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[Yusuke Urameshi]
Community Member
Yusuke Tournament Edition
Name: Yusuke Urameshi
Age: 19
Race: Human/ Demon Halfbreed
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 155 lbs


Between a Human and a Demon

Yusuke was born a human. But through a transmigration of dormant Demon blood, Yusuke has held the potential for great power since birth. Ever since he became a human detective, his usage of his spirit energy increased the strength he possessed, further drawing out the demon traits within. Until one day, after being killed a second time, the power finally awakened, making Yusuke into a halfbreed of a human and a demon. This change was more internally than externally, granting him the power to use not only spirit energy, but also demon energy. With both of these energy reserves, it made Yusuke into a more formidable opponent than he had been already.

As a halfbreed, Yusuke's heart no longer beats like that of a human. Demons run on what is known as "Demon Cores," which is just as much as their lifeline as a human's. However, as long as it isn't pierced or damaged like that of a human, a demon doesn't fall to the normal human weaknesses of going unconscious if their bloodflow is blocked, getting a major artery cut, or even having poison pass through their entire body. For instance, if placed in a neckhold, Yusuke won't lose much oxygen to his head even though his bloodflow is lowered. Being half demon, he has the benefit of not falling to lack of oxygen as easily as other humans. Yusuke can still be incapitated if his heart is struck, but dying is a lot harder now, as long as he has some amount of energy in his body to keep him barely alive. Although there is no sense of "heart rates," adrenaline can still be pumped through his body if his emotions are stimulated, much like any normal human.

Yusuke can change between his human and demon appearance, depending on which corresponding energy is currently the dominant in his body. When he becomes a demon, the only change he gets are tattoos being placed about his body, slightly more angular eyes, and sharper canines. In addition, his body gains an increased physical resistance, giving him durability similar to a truck tire. His bones also become harder to break. In terms of body density, although he remains the same weight, the power going through his demon body increases his toughness by two weight classes. In terms of the MMA Unified weight rules, Yusuke is considered a Lightweight fighter when human, but a Middleweight as a demon. That's an increase of thirty pounds.

In the tournament, he will not be able to change into his demon form until he makes use of his Demon Transformation ability, which is explained in the abilities section.

The Energy Within

Yusuke would be considered the same strength as a human of his physical class were it not for his possession of spirit energy. His spirit energy allows him to fight on a higher class than what someone like him could normally fight at. As a result, it allows him to fight peak level humans or similar fighters with no problem. He's little compared to the bodies of champions of the human world, but he can fight on their level with little problem. The spirit energy allows him to increase his physical strength, speed, resistance, and reaction time, so it's not strange to see him punch through brick, concrete, or even stone with a powered up punch. He can even be slammed through a wall without being knocked unconscious. However, if he runs out of spirit energy, he's reduced to just a normal human in strength level and durability.

He is able to mold his spirit energy into physical form, and use it to create attacks, mostly projectile in nature, such as his signature "Spirit Gun," and "Shotgun." These abilities will be explained in the Abilities section later.

Passively, having spirit energy has made his body spiritually aware, and as a result, he is able to see things that normal humans cannot, such as ghostly auras, incorporeal beings, and other similar paranormal activity. Anything that is invisible through active means, however, he has just as much trouble seeing as anyone else. He can use this awareness to hone in on other people's energies given enough time. Scouting out demons is very easy, obviously.

As mentioned before, he has access to two forms of energy: spirit energy and demon energy. Spirit energy comes from his human spirit. Demon energy comes from his demon spirit, though he doesn't have much of a demon "spirit" as much as he has a presence of one inside his body. His spirit energy is stronger than his demon energy. For instance, if he used a Demon Gun, which is the opposite form of his Spirit Gun as it uses demon energy instead of spirit energy, a Spirit Gun of the same power would be stronger than it. Demon energy, however, is a lot more chaotic, making any attacks that contain it more destructive. They work best for tearing through defensive measures. The potency of this combination comes from the fact that, together, they give Yusuke far more power than normal, allowing him to fight longer and fight on a higher level when he needs to.

In the tournament, Yusuke will only have access to his spirit energy. The only way he will make use of his demon energy is when he activates his Demon Transformation, which will be explained in the Abilities section.


Alone, Yusuke's body is quite capable of taking a beating, a lot more than someone of his size can take. His body still gives to blows, such as cringing or bending over, but he won't fall off his feet as easily, or will he injure so quickly. It's harder to break his jaw or break his arms, but as long as someone is fighting at his level, these injuries will happen soon enough.

Against the elements, he can survive pretty well, as long as he has spirit or demon energy available. He can hold out in hot or cold environments without weakening, though the more extreme the temperature, the more taxing on his energy it becomes. Against attacks of this nature, such as fire, his body can still take burns, blister, and high degree burns. But the injury can be lessened, or even negated, as long as he makes proper use of his energy. Without it, his body is just as susceptible as anyone else, with a significant increase in resistance due to his demon nature. This only means it'll take a little more to make him get frostbite or a fatal burn.

