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View User's Journal

The Siren Song Of The Counter Culture
Rumors of my demise have been greatly exagerated
The olny non-song post in here:

1. Pie or cake?:cake
2. Pie or 3.14159...?:pie
3. Chocolate or vanilla?:chocolate
4. Black or white?:black
5. Ceiling or floor?:floor
6. Couch or bed?:bed
7. Cough or sneeze?:cough
8. On or off?: on
9. Closed or open?:closed
10. Brush or comb?:comb
11. Long or short?:long
12. Big or small?:big
13. Wet or dry?:dry
14. Under or over? surprised ver
15. Top or bottom?:top
16. Fly or fall?: fall
17. Smile or frown?:smile
18. Tears of joy or tears of sorrow?: no tears
19. Hot or cold?:hot
20. Warm or cool?:cool
21. Rough or smooth?:smooth
22. Cat or dog?:dog
23. Snake or bird?:bird
24. Shark or T-Rex?:shark
25. Past or present?:present
26. Science fiction or fantasy?:fantasy
27. Dull or sharp?:sharp
28. Live forever or die young?:live forever
29. Books or televiion?:books
30. Jump or skip?:jump
31. Fast or slow?:slow
32. Run or walk?:walk
33. Guy or girl?:guy
34. Disney or Warner Brothers?:disney
35. Belle or Jasmine? confused
36. Gaston or Cruella Deville? confused
37. Food or friends?:friends
38. Colors or black and white?:black and white
39. Cute or pretty?:either or
40. Good or evil?:good
41. Fruits or vegetables?: neither
42. Milk or juice?:milk
43. Hot chocolate or gingerale?:hot chocolate
44. Beer or wine?:wine
45. Movies or cartoons?:movies
46. Pillow or blanket?:pillow
47. Moon or stars?:stars
48. Sky or sea?:sky
49. Explode or implode?:explode
50. What color is the bottom of your tongue?:pink? i never needed to look there
51. Your foot?: ??
52. Do you have any medical problems concerning feet?:no
53. Do you secretly fantasize about George W. Bush?:ew no
54. Do you chew on your homework?:no
55. Pencils?:sure
56. Do you read the dictionary?:no
57. Encyclopedia?:no
58. Atlas?:no
59. Road map?:no
60. Do you memorize random facts?:sometimes
61. Do you stalk anyone?:i gave that up years ago
62. Does anyone stalk you?:not that i know of
63. Do you cut the grass with a pair of scissors?:no
64. Do you dust your lawn?:no
65. Do you collect dust?: no
66. Lint?:no
67. Baby teeth?:no
68. Have you ever thought of becoming a prostitute?:no
69. Do you wish prostitution was legal?:no
70. Do you use lotion on your feet?:no
71. Do you have problems with Canadians?:i am canadian
72. Mexicans?: no
73. Americans?:uhh maybe...no
74. The French?:no
75. The English?:no
76. Have you ever played a kazoo?:no
77. Have you ever shot someone?: no
78. Something?:yes
79. How many pairs of underwear do you own?: i don't count
80. Jeans?:don't know
81. What ring size are you?:dunno
82. Belt size?: the size that fits
83. Have you ever gotten anything amputated?: no
84. Do you have a calendar from 2001 hanging in your room?:no
85. Do you eat a lot?:yes
86. Do you get excited over cameras?:no
87. Do you have a strange obsession with pickles?:no
88. Poison?:no
89. Knives?: no
90. Cheese?: no
91. Penguins?: no
92. Bald people?:no
93. Scrawny African children?:no
94. Midgets?: no
95. Pirates?: no
96. Corny jokes?:no
97. Are you a virgin?: yes
98. Are you a hermaphrodite?:no
99. Do you tie string to your teeth?: no
100. Do you bite yourself?: no
101. Cut yourself?:no
102. Do you get cold sores often?:no
103. Do you have a cold right now?: no
104. Do you suffer from chronic migraines?:no
105. Do you like to touch sharp objects?:no
106. Do you have a twitching problem?:no
107. Are you homicidal?:no
108. What do you do on the computer?:nothing
109. Anything your parents should know about?: no
110. Are you happy with your life?: yeah why not
111. Is everybody else happy with your life?: i think
112. Do you like 100% white grape juice?: no
