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Come on and hate along.

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trying to get back in the mix
it's gonna be hard to do seeing as though I'm in the middle of some serious real life s**t but I'm tryin to make a way. I miss y'all cats. As I called the squad, the regulars and s**t. but don't get your hopes up just yet. I gotta make sure my doe is right. before I invest in some dsl.

TyranT out.

Top ten list # 4 hating the hated
Since I've been busy I thought I might do two lists this week. Well I guess we'll see is there is another one after this one.

Ten reasons why people hate me.

Each of these reasons will start with a single word Because

10. I'm smarter than them

9. I'm happy to be poor

8. I'm arrogant

7. they're bored with life

6. Mamma didn't raise no fool

5. Things hould be said and I say them

4. it's the popular thing to do

3. I'm the king of Tekken

2. I got a mean right hook

1. My friends even think i'm an a*****e

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Public Service announcment
This is completely different from the sensless idiocy I usually put in my journal. After getting a chance to talk to a friend of mine in the military I found some disturbing news that they don't want us to know. The American government is quickly making motions to reinstate the draft. For those of you that haven't seen any military movie from the 60's and 70's. They are going to be dragging people off to the military without warrent.

Before the draft could be ducked by claiming status as a student or, as some with the money to do so would do. Run to Canada. Not possible as of this re-iteration. Students with under-classmen status will be drafted directly after their current semester. Seniors will be drafted directly after their graduation.

What makes this so alarming to me is that they are trying to pass this bill without the general public knowing about it. Covertly avoiding our rights as American citizens. I think we as young americans have a right to know what the current administration has in mind for our futures. Yes we as americans should defend our country, but, we should do so out of choice not force.

Please give feedback on your feelings on this subject.

Whats the smell?
Okay, I know it's over an hour late but I had car trouble, and I don't drive. SO you know thats gonna be major. Here we have it though. This weeks top ten list.


10. A KLU KLUX KLAN rally

9. Fat sex

8. Rotting fish

7. Phone call from your mother saying she's a lesbian dominatrix

6. George W. Bush

5. Cher, Naked

4. Micheal Jackson

3. Otters with man cocks

2. Hungry imigrants

1. A horny Gorilla

I say what I want until I get paid. See ya next week ladies and gents.

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TyranTs journal chapter 4
If you are unimpressed by my personal history, maybe I should tell you about yourself. at least your physical self. we've already gone over the hair. Now let me get more personal. You should have a makr on you chest. Infact several of them. If you remover your shirt and run your hands across it. You should feel an ancient language, it is the language of the mystics. These runes are an enchantment, the last thing they did to me before giving me breath.

They say that only God can give breath. I I believe that as long as man continues to play God then they will try to imitate him. I am living proof of that. The runes give me abilities that can be used on there own and some that are only usable when wielding my sword. the skills that created me were thankfully forgotten in the rush of technology. I hope. I've been trying to develop a style of mysticism based on these runes. Maybe by the time I have to take this book in hand and read it. I will have done so.

The runes will glow pending on which skills you use. remove your shirt and then try these exercises.

1. if your in your room there should be some candles lying around. I use them for setting the mood with women, but for now they are for training. Focus on one and take a deep measured breath. you should feel your heart rate rise. once you can feel the beat in your chest pounding I want you to look at the left side of you chest. Now tense the right side of your body and exhale swiftly. The candle should light and so should several of the runes on your left side. I call this a cherub whisper. A force beam projected from you thought. you need nothing to direct these small blasts but your mind. A cherub whisper can do high levels of damage but the focusing will take your hands to project the larger beams. more runes will light the stronger the attack.

2.Whistle. This may seem like something small but it will be of great service. upon whistling a great ally will appear with in seconds. If you have actaully whistled our old friend Grimm Wing should be sitting in the window. He's enchanted much like you, but only in an effect that will allow him to hear your call from any spot on the planet and be there in an instant. He can also fly at speed faster than that of the fastest bullet and communicate with you telepathaclly. I was hopping to teach him to do the same with others. Cuts down on the use of paper.

