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An Interesting Theory.....Quantum Immortality
Explanation of the thought experiment

Imagine that a physicist detonates a nuclear bomb beside himself. In almost all parallel universes, the nuclear explosion will vaporize the physicist. However, there should be a small set of alternative universes in which the physicist somehow survives (i.e. the set of universes which support a "miraculous" survival scenario). The idea behind quantum immortality is that the physicist will remain alive in, and thus remain able to experience, at least one of the universes in this set, even though these universes form a tiny subset of all possible universes. Over time the physicist would therefore never perceive his or her own death.

Another example is one provided by quantum suicide, where a physicist sits in front of a gun which is triggered, or not triggered, by radioactive decay. With each run of the experiment there is a fifty-fifty chance that the gun will be triggered and the physicist will die. If the Copenhagen interpretation is correct, then the gun will eventually be triggered and the physicist will die. If the many-worlds interpretation is correct, then at each run of the experiment the physicist will be split into one or more worlds in which he lives and one or more worlds in which he dies. In the worlds where the physicist dies, his consciousness will cease to exist. However, from the point of view of the physicist, the experiment will continue running without his ceasing to exist, because at each branch, he will only be able to observe the result in the world in which he survives, and if many-worlds is correct, the physicist will notice that he never seems to die, therefore "proving" himself to be immortal, at least from his own point of view.

Required assumptions and controversy

Proponents point out that while it is highly speculative, quantum immortality (QI) violates no known laws of physics, assuming some controversial assumptions are true:

1. That the many-worlds interpretation is the correct interpretation of quantum mechanics, as opposed to the Copenhagen interpretation, the latter of which does not permit the existence of parallel universes.
2. All of the possible scenarios in which the proposed physicist (or any entity being argued about in the thought experiment) can die support at least a small subset of survival scenarios.
3. Not dying some finite number of times (perhaps in parallel universes) constitutes immortality.
4. Cessation of the consciousness, and the ability to observe, occurs when the gun is fired.

Although quantum immortality is motivated by the quantum suicide thought experiment, Max Tegmark, one of the inventors of this experiment, has stated that he does not believe that quantum immortality is a consequence of his work. He argues that under any sort of normal conditions, before someone dies they undergo a period of diminishment of consciousness, a non-quantum decline (which can be anywhere from seconds to minutes to years), and hence there is no way of establishing a continuous existence from this world to an alternate one in which the person continues to exist.

Also, the philosopher David Lewis, in "How Many Lives Has Schrödinger's Cat?", remarked that in the vast majority of the worlds in which an immortal observer might find himself (i.e. the subset of quantum-possible worlds in which the observer does not die), he will survive, but will be terribly maimed. This is because in each of the scenarios typically given in thought experiments (nuclear bombing, Russian roulette, etc.), for every world in which the observer survives unscathed, there are likely to be far more worlds in which the observer survives terribly disfigured, badly disabled, and so on. It is for this reason, Lewis concludes, that we ought to hope that the many-worlds interpretation is false.

Interestingly, there is another route to quantum immortality that does not require the many-worlds interpretation; see Consciousness causes collapse.


Whats yours?

Jan - I cuddled with
Feb - I killed
Mar - I ran shirtless with
Apr - I raped
May - I killed
Jun - I banged
Jul - I needed
Aug - I ran naked with
Sept - I stabbed
Oct - I kissed
Nov - I slept with
Dec - I smoked with

Pick the day (number) you were born on

01 - the kool-aid man
02 - a horse
03 - a pornstar
04 - a toothbrush
05 - Santa Claus
06 - a bag of weed
07 - a prostitute
08 - a jew
09 - a ninja
10 - a homo
11 - Paris Hilton
12 - the trojan man
13 - a whore
14 - a cat
15 - a pickle
16 - a glass of milk
17 - a bisexual
18 - YOUR MOM (mam)
19 - an orange
20 - a crackhead
21 - a bowl of cereal
22 - an easter egg
23 - my ex
24 - a condom
25 - a jar of honey
26 - a lesbian
27 - a homeless guy
28 - a french fry
29 - your dealer
30 - a stripper
31 - A Monkey

Pick the colour of the top your wearing now..

White - Because thats how i roll
Black - because im sexy as hell
Pink - Because the lil people told me to
Red - because I have AMAZING boobs
Blue - because I'm a pimp and your jealous
Polka Dots - because I hate my life
Purple - because I'm gay
Gray - because I love marijuana
Other - because I have double D's
Green - because I'm beautiful
Orange - because I smoke crack
Turqoise - because I have a noodle in my nose
Brown - because i had to
Shirtless - because I've got abs

Belphus Wrote:
The word only holds as much power as one allows it to have. (Bullshit.)

I don't say "n" word. I say "******".
(Good for you.)
Not afraid to say it and never will be.
(I'm not afraid, I just don't like it and never will say it to anyone.)
It's only the ignorant and undereducated that find offenses in the word
because it's how they've been raised to believe.
(Prove. Now. Or. STFU.)

You'll find many people who possess an education and at least
some shred of wisdom do not allow words to have such power over them.
(Prove. Now. Or. STFU.)

As time goes by, there's always going to be a derogatory word which
will find itself pinned as "The worst word in the english dictionary".
Then again, nothing much at all offends me and I've been called everything in the book.

I'm *SPANISH* (not mexican or Cuban), and I'm still called Puerto Rican or even times a *s**c*...
what am I going to do? Cry about it?
Not likely.
(Lyk OMG want a cooky?!11?)

"Racism" continues to exist in these words because they continue to give these words racial connotations.
(Prove. Now. Or. STFU.)

Of course there is a Dark Gaia. Everybody knows that. Dark Gaia is like Anti-Fairy World in the Fairly Oddparents. All the hackers offer you free gold, all the password scammers offer you their passwords, the moderators spam your inbox with porn so that you can post reports about it in the forums and each month Gaia donates to you in order to compensate for the continual frustration of artificial deflation.

Every day each item is worth less than it was yesterday, and people make fun of all the n00bs who can't even offload their Angelic Halos anymore.

Site Feedback venerates the Gaia developers and other staff members as they rapidly try to increase the frequency of sushi database errors for the enjoyment of all.

GTFO stands for "G'day, Try our Free Octopus" and is generally used in salutation rather than dismissal.

The Terms of Service are not only read by all users, but re-read religiously every rest day in case of an update, edit or sometimes purely for leisure.

Unfortunately the Battle System has not been completed in Dark Gaia just like it hasn't been completed in the real Gaia. However, the admins have made previews of it available on eBay.

Everyone mocks you for trying to type out full words - the highest echelons of Gaia's society are filled with people who turn caps lock on randomly, only use punctuation to confuse you, avoid the use of vowels like the plague, insert numbers in the place of letters when you least expect it and only use the dictionary so that they can reach their keyboards.

You lose gold the more you surf around. Tens of thousands of botters have recently been banned for abusing the system. They were found automatically refreshing pages so as to reach bankruptcy faster than any other users, then exploiting a glitch which allowed the system to swallow their inventories as well. However, the public's reaction to finally discovering a way to get rid of a Halo led to a massive "Anti Fair Banning" campaign in which the masses pleaded for the botters to be unbanned so that Gaians could trade them their hard-to-sell items have offload them as well.

Dark Gaia is, like, totally the best hangout on the internet.

EPISODE 000...

The year 1555 P.G. ...

The stench of human blood,mixed with an unknown substance fills the air of Barton. A fierce battle rages on,amongst the grassy plains contained therein. A battle that will decide the fate of gaia for 600 years to come. A battle of mages,of creatures,and lastly-of men. A battle of good and evil. Of good being under the control of but on man. A bloodline lasting to this very day..

500 years ago

*The halls of Gambino Castle fill with the hurried sounds of armor,as The Knights of Gambino,hurry towards the front gate.They are lined up 100 strong,as atop the balcony stands Lord Henry Gambino. At his side stands the legendary hittokiri known on as Batousai. They look down on the Knights who fight in Lord Gambino's honor,for 100 is all they would need. They are all personally selected by Lord Gambino. The batousai smirks as he surveys Gambino's knights. Gambino turns a glance to the batousai*

Lord Gambino-What could one of your stature possibly be thinking at a time like this?
Batousai-Your men are good,but they won't last against the lizard men. They have their sights set on me and theyr'e willing to destroy all of Barton in order to do so.

Lord Gambino-..Because theyr'e in league with-

Batousai-..The Zurg.I'm heading out with them. I have a plan.*the manslayer leaps from the balcony,onto his famed black steed DeathScythe,with a determined look upon his face*
Batousai-*looks over his back with a smile of magnificent confidence. A fakeness only noticeable by one who is intuitive*This'll all be over before you know it,so start preparing the victory dinner now
Lord Gambino-YOU HEARD THE MAN.WITH HIM LEADING YOU,100 IS ALL YOU NEED!!*with a new found confidence,the knights let out a strong yell*FOR THE HONOR OF GAMBINO!!

