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( ) Smoked a cigarette
( x ) Drank so much you threw up
( ) Crashed a friend's car
( ) Stolen a car,
( x ) Been in Love
( x ) Been dumped
( ) Shoplifted,
( x ) Been laid off/fired
( x ) Quit your job,
( ) Been in a fist fight
( ) Snuck out of your parent's house,
( x ) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back,
( ) Been arrested,
( ) Gone on a blind date,
( x ) Lied to a friend,
( x ) Skipped school,
( ) Seen someone die,
( x ) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico,
( x ) Been on a plane,
( x ) Been lost,
( x ) Been on the opposite side of the country
( ) Gone to Washington , DC
( x ) Swam in the ocean,
( x ) Felt like dying
( x ) Cried yourself to sleep,
( x ) Played cops and robbers
( x ) Recently coloured with crayons
( x ) Sang karaoke
( x ) Paid for a meal with only coins
( x ) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do
( ) Made prank phone calls
( ) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
( x ) Caught a snowflake on your tongue,
( x ) Danced in the rain,
( x ) Written a letter to Santa Claus,
( ) Been kissed under the mistletoe,
( ) Watched the sun rise with someone you care about
( x ) Blown bubbles
( ) Made a bonfire on the beach
( ) Crashed a party
( x ) Gone roller-skating
( x ) Gone Ice-skating

Any nicknames: Kat, KB, Kitty, p***y-cat
Mother's name: Mary-Ellen
What is your favorite drink/beverage: Green tea, cold or hot, Smirnoff
Tattoos: I got a shark on the back of my right shoulder, and I've been designing more (I want to be a tattoo artist :3 )
Body piercing: Just ears right now, letting my lip heal so that I can get my snake-bites in the right place.
How much do you love your job: I left EB Games, working nights at Wal-mart isn't bad, but only because of my co-workers and the pay, haha.
Birthplace: Ottawa
Favorite vacation spot: Tybee Island and Savannah were really pretty when I was there ^^
Ever been to Africa: nope
Ever steal any traffic signs: I'm gonna take a not-straight sign, haha.
Ever been in a car accident: I had my own accident... Bye-bye bumper!
2 Door or 4 Door: Mmmm, 2 door
Salad dressing: RANCH
Favorite pie: Apple
Favorite number: 13 and 3 'o'
Favorite movie: Cloverfield, Monty Python, Hitch-hikers guide to the Universe, Across the Universe and the Princess Bride
Favorite holiday: All Hallow's eve!
Favorite food: Pad Thai, nummy =3
Favorite day of the week: Wednesday
Favorite brand of body soap: Mint Bubble Bath/Body Wash, yummm
Favorite TV show: Death Note, Elfen Lied, and Eureka 7!
Toothpaste: I have to use Sensodyne, so it's sensodyne-F for me!
Favorite smell: Rain, Adidas cologne
What do you do to relax: I like to read or listen to music, it's all cool, lol
How do you see yourself in 10 years: A well-known and respected tattoo artist, either living in Toronto, New York, or Japan, probably married by then too 'o'
What do you enjoy receiving? Paychecks, compliments about my appearance and intellect, and FREE HUGS!

Okay, it's been a bit...
No one reads this, I'm sure, but anyway:

Joe and I are a no-go, He's a big flake really, never follows hrough on plans, plus one of my friends (we're not so tight anymore either) dated him behind my back while I was still interested in him. He sleeps around a lot too, especially this one psycho-path chick I knew from elementary school. Not worth the trouble in my mind.

Zero and I got talking again lately, but he's dissapeared again as well, and I know how that usually ends with him, so I've decided I really don't want to deal with that sort of Bull-s**t anymore. Over-all it's a lot easier on my heart, not just because I told him that's nothing's official between us, but that helped too.

I met this really nice guy at Anime North (my first year there, it was awesome!). Dan was really sweet, and the way I picked him up was really kind of funny, haha. I just had my friend go up to him and ask him for a picture and to tell him that I thought he was cute, then he came over and gave me his number 3nodding . We've been talking and getting to know eachother, and things have been going pretty well so far. He lives in the GTA, and I'll be moving there in early July, so that'll make hanging out with him a lot easier. He's a little younger than me, but he seems pretty mature, so that makes it okay for now to me.

The whole moving thing, I'm a little nervous about it, with the way we have to pay for the apartment, I may have to take out a loan from the bank and then pay them back poste-haste. I don't want to borrow more money from the bank, but my paychecks won't make it in on time I think. Ugh.