3.if you would get over the fear of our sword, I had it too when I first found it. You should pick it up and grab hold of it. once the light dies down use it to take a single forward strike. Before you do so concetrate on a different spot in the building, the bar. Then swing. Once there conctrate on this spot and do it again. Grab a glass of twisted fate from robo while your out there.

3.5 thanks, you don't know how much I love that stuff, you soon will though. If I'm right your just now waking up and it's been a good twelve hours. Your not used ot it yet. But you have a lust for more. In due time. There are more lessons. Put the sword down.

4. These abilities you may have already witnessed so I'm just gonna run them down.

A Charisma, it may not sound like much but you have an accelerated amount of charisma. I allows you to lead troops into the most grissly conditions. Once you have thier loyalty not many will turn down you call to action.

B Language, you can understand, speak and interperate all but a few languages, when used with charisma i pretty much barter my way into and out of many situations.

C Agility, i have the reflexes of a cat. Leaping and climbing are not a problem for us. It's as good as done once we set out to do it.

D All senses are at a height that is unmatched.

E Strength and speed are also at a level higher than that of a human in top condition. Only those with mystic speed can match us. But then again, those with mystic speed can best us.

F It's not really a power of any sort but the fighting skills we posses are second to none. Not because of shear skill but due to a combanation of skill, reflexes and experience. There's no doubt that you've found some battle already and in that battle you've noticed that there weren't many things that you haven't seen before. You felt it. The brain remembers faces, the body remembers movments.

One more thing that I haven't mentioned in the group is you nigh-immortality. I say Nigh because I'm not sure how long my shelf life is. I just know that I'm not going anywhere soon. That wasn't a problem before but now, having loved ones that are unfortunately mortal. I fear that morning them will be far more hurtful because. I know that I will never see them again, lest the maker of this world see fit to call me on. If not I will stay here as a protector of this place I call home. Get some rest and talk to me again in the morning.

TyranTs Journal chapter 3
I am coming to the end of these little trips down memory lane. Though it helps me to remember good times I've had here in Barton, It also brings me to more painful memories, memories such as this one in particular. but it's important.

I meet her during the War of a Thousand Souls. She was a furry. Young, impetuous and beautiful. It was a meeting of like minds. I was treking through the forest on recon when she pounced on me from the tree's. We fought but I was unable to defeat her After some time in battle she ran off into the forest and disappeared. I followed her, more intriuged by her battle skills than her beauty. Okay, I won't lie to myself. She had a mice a**, A really nice a**. Even though there was a tail hanging out of it. I chased after her (a**). She evaded me.

We meet again that night. She snuck into my tent. She told me that she had information that would prove usefull to my troops. She had come to help us, why I don't know to this day. She pledged herself to me as an informant in the war. She would give me information on a daily basis. We would also talk about things not concerning the war. Personal things.

During these campaignes and conversations. I became enchated by more than her a** or her face. She was intelligent and duty bond, at least to me she was. Somethings are written in the stars. I thought this was one of them. In our last battle with the legions of Demons that had invaded the lands I called on her once more. During this time I took a leap of faith and pledged my life to her.

She was soon captured by the enemies and i left my post to rescue her. My ummmm heart got in the way of my job. (You'll know the truth soon enough.) I chased down a star goblin, Large demons that have the power to summon small stars for help in battle. Upon finding it i attacked forcing him to drop her body. The problem with Star Goblins is that if you don't kill it. It will return with more star goblins. So when I fought it I thrusted my sword into it's stomach. I thouht it was dead.

After the end of the war, she and I wed. She was like me in that she had no parents. Instead of her father giving her away, she was escorted to the alter by a bigger than normal panther that she often road. he carried her on his back. We left for an island to live away from the rest of the planet.

The star goblin must have taken itself out of this plane of existance. it found me. It and sixteen of it's brethren found us. i fought as heard as I could but not even one as I could defeat these beasts. With the passing of one of them, a meteor would fall from the sky. Soon one of them had taken my wife and jumped through a portal, leaving me with his friends on an island now a blaze. When they figured me to be dead they disappeared leaving me to burn with the island.