*The Knights ride,with the infamous Batousai as their leader(next to Icarus,leader of the Knights)for 2 days. They run into many a sentry along the way,as they are all cut through by our heroes. The plan had been laid out exactly 4 hours ago by the Manslayer. Because of this,he is unable to completely go all out,until it is time. With so few a number,the knights've been operating covertly,without letting a single sentry give away their presence....until..*

*The sound of drums can be heard all throughout the grassy plains of Barton. Our heroes immediately halt,as Icarus orders his black mages to cast a detection spell-giving away the location of the massive army*TO THE WEST!!! *All attention turns westward as they can be seen(1000 strong)banners and all. Batousai let's out a fierce order*STICK TO THE PLAN,GET THE MAGES READY!!!*Our heroes ride toward the massive army of Lizardmen,in order to cut them off. The Lizardmen have detected them,now with their attention focused on our heroes,the archers get ready*

*Icarus lets out an order to his men*MAGES DO YOUR PART!!*The incantions have been uttered,as the black mages construct a barrier to shield the vicious poison tipped arrows. The word were no uttered in time,as Batousai's steed Deathscythe is littered with arrows. The Batousai anticipated this,as he has lept from his steed ahead of time,now airborne*s**t..PHASE 2 BEGIN!!*The Batousai unfastens an ancient scroll(1 of 4)as the incantions are now met(The blood offering,now used from his steed). Glyphs surround the entire plains,as the entire Lizardman army is now caught in awe. Out comes the Guardian of Ice-Shiva Fang,a 45ft tall white wolf,with fierce blue eyes.*

*1/3 of the Lizardman army have now retreated(against orders)as the Lizardmen have a natural weakness of the cold. The Batousai(perched atop the massive wolf's head)anticipated that there would be a few brave souls left to combat him.suddenly the Batousai(willing to now make an example of them)lets out a command*PHASE 3 BEGIN! SHIVA FANG-ICE WALL!!*The massive white wolf,let's out a thunderous howl,as a beam of ice leaves his mouth,forming a wall of ice around the Lizardman army. Some of them are instantly encased in ice,as a large majority of them are now decimated.Icarus let's out a final order*IT'S TIME TO END THIS BATOUSAI.MEN,UP THE WALL!!*The knights ride atop the massive wall,as they now orverlook the remainder of the Lizardman army. The Batousai,drunk with power laughs maniacally the entire time,as the Knights rain arrows down upon the once proud Lizardman army. It was a gamble of a plan that paid off for the better,for the batousai had absolutley no energy left to defend himself*...

Some of you out there accuse us african americans as being:

You all (THE SAME POEPLE THAT ACCUSE US) also blame us for our current situation,while yes part of it is our fault. you all need to realize that the history of african americans plays a GIGANTIC role in our current situation.

Fom 1619 to 1863 African slaves worked hours each day, for some less or breaks on sundays, they were not allowed to own property and were considered property.
So for 210 years our ancestors were forced into poverty.

In 1863 African slaves were freed, sorta like out of the frying pan into the flames, so from 1863 until 1967, 104yrs, Africans have been slowly pulling there way out of the inevitable poverty that slave owners and the goverment stuck us in. so all africans have inherited a poverty once they were born meaning that africans have had to work 3x as hard as the immigrants and other minorities you want to compare us with (Asians, Indians, Jews).

Now imagine for a moment you as a slave are now free but because of Racism you are unable to feed your family and its the 3rd day you all have gone without real food, you have been eating the fruits of mother nature. well one day walking thru town you see a fruit stand with delicious fruit the guy behind the stand is called by his wife fro a second so he runs inside what would you do? would you steal the fruit or would you go back to your family to search and scrap for more of mother natures food. Well im sure the slave chose enough fruit for his family, so he began to become curious as to how he can feed his family by stealing and begans teaching his son how to "make it". And his son taught his son, and so forth and so on until today.

It is still evident today that said "robbery" had an affect somewhere down the line not to mention that poverty "breeds" crime. because of the fact your desperate to get what you need your standard of ethics is lowered a natural instinct in order to survive.

Now im not saying its right what they did but times were hard for them and all they did was attempt to teach there children how to "survive".

That same story can be applied today but the difference in oppresion is obvious but still. Me personally being a young black male, I know how hard is it to find a job the unemployment rate among african americans is twice that of whites, we make a lot less and we have longer unemployment moments in between jobs. So you can see why its depressing to spend $20 dollars a week looking for a job when in some peoples((key point)) mind its far better if they use that $20 the same way their friend or relative would and spend it making a living on drugs. NOW I REPEAT THIS DOESN'T GIVE ANYONE BLACK,WHITE,PUERTO RICAN,ASIAN,ETC. THE RIGHT TO BREAK THE LAW REGARDLESS OF YOUR PAST OR YOUR CURRENT SITUATION. (Unless of course its a situation like hurricane katrina in which case i believe its right for someone without food to take from a flooded store what they need and your a jerk for thinking its wrong and they should just starve or "live of the land" wink

So really its not so much our fault as its the fault of our socio-economic history.This doesnt give us the exscuse to sell drugs our to give up but it also doesnt give some of you all the right to blantantly point the finger at us and compare us to other minorites, so please stop it.

Alright im sorry to say this but i do believe in DWB and SWB (Driving While Brown/black & Shopping While Brown/black) which refers to the Racial Profiling that non-whites expierence on the bases of there non-white look and time and time again has popped up and happened, i myself have been a victim.


Here's a report backing my very ideas:

New York, Jan 19, 2004 - A new report says more than 35 years after the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., America has failed to make significant progress toward closing the economic gap between blacks and whites. In fact, in certain areas -- like infant mortality rates and unemployment -- the gap is increasing.

Although the information, taken mostly from the US Census and the Federal Reserve, has been publicly available for years, few reports have pulled all the disparate pieces together. "The State of the Dream 2004," released last week by United for a Fair Economy, challenges traditional notions about the success of the civil rights movement in the past 30 years. United for a Fair Economy is a nonprofit organization that focuses on highlighting income and other economic disparities in American society.

"These findings contradict the basic values of our country," said report co-author Betsy Leondar-Wright, who called the disparities "shocking and unacceptable."

Among the more disturbing findings: Unemployment among blacks is more than double that for whites, 10.8 percent versus 5.2 percent in 2003 -- a wider gap than in 1972. black infant mortality is also greater today than in 1970. In 2001, the black infant mortality rate was 14 deaths per 1,000 live births, 146 percent higher than the white rate. The gap in infant mortality rates was 37 percent less in 1970.

black Americans have also made little progress compared to whites in terms of income. According to the report, for every dollar of white income, african americans had 55 cents in 1968. Thirty-three years later, in 2001, the gap had only closed by two cents. The report notes that, at this pace, it would take 581 years to achieve income parity.

The racial breakdowns for family income are even bleaker. Median income for black families went from 60 percent of white family income in 1968, to 58 percent in 2002, the report said.

According to the report, the average black college graduate will earn $500,000 less in his or her lifetime than an average white college graduate. black high school graduates working full-time from age 25 to 64, will earn $300,000 less on average.

Avis Jones-DeWeever, study director for poverty and welfare issues at the Institute for Women?s Policy Research, a private research organization that has studied the racial disparities of welfare reform, found the wealth disparities -- measured by net worth, including income and assets, minus debts -- even more troubling. "[blacks] might not be cash poor, but they might be wealth poor," she said.

The report indicates that many black Americans are indeed "wealth poor." The average black family in 2001 had a net worth of just $19,000, including home equity, compared with $121,000 for whites. blacks also had just 16 percent of the median wealth of whites, up from five percent in 1989. At this rate, it would take until 2099 to reach median wealth parity.

"It?s very discouraging," Jones-DeWeever said. "In the 1990s, there was an increase in the black middle class, but these families still are not secure. They don?t have that wealth to serve as a Band-Aid in times of economic distress."

In related areas, like health, conditions for black Americans as a group continue to improve slowly, or not at all. In addition to the widening racial gap in infant mortality rates, the report said blacks have a nearly six-year gap in average life expectancy, having narrowed the gap only 1.81 years in the past three decades.

According to Amy Simmons, communications director for the National Association for Community Health Centers, Inc., a trade organization representing non-profit health centers, the health gap can in part be explained by the lack of quality, accessible medical care in minority communities. "Fewer babies die in a community with a community health center," she said. According to a 2003 study by George Washington University Medical Centers? School of Public Health and Health Services, states with the most health center users show "significant and positive reductions in minority health disparities." Other factors include lack of health insurance and support, especially for pregnant black women, Simmons said.

