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...Down The Rabbit Hole ...one pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small and the ones that mother gives you don't do anything at all... - white rabbit, jefferson airplane

[ paradox.y ]
Community Member
F-ck. I should be doing my English essay, but I can't seem to. I think I'm going to nap and then get up and type. Or something.

F-ck, f-ck, f-ck. I hate this. I have no ambitions to do it. I hate my thesis, but it's too late to change it now.

Post, Vote, or Explore to earn gold!

LIES. That isn't going to happen. :[
What happened to Gaia? I don't even get gold for posts now. How sad!
What am I supposed to do NOW?
The main way to get gold was by posting.

Now I have to prostitute myself.
How sad. xD;

[ paradox.y ]
Community Member

[ paradox.y ]
Community Member
...d0n'T tYp3 iN sTicKee caPs or l33t...
...A Newbie/N00b's Guide to Debating in the ED (Version 01).
By: WatersMoon110 and [ paradox.y ]

If you've stumbled upon this page, you must be curious (or you just like clicking links in people's signatures). Whatever the case, we welcome you. :] Just by clicking this link and reading the contents inside, you are making Gaia Online's ED forum a better place to be.

Table of Contents
1. "ED"? Full Metal Alchemist?
2. Debate Defined.
3. Do the Dos.
4. What Not to Wear...er, Do.
5. Tips and Advice

1. "ED"? Full Metal Alchemist?

Haha, but no. The "ED", so affectionately termed by its long-term vistors, is short for the "Extended Discussion" forum on Gaia Online (you can visit the forum here). Unlike the other forums on Gaia Online, this forum is strictly for debate, or a deeper analysis of a topic (such as abortion, gay marriage, etc.). The ED specializes in going beneath the surface of subjects, and also in refuting/proving stances and/or points made on a subject.

Relevant Questions:
What's a stance?
A stance is a viewpoint on a topic. For example, abortion has two main stances:
Pro-Life and Pro-Choice.
Refuting? Proving? Come again?
To refute is to disprove a point. To prove, well, obviously, is to prove a point. Both are elements of a good debate.
What is this "rebuttal" that I keep on hearing?
A rebuttal, quite simply, is an opposing argument to the stance being made. For example...:
Pro Life {stance}--"I believe in abortion because it's morally wrong; it is essentially the killing of an unborn human being."
Pro Choice {rebuttal}--"And how is it morally wrong? In what aspect is it to be decided to be 'morally wrong'?" and so forth.

2. Debate Defined.

According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, a debate is... "a regulated discussion of a proposition between two matched sides". In layman's terms/the vernacular, a debate is merely "the moderated discussion of a topic between two sides". In traditional debates, there are usually two sides: Pro/Con (For/Against). However, in Gaia, several different stances may be taken upon a single issue. :]

Relevant Questions:
None. I think this is pretty clear... heart

3. Do the Dos.

What you should be capable of doing in a debate:
- Be prepared to back up your opinion with facts and studies. People want to know where you get your information from, so have some sources. You can give all the personal experience you want, but you can't expect people to just take your word for it. It is best if you have sources that also list their sources (like Wikipedia does) or even better, actual studies.
For example...:
{Stance: Pro-Life}: "Although the Bible (source) doesn't say that abortion itself is murder, it can be interpreted to have said that once a child is conceived, it has a soul. According to the Bible, all humans have a soul, so abortion is most certainly murder..."
- Do research! If you want to discuss a topic, it is best to know something about it. Chances are that the Original Poster and the Regulars already know tons about it, so if you want to challenge their views, you better know your stuff. If you are misinformed or mistaken, you can't properly back up your argument.
For example...:
{Topic: Gun Control Laws: Work/Don't Work?}: Going online to government websites, looking up statistics related to gun control and crime rates, knowing the actual laws being questions, etc.
- Tolerate different sides. You may not agree with so-and-so, but remember. It's their opinion. Don't agree? Then prove them wrong. Debate! Challenge them. Refute their points. That's what the ED is all about.
For example...:
{Topic: Gay Marriage: Pro Gay Marriage--Rebuttal to Anti Gay Marriage}: "Yes, but I don't specifically see where in the Bible that says homosexuality is wrong. If you look at the aforementioned verse in Greek..."
- Keep an open mind. Please. For the love of God, keep an open mind. :] Everyone is entitled to their opinion. This is probably what makes the ED such a wonderful place--all the open minds that are inside.
For example...: See above.
- Understand that rebuttals are not an attack on your character. Rebuttals attack your viewpoint, not yourself. Please don't be offended when someone rips apart your argument (let's hope it doesn't happen, but it might); it's happened to the best of us. They don't have anything against you, but against your stance.
- Use decent grammar and spelling. xD; No l33t and no sticky caps. It's very likely if you do so, the regulars will scream at you to get out. Plus, it makes reading your post a very difficult task to do.
For example...:
{Topic: Gay Marriage}: Instead of "i thnk g@y m@riage is lyke so wr0ng what is up with th3se f-cking g@yz", use "I think gay marriage is wrong. It's against my religion."

