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View User's Journal

Just another survey! Stole from Hyuju, the QUIZMASTER
[ ] I am a university student. (Nope, but I live near one...)
[X] I am a cuddler.
[/] I am an okay dancer.
[X] I am a huge fan of lists.
[/] I am a morning person.
[XXXXX] I am a perfectionist.
[ ] I am a Republican.
[ ] I am allergic to something deadly.
[ ] I am an only child.
[ ] I am Catholic.
[ ] I am content as of this moment.
[X] I am currently in my pajamas.
[ ] I am currently pregnant.
[ ] I am currently single. ( talk2hand 4laugh )
[X] I am embarrassed to be seen with my mother or father.
[X] I am currently suffering from a breaking heart.
[ ] I am okay at styling other people's hair.
[X] I am left handed.
[X] I am married. ( ninja rofl )
[ ] I am obsessed with my Xanga.
[X] I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
[ ] I am procrastinating by filling out this list.
[X] I am resentful that I have to grow up.
[ ] I am very shy around the opposite sex.
[ ] I am, or was, pigeon-toed. (What?)
[ ] I bite my nails. (No, I bite my lips ;_; )
[XXXXX] I can be paranoid at times.
[X] I carry a weapon with me everywhere I go.
[ ] I collect picture frames.
[X] I currently have a crush on someone.
[X] I consider myself to be a 'nerd'.
[X] I currently regret something that I have done/am doing.
[X] I curse frequently.
[X] I do not believe people are inherently good or evil.
[ ] I don't hate anyone.
[ ] I enjoy country music.
[X] I enjoy ...jazz music.
[X] I enjoy smoothies.
[/] I enjoy talking on the phone.
[ ] I have a ...car.
[/] I have a mobile phone.
[X] I have a hard time paying attention at school.
[/] I have a hidden talent.
[ ] I have a hobby.
[X] I have a lot to learn.
[/] I have a pet.
[ ] I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
[/] I have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" guy. sweatdrop
[ ] I have all my (real) grandparents, none of them have died.
[X] I have at least one brother and/or sister.
[ ] I have avoided work to play with my Xanga.
[X] I have been in a real relationship.
[ ] I have been in a threesome.
[ ] I have been rejected by someone.
[X] I have been the "psycho ex" in a past relationship. (LOLOL understatement)
[ ] I have been to another country.
[X] I have been to an anime convention.
[ ] I have been to Europe.
[ ] I have been to Las Vegas.
[X] I have been told that I am very smart. rofl
[X] I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor.
[X] I have broken a bone.
[X] I have Caller I.D. on my phone.
[ ] I have changed a diaper.
[X] I have changed a lot over the past year.
[ ] I have cheated on a significant other.
[X] I have counted down the days until the summer.
[X] I have dated my best friend's ex. ( sweatdrop She wanted me to. Mel you are CRAZY)
[X] I have done something illegal.
[ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[ ] I have gone scuba diving/snorkling.
[X] I have had major/minor surgery.
[X] I have had my hair cut within the last week.
[ ] I have had sex with someone I was not in a relationship with.
[ ] I have had the cops called on me.
[ ] I have snogged someone I knew I shouldn't.
[ ] I have snogged someone of the same sex.
[ ] I have made a move on a friend's significant other in the past.
[XXXXX] I have mood swings.
[X] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
[X] I have passed out drunk at least once in the past 6 months. (Kevin's fault.)
[X] I have rejected someone before.
[X] I have seen The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
[X] I have seen the television show The O.C.
[X] I have swum in the ocean.
[ ] I have tried a drug that is illegal.
[X] I have tried sushi.
[ ] I have watched Sex and the City.
[X] I have watched the television show Spongebob Squarepants.
[X] I know how to shoot a gun.
[ ] I like being the center of attention.
[X] I like eating Ramen noodles.
[ ] I like my handwriting.
[ ] I like Shakespeare.
[X] I like the taste of blood.
[X] I like to cook.
[X] I like to sing.
[X] I like to vacuum.
[X] I love learning foreign languages.
[X] I love Michael Jackson.
[X] I love my friends.
[ ] I love olives.
[X] I love rain.
[X] I love sleeping.
[X] I love to play computer games.
[X] I love to shop.
[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] I miss someone right now.
[X] I own 100 CDs or more.
[ ] I own a home.
[X] I own and use a library card.
[X] I play a musical instrument.
[ ] I practice a religion that is not considered mainstream.
[ ] I read books for pleasure.
[X] I shave my legs.
[X] I sleep a lot during the day.
[X] I strongly dislike math.
[ ] I think Britney Spears is pretty.
[X] I think long strings of html code look cool.
[ ] I think that Pizza Hut makes the best pizza.
[ ] I think the world would be a better place if people just smiled more often.
[X] I was born in a country other than the USA.
[ ] I watch more TV this year than last year.
[ ] I watch soap operas on a regular basis.
[ ] I wear contact lenses.
[ ] I will try anything once.
[X] I work at a job that I enjoy.
[ ] I would classify myself as ghetto.
[X] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
[ ] I like orange kool aid.
[X] I can name all 7 of the dwarfs from 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs'.
[ ] I like being at school.
[X] I always love wearing sweaters.
[ ] I love water polo.
[ ] I am currently wearing socks.
[X] I am being nostalgic right now.
[ ] I hate summer.
[X] I am tired.
[X] I love to paint/draw/sketch/sculpt