In a few areas, like education, black Americans have made greater progress. The dropout rate for black high school students has declined 44 percent since 1968, while the white dropout rate remains relatively steady. In 2002, 79 percent of blacks 25 and older had graduated from high school, compared to just 30 percent in 1968, the report said.

However, despite these gains, the statistics show that American society remains strongly racially divided in terms of economics, and that the impact of hundreds of years of black poverty, including slavery, remains powerful today.

"Although there was the rise of the middle class african american since the 1964 Civil Rights Act, not many african americans are included in that progress," said Leondar-Wright, who faults economic trends, tax policies and outright discrimination for sustaining the gap.

"Many government action in the last 20 to 25 years have encouraged money to increase for the super-rich, for the top one percent," she said. "Meanwhile the bottom half has stagnated and fallen back. That has a racial dimension because the super-rich are overwhelmingly white and the poor are disproportionately people of color."

The changes in welfare policy, and racial bias in the distribution of welfare benefits, have also contributed to the economic gap, according to the National Urban League. A 2000 study by the Chicago Urban League and The Center for Urban Economic Development at the Univ. of Illinois at Chicago found that white welfare recipients in Illinois were more likely than black recipients to be referred to educational programs. About half of the white recipients surveyed were referred to these programs, compared with only 18 percent of black recipients.

A national survey released in 2001 by the Applied Research Center, a public policy and research institute, found that case workers disproportionately assigned minorities to workfare (a program in which participants get paid in benefits), instead of providing education or job training referrals. The National Urban League released a statement in 2001 that said such findings "seem to indicate pervasive bias in the distribution of welfare benefits."

Others find the cause of economic inequality further back in America?s history. According to Jones-DeWeever, the "intergenerational transfer of wealth acquired under an unfair system," continues to be one of the greatest obstacles to economic equality. She argues that the impact of slavery, which allowed whites to accumulate wealth while blacks could not, remains today.

The lack of a long history of black wealth in America will take generations to overcome, Jones-DeWeever said. "Because of blood, sweat and hard work, a lot of the laws that led to this inequality have been torn down," she said. "But we have to get rid of this myth of everyone starting out on an equal footing. That myth will kill us as a nation."

The study?s authors argue that America cannot continue to make such slow progress. "We can?t wait 1,664 years or 150 years for racial quality," Leondar-Wright said, referring to the time it would take to achieve parity of homeownership and poverty. "We need to pick up the pace. We need to take action."

In Dr. King?s 1967 book, Where Do We Go From Here?, quoted in the report, he wrote, "When the Constitution was written, a strange formula to determine taxes and representation declared that the Negro was 60 percent of a person. Today another curious formula seems to declare he is 50 percent of a person. Of the good things in life he has approximately one-half those of whites; of the bad he has twice that of whites?Negroes have half the income of whites?There are twice as many unemployed. The rate of infant mortality?is double that of whites."

Based on the report?s findings, Dr. King could have written the same statement today.

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The Story of Coheed and Cambria
- Written by: Mark Eberle

Before you read the rest of this, I must use the introduction as a disclaimer first, and a reference second. First off I must warn everyone who reads this that past the song Devil In Jersey City no minute details are 100% accurate. Do not take this interpretation of the story as gospel. However, I feel that here I have compiled through common information and looking through the "story so far" thread the most accurate summary of events extending through the end of 2113. This is possible because I have used the interpretations that require the least amount of extrapolation possible, with the most logical links to the story being intact. If you are someone who thinks that either Claudio is trying to mess with us or there is some kind of conspiracy going on, you probably will not like this interpretation. Only facts we have been given are used here. Please feel free to comment and email me, however, do not send me or anyone your theories unless you have something legitimate to add. Don't be like most of the dummies on the message boards and say something like this: "How can Apollo answer the phone in The Ring In Return". These sorts of questions only mess up the people who actually want to have an intelligent discussion.

Have fun and I hope this becomes very informative for new and old fans alike.

* Before you get started, there are a few things you should know:
1) The songs are in sequential order.
2) After each song in italics is the name of the person whose point of view the song is from.
3) There is a list of major characters and some other common misconception-type stuff at the bottom of this page.

Comic Book:
The Bag Online Adventures: The Second Stage Turbine Blade
God created Heaven's Fence and the Keywork, a vast structure of Twelve Sectors and seventy-eight planets, all powered and held in place by giant star-transformers called the Stars of Sirius. Each sector has 7 planets, except Sectors 7 and 12 which have 9 (Sector 12 is the one with Earth). The Fence is in fact those transformers and actual visible beams of light that run through all of the planets. God created three races to live in this world, Mage, Prise, and Man. He gave Mages the right to rule over man, the man the right to live under the safety of the Mages, and he gave Prise the task of guarding the Keywork. He then left and gave a prophecy of when he'd return. A head mage was appointed to each of the Twelve Sectors, but power corrupted them leading them to disputes and wars, and also into manipulating Man as they could. When the Prise tried to intervene the Mages united against the Prise and defeated them. In the end, all of the sectors were put under the rule of Wilhelm Ryan, who would become known as the Supreme Tri-Mage.

Prise and Man realized that they couldn't just overthrow the Mages, so they realized they had to look out for when God would come. The Prise set to this task, and Man was to keep watch over the Mages. However, Man was incapable in many ways of doing so. The Prise, and a few of Man - notably Dr. Leonard Hohenberger, devised a way of watching over Mage. A new type of almost superman was created called the Interceptive Recon Operative (IRO)-Bot. The first three were Cambria (Knowledge), Coheed (Beast), and Jesse (Inferno). Jesse was a clone of Hohenberger himself (obviously with some enhanced capabilities). However, as the Mages are aware of much that goes on in the Keywork, the IRO-Bots were passed off as an anti-terrorist team. In secret though, Hohenberger and his team had come up with an ultimate weapon, the Monstar virus. If triggered, the Beast would be capable of shutting down the Stars of Sirius and bringing about chaos to the Keywork and Ryan's reign. It was more of a scare tactic, a "don't mess with us or you're screwed" type of deal. Unfortunately for Man, the secret was discovered before the KBI team was put into place. Fearing for the safety of his creations, Dr. Hohenberger wrote his team of scientists telling them to erase Coheed and Cambria's memories and to hide them with others, while Jesse was to keep his memories and remain to carry out the plan when ready. It was done, and likely Hohenberger's death was staged to be the result of the Beast going mad and killing him. Coheed and Cambria went off to live their lives, and Jesse disappeared into the unknown, and began to work on his own, creating new IRO-Bot forms to help aid Man. One of these is Chase. The IRO-Bots he has are still children. The reason why Chase was upset at the start of the comic was because Jesse had destroyed one of his IRO-Bots in the making because there was a defect with it. Some twenty years later there's a movement stirring in Sector Twelve. A mage (perhaps the head of that sector) named Mariah is beginning to challenge Ryan's power. She treats man justly as God intended, and she is called the Messiah, and she's slowly but steadily gaining a following. Ryan sees her as a grand threat, but war hasn't broken out yet. Jesse could possibly be working with Mariah.

CD: The Second Stage Turbine Blade
The Second Stage Turbine Blade
"...and with that he gave them this riddle: 'If man decides to dabble in my affairs, then guardian must intervene. But should I decide to bring my change across the face of man with you there to challenge me, then I shall return with the fires of Sirius to destroy all I have made. Whether man or I present that danger will not be told until the coming."

Time Consumer (Coheed)
Coheed and Cambria have lived in ignorance of their past lives and now reside in Sector Eleven. They've had four children: Josephine, Claudio, Maria, and Matthew. Coming out of work one day Coheed is met by Mayo Deftinwolf (seemingly an android, though he was passing himself off for a man) who says he is the general of Ryan's Red Army. He explains to Coheed what he is (as the Mages would see it, a terrorist and a threat to the Keywork). He tells him that the Monstar virus is curable, but that he passed on a mutated strain to his children called the Sinstar. This is supposedly incurable, and the children must be terminated to save the Keywork. He's "nice" enough to leave the nasty deed to Coheed, but says that if it's not done by 2:00 AM the next morning others will see to it that the job is done. He then gives Coheed a case containing poison, and tells him that a car will pick him up at 2:00 AM to take him to a starport. The ship will first fly to the Gloria vel Vessa (a space station that serves as a relay point for planet-to-space to space-to-space travel. Anyway, Coheed returns home (at 21:11) to find Cambria waiting for him (when he bumps into her it_s 21:12). Being the Knowledge, and being tied to the Beast, she overheard what Mayo told him and understands what they must do. However, Josephine has been gone and has not returned since she and Coheed got into a fight and Claudio is being naughty and is out late with his girlfriend Newo. He said he'd return around 1:00 AM, but for some reason he doesn't . . . (score!) Figuring there's not much to be done, they poison the twins, Maria and Matthew. Afterwards, they're picked up by some of Mayo's men.