Well, that's my headaches and heartaches for now, we'll see how that all goes the next time I post a journal!

It's a Lion!
What? OMG, two days until Cloverfield comes out... what the hell is it!!

Glad I bought my ticket early, everyone's getting Cloverfield Fever.

I hope it's the whale-monster thingy.

+Moral Subjectivist, Darwinist & Existentialist+
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Bing Bang Shawalawala Bing Bang!
Man, I'm single again. It's pretty nice though. I think Alex was my fall-back guy, 'cause after we broke up he turned out to be the kind of guy who "wants to be friends" but keeps treating you like his ex, ya know? He's been a jerk in other words, so I basically said I don't want to deal with that.

Anyway, I'm going on dates now with this guy named Joe, he's very sweet, he's just not ready for a relationship right now because of his last two long-term relationships that ended recently. He's told me time and time again that he likes me, just that he's got to have some time to play the field again. I get that and I'm actually okay with it, surprising, lol. I'm having fun being single and meeting people, and getting to hang out with my peeps again.

Oh man, Christmas is almost here, that means Thresslin is coming home from Sudbury, we get to go hang out with her again! WOOP. I'm too excited, so I'm gonna go watch South Park now, hopefully everything goes well with Joe and I in the future too!

+Moral Subjectivist, Darwinist & Existentialist+
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I think it can be okay again...
Well, Zero and I are no longer a couple, it's been such for almost a month now, but technically, it's been two months with how much we actually talked.

I was actually surprised, pleasantly, that I wasn't depressed after we agreed to it. I wasn't sure what I wanted for a while of course, but I wasn't upset. I actually felt better than I had for the month when we were a couple and weren't talking.

Of course, I also thought that I wouldn't want to date for a while. I geuss life has a funny way of making a mind a liar though, and I'm glad it does. I met Alex the saturday before last, and I'm really glad I did. It was at a friend's party, and I'm glad something inside me told me to go. Ha, to imagine I wanted to spend the night moping around at home.

Alex is, to say the very least, one of the very few the only truly intellectual guy I've met in a long time. I'm not saying that any of the guys I've dated/been friends with are not worthy of note in that category, I'm just saying that they never tried to initiate a really serious conversation with me like he does. We were talking about our pasts last night, and from these self-focused conversations we started talking about society's faults.

This mental-stimulation is exciting enough (especially with a guy who's a bit younger than me!), but he's attractive to me to boot! It's actually a good bonus that we're both attracted to each-other really, otherwise I'd feel kind of pathetic posting this =P. His appearance actually has depth to it, and he's not even one of those twiggy guys I fell for normally. He's definitely not a fall-back. I'm really glad about that.

He actually makes me happy too, just with the fact that he's happy. I think that's better than any compliment I've ever received, although he makes me feel like... something hard to put into words, but he makes me feel good.

Well, there's a big update on my life, there you all go!

Love, Kat heart

I think I've lost it...
One song I find quite suitable to myself at the moment is "Sunrise, Sunset" by Bright Eyes. One line in particular: "First you're manic then you're depressed, will you ever feel okay?"

I really miss my boyfriend. I'm not going to blame his work too much, I just really want some time with him. I hate having to sit up all night, not knowing when he gets home. And even when I know he's home, his mother is chatting away on the phone every night. It drives me absolutely batty because I'm lucky to talk to him once a week at the time. I don't want to call his house too often because I don't want to seem like I'm nagging him or anything, but I just feel like s**t sometimes. I understand that he should spend time with his friends, that's important, work is too. My only issue is that there doesn't seem to be any time for us.

I just feel sometimes that he doesn't find me to be worth so much time anymore. I'm probably just being stupid, but I can't help what my mind thinks sometimes. Even if I just got to talk to him once every couple of days I'd be a lot happier, once a week is hard enough for me, two weeks just drag by though with my mood swinging with empathy. I feel absolutely hyper and peppy at school (although there are points during the day when I want to break down), but when I get home I'll go right to the computer and just wait. I feel like I'm losing what is essentially me. I don't feel like I have time for friends anymore and sometimes it even seems like people are trying to undermine me. I don't even really have an urge to talk to people outside of school, all I want to do is just talk to Zero.

