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my little black book (online) just random stuff i feel like posting at the time. mainly adverts for charities tho

101 99s
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Almost perfect day
I had an almost perfect day today. Key word was almost. I'll start with the ups. Basically, it was pretty average for any one else, but for me tht means, no people asking you for things you dont have, no teachers breathing down your neck making sure you dont try and kill them, so they can kill you first and so on. One of best friends leant me her iPod so I can download all of her Linkin Park songs, and some of the others (mainly Panic at the Disco and stuff like that). So, school was good. And the annoying teacher as a way! So I had the best Media Teeacher and then I had him again for Industry and Enterprise! So I was happy about that, 2 periods with out the old one. Then I got home, and me and mum didn't have a single annoyed word towards each other. We spent most of the time laughing at a sales person who had only just started. Not to her, we gave her some advice on how to improve herslef, but when wehung up we had a great time. Then I got on gaia. Now, this is a big donation, with n even bigger thank you. Kinmotsu donated, thats ight, donated, a Red Wine Pimpin' hat to me. *huggles for Kinmotsu*. Luff ya dude! He just came out of the blue and offered the trade, titled "A random act of kindness". I was so stoked, it mean i didn't have to spend the next month and a half making gold to try and buy it myslef. And i also got rid of some of my unwanted items, and for good gold too. But now the thing that brought the whole day down. I have 2 friends at school, right? And no they aren't my only friends. They are best friends too. Today, Maddy, was telling us about a new guy she met. James. She also told us that we weren't aloud to meet him at lunch time when he was coming up, and we had to wait for a week or so before we could meet him. We all knew why. She was afraid of one of us stealing him. But she did let Stacy, the other one, go with her. Now, none of us were there for the next bit, but pparently there was a cat fight about something to do with one getting embarassed by the other. So I took Stacy down to our other group we hang out with, we call it down under, to talk to the other people. When we went back up there was another cat fight between them. Nothing physial, but it did wind up in Stacy crying and saying that she wanted to move back to Queensland when I go. I told her that would be fine, but to think it thorugh first. I was completely sick of this place to the point of doing stuff I couldn't have lived to regret. But it has it's moments. But back onto the story. So after down under saw Stace, they asked what happened, so Cheree, our year 12 friend, explained. Anyway, downunder, part of it anyway, came up with us, and then all hell broke loose. I can't remember what happened, and I personally don't want to. But it wound up in Madyy wanting to injure someone. And yea, that is the basic jist of it. So as you can see, one event has ruined my day, and possibly the res of my week.

My never ending quests
Yes, it is true. I have a never ending quest now. The quest for 1,000 friends, 1,000 profile comments and 10,000 journal comments. No I won't be counting my ones in these, so I will have to drop a few numbers

101 99s
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101 99s
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I have a confession to make. In the last 20minutes I have become an exchange addict!!! I got Angelic bootss, a sun staff and a few other things on there and sold my spirited hat!

Why are people nice?
Alot of people ask the same question of an individual: "Why are you being nice to me?". Now, not many people will have a "real" answer for the apposed question. Usually they just reply; "Because you are human too" or "Because I don't think you deserved to betreated badly. But is this the real reason? No one can know. Only you can. But really, most people know that that isn't the reason. The usual reason is; "Because I don't hate you", no matter whaat you think of the person. Even if you despise them and want to watch them burn in hell, if you help, you don't think that they are the worst person earth. If you truley despised them then you would watch them recieve the punishment that was being delivered. But then there are those who we call our firends. They are nice to us purely out of respect. And vice-versa. But why are they our friend in the first place? Was it because they secretly admire us, or not secretly? Or was it because we were nice to them first? But if I continue down the path of that topic, it could lead to a never-ending topic, and I despise them with a passion! But I'm not saying that you should go out and ask your friends why they are your friends, and not to just watch your enemies be torchered inhumanely, I'm just bringing up a question that has no real answer.

101 99s
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101 99s
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Another nice person
This person is the only frequent visitor of lotto, AgentOOXO. She is going on here, and she has a star on my White List 3nodding heart for Agent. When she first came into the lotto, I remember thinking okay someone who will just come andgo like the others (about 5 or 6 people have done that mad ) But no she didn't, she stayed. She stayed and spoke, but was very odd with her dialect. She chose to speak in third person, and still does today. That didn't bother anyone, we all thought it was quite ingenious, and we join in from time to time, but can never do it. But she was a very nice person and was also very helpful towards me. She is the one who gave me my Horned ghost sheet (second hardest ghost sheet to get from a refurbished sheet) and my G buckle. Both of these out of the pure kindness of her heart heart . And while I have offered to help her, she has simply told me that she has no quest only to make others happy. So this is one of the three main nice people who deserve a place in my Journal. I will say the next part in third person on Agent's behalf. Kitsumi is on fire would like to give thanks to the wonderful person that is AgentOOXO, and yet he doesn't know how, so he will give her a big huggle *Kitsumi is on fire hugs AgentOOXO*. Kitsumi is on fire says another big thanks to AgentOOXO and gives her a round of applause *Kitsumi claps*.