Mayo's plot is to bring Coheed to Sector Twelve and to have the virus triggered so that they can shut down that sector's Star of Sirius and effectively remove it from the Keywork and thus eliminate Mariah's little rebellion while showing the other sectors that Wilhelm Ryan is still the boss and that his power is insurmountable.

Devil in Jersey City (Coheed)
On the drive to the starport, Coheed sees some boys on the corner "******** s**t up" and he immediately thinks of Josephine out there, and fears that the soldiers who find her will rape her before her termination. He then falls into a restless sleep and dreams about the soldiers and other freaks taunting her before doing the deed. During this time when he's vulnerable he's infected with the Ciache and upon waking up, seeing Cambria triggers the awakening of the virus, and he falls into a fit. He's the "bleeding b*****d" who's "down on the floor." By the end of the song he's burst awake is demanding to be taken home and save Josephine. Being too strong to restrain he breaks out of the car and makes a run for it with Cambria, and Mayo screams after him that "they'll follow you."

Everything Evil (Jesse / Coheed / Cambria)
Mayo sets up Jesse and has him invited to Coheed's house, in part "staging a reenactment". Considering Jesse was a clone of the doctor it would be a reenactment of when Coheed kills the doctor. Mayo is "waiting for everything evil in [Coheed]" to come out (because upon eye contact with Jesse the Monstar evolves). When the fight is happening (between Coheed and Jesse & his men) Josephine walks in and is killed by Coheed accidentally. Josephine then calls out to Jesse while she's dying saying to "come look at what your brother did here he did away with me". Patrick, who came home with Josephine, was also harmed. Later Claudio comes home while Cambria is trying to escape the chaos (with Patrick who is dying) and screams to him "dear Claudio, god damn-it well make it if you believe", not having a lot of time to explain the situation, and they get away. At that point the FBI busts in and tries to capture the lot of them and Coheed and Jesse escape.

Delirium Trigger (Coheed)
Not flinching from the obvious, Coheed's going delirious as the virus begins to take full effect as they're flying through space. And he eventually goes into a rampage around the ship, destroying things and killing people. The song doesn't start with a main character's point of view, it starts with one of the crew of the ship they're on. This man, unfortunately, encounters the Monstar. Coheed passes out, and awakes, coming to his senses a little. Seeing the planet Earth of Sector Twelve out the window helps to clear things up. A phone rings nearby, startling Coheed. Cambria's still with Coheed, but when he was passed out, people began to "do" things to him. Coheed rises up to being the Monstar again. I will say now that Jesse may have accompanied Coheed and Cambria on this little trip. And seeing him come to what he was built for makes him ecstatic and remembers why all this started.

Hearshot Kid Disaster (Coheed / Cambria)
Either in Delirium Trigger, or in this song, or between the two, Sector Twelve is removed from the Keywork when Coheed somehow reaches that Star of Sirius. The scream at the beginning may have something to do with the flies released in the sector to cause confusion. These kill many, including the President, and completely "bury" the area. The beginning may have to do with Wilhelm speaking to Mariah. Mariah, on the other hand, is still searching for a sign that Wilhelm was the one who brought this hell upon Earth. As things have gone against the original plan, and Mayo is in the sector, and the ship he's captain of is having some trouble.

33 (Cambria)
A chase scene, but other than that it's hard to pick up a lot of plot. Basically, Jesse, Cambria and Patrick are just trying to get away from everything.

Junesong Provision (Claudio)
Claudio fled Newo's house as the FBI basically tried to hunt him down, and Claudio's feeling really confused. Claudio returns back to his house, crossing the yellow caution tape of the neglected crime scene and returning to his hiding place. He starts writing Newo a suicide letter, but doesn't finish or send it. In other news, the Gloria vel Vessa is having some problems and is sending out distress signals. Essentially, it goes down. After getting to a stopping point in his letter to Newo, he pockets it and grabs Coheed's gun. No longer able to stand the slight of the yellow tape, the blood, or the white chalk lines, he sets the house on fire and leaves.

Neverender (Claudio)
Claudio watches from a distance as the fire destroys the house, and is in turn, put out by firefighters. He returns to the smoldering ruins, 'here in there after the fire'; burying himself amongst the ashes, gun in hand. His letter to Newo is unfinished, and he tears the bottom half of the paper off and starts a letter to his parents. Depressed and suicidal, he cries himself to sleep cradling his gun, with the letters crumpled in his other hand, tucked against his chest. He's probably having romantic thoughts of living out on his own, constantly on the run and writing to Newo. (The first four tracks in In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth:3 he dreams about, but they really did happen. It's kind of like he had visions of what was happening. He awakes in The Crowing when Ambellina, one of the Prise comes to him.)

Godsend Conspirator (Wilhelm)
This is Wilhelm thinking/talking to Mariah, and he's expressing his frustration at not having killed her. I'm thinking Jesse's conspiring with Mariah now, if he hadn't been earlier (this is at the end of the song). They hide the IRO-Bot children in the floor as they prepare for the battle that will come early in the next album against the Red Army.

IRO-Bot (Unknown)
This is about Jesse, or Hohenberger, and their IRO-Bots. Hohenberger was the "bad boy" though. But the song is about IRO-Bot's strengths, and it deals with Jesse's memories of being in the KBI (which is what I think will be described in the prequel to all of this). But it also deals with what Jesse has now.

CD: In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth: 3 (Jesse / William / Chase)
It's hours before the battle is about to begin. Jesse, in command of Mariah's rebels, is holding out on planet Earth which was lost within the dust clouds caused by the systems Star of Sirius being deactivated. The planet was ravaged by a swarm of bio-enhanced dragonflies carrying poisonous serum. The Red Army has found the hideout however, and is on their way. We start off from the point of view from a young boy, Jesse's "son", William. This boy was created before Chase, yet he is the overlooked child. Jesse favors Chase. Through the wonders of bioengineering he's been gifted with special abilities that put him at a higher intelligence and athletic ability than that of normal men. Others have been created like him, but they were put into various other positions across the Keywork, though now at the dawn of war most were brought to the home of the rebellion, Sector 12. The number of IRO-Bot children is seven. (This comes from the original lyrics, back when the song was called Upper Armories of the Third Deep. "Seven lonely children in the victims' shadow fall entirely grow hungry; victory was all they hoped for. We were one among the fence, one among the fence." wink

The rift in the sky is all that remains as a marker of the glorious beam of light, the energy that powered Earth and kept it steady within the Keywork. Jesse's war against the Mages is failing, Jesse is failing, and he's failing at what his own father, Dr. Leonard Hohenberger, had attempted to accomplish. The other IRO-Bot children are left preparing for the war they were made for, lost and confused at what they're creator pre-destined them to do. They mourn the dead of the others on the planet, they're young and innocent. The boy, our hero and the oldest, wonders if they'll all be killed in this battle and lost in the secret that is Earth. The children are called the pioneers. The boy's name is William, and he's been put in charge of the other six. William is the other IRO-Bot seen with Chase in the first SSTB comic.

As the first strike of the Red Army falls like hellfire upon them, Jesse orders his men to get to their battle stations and jackhammers, mounted turrets to help defend. He sees the battle as pretty near hopeless. He knows it was all set in motion by what happened to his brother, Coheed, it's a "sincere message from his heart" (heart being the analogy for "blood machine" wink .

As the attack commences Jesse is sort of paralyzed by a fear inspired awe. He awakes from this trance and moves. He notices that the enemy is trying to keep how they're attacking hidden, and is curious about it. He tells his men not to fire at the enemy yet, they're too far away. But his men break his orders and fire anyway, some flee. William is there as well, and he's jealous of his father's love for Chase, the "youngest one". As they're waiting he asks Jesse if he can be a hero, if he can be buried with honor like the others and not discarded. Jesse just tells him that whatever happens, he'll be better off and out of this hell soon (by dying).

As Jesse turns back to his men after talking to his son, William is overcome with a kind of emotion. He would do anything for his father, to have his father be proud of him. He would kill babies to protect the other children as well. He just wants to hear his father say that he loves him.The other children have certain roles. One's a pilot, another a navigator. One is Mariah's favorite child, and Chase is the vision that bears the gift. She's what Cambria was, the Knowledge, as William is to Coheed the Beast.

It reaches 7:00 and everyone is still in wait wondering what will happen. They're a last plea, kind of a mourning that these things have come to pass. They were all united under Heaven's Fence once, no more. There's a quiet before the storm and everyone lies in wait. Once the guitar picks up and the chorus begins again the battles started and Jesse's screaming out orders for everyone to get back into position.

