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أنا أكره أنت كثيرا
o v e s y d n e y: "i have no clothes" she says griping her wings covering he body
Naoto1945: *covers hiseyes*
Naoto1945: uhh srry
l o v e s y d n e y: rolls her eyes
Naoto1945: *turns away*
Santriel_Kira: :runs to the source: What's going on..? : sees the naked woman: Rape?
l o v e s y d n e y: "no"
Chickoa: -runs over to Lovesydney and hands her some clothes-
Naoto1945: no not even close
chyanne2000: *I sees the cloths and goes and retrieves them
Santriel_Kira: biggrin oesn't cover his eyes and just stares very obviously: So what's going on?
l o v e s y d n e y: she blushes now as her wings disaper
chyanne2000: here they are
Naoto1945: jeez have some respect for wemon now
l o v e s y d n e y: "i lost my clothes in the wind " she gets dresed
Naoto1945: women*
Santriel_Kira: :keeps staring, not even trying to hide the fact that he was, then cocks his brow at Naoto: I respect women plenty, including their bodies, you should appreciate
Santriel_Kira: a beauty when you see one, quit acting like a virgin wuss.
l o v e s y d n e y: she took in a deep breath
l o v e s y d n e y: her face was turning back to normal
Chickoa: -nods to sydney- Are you okay now?
Naoto1945: *im not and im tryingto rspect her pirvicy
Naoto1945: respect*
Chickoa: Hey
l o v e s y d n e y: she nods back
Chickoa: stop
Naoto1945: *turns around*
Chickoa: I'm glad your okay Syd
chyanne2000: Naoto you asked about this* hold tyh tag it read<Propety of:and the name was scratched away*
l o v e s y d n e y: her face turns red again as they start talking about her again
Naoto1945: *looks at the tag
Naoto1945: *looks up t sydney
l o v e s y d n e y: she tried to cover her face with her hair and she ran off back into the forest
Santriel_Kira: Okay whatever. :walks away from Naoto towards Sydney: Too bad you already finished, it's no fun enjoying a hot spring by yourself.
Naoto1945: now wat was the screaming about?
Chickoa: -backs away from her bumping into San and squeeks turning around- Excuse me sir. I'm sorry.
Santriel_Kira: :watches Sydney turn red and run off, making him grin slightly: Cute. :looks at Syd's scale he had again:
Naoto1945: ((i hate this kebored))
l o v e s y d n e y: "i had lost my clothes and noone was around"
l o v e s y d n e y: "whats was a sapost to do!!" she said to her self
chyanne2000: I'm glad I could help by getting them for you
Naoto1945: *walks away*
Santriel_Kira: :grunts and stumbles a little as he is bumped into: Ow...careful. : he said, almost dropping the scale:
l o v e s y d n e y: (you know shes talking to her self alone in the forest?"
l o v e s y d n e y: )
chyanne2000: *walksfter Naoto
Naoto1945: *dissappers behind a tree
Naoto1945: *
Chickoa: I'm sorry Sir. It was my fault
Chickoa: Forgive me for my clumseness.
chyanne2000: *stops realizing she doesn't see him anymore*
Santriel_Kira: :Seems satisfied with the apology and then walks along after Sydney:
l o v e s y d n e y: she sat down aginst a tree , now going back to the sight of San looking at her,
l o v e s y d n e y: she blushed again
chyanne2000: Naoto?
Santriel_Kira: So you're a dragon huh? : he spoke up as he approached here casually as if he had NOT just seen her nude:
Naoto1945: continues wlking*
l o v e s y d n e y: "no olny part"
Naoto1945: *is in deep thought*
Santriel_Kira: What's the other part? :he asks, standing behind her, wings retracted for the moment:
l o v e s y d n e y: "demon and angel" she stood and turned to him
l o v e s y d n e y: he eyes not making contact with anypart of him
Santriel_Kira: :he arches a brow, twirling the scale between his fingers: So you are made of three species? That's pretty uncommon.
l o v e s y d n e y: "im the olny hybrid left" she looked up to his eyes "there was one other a few years back but he died"
Chickoa: -sighs and moved along to the dock collapsing through the dock-
Santriel_Kira: What happened to the rest? :he asks, hard golden gaze staring directly into hers, piercing: Do you come from some sorta tribe where it was common?
l o v e s y d n e y: no my mother was a slut
chyanne2000: *sighs walks back to the fire
Santriel_Kira: :Couldn't help giving a chuckle at that: I see,so the others were killed or hunted I'm assuming? :steps closer to her:
Naoto1945: *continues walking not noing where he is going*
Chickoa: -squeeks and grips the dock climbing out of the water-
l o v e s y d n e y: and her mother before her
Santriel_Kira: Seems like you didn't respect her much, not that I would either...:though he didn't have a mother:
Naoto1945: *lloks around*
l o v e s y d n e y: no it was just me and him , dont get any ideas he was y brother
l o v e s y d n e y: *brother
Naoto1945: looks*
Santriel_Kira: I'm not in any place to judge family matters, when it comes to that my family is the most ******** up there is, literally. : he said, tapping the scale against his da
Santriel_Kira: dark lip: We're all freaks.