I have....

[X] been drunk.
[ ] smoked pot.
[ ] done ecstasy.
[ ] done coke.
[ ] done crack.
[ ] done heroin.
[X] done opium. ( ;;;; poppy field)
[ ] done PCP.
[ ] done LSD.
[ ] done CCC's.
[ ] done prescription narcotics for recreational purposes.
[ ] huffed air-duster.
[X] been to a rave.
[X] been to a real party. (at least 30 people and at least 4 types of drugs there)
[X] ridden in a taxi.
[ ] jumped a ramp with a bike.
[ ] been dumped.
[X] been used.
[X] shoplifted.
[ ] ran from the cops.
[X] been in a room of your school that you could get suspended for being in
[ ] been fired.
[X] been kicked out of a movie theater. rofl
[X] snuck into a movie.
[X] been in a fist fight.
[ ] got hit by a car.
[X] fired a real gun.
[X] snuck out of your parent's house.
[ ] been arrested.
[ ] gone in a mosh pit.
[X] stolen something from your school. (Lined paper, HARDCORE)
[ ] celebrated new years in times square.
[ ] gone on a blind date.
[ ] lied to a friend.
[ ] had a crush on a teacher.
[ ] celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.
[ ] been to europe.
[X] skipped school.
[ ] thrown up from drinking.
[X] played 'clue'
[X] had a sleepover party.
[X] gone ice skating.
[ ] cheated on a bf/gf.
[X] been cheated on.
[ ] had your tonsils out.
[X] been exposed to laughing gas.
[ ] had a car.
[X] driven a car.
[X] Totaled a car.

Do you...

[X] feel loved.
[X] feel lonely.
[/] feel happy.
[/] hate yourself.
[X] have a dog.
[X] have your own room.
[/] sing along with your music.
[/] dance around the house in your underwear. (When nobody's here.)
[X] listen to Hawaiian Music.
[ ] listen to underground hip hop.
[/] listen to rap. (Does KAT-TUN count?)
[/] listen to classic rock.
[X] listen to new rock.
[ ] listen to country.
[ ] listen to reggae.
[X] listen to techno.
[X] listen to hardcore punk.
[X] listen to pop.
[ ] listen to r&b.
[X] listen to jazz.
[ ] listen to crooners.
[X] listen to bands that can't be put into a category. (Tally Hall?)
[ ] have hobbies.
[ ] skateboard.
[ ] do aggressive inline.
[ ] snowboard.
[ ] ski.
[ ] surf.
[ ] skim board.
[X] have more than 1 best friend.
[/] get good grades.
[X] play an instrument.
[X] have slippers
[X] wear boxers
[X] wear black eyeliner.
[X] like the color blue.
[X] like the color pink.
[X] like the color red
[X] like the color green
[X] like the color black
[X] like the color purple
[X] like neon colors
[ ] like to read.
[X] like to write.
[ ] have long hair.
[X] have short hair.
[ ] have a laptop.
[ ] have a pager.

Are you...