As far as I could gather, thats when I washed up on the shore and meet Gaiden. God only knows how long I was floating in the water with fish chewing at my a**, umong other places. I thought I would never see her again. Then I came to Barton where she had also migrated to. At first I didn't know who she was and nor did she know me. But I felt something. That something became nothing. I've since told her about the past after I found it out, but she is in love with one of my best friends and I couldn't hurt him for my own selfish reasons.

I won't put her name in print for fear that you will ask about her. I would, so I know you would. heh, I'm an a*****e ain't I? I know you are.

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TyranTs Journal chapter 2
To make things simpler I'll start from the begining of my life here and then trace backwards with my assumptions. I came to barton on a whim with me brother in arms, Gaiden. We had been Mercenaries for aver a hundred years together. I meet him, or rather he meet me when I washed up on a rocky bank by a cave he had taken refuge in. Once I was reoriented and figured out what century it was, I got myself some clothes and a sword.

We really bonded when I helped him in a battle against a dragon, but thats beside the point. We came into Barton looking for work Neither of us had been very hospitable and once we realized that a police structure hadn't been set up yet, we decided to claim the city as our own. We began recruiting mercenaries and attacking people at will. In my experience people fall in line much easier if they fear you. So that was our tactic. I was the head of the operation and he was an advisor and the largest muscle this city had ever seen. Good things come in small packages.

We then came across some resistance. Other had gotten the same Idea. The two most powerful foes were the Boxer Shorts Rebellion, lead by an over-acheiver named Saturmine and The Fist Headed by a cocky little b*****d called Hero. They were strong as they had amassed a large number of alies very quietly. We were on the verge of a three way war when I meet a sweet young lady by the name of Misao. Misao had meet me with a kind heart and some how, calmed the raging fire in my belly. We were nothing more than friends and soon became like brother and sister. God help the being how meant her any harm.

With the help of Misao and several others interested in peace, I constructed the Night Syndicate. The Syn as I affectionatly called it was a place were people could go, reguardless of Guild affiliation and just relax. Misao made me promise that guild business would not be held here and that all were welcome. Her little covert plan worked wonders. I eventually became friends with some of the very same people that I was interested in exterminating.

Things became very peacefull around here. Misao and many other began to call the Syn their home as I did. i saw many of them on a daily basis and built strong relationships with them. New people came in all the time. Word had gotten out and the Syn was the place to be in Barton. I was a made man. No you were a made man. many people loved you, but with such esteem comes hatred in the form of those you wouldn't expect. But thats later on.

Eventually I had money to burn and that I did. I brought sports cars, clothes and anything else I could find that was shiny. I turned into a completely different person. The material world had taken hold of me. Then some friend of mine ventured of to a small town called Sha. Hero had done something vile and he left for there. I was gone at the time. Working out a deal with the goblin, whom I'd owed money two from some high stakes pool games. When I returned I had gotten the message and left immediately. I had nothing for distan for Hero. I meant to kill him.

Once I arrived at Sha a saw something that sparked a latent memory. A chapel. Upon entering I was captured by the monks that lived there and placed in an archaiac machine that had very good effects on me. It restored much of my memory and had heightened my powers to what I believe was my former glory. I had also found a beautiful sword there. It also had strange abilites. It gave me the power to teleport to the near by vacinity of those I cared for. Which was needed. Hero had gained an unnatural power and fought my friends.

Once I had arrive on the scene I fought with hero but only briefly. The power was to much for me to use at that time and I blackout falling in the midst of battle. after that i spent some time wandering the woods trying to piece things together. During My travels I found the cave of Knowldge. Thats where things got interesting. I learned many things about myself and found many things in my very own hand writting. After reading them I collected them and came home.

When I came home to barton several things had changed. That can happen over the course of the year. My once fierce warrior brother Gaiden had settled down and Married a beautiful gypsy by the name of St. Claire. She had then of course become my sister. Hero had returned but eas different, kinder. And I was again, out of the loop. I spiraled downward. All the knowledge I had learned coupled with my distance from those I loved brought on depression. Depression has a strange effect on my powers, Allowing things to occur that normally shouldn't. I aged.

