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View User's Journal

Unambiguously Unequivocal Gargantuan Infinitesimal Convoluted Pandemonium
On November 24, 2005, I attempted answering approximately 1000 questions about myself. Today, I will try this again. Here goes:
460. What time is it now? 8:49 PM
461. Own something one of kind? Yuppers
462. Do you Like Riddles? Yuppers
463. What about unscrambling words? Yuppers
464. What is 12x12? An equation
465. Are you as bored as I am? It depends on how bored you are.
466. What does it take to make you happy? Books, and solitude. And my ability to laugh evilly in your face.
467. As anyone saying I love you ever hurt you? "As anyone..."? Your ability in English causes me headache.
468. Have you looked at how many questions there are yeat? *guffaws* YEAT?!
469. How much gold do you have? An amount.
470. How much more gold do you need to reach your quest? Infinite.
471. Are you going to Finish? Finish what?
472. Have you have splurged on something for yourself? No.
473. If so, what did you buy? *falls off cliff*
474. What's your favorite music to dance to? Why would I dance?
475. Do you think it easy to rap? No.
476. Do you go to concerts often? No.
477. What was your favorite Summer Movie? Nothing, I'd rather be reading.
478. What was your least? Er...aforesaid.
479. What is the worst food in the world? I'm not particular about my fare.
480. What is your favorite Skittle's Flavor? None, I'd rather be reading.
481. What is your least favorite number? 6
482. What Brand of Lotion is your favorite? Lotion? Bleh. More like toxic potion.
483. What is your favorite thing about me? Who are you?
484. Why do you think I worry about what you think about me? The fact that you're suffering from insanity.
485. What is your Favorite kind of Headband [ex: Doll Ears, Fox Ear, Angelic Headband etc.] Fox ears
486. Do you have any new ideas gaia should use? Yuppers
487. Which item annoys you to death? Your face
488. Why? Its hideous.
489. Do you use 1 player or Multi Player in fishing? I don't fish.
490. Do you join other people's games or do you start your own? *falls off cliff*
491. How many friends have you taken off your friend list lately? One
492. Why would you do such a thing? Because she was an imbecile, imbecile.
493. Do your Friends Comment in your journal? Yes, because they're better than you.
494. Does anybody comment in your journal? *falls into cliff*
495. Do you hate Quest Threads? No.
496. How Many Quest Threads have you made? No.
497. How many Quest Threads have you donated to? No.
498. Are you Greedy when it comes to gold? No.
499. What is the ugliest item on Gaia? Your face.
500. What is the Weirdest? Your face.
501.Whats your least favorite number? 6. Short-term memory loss, I'm sure.
502. Do you like waffles? Bleh. No.
503. Can you wait to get a mouthful? Yes.
504. Do you demand people call you by your screen name? No.
505. What's your favorite kind 'o weather? The apostrophe is on the wrong side of 'o'. I enjoy thunderstorms and snow.
506. What is your bed time? I don't have a bed time.
507. What do you first think of when you wake up? I'm surrounded by idiots.
508. What is your ethnicity? Filipino, European Spanish, Jewish Egyptian, Chinese, and French.
509. How long was your relationship youve ever been in? Pardon?
510. Have you ever been beaten up? No.
511. Have you ever beaten someone else up? No.

What would the sexiest girl/boy for you look like

512. Eye Color? ---------
513. Hair Color? ---------
514. Short or Long hair? ---------
515. Height? ---------
516. Style? ---------
517. Personality? ------------
518. Looks? -------------
519. Hot or Cute? ------------
520. Muscular, Really Skinny, or fat? ------------

Why would I think of female or male creatures that way? Humans are peculiar critters.

521. How do you want to die? Freezing or drowning.
522. Been to the Mall Lately? No.
523. Do you like Thunderstorms? Of course.
524. Do you get along with your Parents? Irrefutably.
525. Do you think your Attractive? No.
526. do you shower Daily? Yes. Do you? It seems questionable.
528. Hate anyone? Yuppers
529. Are you Straight, gay, or bi? Straight
530. What age do people think you are? 16. They're irritating. I don't look that ancient, do I?
531. What age do you wish you were: 11
532. Are you happy with your hair color? Yuppers
533. Do you dye your hair? Nopers
534 are you Left handed, right handed, or ambidextrous? Ambidextrous
535. Obsessions? Your question is "Are you obsessions?"? No....
536 Have a favorite quote? Yuppers
537. If you do what is it? "Only with absolute fearlessness can we slay the dragons of mediocrity that invade our gardens."
538. Do you have a web page? Yuppers
539. If you do what is it? A web page...
540. If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? Sarah's Odyssey
541. Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? Nopers
542. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Nopers
543. Have you ever played strip poker? Nopers
544. Have you ever thought you were going crazy? Yuppers
545. Have you ever killed an animal by accident? Nopers. I am unable to "accidentally" drown creatures.
546. Been on the radio/TV.? Nopers
547. Had a dream that kept coming back? Yuppers
548. What kind of cologne/perfume do you wear? Versace, or Dolce&Gabbana
549. do you Believe in life on other planets?: Yuppers
550. what about Miracles?: Yuppers
551.Magic?: Nopers
552. do you Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: What rainbow?
553 Do you wish on stars?: Nopers
554 Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going on a blind date? I do not date human creatures.
555. Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? First ask me if I would care.
556. Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: Nopers
557. What's the last present someone gave you? A book
558. Do you consider your significant other hot? What significant other?