[X] bored.
[/] happy.
[X] bilingual.
[ ] Hawaiian. ( ..... )
[ ] blonde
[ ] a brunette
[ ] a redhead
[X] a darkhead (black hair)
[ ] Samoan.
[ ] Filipino.
[ ] Korean.
[ ] British.
[X] white.
[ ] Italian
[ ] black.
[ ] Inuit
[ ] Mexican.
[X] Asian.
[ ] a Christian
[ ] a Muslim
[ ] a Jew
[ ] a Hindu
[ ] a scientologist
[X] an atheist
[ ] satanist
[X] short. crying
[ ] tall
[ ] just right
[/] realistic
[X] an emo kid
[X] sick
[X] mad
[X] lazy.
[ ] talking to someone.
[ ] IMing someone.
[ ] scared to die.
[ ] buzzed
[ ] high
[ ] caffeinated
[X] sleepy.
[X] annoyed.
[ ] hungry.
[ ] thirsty.
[ ] on the phone.
[ ] in your room.
[ ] drinking something.
[ ] eating something.
[ ] ticklish.
[X] listening to music
[X] a virgin.

001. What is your name? Danielle
002. Spell your name backwards: Elleinad
003. Date of birth: 10/27/90
004. Male or female? Female (Damn, they didn't say "sex?" XD)
005. Astrological sign: Scorpio, Horse
006. Nicknames: Dani, Sachi, Darling...
007. Occupation?: I CUT FRUIT, LAWLS.
008. Height: 5'2" crying
009. Weight: 120-something! Hooray
010. Hair color: Black...
011. Eye color: Dark light brown. x__o; Like...dark orange, I guess? *squint* That's what it looks like...
012. Where were you born? Toronto, Ontario
013. Where do you reside now? London, Ontario
014. Age: 15 ;~;
015. Screen names: Daniki, DAISOUTO, and um...that's about all of my active ones that aren't supposed to be kept se-cuh-ret. >>
016. E-mail address: orenjibanana@gmail.com
017. What does your screen name stand for? Daniki = Dani (my name) + Aniki ("big brother" wink , DAISOUTO = Head of the military (LOLZ HITLER), Orenji Banana = Orange Banana. On drugs? No, not me...
018. What is your journal name? "Dani's life is boring" and "Dani SPEAKS"
019.What does your journal name stand for? Self explanitory.
020. Pets: Two doggies.
021. Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? One. >>; And it was a cupcake.
022. Piercings? None
023. Tattoo's? None ;_;
024. Shoe size? ...7 1/2.
025. Righty or lefty? Lefty
026. Wearing: Pajama pants and a bra. xD
027. Hearing: Asian Kung-Fu Generation - Kimi to iu Hana (A Flower Named For You)
028. Feeling: Bitchy and lonely. NOT TALKATIVE? I'LL SHOW YOU NOT TALKATIVE *bazooka*
029. Eating/drinking: Nothin'.

~Friends Stuff~
Which one of your friends is the....
030. Craziest? ...They're all equally crazy.
031. Loudest? Rian cause he's pretty much the only one that TALKS
032. Nicest? ... ... ... Uhm. I unno. XD Rian. Again.
033. Bitchiest? Rakunojo e_e
034. Life of the party? Anisa =p
035. Jock? ...We're all pretty afraid of game balls.
036. Prep? LOL, Kaye. XD;;
037. Rebel? Uhm...Stormy. Jason's neechan.
038. Cutest? Basta <3
039. Best friend of the same sex? Tina and Anisa, I guess.
040. Best friend of the opposite sex?: Jason and Eli-nii.
041. Most popular? Hyuju LOL YOU HAVE GROUPIES.
042. Rudest? Me >_> lmfao
043. Most shy? Leri xD
044. Dumbest? Me D: My IQ probably dropped, hooray
045. Smartest? ...Hm. Bon?
046. Weirdest? Me e_O
047. Has the best hair? Jason xDDDDDD <3
048. Best personality? Jason.
049. Most talented? Hyuju and Corenna *_*
050. Most ghetto? xD I unno.
051. Most spoiled? Uh...dunno.
052. Drama queen? Me xD
053. Pain in the a**? Me.
054. Funniest? Bon XD;
055. Best advice giver? Uh...dunno.
056. Druggie? Sarah e_x;
057. Most likely to join a cult? Bon xD
058. Have you lost touch with a good friend recently? Yeeup.
059. Person you've been friends with the longest? ...*scratches head* Bon and Leri.
060. How many friends do you have on your buddy list? 33. n-n; I talk to about...six.