Cuts Marked in the March of Men (Jesse / Chase)
Jesse's preparing his men to charge forward in a final stand. They're all uneasy, but he asks "Are you ready on my mark?" before giving the signal. The only comforts for his men are their weapons, or being in arms. They know they can't stop what they're facing, but they really have no choice other to surrender and they wish they can kill it. Sometime during this battle he finds that Chase, his "daughter" and necessary for not losing the war, was captured. He tries to call in others to help or something of the sort, but his COM link is broken. So, he turns himself over for Chase. He expects her to be returned back to his side in the exchange, and I assume that's what happened. It doesn't necessarily have to be Jesse, it could be the other boy shown at the beginning of the comic, but for my interpretation it is Jesse.

Three Evils (Embodied in Love and Shadow) (Jesse)
Jesse is being tortured by Mayo, or someone of the Red Army, who are now frustrated with Jesse not talking and giving any hints that they're looking for...and perhaps now the Red Army is demanding to know where the boy shown with Chase is. So the boy ("Picture a young boy in pieces in streets" wink they're thinking about is Chase's counterpart William and they have written Claudio off for dead already.

The Crowing (Claudio)
Claudio wakes up from his dream (covering IRO-Bot, and the first 4 tracks of IKSSE:3, all of which has actually occurred) and is greeted by Ambellina, one of the Prise, who then explains to him that he is The Crowing, the messiah who brought the only hope to save the earth, and that the Prise wishes her to watch over Claudio.

Blood Red Summer (Claudio / Jesse)
Ambellina directed Claudio to meet with his 'uncle', Jesse, the man he saw in his visions and who is in charge of man's side of the Man and Price's pact (Man watches the Mages, the Prise watches for God). The faint white figures are the visions that Claudio's having, and he's still somewhat confused. I'm guessing Ambellina couldn't explain to Claudio everything that went into the IRO-Bots, but Jesse would be better able to explain it all. The lyrics go back and forth between Jesse and Claudio (the song isn't just from one point of view, I in one case could be Claudio, and in another Jesse. Also, the "sub-lyrics" aren't all Claudio, or all Jesse). The point of view switches back and forth with the main lyrics and the sub ones. Claudio doesn't want to accept what's become his destiny, he is the reluctant hero. Jesse tells him he doesn't need to follow through, that everything could end. Claudio's question to Jesse is similar to this (we're talking about the one where Jesse replies "When the answer that you want is in the question that you state, come what may" wink . I'm guessing Jesse says to Claudio that he can't tell him everything (a child in keeping secrets from). The "so destined I am to walk among the dark" must mean that Claudio can't just wander freely anymore as if his identity is revealed, he'll be sought for by Mayo and Wilhelm, so everything has to be done in secret or under a sort of alias. The song ends with Claudio basically wishing he never had to deal with this responsibility.

The Camper Velourium (Al The Killer)
Claudio, Newo, Jesse, Chase and Ambellina hire Al to take them to House Atlantic

I: Faint Of Hearts
It's about Al's gun. (Sleep tight my love/gun) Al's a psycho; he's the kind of person who would love his gun. "My wanting just to hold your neck in my arms and feel me squeeze" - The neck is the barrel, squeeze the trigger "The sin that shapes your voice carries my ears this new disease" - The gunshot is his guns voice, and by shooting and killing someone would be the sin. "I'll touch it if you ask me to but how is up to you" - He could touch it by cleaning or caressing it which would be harmless, or he could use it to kill. "With all the words you say... you'll save"- again the words you say are gunshots, and I think Al is a good guy, just crazy, so he could save people with every gunshot. I think this whole song is introducing us to the character Al. This song while saying these almost sexual things about his gun, introduces him to us as an already crazy character, but while looking into his lyrics it almost became apparent to me, that there was some kind of murder, or some kind of killing with this gun that Al regrets. Al knows that he can use this weapon for good, and his gun kind of "taunts" him with this whole notion. While asking if someone took his guns "tongue" or the sound of the actual firing of the gun, Al contemplates why he ever put this weapon away (obviously a prized gun of his, probably a sniper rifle as mentioned in favor house, but more on that later) but as said before every time he looks at this prized weapon, this weapon that the "good eye sniper" is known for it beckons to him, asking him to pick it back up again, but he replies with things like "no I'm not going to give you what you want so if you please", so this whole dilemma is explained, and in the end it comes to a head when you realize he is indeed talking about a gun.
II: Backend of Forever
Al's feelings for Newo and her rebuttal of them, either spoken or unspoken.
III: Al The Killer
An insight into the character of Al.

A Favor House Atlantic (Claudio / Al The Killer)
Al has taken Claudio to House Atlantic to try to kill Wilhelm. They're found out and are being chased by Wilhelm's men. Al was only supposed to drop Claudio off, but Claudio knows he can't do this by himself so he asks Al to help ("Retract the footsteps that brought us to this favor, I wouldn't ask this of you" wink . Al is an expert marksman and he's providing cover for Claudio to do what he's trying to do ("Good eye sniper/ I'll shoot you run" wink . Claudio tells Newo that he needs to leave and wont be coming back ("Bye , bye beautiful, don't bother to write" wink . Wilhelm's guard is coming to get Claudio and he needs to get out of there, and Jesse is apparently mortally wounded in this altercation ("Disturbed by your words and they're calling all cars" wink . Claudio tells Newo not to write him, it be too hard for her to write and for him to think of her and also dangerous because of his possible whereabouts. I think also the "face step step down/let down" are them breaking up at the end, saying that it's over and it won't be so hard. Claudio now realizes his role as The Crowing as his destiny and realizes the danger in the situation.

The Light And The Glass (Claudio / Newo Ikkin)
We start with Claudio looking in (with his foresight) on Newo writing the letter, saying that there were so many things unsaid, and that even though Newo wasn't supposed to write the letter, this is the way she feels most comfortable and the only way she could talk about her feelings. She uses this pen and paper to "[guide] the words that [she] write", and to say the words that "don't come with ease".

Claudio's heart tugs at him reminding him of the "loves [he] left well", smiles staged in photographs would be almost a taunting term used to represent the lie of Newo and Claudio acting as if it's OK with them to break up and part ways, never to speak again. He talks to himself referring to Newo, thinking of all the times she had left the light on for him (possibly literally like him sneaking over her house or something of that nature), and now rethinks his decision of leaving her the way he did thinking he "might've tripped"

"I'll lay awake for a while", I picture it like in movies where two characters are thinking about each other at the same time, as they reenact something from their past. Claudio staying up later as if he was going to go see her, and just like old times sake she falls asleep to a light on that she left for Claudio.

As for the father being dead line, that has nothing to do with the relationship, but actually like brought up before, I think its Claudio who is now with Chase, hearing Chase crying, in possibly the next room over. He probably overhears someone in the favor house telling Chase that "your father's dead he passed in his sleep" (after his wounding in A Favor House Atlantic).

21:13 (Claudio)
Basically, this is the song Everything Evil from Claudio's point of view.

Additional Information (Stuff I want to set straight)
Major Characters:
Coheed (Beast)**
Cambria (Knowledge)**
Jesse (Inferno)**
Will (the boy seen with Chase in the SSTB comic)**
Wilhelm Ryan+
Mayo Deftinwolf+
Newo Ikkin (Claudio_s girlfriend, or ex- depending on before or after AFHA)
Ambellina (one of the Prise)
Al the Killer (helps Claudio, Newo, Chase, and (?) Ambellina get to House Atlantic)
Apollo (Newo Ikkin's dog)
Dr Hohenberger (creator of Coheed, Cambria, and Jesse)

** All of these characters are IRO-Bots.
+ These are the "bad guys"

The piano theme that plays between songs is to signify a passage of time or a shift in the story. Not necessarily someone falling asleep - ref. end of Everything Evil. Here is the summary of what happens in these themes:
Everything Evil/Delirium Trigger - Setting change
Godsend Conspirator - Claudio falls asleep
The Ring In Return - Passage of time
The Light & The Glass - Setting change and possibly passage of time (transition to next album)