113. Do you honestly believe that trees are, in fact, green?: yeah
114. How big is the universe?: big
115. What's the logic behind your answer?: bigness
116. How many hours of sleep do you get every night?:about 2
117. What do you dream about?: nothimg
118. Anything your parents should know about?: no
119. Do you fall for Internet advertisements?: no
120. Do you enjoy bungee jumping?: no
121. Do you have AIM?: no
122. MSN?: yes
123. YIM?: no
124. A Neopets account?: no
125. A Vampirefreaks account?: no
126. A Quizilla account?: no
127. A Bzoink account?: no
128. Do you watch bugs crawl on the floor?: no
129. Do you follow the bugs that crawl on the floor?:no
130. Do you get attacked by ladybugs?:no
131. Are you scared of everything that breathes?:no
132. Doesn't breathe?:no
133. Are you scared of anything at all?:no
134. What?: no
135. Which cardinal direction do you like best?: huh
136. Do you have a life?: yeah
137. Do you have a microphone on your computer?:no
138. A webcam?:no
139. A scanner?:yes
140. A printer?: yes
141. A cordless mouse?: no
142. Does your mouse light up?: no
143. Are you scared of mice?:no
144. What kind of computer do you have?: pc
145. Were you ever physically abused?:no
146. Verbally?: no
147. Sexually?:
148. Do you wish you were a fish?: no
149. A cat?: no
150. A dog?: no
151. Do you have a cell phone?: no
152. What kind is it?:no
153. Do you weasel out of things?: no
154. Do your teachers like you?:dunno
155. Do your parents like you?: i hope
156. Do your siblings like you?:yes
157. Does karma, if it exists, love you?: no
158. Did you have a tail when you were born?: no
159. Do you enjoy school?:no
160. Do you sleep under or over the covers?: under
161. Do you sleep in a bed?:yes
162. Do you catch yourself floating at times?: no
163. Are you a packrat?: no
164. Do you know HTML or CSS?: no
165. Do you find yourself chewing on anything your fingers have touched?: no
166. Do you shy away from social situations?: most of the time
167. Are you obsessed with shiny things?:no
168. Are you at least attracted to them?:no
169. Do you know what you're going to get for the holidays?:no
170. Do you smash guitars or any other type of instrument?:no
171. Do you label other people?:yes
172. Are you proud?: yes
173. Do you like scrambled eggs?: no
174. Do you wash your hands frequently?:yes
175. Do you wet the bed?: no
176. What age did you stop?:i never did
177. Do you lie a lot?:no
178. Do you forget to brush your teeth frequently?:no
179. Brush your hair?:yes
180. Do you use deoderant?:yes
181. Do you masturbate?: no
182. How often?:i dont
183. Are you an alcoholic?: no
184. A druggie?:no
185. Do you drink illegally?:no
186. Do you wear underwear?:yes
187. Do you change your underwear frequently?: yes
188. Are you a coward?: no
189. A loser?: no
190. An idiot?: no
191. Do you chatspeak?: no
192. Are you a bad friend?:no
193. Are you untrustworthy?:no
194. Unreliable?:no
195. Do you pick your nose?:no
196. Are you imperfect?: yes
197. Ugly?: no
198. Do you have bad hair?:no
199. A big nose?:no
200. Are you shallow?: no
201. Greedy?: yes
202. Do you tell people you love them just to get want you want?:no
203. Do you have any /important/ talents?:no
204. Do you burp often?: no
205. Are you impolite?: sometimes
206. Disrespectful?:no
207. Sadistic?: no
208. Are you a pansy?:no
209. Are you a conformist? (Hot Topic is a mainstream store, by the way.):no
210. Are you a fan of George W. Bush?:no
211. Do you have buck teeth?:no
212. Acne?:a bit i guess
213. Mental illnesses?:no
214. Are you fake?:no
215. Does your breath smell?:no
216. Do you have a strong body odor?:no
217. Do you have bad teeth?:no
218. Do you have a bull ring through your nose?: no
219. Are you overweight?: no
220. Anorexic?: no
221. Bulimic?: no