Special Abilities

Spirit Gun

Yusuke aims his right index finger forward and focuses his spirit energy into the tip of that finger. While doing this, his left hand cups around his wrist to stabilize his arm, as if he was holding a real gun. He then mentally "fires," causing a projectile made of spirit energy to be fired forward from the tip, the size proportional to how much energy Yusuke had fueled it with.The projectile itself is fast, capable of moving at fifty miles per hour at max. When it strikes into a person or any opposing force, it will explode on contact. It is possible to keep it from exploding if someone has the means of stopping it with either supernatural methods or some form of redirection. However, any equally hard force, such as a wall of energy to stop it, will cause it to explode just the same.

He can do the reverse version of this attack, which is him shooting with his left hand instead of his right, but since he's more right-handed orientated, shots from his left are less accurate, even though large shots increase the chance of hitting someone with their wide range. He can also shoot off a Spirit Gun without the aid of the other hand, but once more, his aim suffers. He can make his spirit gun nearly invisible by shooting a weak thin version of it. In this state, it can be shot instantly, making it rather fast. It can cause a bruise against skin on contact, and even knock over up to 20 lbs. It can knock over a person, too, but it has to be able to knock them off balance, assuming they don't catch themselves in time.

Yusuke can fire three spirit guns per fight. This excludes the mini version. This can be done in the same post that it's activated. He has the option of firing two spirit guns at once, as long as he is not being put under any sort of pressure in the same post, such as an attack being enacted onto his body.


Yusuke gathers a good amount of spirit energy into his right fist before punching forward. A burst of spirit energy would erupt from this fist, spraying out smaller versions of the spirit gun. Although weak, this attack covers a wide range, mostly a ten foot width cone in front of him, which covers up to fifteen feet in front of him. He can perform the same attack with his left hand.

He can use only one Shotgun per fight. He has the option of using it again in the same fight/ day, but he must spend one of his Spirit Gun charges to do so afterwards.

Double Barrel Shotgun

A more advanced Shotgun. Instead of using one fist, Yusuke uses both fists to deliver a volley of spirit projectiles, which are more powerful and more widespread, covering twenty feet in a cone, and having a starting coverage of five feet in width.

He can only use this ability once per fight, and he must not have used the normal Shotgun before. In addition, this ability spends one of his Spirit Gun charges. If he has none, this ability cannot be used at all.

Spirit Wave

Yusuke takes a stable stance with his feet spread and arms in a relaxed but bent state as he has his left side angling toward his target, with the lead foot being the left foot. Spirit energy would then outline his body in a white glow as he focuses it into him, as if his entire body was a finger being used for a Spirit Gun attack. Once ready, in this temporal state, Yusuke's defensive capabilites are enhanced, able to withstand many attacks against him without taking much damage. This is really effective against magical attacks. And then, when he finds it time, he would use a single punch or kick to deliver all that gathered power into one attack, capable of giving whoever he strikes a massive blow. However, if shot from a further range, he instead fires out a very large beam of energy that is capable of covering a good twenty yards, with a four foot width. It won't be as powerful as a close range Spirit Wave, but it makes up for it in having range and coverage.

Yusuke doesn't need to be in the formal stance to activate this ability, but he does need to be in a state where he isn't being forced to concentrate on an attack against him. For instance, if he's defending against a powerful attack that was shot at him, he won't be able to charge this ability, though if he already did in a previous post, then he can activate it before the attack hits.

This ability takes one post to charge. Once activated, Yusuke remains in a powered state for two posts. He has two posts to unleash his Spirit Wave attack or else it expires.

He can only use the Spirit Wave once per fight, and must not have used his Demon Transformation beforehand.

Spirit Aura

Yusuke causes spirit energy to actively move through his body, allowing him higher feats of performance. Passively, he always has his spirit energy on to allow him a higher-than normal fighting capabilities, but with the Spirit Aura on, he gains the ability to fight at peak performance. He doesn't exceed the level of fighting to the point that he becomes unstoppable, but having this on makes him fight as if he's always at one hundred percent. It's mainly like a toggled adrenaline rush, and is usually a normal ability used in most of his fights.

In addition, he can defend against attacks better, whether physical or supernatural in nature. Sort of like having +2 to defensive stats. Swords won't cut as good or a fireball won't burn him as badly.

When Yusuke first activates this ability, during the post that he does, he can choose to have the aura burst from his body. During this time, the aura is a lot more forceful, capable of knocking away minor projectiles, like a knife, that may be thrown at him or making it harder for people to get close to him. This is both a flashy effect and a utility, as it causes small gusts of wind to pick up around him. Think of Dragonball Z, when the fighters usually erupt their auras to show off their stuff.

