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Ninja's mind
all about what i think

Long ago in a well respected village is where this story begins. Two boys were raised here. These two first met in their training school. The boys are Osirix and Roxas. They became fast friends. Osirix was fast, thickheaded, and impulsive while Roxas was his complete opposite lazy, calm minded and always thought things through. For nine years and three schools they trained together. One day their paths split and each went to another advanced training school. For half a year they trained apart until one day Osirix arrived at Roxas' school. In that half year Roxas had joined a group of troublemakers called The Ledge Organization. Luckily not all of the members were always present because if they were all together all of Hell would break loose.

The other members were: Sike, Shitmunk, Stonez, Little Uva, Dealer, Shlong, Rambi, Mother flower, Lefty, Fish, Wonka, Mr. Smiley, Plumpy, Hamster, Steve-O, Eppa, Aumedic, Squirrel, Beaver, Altear, Samoa, "N"word, and Beani. Each member had their own unique ability or skill that only he could use. Sike was a guild warrior with a mastery of every blade: style and make. Shitmunk was a supplier he had anything and everything needed on missions. Stonez was a SS-class soldier that knew every strategy and weapon. Little Uva was a support most of the time he was not needed but he would show up any way. Dealer dealt with mission assignments if he needed to fight he had metal playing cards. Shlong did whatever he could when he was needed. Rambi supported Beani and Squirrel. Motherflower infiltrated the enemies strong hold relayed all of the weaknesses within he also had knowledge of all plants. Lefty defended The Ledge (home base) from enemy attack with turrets and heavy rockets. Fish was a frontline combat fighter that knows every form, style, and weakness. Wonka handled strategic situations the others could not figure out. Mr. Smiley was an informant that could disguise himself to be anyone or anything. Plumpy was an expert with sound he used a bass' sound waves to destroy any target from the inside. Hamster was an informer of weapon and fighting styles, but he mostly spent time arguing with Fish about how to fight. Steve-O was in charge of transportation of troops until he forgot to set the parking brake and was hit by his own car. Eppa was a soldier A-class with some tactical knowledge, but not as much as Stonez. Aumedic was the medic handling all injuries no matter how unlikely he had a hard time with Steve-O after the accident. Squirrel was a C-class soldier told to kill any enemy he sees. Beaver did recon although he was not as good as the informers. Altear handled the assassinations he preferred to be up close and personal when killing his target. Samoa always went ahead of the squad to scout out the area and find the location of he enemy. "N"word was night watch, but some how he finds out about everyone's new gossip. Beani handled explosives, but he is not very good at it when he failed a simple suicide mission.

The Ledge Organization urged Osirix to join them and so he did. Roxas (Ninja) was called the Strategist because he always planned out his attack and looked at all of the possible outcomes. Osirix (Stemo: from steam- easily set off and emo) became the Renegade because he just attacked relentlessly. Sike (Tubby), a senior member, became the mentor of the two friends. He trained them for two years teaching them everything he knew. Osirix passed the knowledge on to others keeping none for him while Roxas kept it incorporating it into his own style. After Sike's lessons were done Osirix left The Ledge Organization to follow another he had been watching for the past two years. It was the start of the third year now Osirix is making his move. This was the only time Osirix had ever planned anything out. He abandoned his friends for someone he hardly knew. For one year he stayed by his decision. Her name was Tomoe; she was a student of the same level although it did not show. He helped her study even though it was painfully obvious to everyone around that she was better than him. But one day everything changed for Osirix on that day Tomoe really needed his help, but he was too overwhelmed that he even abandoned her in that time of need. The thing he was reaching for was now out of reach because of that bad move. Sike and Roxas would help Osirix with what he knew, but taught him nothing else. So Osirix made his own group and gave them Sike's teachings.