222. Do you have a piercing in an inappropriate spot on your body?: no
223. A tattoo?: no
224. Are you a wannabe?: no
225. Do you get bad grades?:sometimes
226. What's your IQ level?: dunno
227. Are you a bad guesser?:yes
228. Are you slow?:no
229. Are you bad at reading people?: yes
230. Are you too nice for your own good?:no
231. Do you have a lot of friends?: i think so
232. Do you give in easily?:no
233. Are you stubborn?: yes
234. Are you annoying?: maybe
235. Do you enjoy talking about gross, disturbing things?: no
236. Are you a necrophilliac?:no
237. Are you incestuous?: no
238. Is your room messy?: yes
239. Do you make fun of other people?:yes
240. Do you respect your body?:yes
241. Are you arrogant?: no
242. Do you have low self-esteem?: no
243. Are you unique?: i like to think so
244. Are your hands clammy?:no
245. Are you short?:no
246. Are you freakishly tall?:no
247. Do you like Simple Plan?:uh
248. Do you believe in God?:no
249. Do you believe in magic?:no
250. True love?:yeah why not
251. Heaven?: no
252. Hell?:no
253. Satan?: no
254. The Lord and Lady?: no
255. The Goddess?:no
256. The Greek Gods or Goddesses?: no
257. The Pagan Gods or Goddesses?: no
258. Are you an atheist?: yeah
259. Agnostic?: no
260. Do you believe in fairies?:no
261. Dragons?: no
262. Unicorns?: no
263. Gollums?: no
264. Santa?: no
265. The Easter Bunny?: no
266. The Tooth Fairy?: no
267. Pixies?: no
268. Phoenixes?:no
269. Elves?: no
270. Dwarves?: no
271. Mermaids?:no
272. Karma?: no
273. Immortality?:no
274. Do you believe in the Aztec Gods?:no
275. Mayan Gods?:no
276. Incan Gods?:no
277. Do you believe that each different belief creates a new reality?: no
278. Do you believe in life on other planets?: no
279. Do you believe in parallel universes?:no
280. Do you believe that black holes are time portals?: no
281. Do you believe in Eternity?:no
282. Do you believe in evolution?: yes
283. Do you believe in life after death?:no
284. What happens to us after we die?:death
285. Do you believe in superheroes?: no
286. Super villains?:no
287. Do you believe in Fate?:no
288. That everything has a purpose?: no
289. Do you believe that everything revolves around money?:no
290. Sex?: ?
291. Love?: yes
292. Success?: yes
293. Making yourself happy?:sometimes
294. Making others happy?:yes
295. Religion?: no
296. Politics?: no
297. Do you believe in miracles?:no
298. Angels?: no
299. Demons?: no
300. Ghosts?: no
301. Do you believe there's a someone for everyone?:i don't know
302. Do you believe in true, selfless happiness?: yeah
303. Do you believe in selfessness at all?:yes
304. Do you believe that wishing for something can make it happen?: no
305. Do you believe that the means justify the ends? confused
306. Do you believe that anything can happen?: yes
307. Name: Brandon
308. Age: 14
309. Gender: male
310. Happy with it?:yes
311. Eye color: blue-green
312. Happy with it?:yes
313. If not, what would you change it to?:green
314. Hair color: brown
315. Happy with it?:sure
316. If not, what would you change it to?:black
317. Hair length: medium
318. Hair style: ask someone else
319. Have you ever dyed your hair?: no
320. What color?:no
321. Do you dye your hair frequently?:no
322. Has it ever gotten damaged?: no
323. Are you clean-shaven?:yes
324. What's your body type?: skinny
325. Are your fingers long and slender, short and fat, or somewhere in between?: long and slender
326. Thin or full lips?:i dunno full?
327. Thin hair, thick hair, or somewhere in between?:thick
328. Have you ever had lice?:no
329. How old were you?:no
330. Nicknames biggrin ocet
331. Happy with them?:yeah
332. Aliases: none
333. What made you choose them?: i don't have any
334. If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be?: Ashley my parents told me