Chickoa leaves the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: "i know what you mean " her eyes droped the the ground again she sighed
Naoto1945: *turns*
Santriel_Kira: Our birth's weren't even natural, nothing about us is except maybe the blood of the ancestors that were chosen. :stands in front of her close, staring down at her:
Naoto1945: chyann- whered she go?
chyanne2000: *sits down sadly
Santriel_Kira: You may be a mutt but if you think that makes you freakish you really have no idea. : grasps her chi nand tilts her head up to look at him:
l o v e s y d n e y: she looked up to his face closer to hers "sadly ours was "naturaly" done "
l o v e s y d n e y: her mouth hung open just a bit to his under standing
Santriel_Kira: :Grins slightly: I wish I could say the same, perhaps being in the warmth of a mother's womb may have had some effect on my ******** up family.
Santriel_Kira: But we didn't get that, our single parent doesn't even acknowledge our existance. : keeps her chin held tightly:
l o v e s y d n e y: she sawallows "thats not good" she couldnt think of anything else to say
Naoto1945 leaves the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: the shock had taken over her
Santriel_Kira: No, but I've gotten over it, I don't need parents anyway, all we really need is ourselves, in the end. :grins more at her shock and leans down to steal a kiss:
Dragon4111 enters the chat.
Santriel_Kira: (******** I gotta do something quick brb >>; )
l o v e s y d n e y: her face lit up as his lips touched hers her right arm raced up his to his shoulder the other lifted to his hip (mmk)
Santriel_Kira: :since the response was positive he keeps kissing her, both arms wrapping around her waist, tugging her against him, deepening the kiss:
Santriel_Kira: (We're Rping smarty)
Hotaru225: mmk
xyphila: woah...un expected
l o v e s y d n e y: she kissed back enjoying
xyphila: >>
l o v e s y d n e y: her right and sliped up to his face and her left to his shouldr
xyphila: im out...i dont rp this way
xyphila leaves the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: (....)
Hotaru225: me to.......
Hotaru225 leaves the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: (WTF?)
Santriel_Kira: (Rightttt..)
l o v e s y d n e y: (anywasy...)
Santriel_Kira: :his wings unfurl again on their own accord as he adds tongue in the kiss, leaning her against a nearby tree:
Santriel_Kira: (meh their loss >> )
Coud Uchiha enters the chat.
Coud Uchiha leaves the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: (wow)
l o v e s y d n e y: she feels a tree against her back and the toung in her mouth she blushed again, both hands on his face
Santriel_Kira: :keeps slying adding more tongue in, rubbing it against hers, warm firm chest to hers, yeah he was just as much of a shameless slut sometimes:
l o v e s y d n e y: she enjoyed it and ran a hand throught his hair , guiding its way to his face she could feel the heart of his body up aginst hers
l o v e s y d n e y: the blood was rushing.
determined player enters the chat.
Santriel_Kira: :muffles a groan, parting a moment, though his warm dark lips were against hers as he spoke: I have a confession to make.
determined player leaves the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: she spoke back softly "what might it be?"
RoseMinamoto144 enters the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: (hi)
Santriel_Kira: I'm a whore too, and if you don't stop me when you want it to, *I* won't stop. : he warns her, lightly kissing her mouth again:
RoseMinamoto144: (hi)
l o v e s y d n e y: she pullls her head back a bit "i guess life just runs in circles" she brushed her lips to his "dont worry"
Santriel_Kira: (hello)
RoseMinamoto144: (hi)
Santriel_Kira: Truth be told, I was designed this way...one of my main purposes. :sucks in a breath and nuzzles her neck, kissing it warmly: Was to breed.
l o v e s y d n e y: she rested her head back aginst the tree "well as much as i hate my mother i guess im going to be like her"
Lycan_Gard enters the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: (hi)
RoseMinamoto144 leaves the chat.
Lycan_Gard: yo
Santriel_Kira: :smirks faintly: Heh even if we may hate our parents it's very common for us to follow their paths, you've done this before? I'm sure I've been around much more tha
Santriel_Kira: than you. : he said against her neck, eyes glinting with a faint trace of anger at the memories:
dark yuna29 enters the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: "one of the many times" she let out a deep sigh "im not new to it"
Santriel_Kira: Me neither, but we only live once huh? We're allowed to enjoy it as much as we can. : he said, sliding his hand down her hip and rubbing against it sucking lightly:
l o v e s y d n e y: she moaned softly "i know what you mean" and her hands moved to his neck
dark yuna29 leaves the chat.
Santriel_Kira: So lets enjoy it..:he mumbles giving a little n** to the mark he made other hand sliding along up her belly towards her chest:
Lycan_Gard leaves the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: she could felt his hand rush up her belly she moaned a bit louder
l o v e s y d n e y: (BRB)
Santriel_Kira: (Righto)
Santriel_Kira: :grins faintly, hand brushing her breast and then grasps and lightly squeezes gliding his teeth along her collar bone:
l o v e s y d n e y: (bak)
geewayisthesex120 enters the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: she starts to pant from the pleasure
l o v e s y d n e y: (hi there)
geewayisthesex120: (me?...uh....hi)
l o v e s y d n e y: (******** brb)
Santriel_Kira: :licks lips thumb running over the breast, pausing when he felt a familair vibrate against his belt though tries to ignore it tugging her top off:
Santriel_Kira: (allrighties)
geewayisthesex120 leaves the chat.
noguira enters the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: (bak and hi)
noguira: ( uh hey)
Minyotto enters the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: she gasped as he did so .