I spent more time training, running the club and reading. New friends had come in to the place. Gaiden introduced me to a ninja named Nu Blaze. Blaze was later found to be in the same dragon lineage as Gaiden. My family grows. During this time I grew rather close to a young woman named Syrin, a furry. She was delightfully puzzling and terminally stricken by the fates. I grew attached to her quickl but then got too close. I could have loved her but, we became very close friends. Family. There is more to her but that shall be discussed later.

Through all this i grew more impatient for a war, something to rekindle that warrior spirit in me, nothing happened. I had spent so much time sewing up losse ends and paying bills for the clib that I never got the chance to enjoy owning it.

St. Clarie was pregnant and I was going to be an uncle. She gave birth to a beautiful daughter named Alesia. That, is the summary of all that has happend since I came to Barton. More things have occured but they are not important. Whats important is that you understand what has shapped you into the person you are, or should be after taking in all these pages. In your heat you know it to be truth but ou will hide it from everyone else.

That time of the week again, TyranT's top ten list is Back
I've got a fan. Yep that's right, A fan. Thanks 4 the comment Cryo. At least somebody appreciates the hard work I do. Send more troops ^_^

This week we talk about, the top ten things to do when visiting your in-laws.

10. Smile and Nod

9. Kill them with kindness

8. Scream fire in the hole and kick you Father in-law in the a**

7. Make passes at your wifes hotter sister

6. Wait in the car

5. Bring crappy presents

4. Eat, drink and be miserable

3. quietly tollerat family fued reruns

2. Call out sick

and the number one way to get through visiting your in-laws is

1. take two bottles of vodka and ask about it in the morning

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chapter 1
In addition to the top ten lists. From Time to time I will be dropping information on the Character TyranTs shadowy past. In a colum called.

biggrin rum roll:

TyranTs Journal

SO it's no creative, sue me and see what you get. I'm poor bitches hahaha. Anyway enough with my evil overlord crap here's page one to TyranTs Journal, A warriors bible.

TyranTs journal chapter 1

In an effort to combat the defect in my design I have begun writting my memories in this journal. It has come to my attention that in moments of over whelming stress I sometimes flush my memory and reboot in a sense. I've thought of this before but it wasn't possible until now, now that I have found people who care about me. Once I finish this collection of memoirs I plan to place it in capable hands during a crisis.

There are things that are still a mystery to me. Feelings that I can't explain. Long felt loves and hatreds. My skills are battle harded and learned from conception of me, for I am not a human as one would think, but a divine weapon, If you would. Created in a time when the world was in danger of being swept away in a plauge of darkness. I commanded many men and lead them to both death and victory.

My porpouse was nil after I won the war and the Holy remnant was disbanned. They built me all too well however. I was not one to succumb to termination. I had tasted life and defended it so many times that I had only one option, defend my own. I fought them and killed many. Although It perseved my own existance. I still feel the pain of taking those lives. they weren't warriors.

I have loved once. It's important to know that, because one can't protect anyone unless he loves someone. Only then can you project you love into the shoes of others and stand in the same puddle of s**t that they stand in. Feel their pain. Those feelings will guide you. I learned that from a white mage here in town.

My love was thousands of years ago. She still lives, I have seen her. I have spoken with her and I have kissed her. Yet, she two has a gap in her memory and now loves another. I am happy for he is a good friend of mine. I would die for him, I have died for him, for her. Maybe when next I read this page I will have lost enough to let go and find another love.

This may seem like rambling at first glance but when you've lived for 10000 years, It's neccesary to start with a summary. If these words are being read then it means that I have fell victim to my defect. For the enchantment placed upon this tome can only be read by the one who's hands last touched these pages. That would be me. Welcome home TyranT, Barton is your child. Protect it. In the following pages of this book you will learn all there is to learn about me, or you that is. And it is up to you to add upon this leger so that whence this book is opened again. We will find our way back to the present, not forgetting the past this time.

((Note to self, remember that italics are a code, build upon it)) eek !!

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