~Guys/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~
061. Have you ever been in love? Yup.
062. How many people have you told "I love you"? Two *_*;
063. How many people have you been in love with? One.
064. How many people have you kissed? Real kisses...as in lip kisses? None. Other places? LOTS. rofl
065. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yeeup. But not lip kisses.
066. How many people have you dated? Two.
067. What do you look for in a guy/girl? Personality. sweatdrop heart
068. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes and hair.
069. What type of guy/girl do you usually go for? ...I usually go for Jason, since he's pretty much the only person I've ever been interested in, but uh. XD
070. Do you have a bf/gf? Yes ma'am.
071. If so where did you meet them? ...Long story.
073. Do you have a crush right now? Maybe. c_c
074. If so who is it? My boyfriend lols
075. Do you believe in love at first sight? Nope.
076. Do you remember your first love? I'm in it right now. owO
077. Who is the first person you kissed? ...
078. Do you believe in fate? Yeah.
079. Do you believe in soul mates? Yup.
080. If so do you believe you'll ever find yours? I think I have. And I'm not saying that to be mushy lovey dovey crap. It's because I reallythink so. (<- What Hyuju said.)

~Family Stuff~
104. How many siblings do you have? Two
105. What are your parents names? Keith Daly and Laura Lam.
106. What are your siblings names? Gwendolyn and Samantha Daly~
107. How many siblings does your mother have? David, Phyllis, Andrew, Richard, Kevin, Joanne, Linda, Kirby, Garrick. So...9.
108.How many siblings does your father have? Hell if I know.
109. Where are your parents from? Dad's from Cape Breton, mum's from Hong Kong. They both moved to Sudbury, Ontario around the same time (not together, of course).
110. Is your family close? Me to family, no. Family to family, no. XD;
111. Does your family get together for holidays? Yup...always in Toronto. Either Unionville or Richmond Hill.
112. Do you have a drunk uncle? Kind of.
113. Any medical problems run through your family? Diabetes, Heart Problems, Cancer (not malignant in most cases! hooray), Depression, um...all that fun stuff. You know.
114. Does someone in your family wear a toupee? lol.. no
115. Do you have any nieces or nephews? No.
116. Are your parents divorced? No.
117. Do you have step parents? No O_o
118. Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? Mum once said she didn't want to be my mum anymore, but she never did anything about it.
119. If so for what? I didn't wash the dishes on mother's day. xd
120. Did some of your family come to the US from another country? I don't live in the US, you b*****d

~Music Stuff~
121. What song do you swear was written about you or your life? Dani California LOL no, kidding. Seriously? I dunno.
122. What's the most embarrasing cd you own? The one that I have with Hilary Duff on it.
123. What's the best cd you own? Corpse Bride OST, and one of my Shaman King Drama CDs (Ozorezan Revoir, I think?). LOL it makes me laugh
124. What song do you absolutely hate? I unno.
125. Do you sing in the shower? Not often.
126. What song reminds you of that special someone? Hmmm... L'arc en Ciel - Feeling Fine

152. Color: Orange ^ww^
153. Food: Celeryyyy...
154. Song: Kelly - Let Me Borrow That Top rofl xd xd xd heart
155. Show: Hagane no Renkinjutsushi~
156. School subject: None. mad
157. Band/singer: Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Imogen Heap
158. Animal: KITTY
159. Outfit: Pajamas and braaaa. rofl
160. Radio station: 102.3 *__*;
161. Movie: Uhhm...The Incredibles
162. Pair of shoes: Giant sandles.
163. Cartoon: Family Guy
164. Actor: Psh who cares xD
165. Actress: Yuuko Satou <3 or Shibsaki Kou.
166. Potato chip: Miss Vickie's.
167. Drink: Crystal Light <3
168. Alcholic drink: sweatdrop
169. Holiday: Halloween.
170. Perfume/cologne: ... sweatdrop
171. Pizza topping: Pepperoni...?
172. Jello flavor: eek crying
173. Lunch meat: mad
174. Board game: Uh...Life.
175. Video game: FF8 and KH2 *_*
176. Website: Gaia Online, Livejournal, Gendou, Leafcat.net
177. Book: Lolita *w*;
178. Computer game: Ragnarok Online
179. Number: 25
180. Cereal: Maple Nut...stuff.
181. Comedian: Margaret Cho xD
182. Dessert: Cheesecake...
183. Disney character: ...Sora. owO
184. Clothing store: *shrug*
185. Pasttime: Eating babies
186. Teacher: mad
187. Childhood toy: Hot Wheels :D
188. Carnival game/ride: Uhm...I unno.
189. Candy bar: Crunchieee.
190. Magazine: Ribon
191. Salad dressing: Balsamic Vinaegrette~
192. Thing to do on the weekend: Sit around waiting for Jason to get on, only to have him say "go to sleep". -_- Nice to see you too, love.
193. Hot drink: Orange Pekoe *w*
194. Season: Autumn
195. Sport to watch: ...No xD
196. Person to talk to online: Jason, Bon, Leri. On IMs, I mean. Nobody else is really around anymore.

~Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits~
197. What color are your sheets? White.
198. What color are your bedroom walls? Black.
199. Do you have posters on your walls? Nope.
200. If so of what? ...
201. Do you have a tv in your bedroom? No.
202. How many pillows are on your bed? ...Eight sweatdrop
203. What do you normally sleep in? Pajama pants a bra. ^w^
204. Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: They're silk and have caaandy canes on them.
205. What size bed do you have? Queen. >>; Bought it (along with a dresser, a desk-bookshelf-pully-thingy and a standing mirror) at an auction for fifty bucks.
206. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed? Daybed.
207. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? No. I have a phone, though.
208. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep? Yeah...
209. Describe the last nightmare you had: My fatass sister ate all the food in the fridge and all the grocery stores were closed until further notice. I starved to death. o_O
210. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? YESSSSSSS
211. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? Three xD
212. Do you sleep in any unusual positions? Yeah...sideways.
213. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling? No xd
214. Do you snore? No
215. How about drool? Only when I fall asleep with my mouth open, which is pretty much never.
216. Do you have an alarm clock in your room? Yeah. Never use it.
217. What color is the carpet in your room? Brown.
218. What's under your bed? Stuffed animals.

~This or That~
219. Coke/Pepsi: Coke.
220. Doughnuts/bagels: Bagels ; 3;
221. Day/night: Night
222. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: ...What?
223. Heaven/hell: Heaven
224. Make love/have sex: It's all the same, I guess.
225. Coffee/tea: Tea
226. Hamburgers/hotdogs: Icky. If I had to pick, though...hamburgers.
227. Rap/rock: Rock
228. Britney/Christina: o_o
229. Swiss cheese/american cheese: Uh...
230. Real World/Road Rules: What?
231. Backstreet Boys/*Nsync: BSB ^w^
232. Silver/gold: Silver.
233. Nike/Adidas: *shrug*
234. McDonalds/Taco Bell: WENDY'S
235. Sweet/sour: Sour
236. Punk/emo: Emo ;w;
237. Hot/cold: Cold.
238. Winter/summer: Winter.
239. Spring/fall: Fall
240. Operas/plays: XD Musicals
241. Read/watch tv: Read.
242. Cd's/tapes: CDs
243. Dvd's/vhs: DVD
244. Old/new: Old
245. Shorts/skirts: Skirts
246. Pink/red: Red.
247. Colored pictures/black and white photos: Black and white~
248. Meat/vegetables: VEGGIES ^W^
249. Mexican food/chinese food: chinese
250. Commercials/infomercials: ..muh
251. Scary movies/comedies: Comedies ;w;
252. Bikinis/one piece bathing suits: sweatdrop
253. Sandals/tennis shoes: Sandals
254. Dogs/cats: KITTIES
255. Unicorns/fairies: Fae~
256. Water/land: Water.
257. Sugar/spice: Spice
258. Black/white: Black
259. Ribbons/bows: Ribbons ;w;
260. Chicken/beef: Chicken please.
261. Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights: ...
262. Cars/trucks: Trucks. (This quiz is getting annoying)
263. Austin Powers/James Bond: Austin Powers!
264. Popcorn/pretzels: Pretzels
265. Hip/hop: No.
266. Passionate kiss/peck: 3 hour makeout session. <- LOL HYU. ...But seriously, passionate
267. WWE wrestling/ real wrestling: No.
268. Back rub/foot massage: Back ;~;
269. Picture frames/photo albums: Albums
270. Pens/pencils: Pencils~