335. Think of the situation above. What would you want your name to be?:i don't know
336. If you had a choice, would you drop your last name?: no
337. What heritage does your first name imply?: french
338. Middle name?:brandon
339. Last name?: doucet
340. Place of birth:NB
341. Date of birth:!) @$ 10 24
342. Nationality:canadian
343. Were you named after anyone?: yeah
344. Who?: my dad
345. What side of the family does your name come from?:dads
346. Did your parents immigrate?: no
347. How about your grandparents?: no
348. Your great grandparents?: no
349. Farther back into your family?: yes
350. Where did they emmigrate from?:france
351. Where did they immigrate to?: canada
352. Skin color: tan
353. What's your facial structure like?:ask a friend
354. Height: 5 6
355. Happy with it?:no i wanna be taller
356. Weight: 100
357. Happy with it?:yeah
358. How old are your parents?:in there 40s
359. What's your father's name? biggrin avid
360. Your mother's?:Leah
361. Do you have any siblings?:yes
362. How old are they?: 15
363. What are their names?:Gillian
364. Do you get along with your family?:yes
365. Do you wish they were different?:no
366. Were you ever abused by any member of your family?:no
367. Were you ever betrayed by a member of your family?: no
368. Did your family ever disown any other member of your family?:
369. If so, why?:no
370. Who do you get along with most?:sister
371. Color:black, green
372. Month: october
373. Year: 2000
374. Decade: 10
375. Century: 100
376. Millenium: 1000
377. Animal: dog
378. Movie: Jackass
379. Book: dunno
380. River: dunno
381. Lake: dunno
382. Ocean: dunno
383. Country: canada
384. City: fredericton
385. State: none
386. Province: ...
387. Place to go in your neighborhood:...
388. Person: I don't know
389. Relative: too lazy to type
390. Pet: ...
391. Actor: ...
392. Actress: ...
393. Celebrity: ...
394. Musician: Tom DeLonge
395. Singer: " "
396. Band: Blink-182
397. Movie genre: ...
398. Book genre: ...
399. Play genre: ...
400. Play: ...
401. Musical: ...
402. Poem: ...
403. Writer: ...
404. Song: Lips of an angel
405. Sport: tennis
406. Drink: ...
407. Food: ...
408. Brand of cereal:...
409. Candy bar: ...
410. Disney princess: ...
411. Disney prince: ...
412. Disney villain: ...
413. Disney character: ...
414. CD: ...
415. Director: ...
416. Videogame:...
417. Computer game:...
418. Game: ...
419. Board game:...
420. Word game:...
421. Clothing style:...
422. Truth or dare question:...
423. Fairy tale: ...
424. Lullaby: ...
425. Holiday: ...
426. Mythological creature:
427. Miscellaneous item:
428. Storybook character:
429. Movie character:
430. Play character:
431. Musical character:
432. College:
433. Football team:
434. Soccer team:
435. Tennis player:
436. Hockey team:
437. Basketball team:
438. Baseball team:
439. Swimmer:
440. Track star:
441. Vegetable:
442. Fruit:
443. Toothpaste brand:
444. Type of computer:
445. Medication:
446. Poison:
447. Type of sword:
448. Type of gun:
449. Planet:
450. Space feature:
451. Breed of cat:
452. Dog:
453. Spider:
454. Fish:
455. Penguin:
456. Species of crustacean:
457. Arachnid:
458. Insect:
459. Pair of socks:
460. Scooby-Doo character:
461. Spongebob Squarepants character:
462. Quote:
463. Adage:
464. President:
465. Astrological sign:
466. Chinese zodiac sign:
467. Number:
468. Short story:
469. Word:
470. Definition:
471. Time period:
472. Dictionary brand:
473. Series of books:
474. Publishing company:
475. Illustrator:
476. Artist:
477. Childhood story:
478. Childhood memory:
479. Facial expression:
480. Serial killer:
481. Medieval torture device:
482. Instrument:
483. Brand of chocolate:
484. Candy:
485. Brand of candy:
486. Time of day:
487. Codename Amour and Adori use:
488. Letter:
489. Inside joke:
490. Joke:
491. Scent:
492. Onomotapoeia:
493. Alliteration:
494. Hair color:
495. Hair length:
496. Hair style:
497. Eye color:
498. Skin color:
499. Any makeup?:
500. Clothing style:
501. Shy or outgoing?:
502. Happy or depressed?:
503. Funny or serious?:
504. Abusive or kind?:
505. Respectful or perverted?:
506. Completely describe their personality:
507. This is another space if you need it:
508. Ideal height:
509. Ideal weight:
510. Body type:
511. Completely describe their appearances:
512. This is another space if you need it:
513. Cup size or condom size:
514. Masochistic or sadistic?:
515. Conformist or nonconformist?:
516. Artistic or athletic?:
517. Intellectual or unintelligent?:
518. Complex or simple?:
519. What would their hobbies be?:
520. Interests?:
521. Obsessions:
522. Would they hug you often?:
523. Kiss you often?:
524. Would they frequently tell you that they loved you?:
525. Have you already found your ideal mate?:
526. Or as close as someone can get?:
527. Would you have sex often, never, or sometimes?:
528. Are you in love?:
529. What will you do together?:
530. Your ideal date:
531. Your ideal wedding:
532. How many kids?:
533. What will their names be?:
534. What do you think they would look like?:
535. Will you even have kids?:
536. If not, why?:
537. Will you even get married?:
538. If no, why?:
539. Are you taken or single?:
540. Least favorite color:
541. Animal:
542. Number:
543. President:
544. Actor:
545. Actress:
546. Director:
547. Celebrity:
548. Artist:
549. Illustrator:
550. Poet:
551. Writer:
552. Band:
553. Musician:
554. Singer:
555. Food:
556. Fruit:
557. Vegetable:
558. Candy:
559. Candy bar:
560. Brand of chocolate:
561. Skittles flavor:
562. Month:
563. Year:
564. Decade:
565. Century:
566. Millenium:
567. Era:
568. Time period:
569. Battle of the Civil War:
570. War:
571. Battle of WWII:
572. Battle of American Revolution:
573. Genius:
574. Genus of plant:
575. Flower:
576. Tree:
577. Hair color:
578. Eye color:
579. Fairy tale:
580. Disney princess:
581. Disney villain:
582. Disney prince:
583. Movie character:
584. Play character:
585. Book character:
586. Musical character:
587. Play:
588. Musical:
589. Person:
590. Brand of cereal:
591. Brand of battery:
592. Mental illness:
593. Medication:
594. Serial killer:
595. Poison:
596. Type of sword:
597. Type of gun:
598. Toothpaste brand:
599. Scent:
600. Taste:
601. Sound:
602. Sexual position:
603. Article of clothing:
604. =>What do you think Of...<=
605. Ugly people?:
606. Pretty people?:
607. Bald people?:
608. Scrawny African children?:
609. Religion?:
610. Politics?:
611. Abortion?:
612. Church?:
613. Separation of church and state?:
614. Blondes?:
615. Brunettes?:
616. Redheads?:
617. Mainstream rock?:
618. Abercrombie?:
619. Pop music?:
620. Classic rock?:
621. Roleplaying?:
622. Emo music?:
623. Ignorance?:
624. Stupidity?:
625. Mental retardation?:
626. My friend, Kcaiyettlyinnee?:
627. Friends?:
628. Disrespect?:
629. Immaturity?:
630. Republicans?:
631. Democrats?:
632. George W. Bush?:
633. Your mom? (OH, BURN.):
634. My mom?:
635. Me?:
636. This survey?:
637. Dry walls?:
638. Painted walls?:
639. Drugs?:
640. Alcohol?:
641. Prostitution?:
642. Premarital sex?:
643. Teenage sex?:
644. People?:
645. Your classmates?:
646. Your co-workers?:
647. Your school?:
648. Your family?:
649. My family?:
650. Your mental health?:
651. My mental health?:
652. Falling asleep holding a stuffed animal?:
653. Your life?:
654. My life?:
655. The color green?:
656. Pickles?:
657. Food?:
658. Electricity?:
659. Niagra falls?:
660. Cataracts?:
661. Bridges?:
662. Braces?:
663. Dictionairies?:
664. Television?:
665. Fairy tales?:
666. Hollywood?:
667. MTV?:
668. What are you feeling?:
669. Smelling?:
670. Seeing?:
671. Hearing?:
672. Doing?:
673. Who are you talking to online?:
674. On the phone?:
675. What room of the house are you in?:
676. Are you cold?:
677. Bored?:
678. Warm?:
679. Hot?:
680. Do you look nice?:
681. What are you wearing?:
682. Are you eating anything?:
683. Drinking anything?:
684. What's your heart rate?:
685. BMI?:
686. What brand of shoes are you wearing?:
687. What are you wishing for?:
688. What are you worried about?:
689. Sad about?:
690. Happy about?:
691. Angry about?:
692. Serious about?:
693. Laughing about?:
694. Talking about?:
695. Typing about?:
696. Who are your friends?:
697. Your best friends?:
698. Who do you hang out with most?:
699. Who do you treat the best?:
700. Who treats you the best?:
701. Do you even have friends?:
702. If so, why are you taking this survey?:
703. Who's the funny one?:
704. The smart one?:
705. The depressed one?:
706. The punk?:
707. The goth?:
708. The prep?:
709. The jock?:
710. The outcast?:
711. The stupid one?:
712. The one who you think will kill someone one day?:
713. The annoying one?:
714. The hyper one?:
715. The oblivious one?:
716. The romantic?:
717. The pervert?:
718. The content one?:
719. The liar?:
720. The cheapskate?:
721. The ominous one?:
722. The disrespectful one?:
723. The abusive one?:
724. The hot one?:
725. The ugly one?:
726. The one that hates you?:
727. The one that hates you, but hangs out with you anyway?:
728. The back-up one?:
729. The fighter?:
730. The lover?:
731. The hippie?:
732. The druggie?:
733. The alcoholic?:
734. The one that's recovering?:
735. The one that's in jail?:
736. The one that is most likely to be in jail?:
737. The one that's going to be executed?:
738. The most likely to be murdered?:
739. The most likely to be committed to a mental hospital?:
740. The most likely to stay there forever?:
741. The normal one?:
742. The conformist?:
743. The nonconformist?:
744. The masochistic one?:
745. The sadistic one?:
746. The weird one?:
747. The musical one?:
748. The artistic one?:
749. The perfect one?:
750. The literary genius?:
751. The fugitive?:
752. The juvenille delinquint?:
753. The Jewish one?:
754. The Christian one?:
755. The Buddhist one?:
756. The Muslim one?:
757. The Hindu one?:
758. The Catholic one?:
759. The Wiccan one?:
760. The atheist?:
761. The agnostic?:
762. The cutter?:
763. The anorexic one?:
764. The bulimic one?:
765. The skinny one?:
766. The thin one?:
767. The fat one?:
768. The obese one?:
769. The Satanic one?:
770. Gone on a cruise?:
771. Beaten someone up?:
772. Been beaten up?:
773. Bullied someone?:
774. Been bullied?:
775. Attempted suicide?:
776. Attempted murder?:
777. Nearly died?:
778. Broken the law?:
779. Stolen something?:
780. Had an abortion?:
781. Known the president?:
782. Had an affair with the president?:
783. Met a famous person?:
784. Masturbated?:
785. Gotten drunk?:
786. Gotten high?:
787. Had masochistic sex?:
788. Had an affair?:
789. Been out of the country?:
790. Out of state?:
791. Out of your town?:
792. Written a poem?:
793. A story?:
794. A novel?:
795. A song?:
796. Gotten published?:
797. Written a love poem?:
798. Story?:
799. Novel?:
800. Song?:
801. Said that you hated the world?:
802. Finished school?:
803. Flunked a grade?:
804. Flunked a test?:
805. Flunked a subject?:
806. Read a book for enjoyment?:
807. Bungee jumped?:
808. Skydived?:
809. Danced?:
810. Been to a dance?:
811. Suba dived?:
812. Broken a bone?:
813. Gotten a nose bleed?:
814. Had an orgasm?:
815. Suffered from psychosis?:
816. Wished you could get away with something?:
817. Thought of killing someone?:
818. Thought of killing yourself?:
819. Saved someone's life?:
820. Saved your own?:
821. Gone to the beach?:
822. Gone fishing?:
823. Gone to an island?:
824. Died in a dream?:
825. Had a dream that came true?:
826. Kissed someone in the rain?:
827. Gotten pregnant?:
828. Eaten calamari?:
829. Lobster?:
830. Helped anybody during the holidays?:
831. Helped a stranger?:
832. Kissed a stranger?:
833. Hugged a stranger?:
834. Had sex with a stranger?:
835. Kiss your elbow?:
836. Touch your nose with your tongue?:
837. Stick your fist in your mouth?:
838. Touch your toes?:
839. Give away money?:
840. Marry a family member?:
841. Hire an assassin?:
842. Get ahold of drugs?:
843. Alcohol?:
844. Stay up all night?:
845. Stay up for /ten/ nights?:
846. Finish this survey?:
847. Swim?:
848. Draw well?:
849. Sing well?:
850. Write well?:
851. Eat a box of chocolates in an hour?:
852. Eat an entire package of Oreos in a half an hour?:
853. Without milk?:
854. Predict the future?:
855. =>Would you Ever...<=
856. Sacrifice everything for a friend?:
857. A lover?:
858. Give your life for a friend?:
859. A lover?:
860. Give your life to save a stranger's?:
861. Post yourself having sex up on the Internet?:
862. Sell yourself?:
863. Have cyber sex?:
864. Real sex?:
865. With who?:
866. Here's an extra space if you need one:
867. Lie to a friend?:
868. Lie to your parents?:
869. Lie to a lover?:
870. Steal from your parents?:
871. Hug them in public?:
872. Blow up your house?:
873. Abuse someone?:
874. Use someone?:
875. Recommend this survey to a friend?:
876. =>Would you ever Be...<=
877. A fireman?:
878. Policeman?:
879. Serial killer?:
880. Doctor?:
881. Surgeon?:
882. Prostitute?:
883. Playboy model?:
884. Writer?:
885. Artist?:
886. Musician?:
887. Assassin?:
888. Ninja?:
889. Soldier?:
890. President?:
891. Darth Vader?:
892. Pilot?:
893. Mortician?:
894. Forensic scientist?:
895. Detective?:
896. Lawyer?:
897. Drug-dealer?:
898. Pirate?:
899. Box-carrier?:
900. Store clerk?:
901. Banker?:
902. Criminal?:
903. Target?:
904. Professional wrestler?:
905. Tennis player?:
906. Rapper?:
907. Country singer?:
908. Pop star?:
909. Actor?:
910. Plastic surgeon?:
911. =>Why...<=
912. Is the sky blue?:
913. Is the world round?:
914. Is the world unfair?:
915. Are most people selfish?:
916. Impolite?:
917. Disrespectful?:
918. Conforming?:
919. Are there religions?:
920. Theories?:
921. Opinions?:
922. Are humans so intelligent?:
923. Do we need air?:
924. Do we age?:
925. Do we die?:
926. Can't pigs fly?:
927. Is there cheddar cheese in the world?:
928. Swiss?:
929. American?:
930. Are you taking this?:
931. =>When was the last Time...<=
932. You brushed your teeth?:
933. Took a shower?:
934. Ate?:
935. Drank?:
936. Drank an alcoholic beverage?:
937. Took a pill?:
938. Smoked?:
939. You got your photograph taken?:
940. You got caught doing something bad?:
941. Had sex?:
942. Dyed your hair?:
943. Hurt someone physically?:
944. Hurt someone emotionally?:
945. Did your homework?:
946. Hung out with your friends?:
947. Got drunk?:
948. Got high?:
949. Said
950. Said
951. Took a survey?:
952. Won a contest?:
953. Went out on a date?:
954. Had a strong sexual drive?:
955. =>Word Association<=
956. Bed.
957. Curtains.
958. Lights.
959. Music.
960. Candles.
961. Closet.
962. Door.
963. Window.
964. Onomotapoeia.
965. Dog.
966. Cat.
967. Egypt.
968. Corey.
969. Mirror.
970. Case.
971. Cage.
972. Cave.
973. Nutella.
974. Bird.
975. Bear.
976. Death.
977. Life.
978. White.
979. Black.
980. Personality.
981. Pickle.
982. Dilemna.
983. Love.
984. Liberal.
985. Conservative.
986. Ball.
987. Moderate.
988. Do you love christmas?
999. Do you love helloween?
1000. Do you love your family?!?

i'll finish later

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 03, 2007 @ 10:02pm
i don't know if i have to much spare time or i was actually intrested,but i just read through all your answers 4laugh

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