It is now the forth and final year of this intensive training and Roxas wants to test his new abilities. He challenges Osirix to see if he had learned anything on his own. Osirix took his usual stance both hands gripping the handle of his sword. He always relied on his speed and power to win a fight. Roxas took a relaxed defensive stance gripping his sword in one hand and the sheath in the other (Battojutsu). Sike was to be the judge for this match. Osirix made the first move going immediately into a 45degree slash across Roxas' body. Seeing this Roxas effortlessly defends with his blade and counters with his sheath right into Osirix's ribs .Osirix's right arm was paralyzed so Roxas changed his strategy. Before the next move was made Roxas had quit. Osirix wanted to continue, but he had dropped down to one knee holding his side. Sike ruled it as a submission, even though Roxas called it a no contest, since Osirix was on the ground for more than ten seconds. Osirix has never really been able to beat Roxas a draw was the best he had ever gotten. With little to no effort Roxas, the lazy strategist, had won but how? This last match had broken apart the two friends. Again the friends go their separate ways but Roxas is not alone sike accompanies him for some special teachings.
Who knows when these old friends will meet up again?
Three years have now passed. Two travelers approach a familiar village. Their clothes are weather beaten and concealed who they were. The village is now in chaos. They head toward The Ledge Organization, Sike and Roxas have returned. They were greeted as warmly as humanly possible by the organization.

"Welcome back guys. The organization has changed quite a bit while you were gone" says Stonez as a greeting.

"Changed, how so?" Roxas asked
"Well for the most part a lot of the founders are gone. Shlong, Dealer, and Wonka quit. They were found a few weeks later in another village. Wonka is married and is now a school teacher, Dealer owns his own casino, and Shlong is studying abroad to be a professor. Mother flower high on narcotics o. d. ed on a recon mission. Eppa, Samoa, and for some reason Little Uva got blown to pieces. Apparently Eppa and Samoa were scouting a new area and Little Uva tagged along and set off a land mine right next to them. That little dumb ********. Those guys have been replaced by Ledgies. The Ledgies are Raf, Whyteboi, Token Indian Guy, and Critter Hunter.
"What about Osirix?" Siked asked.

"No one had seen him since the two of you fought. But there is a rumor he had been seen around her place." Stones said disappointedly.

"Even after all this time he is still trying. Hasn't he learned this one is outta his league." Sike joked.

"Sike should we pay him a visit? We already know where he will be." Roxas said as if they weren't.

"Yeah, let's go." Sike sounded annoyed at the fact that his student couldn't do any better.

The "her" was Tomoe and she didn't live very far from the Ledge so it wasn't long before the two of them saw Osirix in the front yard playing with a five year old girl. "I see you've been busy since we last saw you. Isn't that nice? Now you have a family of your own.
"Well, yeah. This is Kim my daughter." Osirix proudly spoke of his daughter.

"Call me Kimmy." Kim said cheerfully.

"Kimmy go inside and play with your mother while I talk with my old friends. Okay? So what brings you guys here?" Osirix had an angry tone in his voice.

"Now that we've seen the shape of this village after we left it would seem that the Ledge needs a new direction." Sike said with an evil grin.

"A new direction? In what way?" Osirix asked with an idiotic look.

"The three of us are taking over." Sike proudly yelled like an idiot.

"The three of us against all of them Sike are you insane?" Roxas asked in astonishment.

"Well who else can do it? Only the three of us are fit to, plus after them the entire village." Sike said with ease.

"Sike the guys are easy but the village? All you said on our journey was the Ledge; three men can not over take this place." Roxas said as he thought of all outcomes.

"I'll give you both some time to think about it, as for me I need to see what Hamster wants." Sike had to meet with Hamster for a mission briefing.

"Osirix, should we help him?" Roxas wondered to Osirix
"I don't know I don't even want to be part of that organization any more." Osirix said as if he was better than the others.

"If he gets out of control we're the only ones that can stop him. Well I'll be seeing you, I going around the village to reacquaint myself. Meet me in two weeks with your decision in the usual place." Roxas said with a bad feeling.

"Yeah, late." As Osirix went back in his house.

"I should change out of these traveling clothes so I don't look like I'm not from these parts. This place is still as dull as ever or maybe it is just I have nothing to amuse myself here" he thought to himself.

Over at the palace of the king and the Council, a young girl trying to sneak out is stopped by a yell from another young girl.
"Sister, are you sneaking out again?"
"Nishino, well you seeā€¦" Mikoto a tried to explain.