some nice people
Okay, these are possibly the two nicest people on gaia. The first is Raven Xinfuo Silver. He is one of my oldest friends on gaia. And while I can't remember where or when I met him, I do remember meeting him. I think we were in the GD and I was just talking. Well, okay, not just talking but getting pissed off at people. Like, ful on anting to kill them. Then he came in. I had a go at him too at first, but he just ignored me, which annoyed me more. Eventualy he told me to that I was pissing him off and that I should just cool it. This took me by surprise. So of course I didn't know what to do, so I appologised, and now here we are today, happy as clams. And I love him so muh, cause he gave my Katana!!! 4laugh *hugs 4 u*

The second in SlasherGT. Now slasher only just started as far as I know. And I met slasher on a board called *First to page 20 get 50k*. Now I was on there from around page 3 on my own for a while, until he came in. Instantly I thought *Oh great, someone has come to piss me off again* (I usually think that when someone enters a deserted board, especially when they are new). But he didn't annoy me, and he wasn't one of the typical new people who will either lash out at people who offer them advice, or are too timid to ask. No he was polite and asked very sensible questions, like "Do I need something to trade or recieve donations with?" (and come on, noone on here can say that they already knew that without being told by someone) and he was very polite and gave compliments where he felt they were deserved. And he wasn't too annoyed that neither of us didn't get the page 20 (about as annoyed as anyone else would be), instead he congrtulated the other guy who won (congrats to chicken_flavored_chicken), but thats where I left. But before I did, I decided that he might like a guide to help him find his way around the site and to different sites that might help him. And he did appreciate my offer, very much. So here is to one of the few unannoying new people (if you haven't noticed I am againt the word noob) of gaia. cheese_whine (ignore the cheese)

And they are two of the most wonderful people on my friends list. Lets give them a clap *claps*

101 99s
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101 99s
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Holidays? What have they beome?
What have holidays become? Have they become myths, only to be used by the corprate bigwigs to try and make a fst million? Have they still got the same spirituall meaning as they used to? Of course, some never had spiritual meaning to begin with, but that is beside the point. I mean you compare how much money you spend on food throughout the year, and then compare how much you spend on food at christmas. I bet you that, unless you get hampers, you will spend just under twice as much to four times as much money on food at christmas. Then add on the cost for presents that you buy for people who you know will never give you the slitest bit of gratitude, or even use the present, no matter how useful it is. And I mean, how many nights after does the normal family have left overs after christmas? Five, maybe ssix. Thats right almost a week of left overs just to clean out the cupboards from all the festive foods. Now don't get me wrong, I am going to highlgith the upsides. Like the after Christmas clearance sales. An excuse for companies like David Joans to bump up prices and then take them down to a few cents below what they already were, hoping that they will con someone into buying it, even tho they would never buy it any other time. And they succeed. You will go shopping at these things and think that you will use the credit card, and then when the credit card bill comes in you need to dig some money up to bury your dead partner from the shock of it. SO really the upside is a down side, and the downsides suck! But christmas may be the worst offender, but what about easter? Easter was orignally a christian holiday (as was christmas), and I may be a pagan, but I do hold the christian's in a reasonably high regard, and I hold their beliefs in a high regard too. I respect them, and beleive that they shouldn't lose their holidays to the corporal bigiwigs. But onto easter, the day of obesity, as I know it. Now I admit, I'm not a big christmas fan, but I go crazy around eatsre (before hand anyways). I'll save up around $100-$200 to buy chocolate for others and then I will spend around $20 on me. Now $20 dollars may not seem like alot, but when you combine that with all the chocolate I recieve, it totals to be around 50kg of chocolate. And I recieve a protion of what alot of other people recieve. So people like Cadbury (an Australian cocolate manufacturer) will make millions of dollars (I thnk the last time I checked it was $400mil) a year on easter alone, and to be honest, easter chocolate tastes like craap! Admit it, you hate it, but seeing as it is chocolate you will eat it anyway (I personally don't buy any chocolate for anyone unless I would eat it myself, so nothing but blocks and bars for my family). And then all the exurcise you have to do to burn the extra kilos you gain. Oh man, in my opinion holidays have become way over rated and way over inflated. Wouldn't it be nice if they would ust shrink a little, bump down the prices as a present from the bigiwgs, not put out cooking chocolate eggs, and have people show a little gratitude for the effore you put in for them? I believe that the world would be a better and safer place come holiday time, don't you?

bored so i wrote a poem
A pretty girl can kiss a guy
A bird can kiss a butterfly
The rising sun can kiss the grass
But you my friend can kiss my asse burning_eyes

101 99s
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