Who was the last person?.
559. That haunted you? I'M the one that is supposed to freak others out.
560. You wanted to kill? MUAHAHAHAHA. Don't ask that again.
561. That you laughed at? You.
562. That laughed at you? Me.
563. That turned you on? How can a human be "turned on"? They don't seem to have light switches, or anything similar.
564. You went shopping with? My parents
565. That broke your heart? My heart hasn't broken, as I am alive.
566. To disappoint you? Everyone has disappointed me at some point.
567. To ask you out? Bleh.
568. To make you cry? No.
569. that you thought about? Me.
570. You saw a movie with? My parents.
571. You talked to on the phone? Roanne
572. You saw? My parents
573. You thought was completely insane? Me
574. You wanted to be? Me
575. You told off? Me
576. You trusted? Me

When was the last time you?
577. Smiled? A few years ago
578. Laughed? Same as above
579. Cried? A century ago
580. Bought something? A few weeks ago
581. Hugged someone? Ewwww.....
582. Watched your fave movie? A few months ago
583. Had a nightmare? I have nightmares constantly, with all the people I'm around.
584. Talked on the phone? 24 hours ago
585. Listened to the radio? A few seconds ago
586. Watched TV? A few months ago
587. Went out? A few hours ago
588. Helped someone? A few hours ago
589. Were mean? MUAHAHAHAHA. Funny you should ask.
590. Sang? Why?
591. Saw a movie in a theater? A few days ago

Have you ever?

592. Skipped class? Nopers
593. Eaten a bug? Yuppers
594. Crashed a friend's car? Nopers
595. Done drugs? Nopers
596. Been in love? Nopers
597. Been dumped? Dumped from a trash bin onto the sidewalk? Possibly.
598. Shoplifted? Nopers
599. Been fired? Nopers
600. Been in a fist fight? Nopers
601. Snuck out of your house at night? Nopers
602. Had feelings for someone who didnt have them back? Like hatred? No, the hatred's mutual.
603. Made out with a stranger? Nopers
604. Gone on a blind date? Nopers
605. Lied to a friend? Not that I can recollect...
606. Had a crush on a teacher? Nopers
607. Killed someone? No.....
608. Been in a car accident? No
609. Seen someone die? Yes
610. Been on a plane? Yes
611. Cheated on a test? No
312. Stopped reading a book 20 pages before you finished? Nopers
613. Made a snow angel? Nopers
614. Played dress up? No
615. Cheated while playing a game? No
616. been lonely? No
617. fallen asleep at work/school? No
618. Used a fake ID? No
619. Felt an earthquake? Yuppers
620. Touched a snake? Yuppers
621. Ran a red light? Yes, but I wasn't driving.
622. Been suspended from school? No
623. Had detention? No
624. Worn a outfit that you later regretted wearing? No
625. Had someone tell you your outfit is ugly? No
626. Witnessed a crime? No
627. lap danced? No
628. Given a striptease? Pardon?
629. Been lost? Yuppers
630. Been to the opposite side of the country? No
631. Felt like dying? Yes
632. Cried yourself to sleep? No
633. Played cops and robbers? No....
634. Sang karaoke? Yes
635. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? No
636. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? No.
637. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? No
638. Kissed in the rain? No
639. Sing in the shower? No
640. Been embarrassed in front of your boyfriend/crush? No, I don't have one. They're all idiots
641. If you have please tell of your horrifying experience. Yup. Short-term memory loss.
642. Had a dream that you married someone? No
643. Glued your hand to something? Ha ha. I mean, possibly.
644. Gotten your tongue stuck to a flag pole? No
645. Worn the opposite gender's clothes? No
646. Sat on a roof top? Yes
647. Not showered for a week? I can't endure that long of a time.
648. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? No
649. seen such a scary movie you slept with your parents that night? No
650. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No
651. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? No
652. Been easily amused? No, never was, never am.
653. Laugh so hard you cry? No.
654. Cry so hard you laugh? No.
655. Mooned someone? Pardon? No....
656. Flashed someone? No
657. If youre a girl tried to pee in a urinal? No
658. If youre a boy worn makeup to school? No
659. Forgotten someone's name? No
660. Slept naked? No
661. Gone skinny-dipping in a pool? No
662. Been kicked out of your house? No
663. Played a prank on someone? Yes
664. Gone to a late night movie? No
665. Failed a class? *screams* No, how could I consider such a possibility?!
666. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat? No
667. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours? No
668. Eaten a whole package of Oreos in one day? No
669. Bought Mardi gras beads? No
670. Thrown a shoe? Yes
671. Felt like killing someone? No
672. Ran away? No
673. Been kidnapped? No
674. had detention and not attend it? No
675. Yelled at your parents? No
676. Made parent cry? No
677. Cussed at your parents? *gasp* No
678. Cried over someone? No
679. Owned more than 5 sharpies? No
680. Dated someone more than once? No
681. Have a dog? Yes
682. Have a cat? No
683. Own an instrument? Yes
684. Been in a band? Yuppers
685. Had more than 25 sodas in one day? No
686. Broken a CD? I break or drown everything eventually.
687. Shot a gun? No
688. Was it real or fake? No
689. Been on Gaia for more than 5 hours straight? Yes
690. Slept in the same bed as someone of the opposite gender? No
691. Have a dream come true? Yes
692. Been kissed unexpectedly? No
693. Tried to break a record? Yes
694. Entered an eating contest? No