"You know father doesn't like it when one of us leaves without his permission." Nishino interrupted in an angry voice.

"Well I don't care maybe I'll meet someone interesting one of these days.
You know what to say if anyone asks right, little sister?" Mikoto said with care
"Yeah, you're in your room studying and don't want to be disturbed." Nishino was widely annoyed.

"I'll be back in a while. Maybe you should do this more often and find yourself a boyfriend instead of picking on me." Mikoto joked.

"Sister!" Nishino was blushing with embarrassment.

The ledge had some organized handy work to accomplish. Sike and Hamster had a mission to infiltrate a small corridor in the Council Chamber. It didn't seem like it was too hard and Sike was given a PGM 338 sniper rifle and Hamster was given a Steyr HS .50 to kill their targets. Sike loved sniper rifles and Hamster liked the idea of people's heads exploding. It was easy to get to the edge of the outskirts with out being seen. Now they had to enter the side gate and continue down to the corridor that leads behind the main chamber. As they slipped through the air duct to an open lot, guards had been deployed all over the building. "Did someone warn them about us?" Hamster asked.

"We'll just knock out the ones in the way", Sike whispered.

One by one the guards were killed by Hamster without a sound, except those made by Sike moving in the shadows moving ahead to the door at the end of the lot. Sike took a different route through A side door they had not been told of. Hamster, however, walked through the heavy metal door which he had to open by hacking into the keypad. Shortly afterwards a huge amount of microwaves slammed into his face. He knew he had to go through it so he pushed on. The first two hallways were bearable but the third had picked up more heat and started to burn his clothing, halfway through the third hall he fell to the ground due to his shoes melting to the floor. He continued to crawl through the fourth hall until he could move no longer.
As he lay on the ground of the fire heated hellish hallway his last thoughts were "The guys better not touch my hidden food stash!"
Meanwhile, wondering aimlessly around the home of the ruling family he accidentally bumps into a beautiful, yet mysterious looking girl leaving.

"Hey watch it, pay more attention to what you're doing. You could've hurt me you know" Mikoto announced.

"Sorry I am not familiar with this area. It has been a while at least three years." Roxas apologized.

"So who are you anyways? Haven't seen you around before. By the way I'm Mikoto." Mikoto looked at Roxas with confusion.

"Right, where are my manners? I am Roxas Mitsudome a strategist." Roxas said in an orderly fashion.

"A strategist, huh? The village council would want to meet you. You could plan a counterattack against The Ledge." She grabbed his arm and dragged him to the meeting.

"What I only just arrived. Wait a minute you're pulling too hard. Ease up will you. I think I might lose my arm. Come on let go I can follow, I can follow.
During which, the door in the hall opened, Hamster inched a much as possible to show he was alive, because he heard foot steps somewhere ahead of him further down the hall. As he looked ahead seven guards grabbed and dragged him through the last door of the corridor. As Hamster slowly regained himself down the final hall two bullets went through the heads of two of the guards. He reacted quickly as possible to grab one of the guns to shoot the guard to his left and behind him. The guards in front of him told him to halt, but he shot all three of them with the AK-47 they carried. Hamster picked up all the equipment he could and began back down the corridor; suddenly he was shot in his left leg. He fell to the floor and noticed the bone was broken do to the gun shot. He could not see anyone around that could have shot him. Soon the door to the hall Sike had taken earlier opened and three guards walked in. Hamster lifted his right arm for help but had it shot before them reaching him. The guards defensively looked down the corridor when three more shot were heard and all three of them were on the ground from sever gunshot wounds. As they bled to death a figure came into view and approached the wounded Hamster. He opened his eyes to see Sike with his sniper rifle in hand.
He pointed it at Hamster's head, Hamster's only reaction was yelling at the top of his lungs, "********!!!"
Sike threw down the rifle and pulled out his magnum and again pointed at Hamster's head only to say, "All for my love....... and fear.
As Roxas and Mikoto arrive at the palace, "Sister, you're back.
Oooh, who is that with you?"
"This is Roxas a traveler that has just arrived." Mikoto introduce Roxas to her younger sister.