Spirit Shield

Using a forceful amount of spirit energy, Yusuke can defend himself against energy attacks. Although an effective way of defending, it can easily exhaust his spirit supply with two much use. In addition, it's not a very effective method of defense. It's most useful against consistent, low power attacks such as flamethrowers or a barrage of small energy projectiles.

Spirit Gauntlets

Both fists, up to the elbow, are engulfed by an active power of energy, be it Spirit Energy, or Demon Energy. This ability is shown active by the radiating energy appearing nearly as a sphere around each fist, though normally it's faintly visible for convenience's sake. While active, it gives Yusuke's fists exceptional physical power. Before, he was capable of putting dents in hard surfaces such as bricks. But with this active, he can now punch through them with several punches. The spirit covering also allows him to fight against dangerous things such as blades without cutting himself, since the energy acts as a buffer between the weapon and his limbs. He can handle supernatural attacks better, such as actually parrying them, as long as they're simple versions such as a fireball that didn't require much to cast. Anything stronger will still be able to hurt him, but having this ability active still allows him to handle the attack in a more physical manner if it isn't meant to just explode or fall apart in some manner.

He can activate this around his legs, too (from his feet to his knees), but it counts as a separate use of the ability, which means it's double the cost of spirit energy. However, the effect isn't shown visibly unless he ends up attacking with kicks or is attacked at his legs.

While in use, this ability is draining his spirit energy. Taking above average energy attacks to the gauntlets takes away spirit energy. They will be dissipated by attacks that compare to level three or higher charges.

Demon Gun

Similar to the Spirit Gun, only this projectile is made of demon energy. It's a lot more destructive than a Spirit Gun and is more likely to be volatile in nature, much like Demon energy in general. So when struck by a Demon Gun, the person is likely to take more chaotic damage than simply being "burned" as spirit energy usually does. While the Spirit Gun tends to impact a lot of force onto a person and shooting harmful energy against their body, the Demon Gun is more like lightning in the way it attacks the person in that it shreds at their body.

This attack can only be used in his demon form, and only once.

Demon Transformation

Yusuke can tap into his demon energy, allowing him to take on his demon form. In addition to his increased fortitude, he can also "double jump" using demon energy like a platform. That means he can perform an additional jump in the air using his demon energy around his feet. He cannot perform an additional jump unless he strikes his feet against a solid surface. This allows him to do interesting things such as wall jump. However, when he uses a wall jump, he won't be able to double jump. He'll have to strike another surface if he wants to continue moving through the air.

He can be in this transformation state for six posts, and requires one post to activate. He must not have used the Spirit Wave before this ability, and will not be able to use it during or after. The only abilities available to him in this state are: one Demon Gun, one Shotgun, Spirit Shield (only with demon energy), and Spirit Gauntlets (with demon energy). He can only use either the Demon Gun or the Shotgun per transformation. After this state expires, he will be exhausted of energy.


Fighting Gi

Yusuke's standard fighting outfit consists of a yellow sleeveless shirt, blue gi pants, kung fu sandals that allow for comfortable footing, and green wristbands. For the sake of keeping appropriate in case of rough n tough fighting, his pants are a lot more resistant to tearing and other wearing effects, but offer no other resistance whatsoever. Merely for aesthetics.

School Uniform

A green Japanese formal school uniform that buttons all the way up in the front up to the neck-long collar. His pants are a bit flappy, and his shoes are genuine leather with rubber soles. Once more, the pants are a lot harder to remove off his body.

Greasy Hair

Yusuke is a bad boy to the bone, so he tends to grease his hair back to retain his cool look. This makes it very hard for anyone to get a grip on his hair. However, this does mean he's vulnerable to having his hair catch on fire, though spirit energy can help dampen and remove the effect if he's aware of it in time. Usually if there's a lot of heat around him, the gel in his hair will start drying up, making his hair fall down his head a lot easier.

Psychic Spyglass

This lovely little Spirit Detective item is back. Yusuke normally doesn't care for the little toys that Botan had tried to make him use, but he felt like he could use it for the upcoming tournament. Normally, people like to walk around with all kinds of hidden weapons and such. With this little gizmo, Yusuke can spot hidden tricks like that ahead of time. The item activates by Yusuke giving it some of his spirit energy, and thus allows him to "see through" objects to see what's inside them. It's best used to peer through thin objects such as clothing and suitcases. Anything thicker, such as through a wall, will require time and more spirit energy. Using it to see through all walls of a building is just far too much time for Yusuke to use in a practical fight. And as you may have guessed, yes, it's a pervert's favorite little item...not that Yusuke is a pervert...fully.

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