Common Misconceptions/Important Stuff You Should Know: (Chronological Order)
1) Those **s above - they don't lie. ALL of these characters are IRO-Bots.
2a) IRO-Bots are *gasp* NOT actual "robots" the way we think of them. They are more like androids, they are humans with certain qualities we assign to robots, such as being able to be "repaired", but yes they are humans, meaning they live, procreate, feel emotions, and die (although they can be assembled and disassembled).
2b) On the "story so far" thread, someone mentioned the three laws of robots from I, Robot by Isaac Asimov. How this connects has been refuted, but I believe that the three laws do apply. However, because IRO-Bots are not "robots" (see 2a) they "broke all the rules" (IRO-Bot)
3) Jesse (Inferno) is the only one who knows the truth of everything that has happened so far in the story. He dies at the end of The Light & The Glass, NOT before.
4) The Monstar, as far as I can tell, is probably NOT a physical "The Hulk" type transformation. Most likely it just brings out superhuman strength-type abilities.
5) Coheed and Cambria have the Monstar virus, which is then passed down into all their children. However, the virus when passed down (a) genetically changes into a more powerful virus, called the Sinstar, (b) which only needs the carrier to reach the age of 23 in order to activate. ***The (b) part of this particular point has not been confirmed - how dangerous the Sinstar is much debated, since it's verifiability is only through Mayo, who's intentions are malicious***
6) The Monstar virus is not activated until Everything Evil when Coheed makes eye contact with Jesse.
7) Jesse is also A BOXER on the side AKA "The Prize Fighter Inferno"
cool 33 is the name/number of a ship
9) The boy who is with Chase in the SSTB comic is William, or Will as referred to in In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth: 3 (the song)
10) Al The Killer is NOT a bad guy. He is a little bizarre, but his only relevance is that he is hired to take Claudio, Newo, and (?) Ambellina to House Atlantic, where he also ends up helping them escape. Whether his character is inherently good or evil has nothing to do with the story.
11) 21:13 is Claudio remembering the events that took place during the song Everything Evil. It is basically that exact song from Claudio's perspective.
12) The Keywork (the Co/Ca "logo" wink does have geometrical significance to the story. When you look at the Keywork, the triangle is the alignment of the planets. The circles are the seven stars of Sirius, forming the Keywork that keep the planets aligned. This is because of the seven circle theorem. The lines of tangency of the circles perpendicularly bisect the triangle. If you need a picture, see the last post on (http://www.cobaltandcalcium.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=194&p=24)
13) Also read the posts on (http://www.cobaltandcalcium.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=194&p=29) by "God Knows Youve Lost" and "allLaughtersGone" - I agree with them and they also clear up a lot of misconceptions.

Thanks to YOU if you read all this, proving my hours spent formatting everything just perfectly was not just a waste of time. Also to anyone and everyone who posted on the forums, especially the "story so far" thread, where most of this was copied from. I can't list every single person I borrowed information from, but if you read this and your words are in here, my thanks go out to you more so than anyone else. Finally, thanks to RJD2, as some of his interpretations are listed here, Coheed and Cambria, the band, for making such great music and writing a hell of a story to go with it.

well,where do i start?

i joined the navy,i took the tests,i signed the forms,i got my urine checked,gave blood,and now my rank is seaman.i start basic training(boot camp) in feb.i wanna start sooner to get out of nyc,but i might not get the same job i want.(ship serviceman)

more to come....
Illuminati of Bavaria (Founded 1776)
History of the Great Seal of the United States & the ongoing growth of the Illuminati :Click Here!! (New Section)

The Writings of Adam Weishaupt and select Letters of
Correspondance between Illuminati Members :
Seal of the Illuminati
Founder of theIlluminati

Quotes By Adam Weishaupt, Founder of the Illuminati

"The tenor of my life has been the opposite of everything that is vile, and no man can lay any such thing to my charge. I have reason to rejoice that these writings have appeared. They are a vindication of the order and of my conduct. I can and must declare to God, and I do it now in the most solemn manner, that in my whole life I never saw or heard of the so much condemned secret writings, and in particular, respecting these abominable means; such as poisoning, abortion etc. Was it ever known to me in any case that any of my friends or aquaintences ever even thought of them. I was indeed always a schemer and projector, but never could engage much indetail. My general plan is good, though in the detail there may be faults. I had myself to form. In another situation, and in an active station in life, I should have been keenly occupied, and the founding of an order would have never come into my head. But I would have executed much greater things, had not government always opposed my exertions, and placed others in situations which would have suited my talents. It was the full conviction of this, and of what could be done, if every man were placed in the office for which he was fitted by nature and a proper education, which first suggested to me the plan of Illumination. I did not bring Deism into Bavaria more than into Rome. I found it here, in great vigour, more abounding than in any of the neighboring Protestant States. I am proud to be known to the world as the founder of the Illuminati." -- Adam Weishaupt

"I declare and I challenge all mankind to contradict my declaration, that no man can give any account of the order of Freemasonry, of it's origin, of it's history, of it's object, nor any explanation of it's mysteries and symbols, which does not leave the mind in total uncertainty on all these points. Every man is entitled therefore, to give any explanation of the symbols and a system of the doctrine that he can render palatable. Hence have sprung up that variety of systems, which for twenty years
has divided the order. The simple tale of the English, and the fifty degrees of the French, and the Knights of Baron Hunde, are equally authentic, and have equally had the support of intelligent and zealous brethren. These systems are in fact but one. They have all sprung from the Blue Lodge of three degree; Take these for their standard and found on these all the improvements by which each system is afterwards suited to the particular object which it keeps in view. There is no man, nor system in the world, which can show, by undoubted sucession, that it should stand as the head of the order. Our ignorance in this particular frets me. Do but consider our short history of 120 years - Who will show me the Mother Lodge? Those of London we have discovered to be self-erected in 1716. Ask for their archives. They tell you they were burnt. They have nothing but the wretched sophistications of the Englishman Anderson, and the Frenchman Desaguilliers. Where is the Lodge of York, which pretends to the priority, with their King Boudin, and the archives that he brought from the East? These too are all burnt. What is the chapter of old Aberdeen and it's holy clericate? Did we not find it unknown, and the Mason Lodges there the most ignorant of all the ignorant, gaping for instruction from our deputies? Did we not find the same thing at London? And have not their missionaries been among us, prying into our mysteries, and eager to learn from us what is true Masonry? It is in vain therefore to appeal to judges; they are nowhere to be found; all claim for themselves the sceptre of the Order; all indeed are on an equal footing. They obtained followers, not from their authenticity, but from their conductiveness, to the end which they proposed, and from the importance of that end. It is by this scale that we must measure the mad and wicked explanations of the Rosycrucions, the exorcists and Cabalists. These are rejected by all good Masons, because incompatible with social happiness. Only such systems as promote this are retained. But alas, they are all sadly deficient, because they leave us under the domination of political and religious prejudices; and they are as inefficient as the sleepy dose of an ordinary sermon." - Adam Weishaupt

"But I have contrived an explanation which has every advantage; is inviting to christians of every communion; gradually frees them from all religious prejudices; cultivates the social virtues; and animates them by a great, a feasable, a speedy prospect of universal happiness, in a state of liberty and moral equality, freed from the obstacles which subordination, rank, and riches, continually throw in our way. My explanation is accurate and complete, my means are effectual, and irresistable. Our secret association works in a way that nothing can withstand, and man shall soon be free and happy." - Adam Weishaupt

"This is the great object held out by this association; and the means of attaining it is illumination, enlightening the understanding by the sun of reason which will dispell the clouds of superstition and of prejudice. The proficients in this order are therefore justly named the Illuminated. And of all illumination which human reason can give, none is comparable to the discovery of what we are, our nature, our obligations, what happiness we are capable of, and what are the means of attaining it. In comparison with this, the most brilliant sciences are but amusements for the idle and luxurious. To fit man by illumination for active virtue, to engage him to it by the strongest motives, to render the attainment of it easy and certain, by finding employement for every talent, and by placing every talent in it's proper sphere of action, so that all, without feeling any extraordinary effort, and in conjuction with, and in completion of ordinary business, shall urge forward with united powers, the general task. This indeed will be an employement suited to noble natures, grand in it's views, and delightful in it's exercise." - Adam Weishaupt

"And what is this general object? The happiness of the human race. But where are the proper persons, the good, the generous and the accomplished to be found? And how, and by what strong motives, are they to be induced to be engaged, in a task so vast, so incessant, so difficult and so laborious? This association must be gradual. There are some such persons to be found in every society. Such noble minds will be engaged by the heart warming object. The first task of the association must therefore be to form the young members. As these multiply and advance, they become the apostles of beneficence, and the work is now on foot, and advances witha speed increasing every day. The slightest observation shows that nothing will so much contribute to increase the zeal of the members as secret union. We see with what keenness and zeal the frivolous business of Freemasons is conducted, by persons knit together by the secrecy of their union. Let this circumstance of our constitution therefore be directed to this noble purpose, and then all the objections urged against it by jealous tyranny and affrighted superstition will vanish. The order will thus work silently, and sucurely, and though the generous benefactors of the human race are thus deprived of the applause of the world, they have the noble pleasure of seeing their work prosper." -- Adam Weishaupt