"You got a girlfriend?" Nishino asked with little to no hesitation.

"Oro?" The surprised Roxas ashamed.

"You want one?" Nishino asked with no hesitation.

"Miss Mikoto who is this?" Roxas asked fully nervous from her enthusiasm.

"Oh right this is my little sister Nishino." Mikoto acting unaffected of what her sister had just said was starting to regret what she said to her sister earlier.

"Miss Nishino, I think I'm not the type of guy you're interested in and I'm not a foreigner I lived here for most of my life." Roxas tried to say in a way not to disappoint her.

"Ooh, I think I like you even more now." Nishino said with a lovers look in her eyes.

"Roxas the meeting is about to start." A maid called to Roxas.

"Oh, alright. Nice to meet you Miss Nishino." Roxas was relived that they had called him away. "Thank you" he said to the maid softly the maid looked at him completely relived and smiled.

"Ya, you too." Nishino waved to Roxas with a huge smile "I wonder if sister is going to like him otherwise I'll have no competition." as Nishino thought to herself.

At the moment of Sike's leave back to the Organization, Steve-o was waiting to take him and Hamster back. Steve-o notice Sike caring a body bag back to his car. Steve-o, overacting for his car, stopped Sike and said "You're putting that in my car? Who's in there anyway?" Sike laid the bag by the back of Steve-o's car.

"Hamster........." Sike said with a hint of sadness to trick Steve-o.

"What went wrong?!" Steve-o said while unzipping the bag. Just before Steve-o looked at the bullet wounds, Sike had slammed his head into his car. Steve-o, bleeding and crawling to get away from Sike, stopped to hear Sike place the car in reverse and Run over Steve-o with his own car.

Back Inside the council chamber, "Welcome strategist. How can we stop The Ledge from taking over?" A loud voice yelled.

"Funny you should ask that I was just thinking that myself. The only thing that comes to mind is if I join them, find their faults, and take them down from the inside." Roxas said as if he had to think of a quick excuse to defeat the Ledge.

"Brilliant, simply brilliant we should thank my daughter, the princess, for finding you." The King said not knowing that his daughter left the palace without his permission.

"The princess, what!?!" Roxas was astonished, as Mikoto entered the chamber.

"Yes, this is Princess Mikoto. Why don't you show our new guest around so he can asses the problem." The king told his daughter.

"Yes, father this way Roxas." Mikoto led Roxas out of the chamber.

Roxas ponders what to do, "Great I'm alone with the princess and now I need to destroy my own organization. What a pain should I tell her the truth or make up some crazy lie.
Sike returned to the Ledge to claim the mission failed and that Hamster KIA (killed in action). The Ledge Organization went to collect the body when they noticed the council hadn't been touched. "Hey Sike, Hamster wasn't killed by the enemy was he?" Shitmunk asked.

"Of course he was, look at his wounds. What, do you think I did it?" Sike replied with ease and frustration.

"When I looked at the body it appeared to have sniper rounds, but of all the people there only the two of you could snipe. Furthermore it is easier to take over a smaller organization." Sike simply walked a way. Shitmunk knew he had to keep a close eye on Sike for good reason. Sike headed to the Stage in the Concert Hall to play the piano like Sike always did. Inside the Hall Plumpy was playing his electric guitar. Sike was a little too Pissed at the moment and commanded Plumpy to leave. Plumpy just refused.

"Get the ******** out Plumpy!" Sike Yelled
"No." Plumpy sang harmonically.

"Ok, how about a Guitar Battle. Loser leaves.
Got it?!" Sike challenged Plumpy
"Fine." Plumpy said not knowing Sike had a few tricks. Plumpy started small Playing "Murder is Masturbation" By Nothingface. Sike grabbed Shitmunks guitar and played "...And Justice for All" By Metallic.

