i am feeling a whole lot better,
Than I was the other day,
That is what I want to say,

I want you to know I am sorry,
I mean it from my heart,
For every stupid thing I did,
To make us drift apart,

I care about you oh so much,
and i wish i didnt do what i did,
and i wish i could erase everthing u said,

I will always know,
That I meant something to you,
this gives me comfort,
And it helps to get me through,
the pain and the sarrow

i wont forget you
even though u might not think of me,
you will always be apart of me,
in everything i do,

Remember all my good points,
If there are any that you know,
try to forget the bad even thoght its hard ,
for when i turn away and go,

you remeber my sweet smile,
and my small laughter,
i wish i didnt end like this,
but all things change

i know we are done
and i cant promise i wont cry
but when i do at least youll know
ill be thinking of you

i made this for one of my best friends when we got in to a fight i love u !!!