4. What Not to Wear...er, Do.

- Don't post oneliners. Not only are they against ED rules but if you only have one sentence (or less) worth of opinion on a topic, there really is no need for you to post. The ED is not about making gold, it is about having deeping, meaningful discussions on sophisticated topics. If you can't at the very least contribute two sentences to a debate, don't bother posting.
For example...:
{Topic: Abortion}: "I totally support abortion!" (Why do you support abortion? Why do you think it's OK? Why, why, whys are good, with sources.)
- Don't flame! Flaming, or insulting another person and attacking them for who they are, is not allowed anywhere on Gaia. Also, no matter how annoying someone is, it never helps to name call or use racial slurs (not to mention you might get banned). Attack someone's argument, not their person. If you can't challenge what they said, don't bother replying.
For example...:
{Topic: Gay Marriage}: "Ohmigawd YOU FAWKING GAYS GET OUT OF THE USA i hate UUUU!!111! gay marriage is SO WRONG!11!!!! stupid fags!11! ur goin to HELL!!!11!"
It only serves to mark you as an ignorant buffoon, and trust me, that's not something you want to be labeled as in the ED forum. And besides. Tolerance!
- Don't post and run. If you have something to say about a topic, be prepared to answer replies and discuss it for a while. People will have questions and comments. There is not much that is more annoying for a thread regular than to have someone say something interesting or express an opinion opposite to their own, then flee, never to return. If you don't discuss your beliefs, there isn't much discussion going on.
- Don't change your stance without good reason. No one likes someone who can't stand up for their beliefs in a heartbeat, just because someone ripped their argument apart. Trust me, standing up for them will win you the grudging respect of your dissenters, and of those sharing the same stance as you (if you can do it in a respectful and researched manner).
- Don't practice elitism. Yes. Don't act like you're better than everyone else once you do get the hang of debating. Because no one likes a pompous arsehole, no matter how well they debate. :] Remember the golden rule!

5. Tips and Advice

- Don't give up! Don't give up. Try, try again. It takes time and practice to debate well.
- Don't be shy. If you've done your research, don't be shy. Say it, loud and proud! We're confident you can do it! And it's always nice to see a new mind on the ED boards.
- READ! Read the first post throughly so that you don't miss anything. You might accidentally repeat something that someone said before.
- Have fun. Of course. ;]

Well, that's it! We wish you happy debating, and we might see you around sometime. :]

And so, the drama begins!
Well, I'm not really sure what to say here. I have so many journals that it's getting a bit ridiculous. -sweatdrop-

So...I guess I should say that my name is [ paradox.y ]. I live on the West Coast of the United States (or somewhat near the West Coast; I certainly don't live on the East Coast), and am attending school. I aspire to be a doctor one day, preferably a pediatrician. I enjoy watching anime, reading manga, biking, reading novels and books in general, roleplaying, chatting with friends, etc.

I guess you could say that I'm a bit of a dork/geek personality-wise. I heart Marching Band (I'll be an assistant section leader, with almost a guaranteed spot as drum major next year if I don't f*ck things up), I heart my baby (aka my wonderful Dell PC), and I heart getting good grades.

Yep. So dorky. However, I've been told that I'm a social butterfly IRL by a whole lot of people, so I guess I'm really not that dorky/geeky after all. I mean, I do have social skills and whatnot.

...And yep, that's me. [ paradox.y ]

Neh. I'ma going to go now.


I be bored.

[ paradox.y ]
Community Member

[ paradox.y ]
Community Member
Just a test
I'll edit this later. Testing, testing, 1-2-3?

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