching my thigh."
"Why? Ha will it stimulate some emotions you don’t want to share? Plus you have the gauze you can do it your self."
"Can you imagine what it would look like if I switched out the bandages my self?!?!?"
"True...but I can’t knock you out just to change some gauze."
"Fine let’s just get this over with."
" I feel no love."
He took off the original bandages, his hands were really warm…. .Underneath I saw two small bullet wounds sown together neatly; they probably will hardly even leave a scar.
“Hey while your down there mind rubbing me off?” I gave Cole a very seducing look.
He smile reached his hand up and jabbed his thumb into my top bullet wound. I screamed like a little ******** girl and fell out of the chair side ways to get away from that damn monster.
“******** you Cole.” I limped a little farther away and sat down in a kitchen chair, water eyes and a newly bleeding wound. “Last ******** time I am taking bullets for you.”
It was supposed to be him I got shot for jumping and pushing him out of the way of those bullets. Cole looked up at me he wasn’t happy or smiling at all now. I can’t really tell what is going through his mind but it probably isn’t to far off from what I am thinking. I’ve known him for about 8 years now and I really have trouble reading his mind, his eyes hide things really well. He got up, gauze in hand.
“Let me change you bandages now. No remarks please.”
I flinched when he reached for my leg. Hid thumb split one of the stitches
"I’m going to get some peroxide, And some medical glue. I doubt you would want me to sew you up. Well actually I doubt you would be able to take it."
‘Yeah you know I believe your right.
My eyes fallowed him to the kitchen where he was digging through the cupboard grabbing a brown bottle and a tube. We have been through a lot me and him, he has probably been through more than I have but he hasn’t revealed any of his past to me. We were once part of a six person team; a team of people who killed and got paid.
Hell we are the only two left. Makes sense that assassins would get assassinated. We were the six spades, the Ace of spades that was Cole. He was the head honcho for the most part. The king of spades that was Richie he was a short man and he was well in his days with one hell of an attitude. The Queen of spades that was Verse she was a blue haired beauty that could hit a fly from 100 yards away with a pistol. The Jack of spades and all trades, I am good at every thing not excellent at anything though. I worked with Cole most of the time he was quicker on the draw than I was, I killed in one shot yet Cole seemed to always get his guy before. I got mine he must not have to chase them down or something. Lucky Seven of Spades that was Ale, he would do things no stunt man would try even with a bunch of ropes and safety nets. He had once jumped from one building to another and crashed through a window filled with seven people (they all had guns of course) he made it out of there with nothing but a bullet through the foot and that was his own damn fault. That man was skinny as hell but he could run jump and fight like and Olympian .The Deuce of spades he didn’t kill as far as I was concerned. He got us our assignments and he spilt up the money with us he gave us 60% which was damn good price he didn’t show up much and I never learned his real name he was kind of tall but not really he was a very skinny lean man who loved to were tuxes. They all died every one of them, Richie assassinated, Verse and Ale assassinated, Deuce, he crashed his car into a body of water. Never got clear info on what happened to him. Ever since then Cole and I have been looking out for ourselves finding work moving from town to town we’ve managed ok but its not what it used to be. I watched Cole poor the peroxide on my leg it bubbled and fizzed. He wiped up the blood, smoothed on some glue, wrapped it up and I was good going to live to lie another day.
"So do we have any work for tomorrow?"
"Nope. I didn’t schedule anything for the next couple of days your leg needs to heal Silver."
"But we need the money and I’m fine anyway."
"Yeah you think your fine?” he looked at me with an Evil and very confident grin. The smug b*****d. "Get up and walk with out limping."
"Fine I will” I stood up and well the first thing I did was wince it hurt but not as bad as it did when it first happen. I tried to walk with out a limp but putting pressure on it hurts and thus I limped.
"Yeah were not going anywhere for a couple of days."
"But...But Don’t we need the money?"
"We have enough to take a couple of days off."
That's Cole for you always looking out for number one and right now to him that was me. He is two years younger than me and about twenty more years mature well he has his days, he is twenty years young and I am twenty-two we met when he was seventeen and I was nineteen he introduced me into my line of work it was way cooler than I thought I was going to be until I actually had to kill someone that is. on my first assassination I went with Verse and Ale to go hit off this high rolling pimp that apparently had made some one very mad they would pay a high price for his head we found a guy at a casino he was covered by a crowd of girls and he was winning it big time on the slots and he decided to slip out for a cigarette …big mistake. Verse sent me out with the 50 cal desert eagle a little more power than I needed. I stuck it in my holster under my leather jacket it was a really cool crisp night I could see my breathe forming clouds of see through gray. I could smell my adrenaline rushing through my veins but I kept it cool at least I thought I did. I walked up to the guy and asked him for a smoke, he gave me one. He asked me to stand with him. I did it but only for a minute I took a deep drag of my smoke, then I lifted my arm gun in hand and pulled the trigger there was a loud bang. The bullet went through the side of his head and out the corner of the front, blood and brain bits were sprayed across the cement and the wall, it was horrible. Utterly horrifying, I had never done anything like that in my life, I was shaking all over, I puked, and then passed out. When I woke up I was riding in Richie’s car back to my old apartment. Cole was living with me then too, and from what I heard from him. Being with me was better than living at where he came from.
“So Cole what do you have planned cuz I’m Going to get way to bored with sitting in the house for a couple of days.”
“Painful physical therapy.”
“Hell no I want Option B.”
“Well I don’t know you think of something.”
“You can find the clock I’m going to go take a nap.”
“Fine by me.”
I walked to my room and flopped on my bed that hurt pretty bad I plan on taking more than just a nap I rolled the blankets over my body and fell asleep.

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