Spartacus (Weishaupt) to Cato (Zwack, A Lawyer)
"Nothing would be more profitable to us than a right history of mankind. Despotism has robbed them of their liberty. How can the weak obtain protection? Only by union; but this is rare. Nothing can bring this about but hidden societies. Hidden schools of wisdom are the means which will one day free men from their bonds. These have in all ages been the archives of nature, and the rights of men; and by them shall human nature be raised from her fallen state. Princes and nations shall vanish from the earth. The human race will then become one family, and the world will be the dwelling of Rational Men." -- "Morality alone can do this. The head of every family will be what Abraham was, the patriarch, the priest and the unlettered lord of his family, and Reason will be the code of laws to all mankind. This is our great secret. True, there maybe some disturbance; but by and by the unequal will become equal; and after the storm all will be calm. Can the unhappy consequences remain when the grounds of dissention are removed? Rouse yourselves therefore, O men! Assert your rights; and then will reason rule with unpercieved sway, and all shall be happy."
"Morality will perform all this; and Morality is the fruit of Illumination. Duties and rights are reciprocal. Where octavious has no right, Cato owes him no duty. Illumination shows us our rights, and Morality follows; that Morality which teaches us to be of age, to be out of wardenship, to be full grown, and to walk without the leading-strings of Priests and Princes."
"Jesus of Nazareth, the Grand Master of our order, appeared at a time when the world was in the utmost Disorder, and among a people who for ages had groaned under the yolk of Bondage. He taught them the lessons of reason. To be more effective, he took the aid of Religion--of opinions which were current--and in a very clever manner, he combined his secret doctrines with he popular religion, and with the customs which lay to his hand. In these he wrapped up his lessons --he taught by parables. Never did any prophet lead men so easily and so securely along the road to liberty. He concealed the precious meaning and consequences of his doctrines; but fully disclosed them to a chosen few. He speaks of a kingdom of the upright and faithful; His Father's kingdom, who's children we also are. Let us only take liberty and equality as the great aims of his doctrines, and Morality as the way to attain it, and everything in the New Testament will be comprehensible; and Jesus will appear as the Redeemer of slaves. Man has fallen from the condition of Liberty and Equality, the STATE OF PURE NATURE. He is under subordination and civil bondage, arising from the vices of man. This is the FALL, and ORIGINAL SIN. The KINGDOM OF GRACE is that restoration which may be brought about by Illumination and a just Morality. This is the NEW BIRTH. When man lives under government, he is fallen, his worth is gone, and his nature tarnished. By subdoing our passions, or limiting their cravings, we may recover a great deal of our original worth, and live in a state of grace. Thius is the redemption of men--this is accomplished by Morality; and when this is spread over the world, we have THE KINGDOM OF THE JUST."
"But alas! the task of self-formation was too hard for the subjects of the Roman empire, corrupted by every species of profligacy. A chosen few recieved the doctrines in secret, and they have been handed down to us (but frequently almost buried under rubbish of man's invention) by the Freemasons. These three conditions of human society are expressed by the rough, the split, and the polished stone. The rough stone, and the one that is split, express our condition under government; rough by every fretting inequality of condition; and split since we are no longer one family; and are farther divided by differences of government, rank, property, and religion; but when reunited in one family we are represented by the polished stone. G is Grace, the Flaming Star is the Torch of Reason. Those who possess this knowledge are indeed Illuminati. Hiram is our fictitious Grand Master, slain for the REDEMPTION OF SLAVES; the Nine Masters are the Founders of the Order. Freemasonry is a Royal Art, inasmuch as it teaches us to walk without trammels, and to govern ourselves."

Spartacus (Weishaupt) to Cato (Zwack, a lawyer) --Feb. 6th, 1778
" 'Mon but est de faire la Raison' As a subordinate object I shall endeavor to gain security to ourselves, a backing in case of misfortunes, and assistance from without. I shall therefore press the cultivation of science, especially such sciences as may have an influence on our reception in the world, and may serve to remove obstacles out of the way. We have to struggle with pedantry, with intolerance, with divines and statesmen, and above all princes and priests are in our way. Men are unfit as they are, and must be formed; each class must be the school of trial for the next. This will be tedious, because it is hazardous. In the last classes I propose academies under the direction of the order. This will secure us the assistence of the literati. Science shall here be the lure. Only those who are assuredly proper subjects shall be picked out from the inferior classes for the higher mysteries, which contain the first principles and means of promoting a happy life. No religionist must, on any account, be admitted into these. For here we work at the discovery and exterpation of superstition and prejudices. The instructions shall be so conducted that each shall disclose what he thinks he conceals in his own breast, what are his ruling propensities and passions, and how far he has advanced in the command of himself. This will answer all the purposes of auricular confession. And in particular, every person shall be made a spy on another and on all around him. Nothing can escape our site; by these means we shall readily discover who are contented, and recieve with relish the peculiar stated doctrines and religious opinions that are laid before them; and at last, the trustworthy alone will be admitted to a participation of the whole maxims and political constitutions of the order. In a council composed of such members, we shall labor at the contrivance of means to drive by degrees the enemies of reason and of humanity out of the world. and to establish a peculiar morality and religion fitted for the great society of mankind."

Spartacus (Weishaupt) to Cato (Zwack, a lawyer)
"By this plan we shall direct all mankind. In this manner, and by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames. The occupations must be so allotted and contrived, that we may, in secret, influence all political transactions. I have considered everything, and so prepared it that if the order should this day go to ruin, I shall in one year re-establish it more brilliant than ever. Nor will it signify though all should be betrayed and printed. I am so certain of sucess, in spite of all obstacles (for the springs are in every heart) that I am indifferent, though it should involve my life and my liberty. But I have the art to draw advantage even from misfortune, and when you would think me sunk to the bottom, I shall rise with new vigour. Who would have thought, that a professor at Ingolstadt was to become the teacher of the professors of Gottingen and of the greatest men in Germany?"

Spartacus (Weishaupt) to Cato (Zwack, a lawyer) (Speaking of the Priests Degree)
"One would almost imagine, that this degree, as I have managed it , is genuine Christianity, and that it's end was to free the jews from slavery. I say, that Freemasonry is concealed Christianity. My explanation of the heiroglyphics, at least, proceeds on this supposition; and as I explain things, no man need be ashamed of being a Christian. Indeed, I afterwards throw away this name and substitute reason. But I assure you this is no small affair; A new religion, and a new state-government, which so happily explain one and all of these symbols, and combines them in one degree. You may think that this is my chief work; but I have three other degrees, all different, for my class of higher mysteries, in comparison with which this is but child's play; but these I keep for myself as General, to be bestoyed by me only. Were you here I should give you this degree without hesitation. But it is too important to be trusted to paper, or to be bestowed otherwise than from my own hand. It is the key to history, to religion, and to every state government in the world."

Minos to Sebastian
"The proposal of Hercules to establish a Minerval school for girls is excellent, but requires much circumspection. Philo and I have long conversed on this subject. We cannot improve the world without improving women, who have such a mighty influence on the men. But how shall we get hold of them? How will their relations, particularly their mothers, immersed in prejudice, consent that others shall influence their education? We must begin with grown girls. Hercules proposes the wife of Ptolemy Magus. I have no objection, and I have four step-daughters, fine girls. The oldest in particular is excellent. She is twenty-four, has read much, is above all prejudices, and in religion she thinks as I do. It may immediately be a very pretty Society, under the management of Ptolemy's wife, but really under his management. You must contrive pretty degrees and dresses, and ornaments, and elegant and decent rituals. No man must be admitted. This will make them become more keen, and they will go much farther than if we were present, or than if they thought that we knew of their preceedings. Leave them to the scope of their own fancies, and they will soon invent mysteries which will put us to the blush, and create an enthusiasm which we can never equal. They will be our great apostles. Reflect on the respect, nay the awe and terror inspired by the female mystics of antiquity. (Think of the Danaids--think of the Theban Bacchantes.) Ptolemy's wife must direct them, and she will be instructed by Ptolemy, and my step-daughters will consult with me. We must always be at hand to prevent the introduction of any improper question. We must prepare themes for their discussion--thus we shall confess them, and inspire them with our sentiments. No man however must come near them. This will fire their roving fancies and we may expect rare mysteries. But I am doubtful whether this Association will be durable. Women are fickle and impatient. Nothing will please them but hurrying from degree to degree, through a heap of insignificant ceremonies, which will soon lose their novelty and influence. To rest seriously in one rank, and to be still and silent when they have found out that the whole is a cheat (hear the words of an experienced Mason) is a task of which they are incapable. They have not our motives to perservere for years, allowing themselves to be led about, and even then to hold their tongues when they find out that they have been decieved. Nay there is a risk that they may take into their heads to give things an opposite turn, and then, by voluptuous allurements, heightened by affected modesty and decency, which give them an irresistable empire over the best men, they may turn our Order upside down, and in their turn will lead the new one."