~What Is Your Opinion Of The Following~
271. Eminem: is very angry
272. Virgins: are nice?
273. God: is a buttface
274. The Osbournes: are...who?
275. Reality TV: is funny.
276. J.Lo: has a nice a** D:
277. Religion: is whatever you want it to be.
278. Emo music: makes me happy. ;w;
279. Valentine's Day: is a buyout LOL
280. Christina Aguilera's comeback: ...she what?
281. Homosexuals: are cute.
282. Abortion: Doooo it.
283. Inter-racial relationships: I'm the product of one. neutral
284. Murder: is bad.
285. Death: happens to everyone. xd
286. Obesity: is the result of lazyness
287. Pre-marital sex: is good.
288. Terrorism: is bad.
289. Pornography: is gross
290. Fortune tellers: are funny
291. Threesomes: LOL
292. Prostitution: If you need the money that badly, then okay...I'd never do it though.
293. Politics: are boring
294. Country music: is boring
295. George W. Bush: is a monkey
296. Cloning: is cool.
297. Britney's boobs: are boobish
298. Gas prices in America: are whatever. I DON'T LIVE IN AMERICA

~Name Game~ What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?...
299. Jack: Manslut
300. Tiffany: Slut
301. Ben: Manslut
302. Maria: Whore
303. Jennifer: Whore
304. Nicole: Slut
305. Amy: Blue Ghost
306. Adam: Manslut
307. Richard: Manslut
308. Justin: Manslut
309. Arnold: Austrian Manslut
310. Tom: Manslut
311. Melissa: Fat slut
312. Charlotte: Slut
313. Harold: Patriotic Manslut
314. John: Purple manslut. (....what)
315. Joel: Manslut
316. Vanessa: ...pretty
317. Michelle: Slut
318. Kevin: Bitchface
319. Brent: Bitchface
320. Jake: Manslut
321. Billy: Bitchface
322. Sarah: b***h
323. Natalie: Whore
324. Christy: Slut
325. Nick: Slut's exhusband
326. Linda: Slut
327. Taylor: Transexual Slut
328. Jordan: Slut
329. Jaime: Slut
330. Adrian: Slut

~Have You Ever....~
331. Mooned anyone? No.
332. Been on a diet? No
333. Been to a foreign country?No
334. Broken a bone? Yeah
335. Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling? No
336. Swear at a teacher? No
337. Talked to a journal member via e-mails or instant messages? ...What?
338. Got in a fight? Yeeup
339. Dated a teacher? No.
340. Laughed so hard you peed your pants? No.
341. Thought about killing your enemy? ...Yeah
342. Gone skinny dipping? No.
343. Met another journal member in the flesh? WHAT THE ******** IS JOURNAL MEMBER
344. Told a little white lie? Nope
345. Told a secret you swore not to tell? Nope
346. Used a foreign object to masturbate? No XD
347. Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid? No.
348. Been on tv? No
349. Been on the radio? No
350. Been in a mosh pit? No
351. Been to a concert? No
352. Dated one of your best friend? Yeah
353. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? Yeah
354. Decieved somebody close to you? No
355. Broken the law? Yeah
356. Been to a rodeo? ... ... No.
357. Been on a talk show? No.
358. Been on a game show? No
359. Been on an airplane? Yeah
360. Got to ride on a firetruck? Yeah
361. Came close to dying? Yeah
362. Cheated on a bf/gf? No
363. Gave someone a piggy back ride? Yeah
364. Terrorized a babysitter? Yeah
365. Made a mud pie? Yeah
366. Had a dream that your falling off a cliff? No
367. Snuck out of the house at night? Yeah
368. Been so drunk you don't remember your name? No
369. Had an eating disorder? No
370. Felt like you didn't belong? No
371. Felt like the 3rd wheel? No
372. Smoked? No
373. Done drugs? No
374. Stolen money from a poor person begging on the street? No
375. Had your tonsils removed? No
376. Gone to camp? No
377. Won a bet? No
378. Written a love letter? Yeah.
379. Gone out of your way to be with the one you love? Stayed up until ******** four o' clock in the morning only to have him say GO TO SLEEP.
380. Written a love poem? No.
381. Kissed in the rain? No.
382. Slow you danced with someone you love? No.
383. Participated in cyber sex? O_o No.
384. Faked an orgasm? No.
385. Stolen a kiss? No.
386. Asked a friend for relationship advice? No.
387. Had a friend steal your bf/gf? No.
388. Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love? No.
389. Gotten a speeding ticket? No.
390. Done jail time? No.
391. Had to wear a uniform to work? No.
392. Won a trophy? Yeah
393. Thrown up in public? No.
394. Bowled a perfect game? No.
395. Failed/got held back? No. ...Not yet.
396. Got perfect attendance in grade school? No.
397. Roasted pumpkin seeds? Yeah
398. Taken ballet lessons? No
399. Attempted suicide? Yeah
400. Cut yourself? No comment.