Do you?

695. Cook? Yes
696. Want to know me? Pardon?
697. Want something that you can't have? Yes
698. Think this quiz is too long? No *laughs evilly in your face*
699. Own more than 6 pairs of shoes? Yes
700. Get on Gaia daily? No
701. Like to write? IRREFUTABLY!!!!!
702. like school? Yuppers
703. Own a pair of cuticle clippers? No
704. Enjoy listening to music from games? Not particularly
705. even if you've never played the game? Not particularly
706. Read magazines? Yes
707. What kind of magazines do you enjoy to read? National Geographic; Time
708. Like to listen to music? Yupper
709. Ever get cramps? No
710. Ever get migraines? Yes
711. like kitties? Not particularly.
712. like dogs? Very much so.
713. like animals in general? Somewhat.
714. Crave something right now? No
715. like chocolate? No
716. Think the sun is too bright? Yuppers
717. Do you shop at Abcrombie and Fitch? What's "Abcrombie and Fitch"?
718. Wish I can stop asking these stupid questions? What stupid questions?
719. Wish you never started this quiz? No, I never started it.

720. When was the last time you missed someone? Never
721. When was the last time you fought with a family member? On a day
722. Fought with a friend? On a day
723. Had a serious conversation? Constantly

724. How long have you been doing this quiz? About a year
725. How much gold have you gotten so far from doing this quiz? Zipper
726. How much longer do you think you can take it? Another year, perhaps.
727. Can you not wait till this is over? No, I'm a sufficiently patient person.
728. Do you hate me for asking all these questions? No. Who are you, by the way?

729. Do you know your multiplication tables? Yes.
730. What is 12 times 16? An equation.

TO BE CONTINUED............................................

User Comments: [5] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Sep 28, 2006 @ 11:16pm
eek I could never go through all those questions without dying in the prossess...you are so wow....lol.

Man whoever made this is annoying....and HEY!!! I AM THE ONLY PERSON THAT SUFFERS FROM COMPLEAT INSANITY!!! stare .....meany. Yup so I read this WHOLE thing and almost fell over due to all the stupid questions...BAH! I HATE YOU SARAH!!! Making me read that whole thing...you trying to make me commit suicide??? MEH! Just cause of that I am going to give you a permanant contamination marking=====>.

commentCommented on: Fri Sep 29, 2006 @ 07:22am
Hm? Who forced you to read it? *erases "permanent" contamination marking with alcohol*

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Aug 14, 2007 @ 10:17pm
DO NOT READ THIS COMMENT!!! cheese_whine

commentCommented on: Tue Aug 14, 2007 @ 10:18pm
DO NOT READ THIS COMMENT!!! cheese_whine

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Aug 14, 2007 @ 10:18pm
NOR THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!! cheese_whine

User Comments: [5] [add]
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