"Hamster taught me that one" Sike said with accomplishment. Astonished Plumpy Began to play "Clouds Over California" by DevilDriver. Sike Quickly Busted out Slipknot's "Before I Forget" that Shitmunk taught him. Plumpy now nervous played Fall Out Boy. Sike Feeling a little bad played Metallic's "Fade to Black," when Plumpy interrupted with an attempt to play "Through the Fire and Flames" by Dragonforce. Plumpy, Overwhelmed by the Solos, Ended up blowing out his speakers and fell to the floor crying like an emo b*****d. As Sike stood above Plumpy, Sike lashed out his best song by Powerglove "Omnishred." Thanks to Sike using Shitmunk's Guitar And Plumy's weaponry speakers, Sike's Song became a massive attack that obliterated Plumpy till he was only a pair of legs and hair.

"I'm just too awesome and great" Sike said with victory "well it looks as if you did leave, this World. Ha Ha Ha" Sike laughed at his unfunny joke.

Back to Roxas. "Princess." Roxas said as a servant would say to his Queen.

"Please call me Mikoto, I don't want to be found outside." Mikoto said with a little nerve at the fact that he was treating her as royalty.

"Well I know we have only just met but there is something interesting I need to tell you." Roxas said worried of Mikoto's reaction.

"And that is?" Mikoto said as if she knew him a long time.

"I'm already a member of the organization. Ninja the Strategist; at your service." Roxas reintroduced himself.

"Wait, what you're already a member!?! Why did you let the others do this?" Mikoto said with anger at how the village ended up.

"I just got back. Someone must've authorized this without me. There are only a few of us that can control the others and two of us were gone." Roxas tried to make an excuse.

"So why don't those of you that can stop them?" Mikoto said with tears at the chaos that the Ledge has caused.

"The only way to do that is to kill them now." Roxas tried to explain.

"So?" Mikoto rushing wanted to end the Ledge with words.

"What do you mean so? I can't just kill my friends." Roxas explained.

"Your friends? Why be friends with them, you seem like a nice enough guy." She tried to convince Roxas.

"True they are a band of mercenaries and traitors. All misfits and when I was lost they accepted me. I can try to stop them, but I need the help of a friend to do so." Raf soon showed up with news of Hamsters funeral for Roxas.

"Master Ninja!" Raf said with out hesitating to understand that others were around.

"Call me Roxas, Anyway what do you want?"
"I only have a message for you" Raf said as he handed over the letter and left. After reading the letter Roxas apologized to Mikoto he had to leave.

Hamster's body was placed on a boat at sea. When he was far enough Beani set off the fire bomb to set the body ablaze as it floated towards the horizon. What the Organization failed to realize is that under the boat, Fish was crying to be killed with Hamster. Though Fish was a good swimmer, he still drowned under the sea with Hamster's body and boat. Osirix and Roxas have decided to help Sike, for their own reasons, in his plan, but only to keep an eye on him. The village is in disarray, controlled by the organization.

"Good job Roxas infiltrating that palace. How did you do it? Ah never mind with you on the inside, we'll get the knowledge to truly rule. "The ruling family is powerless to stop them the only help they have is their new strategist that is working for The Ledge but only the elder daughter knows this. The organization has too much expertise and can not be stopped. There are always the same three members on stand by watching the others at work. It was Sike, Osirix, and Roxas that sat and watched because they were the only ones that could stop them. "This is a waste of time and energy. Why are those idiots destroying everything when they could be taking control?" Roxas said pissed off that they ignored his plan.

"Calm down Roxas, you know they are harder to control when they're having fun they should get bored soon enough. Why don't you go start planning ahead?" Sike reassured Roxas.

"What a pain I make a plan and they do nothing to follow it. Maybe the three of us should just take over already. This is starting to get boring." Roxas said annoyed.

"We already control them just go, plus, it easier to take over when you have someone to do all the work for you. And you're only bored because you don't have anyone like Osirix does or do you?" Sike said to get Roxas to explain his over eagerness.

"Shut up it's not like that, but make sure the village is in one piece when I get back." Roxas said as he was about to leave to make a plan.

"And you do seem to be spending a lot of time with the princess lately haven't you?" Sike said to make Roxas talk about Mikoto.

"I'm only doing my job." Roxas said like he always did when he had a job to do.

"Yeah right, your job. That reminds me Osirix why aren't you with Tomoe, especially with little Kimmy, when those guys are out?" Sike reminded Osirix.