~Childhood Stuff~
401. Did you play with Barbies? No
402. Did you own Treasure Trolls? No
403. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210? No
404. Did you play Simon? No
405. Did you watch Fraggle Rock? No
406. Did you wet the bed? No
407. Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed? No
408. Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them? No
409. Were you shy? Yes
410. Were you spoiled? No.
411. Were you abused? Not really
412. Did you go to the circus? No
413. Did you go to the zoo? Yeah. boring
414. Were you in a car accident? Yeah
415. Did you build snowmen? Yeah
416. Did you cry when you scraped your knee? Yeah
417. Were your older cousins mean to you? No
418. Did you think slinkies were cool? Yeah
419. Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer? I didn't even know what a sewer was
420. Were you afraid of the dark? Maybe
421. Did you have slumber parties? Yeah.
422. Did you have New Kids On The Block sheets, curtains, sleeping bags, dolls and pajamas? No
423. Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany?: Pardon?
424. Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy? No.

425. Do you believe in aliens? No
426. Name 3 things that are next to your computer: Hair clips, kleenex box, book
427. Do you have any hidden talents? No
428. Do you wish MTV would play music videos? ...
429. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be? I unno
430. What would your movie star name be? I unno
431. Do you play any sports? No
432. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen? No
433. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently? No.
434. What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen? Dude Where's My Car
435. Do you drive? Yeah
436. What is your dream car? No
437. Do you think you're good looking? No
438. Do others think you are good looking? No
439. Would you ever sky dive? No
440. Do you believe in Bigfoot? No
441. How many rooms do you have in your house? 18
442. Are you afraid of roller coasters? Yeah...
443. Do you believe in God? No
444. Do you believe in Satan? No
445. Do you believe there is a heaven? No
446. Do you believe there is a hell? No
447. Do you own a pool table? No
448. Do you have a pool? No
449. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen? Yes and it's a piece of s**t
450. Do you like chocolate? No
451. Who/what is on your 2005 calendar? I didn't have a calendar
452. How many U.S.? states?? ...
453. Ever wished on a shooting star? Yeah
454. Best Halloween costume you ever wore? Fairy princess
455. Do you carry any weapons on you? Sometimes
456. What is your weakness? Your face
457. Name something you can't get enough of: Jason
458. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives: Quiet, stupid, awesome
459. How many kids do you want to have? None
460. Future daughters names: No.
461. Future sons names: No
462. What is your ideal way to die? In my sleep
463. How do you release stress? Listen to loud music and cry.
464. Are you a trendy person? Yup rolleyes
465. Are you an artistic person? At times
466. Are you a realistic person? No
467. Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off? No
468. Are you a strong person? Physically? No
469. Are you a strong willed person? I guess
470. Who is the last person to e-mail you? LJ Notifier
471. Who is the last person to IM you? Bon
472. Do you hate chain e-mails? Mmhmm
473. Are you a deep sleeper? No
474. Are you a good story teller? No
475. What do you believe is your best quality? I'll laugh at anything.
476. What is your greatest accomplishment? I don't have one.
477. Do you burn candles or incense? Incense
478. Do you do yoga? No
79. Do you have your own credit card? No.
480. Let's say you win the lotto. What do you do with all that money? Go to California.
481. Do you have a check book? Maybe
482. Do you like your driver's license picture? No.
484. What color is your hair naturally? Black
485. How many fillings do you have? Two
486. How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit? Two
487. Worst feeling in the world? Having your boyfriend not wanting to talk to you.
488. Best feeling in the world? Stuff.
489. Is the glass half empty or half full? Empty
490. Last thing you downloaded? Ragnarok online
491. Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life? Yeah
492. What do you think people think of you? Dumb little kid
493. Are you a likeable person? No
494. Do you need therapy? Probably
495. Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance? Yup
496. What the best way to be proposed to? I dunno. Somewhere nice and not where everyone can see me ;_;
497. What kind of movie would you star in? You already asked this!
498. If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP? no. They'd call it UPSEX. hahaha! <- ...lol Hyuju. xD
499. What are you thinking? FINALLY OVER
500. What's your favorite phrase? "Shut up, buttface"



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