Minyotto: (hi)
l o v e s y d n e y: (hi)
Minyotto: (can i stil join?)
l o v e s y d n e y: (yea but umm .......you are kinda on your own)
Minyotto: (...k np)
Santriel_Kira: :about to take off her bra but the phone vibrates again and he curses, glaring down at it: ******** off..:he swears at it face
Santriel_Kira: lowered,nuzzled against her chest:
l o v e s y d n e y: she sighed just leaning aginst the tree helpless "are you sure you dont need to answer it?"
Santriel_Kira: It's just the Doctor, and I know what he wants...:grabs the phone and chucks it to the side somewhere: He can punish me later. :lightly bites her breast:
l o v e s y d n e y: she gasps from the bite "oh okay"
noguira leaves the chat.
Coud Uchiha: Hi
Santriel_Kira: I'm tempted not to give him your scale just to spite him...:he whispered before tugging off her bra, kissing the bare flesh, nuzzling his nose down her stomach:
l o v e s y d n e y: (if you want to join you are on your own)
Santriel_Kira: (allo)
Kynxah enters the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: "go ahead" she gasped again from him removing her bra "its always fun to mess with people"
l o v e s y d n e y: her breathing deepened
l o v e s y d n e y: (hi if you want to join you are on your own orwith courd uchiha
l o v e s y d n e y: )
Coud Uchiha: coud!!!
Santriel_Kira: Only problem is my a** will get reemed for it but....might be worth it later. :fingers slip into her bottoms and pull them down, licking along her thigh:
l o v e s y d n e y: SHe moans as he slids down her skirt
l o v e s y d n e y: (right coud)
l o v e s y d n e y: "right later "
Kuro Hime Hekate enters the chat.
Santriel_Kira: :fingers loop in her panties and start to slowly pull them down: He'll be even more pissed when he finds out I was doing this with a woman..
l o v e s y d n e y: she moaned louder "why?"
Santriel_Kira: He hates women....with a passion. : he whispered, sliding them all the way down to her ankles: Spread your legs.
l o v e s y d n e y: she did as he said "so hes gay?"
Santriel_Kira: Yes, the worst kind. :rubs his warm hands up the inners of her thighs before leaning up between slowly running his hot tongue along her slit:
Kuro Hime Hekate: (hey, can I join?)
Coud Uchiha leaves the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: she moans more "wow"
Kynxah leaves the chat.
l o v e s y d n e y: (sure?)
Santriel_Kira: (You can try though Santriel might get cranky if you interrupt him heh )
Santriel_Kira: We were all supposed to be that way too but...I developed a liking for both. : he whispered, fingers parting her 'lips' and delving his tongue deep in:
l o v e s y d n e y: "good " she moaned practily yelling she started lets out some
l o v e s y d n e y: *letting
Santriel_Kira: Heh obviously. : continues licking the most intimate parts of her inserting a finger inside making sure he got her good and wet for him:
Kuro Hime Hekate: (ok, could I get a recap when someone has a free minute?)
l o v e s y d n e y: she was lettting it all out moaning and yelling
Santriel_Kira: (Basically our two people met, talked, and now they're getting intimate becuz they're both kinda whorish )
l o v e s y d n e y: (yea that)
Santriel_Kira: (And they are in the middle of a forest doing this)
l o v e s y d n e y: (HAZZA I AM FINSHED WITH ZE PUZZLE)
Santriel_Kira: (I'm finishing my third puzzle :3 )
l o v e s y d n e y: (OMG i got 69 gold how ironic)
Santriel_Kira: (yeah it kinda is..)
l o v e s y d n e y: (im slow with puzzles)
l o v e s y d n e y: (> biggrin )
Santriel_Kira: :retracts his tongue, finger sliding out: Sounds like you're ready for me, or do you want more of this? : he asks, licking his lips, tasting her on them:
Santriel_Kira: (It's cool, I just do the same ones all the time, it takes too long if you try the new ones)
l o v e s y d n e y: (true true)
l o v e s y d n e y: she moans "no i want you"
Santriel_Kira: Allright. :stands up and undoes his pants, dropping and kicking them to the side, pushing her against the tree,rubbing the tip of his manhood against her slit:
l o v e s y d n e y: she moaned more her handson his hips "its so large"
l o v e s y d n e y: (******** THIS s**t im doing easy puzzles)
Santriel_Kira: ( heh heh )
Santriel_Kira: I'll make it fit..:he mutters against her ear, wrapping her leg around his waist, then slowly pushes inside, groaning slightly as he did so:
l o v e s y d n e y: she griped his shoulder as he penatrated her, she moaned loudly

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