Philo (Baron Von Knigg) To Cato (Zwack, a lawyer)
"We must consider the ruling propensities of every age of the world. At present the cheat and tricks of the priests have roused all men against them, and against Christianity. But, at the same time superstition and fanaticism rule with unlimited domination, and the understanding of man really seems to be going backwards. Our task, therefore, is doubled. We must give such an account of things, that fanatics shall not be alarmed, and that shall, not withstanding, excite a spirit of free inquiry. We must not throw away the good with the bad, the child with the dirty water, but we must make the secret doctrines of Christianity be recieved as the secrets of genuine Free Masonry. But farther, we have to deal with the despotism of Princes. This increases every day. But then, the spirit of freedom breathes and sighs in every corner, and, by the assistance of hidden schools of wisdom, Liberty, and Equality, the imprescribable rights of man, warm and glow in every breast. We must therefore unite these extremes. We proceed in this manner."
"Jesus Christ established no new religion; he would only set religion and reason in their ancient rights. For this purpose he would unite men in a common bond. He would fit them for this by spreading a just morality, by enlightning the understanding, and by assisting the mind to shake off all prejudices. He would teach all men, in the first place, to govern themselves. Rulers would then be needless, and equality and liberty would take place without any revolution, by the natural and gentle operation of reason and expediency. This great teacher allows himself to explain every part of the Bible in conformity to these purposes; and he forbids all wrangling among his scholars, because every man may there find a reasonable application to his peculiar doctrines. I told you, says he, but you could not bear it. Many therefore were called, but few were chosen. To these elect were trusted the most important secrets; and even among them there were degrees of information. There was a seventy and a twelve. all this was in the natural order of things, and according to the habits of the jews, and indeed of all antiquity. The Jewish theosophy was a mystery, like the Eleusinian or the Pythagorian, unfit for the vulgar, and thus the doctrines of Christianity were committed to the adepti, in a disciplina arcani. By these they were maintained, like the vestal fire. They were kept up, only in hidden societies, who handed them down to posterity; and they are now possessed by the Genuine Freemasons."

Quotes From the Writings of the Illuminati

"These powers are despots, when they do not conduct themselves by it's principles; and it is therefore our duty to surround them with it's members, so that the profane may have no access to them. Thus we are able most powerfully to promote it's interests. If any person is more disposed to listen to Princes than to the Order, he is not fit for it, and must rise no higher. We must do our utmost to procure the advancement of the Illuminati into all important civil offices."

"Rulers who are members must be promoted through the ranks of the order only in proportion as they acknowledge the goodness of it's great object, and manner of procedure. It's object may be said to be the checking of tyranny and princes, nobles and priests, and establishing a universal equality of condition and of religion."

"For the Order wishes to be secret, and to work in silence, for thus it is better secured from the oppression of the ruling powers, and because this secrecy gives a greater zest to the whole."

"It will be of great service, and procure us both much information and money, and will suit charmingly the taste of many of our truest members, who are lovers of the sex. It should consist of two classes , the virtuous and the freer hearted; they must not know of each other, and must be under the direction of men, but without knowing it. Proper books must be put into their hands, and such (but secretly) as are flattering to their passions."

"We must allow the underlings to imagine (but without telling them the truth) that we direct all the Free Mason lodges, and even all others, and that the greatest Monarchs are under our guidance, which indeed is here and there the case."

"There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women. These should therefore be our chief study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public opinion, and of standing up for themselves; it will be an immense relief to their enslaved minds to be freed from any one bond of restraint, and it will fire them the more, and cause them to work for us with zeal, without knowing that they do so, for they will only be indulging their own desire of personal admiration."

"We must win the common people in every corner. This will be obtained chiefly by means of the schools, and by open, hearty behaviour, show, condescention, popularity, and toleration of their prejudices, which we shall at leisure root out and dispel."

"If a writer publishes anything that attracts notice, and is in itself just, but does not accord with our plan, we must endeavor to win him over, or decry him."

"The great strength of our Order lies in it's concealment, let it never appear in any place in it's own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Freemasonry, the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Freemasonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our hands. By establishing Reading Societies, and subscription libraries, and taking these under our direction, and supplying them through our labours, we may turn the public mind which way we will."

"A literary society is the most proper form for the introduction of our order into any state where we are yet strangers."

"The power of the Order must surely be turned to the advantage of it's members. All must be assisted. They must be preferred to all persons otherwise of equal merit. Money, services, honory goods and blood, must be expended for the fully proved brethren, and the unfortunate must be relieved by the funds of the society."

History of the Great Seal of the United States &
the ongoing growth of the Illuminati :

Only a short period before the "Founding Fathers" had adopted the "Seal of the Illuminati", as part of the "Great Seal", they had several different ideas and versions of the proposed "Seal". The following three designs were put reviewed by the First Committee in 1776, but they did not adopt the Illuminati Seal at this time. However, the Great Seal says, "1776" in Roman Numerals. That is because the Founding of the Illuminati was in 1776.

Du Simitière's sketch of his proposal: Pierre Eugène Du Simitière was a curious character. As a talented artist skilled in heraldry, he designed the state seals of Delaware, Georgia, and Virginia. As an avid collector of all things American, he started the first American museum. This sketch is part of the Library
of Congress U.S. Capitol Exhibit, "A More Perfect Union: Symbolizing the National Union of States." (Taken from the "Great Seal" website - to Go There - Click Here)

First committee's choice for the Great Seal : On August 20th, the committee made its report: A shield with emblems of the six European cultures that migrated to America: three for Britain (English rose, Scottish thistle, Irish harp) and three for continental Europe (French fleur-de-lis, German eagle, Belgic lion).
Supporting the shield: the Goddess of Liberty, who holds a spear and wears the Phrygian cap, and the Goddess of Justice with her balance. (Also from the same site)

This first committee's choice for the reverse was basically Jefferson's revision of Franklin's proposal: "Pharaoh sitting in an open Chariot, a Crown on his head and a Sword in his hand passing through the divided Waters of the Red Sea in Pursuit of the Israelites: Rays from a Pillar of Fire in the Cloud, expressive of the divine Presence and Command, beaming on Moses who stands on the shore and extending his hand over the Sea causes it to overwhelm Pharaoh. Motto: Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God."

The Second Committee was led by Francis Hopkinson. In 1776 he helped design the Great Seal of New Jersey, and he created the American flag that Congress adopted on June 14, 1777. Prior to that, he had signed the Declaration of Independence as a delegate from New Jersey. He had designed a $40 & a $50 Bill in 1778. On the $40 Bill, the rays of light shining from the radiant eye suggest a pyramid as they illuminate what appears to be a sacrificial alter with a flame that is surrounded by thirteen stars. Here is a picture of them both :


The Third Committee was led by William Barton and he submitted this design for the reverse side of the Great seal :

It is suggested that the $50 Bill above was the inspiration for the design of the reverse side of the Great Seal. I don't know whether this is true or not, but it seems awfully suspicious if the Final Design for the Great Seal, which we have today, was actually the original "Seal of the Illuminati" as discovered on the documents which were recovered by the Elector of Bavaria, and today reside in the British Museum and Louvre Museum. According to Jordan Maxwell, this is where they are today. Someone should get a picture of them for comparison.


"Arms of the United States" - Columbian Magazine — Philadelphia, 1786
James Trenchard's engravings are the first realizations of the Great Seal. A realization is a drawing of a seal based on its blazon, the written heraldic description.

(Everything about the history of the great Seal, and all images are taken from the Great Seal Website. What is interesting to note in the last two pictures here is that they both come from a magazine entitled "Columbian Magazine". What most people don't know about is the "Columbian Faction of the Illumniati" that came here to America in the mid to late 1700's. There is a little known book published in the late 1700's titled "A Full Exposition of the Clintonian Faction of the Columbian Illuminati and an account of his certificate men". - This is where we get the Columbia Space Shuttle, Columbia University, and Columbia Broadcasting.)

Then the Site goes on to say : According to its official history, the Great Seal was not designed by Masons. And according to the Masons themselves, the Great Seal is not a Masonic symbol. (Is this not more evidence?) From the official Masons, a quote "The first "official" use and definition of the all-seeing eye as a Masonic symbol seems to have come in 1797 with The
Freemasons Monitor of Thomas Smith Webb -- 14 years after Congress adopted the design for the seal". . From "The Eye in the Pyramid" - To read the Full Txet - Click Here!!


There were many Freemasons on the Continent at the time of the Revolutionary war. This is well known, as it is well known that many of the founding fathers were, themselves, Freemasons. But the following two points are not so well known :
1. That George Washington made remarks concerning the Illuminati that were quoted from him and included in the diaries. He indicated that the Illuminati were a threat to the Colonial Army.
2. That Adam Weishaupt had directly stated, as an objective of the Illuminati, that they were to infiltrate the Masonic ranks and aquire the majority of their members from this method. Such as by luring with mysteries and promises of a Secret Society which even outranks the Masons.

Has the Illuminati continued to grow. Just look at the connections in the following symbolism :

Columbia Broadcasting & Columbia Motion Pictures (Do they know something you don't?)

British Intelligence - MI5

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