"s**t you're right. Let me know if the situation changes." Osirix said as he left for Tomoe's house.

"Yeah, me too." Roxas said as he left to see Mikoto.

"Will you guys just go already?" Sike laughed.

Roxas wonders with Mikoto as Osirix checks in on Tomoe and Kimmy.

Sike, on the other hand, goes into the village to kill the other Ledge members. Sike finds Stonez blasting the village to pieces. A building in front of Stonez collapses and a small family is crowded in a corner. Stonez stands in front of them and says, "What a lucky catch I get to kill a family. Ohh.... There are mostly women. EVEN BETTER!" Stonez points his M60E3 at the family. Sike jumped in between Stonez and the family. His head was low as if he was looking at the floor. Stonez lowered him gun.

"You're to fight me, Stonez." Sike said as he raised his head to give Stonez the look of a killer.

"You're a fool." Stonez laughed, but Sike did not move a centimeter. The family looked up at Sike's back and thanked him for helping them. Stonez stood ready to aim his M60E3 at Sike. "I'll GIVE you the first move." Stonez said gracefully. Sike Pulled out his Desert Eagle Mark XIX and used his Angel Bullet (fires a large shot that vaporizes all objects within a certain radius around target). Stonez astonished did not move as the shot hit him and became a miniature explosion. Before the Smoke cleared, Stonez pulled the trigger on his M240 machine gun shooting 7.62x51mm NATO rounds into Sike's chest. "s**t, I didn't know that shot would destroy my favorite Machine gun." Stonez said in disappointment.

Sike, slowly getting up, could only say, "Damn you for surviving my Angel Bullet!"
Stonez walking up so that Sike could see him, dropped a crate and hit his chest to say, "This is my best armor RETARD!" Stonez then stomped his boot on to Sike's chest causing Sike to cough up blood. Stonez laughed, pulled out his M1911A1 (.
45 Caliber Pistol), pointed it at Sike's head and said "Your life is MINE!"
Sike pissed of Shouted "Hyper Shell!" (Explodes bullet inside a gun) as he pointed his Mark XIX at Stonez's head. The two of them were engulfed in a large flame from the shot. Stonez got away in time to reach open his create and grab a SMAW (Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon). As soon as Stonez could see Sike stand from the fire he fired a rocket straight at Sike.

"******** YOU!" Stonez yelled right before the missile hit Sike. The missile blasted a 2,547 foot crater. Inside the crater Sike stood looking up at the sky.

"Ellainne." he whispered to the sky as one blood angel Wing began to form on his bare back. Stonez did not hesitate to bring out the M134 mini gun and Begin to unload all the rounds into Sike. Sike, only getting hit a few time, walked calmly towards Stonez. Stonez held his fire enough to grab a sniper rifle from the crate and take cover behind a small destroyed wall. He took a deep breath and began to fire the M134 at Sike again. Sike, carrying his destroyed Mark XIX, began to take more damage from the M134. Sike was forced to drop to one knee with the bullets continuing to strike Sike over and over again. As he knelt, he look at the sky again and said, "Cry for me." Another blood wing formed under the first wing and Sike seemed as if it did nothing. Stonez ran low on ammo for the M134, so he checked the M40A1 Sniper Rifle clip.

"Ten rounds," he said. He loaded the clip and aimed carefully for Sike's head. "Got ya!" He smiled. Sike saw Stonez aiming and aimed his destroyed Mark XIX and Stonez.

Stonez laughed as Sike cried out, "Demon Gun!" Sike's Mark XIX Reshaped to a Dan Wesson PPC .357 Magnum. With out a second to waste they both fired. Stonez could only shoot one 7.62x51mm NATO compared to Sike's Soul Energy Bullet (Twice the size of a baseball). Sike was still hit in between the shoulder and neck, Stonez, however, lost most of his neck and left part of his chest. Sike's Dan Wesson PPC .357 Magnum shaped back to the Desert Eagle Mark XIX still destroyed. The family rushed to help Sike for him saving them. Sike had them fetch his scythe, as they gave it to him he clean cut their heads off.

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