It also feels like he's taking me for granted which worries me more than anything. If I turn up dead one day, who's going to be able to tell him that I'm gone, and what will he do? I'm more worried about him on this prospect than anyone else. If I'm gone for weeks and he signs on one day, asking my friends where I am and he finds out that way, I don't know how he'd cope. I don't know how I'm coping just thinking about that. Maybe I'm becoming numb to all this, maybe he is too, but I still need to talk to him, think things through two heads for a bit.

Maybe I have lost it, I can't tell anymore. I've become really clausterphobic lately; I can't stand when people lean in over me or being in small rooms. I went to a boat show today and while everyone else was exploring the insides of the boats I had to sit on a bench outside because I found it difficult to breathe inside the boats.

Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that all this loneliness and hopelessness seems to be changing me on the inside and it's beginning to make me uncomfortable. I'm not sure what else is going to change about me because of this, but I'm certainly not excited to find out what it will be.

I want to explore my dreams...
I'm not likely to ever take drugs, so for now I may not be so creative as other artists, but I've got a way to make up for this I think. I really want to be one of those artists feverishly working over this strange drawing where I can interpret it perfectly to myself but never find the right words for a stranger to understand. I want to see strange creatures in my mind's eye and recreate them on paper, just showing how wild my imagination can really be.

I've been delving into finding out how I'd be able to control my dreams, or at least controlling where I go and what I do. I've been so close to the state of lucid dreaming before, but I'd panic myself awake, not realizing exactly what was going on. I'd feel like my bed was spinning and tilting, and then like I was beginning to fall through it, and then I'd freak out and go out of sleep paralysis and grab onto the bed. I think I may know better now, If I can just get myself to that state where I'm hypnagogic, I think I could do it. I've had my mind running with ideas while I was completely still before but then I'd shut my mind off in hopes of what I thought was actual rest. I'm going to do repetitive things in my mind tonight to keep it awake. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

Sleep tight all,

Love you, Kat.

This is frightening...
I've never seen a grown-man cry until today, and I've got to say that it's even more heart-wrenching when it's your father. Right now I'm at a high-point in stress; I haven't gotten to talk to the love of my life for a couple days, the cycle is unusually long ><; and now I've just found out that my Nana has cancer. She really doesn't deserve it at all. My Papa (they recently seperated) has been smoking all of his life and he doesn't have a trace of cancer at all, however, she has a 3-cm lump in her brain, and a lump the size of an orange in her lung, and she's never touched a ciggarette in her life.

My father just told me this, and it leaves me so horribly scared that I'm losing one of the important people in my life. She could die on the operation table because of a multitude of circumstances, and that has me so traumatized. I... find it hard to believe even now that she could be gone within 6 months to a year-and-a-half, let alone in a couple of weeks. I'm sure this is something everyone goes through at some point in life, but this is the first time anyone in my family is so threatened with death.

She said that she's thankful that she knows now rather than later, so that she has time to say goodbye, and tell those people that she loves, that she does love them. I'm kind of thankful too because this gives me time to mentally prepare myself for the... passing. I don't know what to say, I feel so lost for words.

This really makes me want to stand up and take a fight against cancer, and let people know how dangerous it is. I know one of our moderators, VO I think, lost his father to cancer, and I wish we could find another way to spread awareness about this killer. A friend of mine's father smokes in their house all the time, and I'd really hate to see the shape her and her mothers lungs will be in. More toxins are absorbed through second-hand smoke than it is by the actual smoker.

I'm going to hold a daffodil, in respect of my nana, and in hopes that this will help to raise awareness about cancer.

Love, Kat.

Wow, One man short = demanding
*sigh* poor Zero, he's working 10-12 hour days since they fired one of his co-workers. I wish I could get more time to talk to him, but what with christmas coming up he's flooded with hours, and no time for anything really but sleeping. Arr , I wish his boss would just hire a new employee so that Jamie can have at least a few days off every once in a while xp . Christmas coming up is gonna be killer for him, for me it just means a bit more money, I have so few hours at work.

I miss him a lot, but I think I get to talk to him tonight, so I'm happy 3nodding . I really wish I could go back to GA now, but I'm SOL for now. If he gets home tonight and has to sleep right away I'll understand though, I just wish he'd make an effort to contact me, e-mail or something, but yeah, I know he's tired so it's okay.

Well, that's about it.

Love, Kat.

P.S.: Red Steel sucks for the Wii xp .

Akari Tsuki
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Akari Tsuki
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