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View User's Journal

Unambiguously Unequivocal Gargantuan Infinitesimal Convoluted Pandemonium
Well, I got these questions from Anna's Journal, and they're supposed to aid me in earning Gold. Here goes:
1. How much gold do you have? 1642
2. How much gold do you wish to have? Infinity
3. Are you questing something? Unequivocally!!!!!
4. If so what? Every item on Gaia listed as Demonic
5. How much more gold do you need till you have enough to get your questing item? Close to one million
6. Whats the third letter of your first name? R
9. How old are you? 12
10. What is the most interesting thing you've done today? Read
11. Do you ever find pictures in the clouds? Not particularly
12. Do you remember your dreams? Yes
13. What are some of your dreams? Dreams of literature and libraries
14. Do you dream in color or black and white? Color
15. Which is your favorite emotion? Sorrow
16. Have you ever been out of the country? No
17. If so where? (If not punch yourself in the face) *falls off cliff*
18. Do you like flowers? NO!!!!
19. What time is it where you are? 6:02 PM
20. What is your favorite brand of shoes? Sperry
21. Can you multi task? Irrefutably
22. Do you shave your legs? No, of course not.
23. Who are you with right now? Uh......my notebook of poems???! A pencil???!
24. Who do you wish you were with right now? My notebook of poems???!
25. What was the last thing you read? White Fang by Jack London
26. What type of car do you drive, or if you don't drive, what type of car do you want to drive? My father's black Mercedes Benz.
27. Do you prefer reading or watching television? READING, YOU IMBECILE!!
28. What is your favorite forum? ....I don't have one. I'd rather be reading.
29. Why do you like that forum? Um....how do you expect me to reply to this?
30. What was the last forum you posted in? I don't particularly post often.
31. Do you prefer shoes, sandals, or bare-feet? Shoes
32. What is the fourth letter of your state (or province)? I
33. Witch color do you mostly type in? Black
34. What is your favorite song? I don't have one....I'd rather be reading.
35. How do you like your hamburgers? I don't like hamburgers at all.
36. Who do you love? My mother, father, and my dogs
37. Who is your favorite author? Jean Craighead George
38. What toppings would you have on your pizza? I don't particularly like pizza....I'd rather have sushi.
39. Do you like macaroni and cheese? Not particularly, I'm not a picky eater.
40. Whats the weather like outside? Gloomy and rainy, exactly how I want it to be.
41. Why do you like Gaia? It's based on anime and thus splendid.
42. How long have you been a member of Gaia? Few months
43. Do you like candles or electric lights better? Utter darkness. MUAHAHA.
44. Whats the most romantic setting? I'm not interested in that sorta stuff.
45. Whats your favorite sport to watch? I DESPISE SPORTS, YOU IDIOT!
46. Glasses, contacts, or neither? Neither. My sight is wonderful, thanks very much.
47. Have you eaten since you took this quiz? Yuppers
48. If so what? A croissant
49. Was it good? I suppose so.
50. Can I have some? I have already digested it. So, no.
51. Do you like balloons? No
52. What are you afraid of? I'm not particularly afraid of anything.
53. At the grocery store, do you pick paper or plastic bags? Both simultaneously.
54. Are you right or left handed? I'm ambedextrose.
57. What pets do you have? One black German Shepherd, one yellow Labrador.
58. How many pets do you have? 2
59. What are their names? Chiquita Waxahachie and Bailey Waxahachie.
60. Is there a pet you wish you had? A white female German Shepherd named Odyssey.
61. Which is your least favorite emotion? Frustration.
63. Would you rather play, or listen to music? Play
64. What kind of toothpaste do you use? Crest
65. Have you ever Prank Called Someone? Nope.
66. Have you ever prank called 911? Of course not.
67. Have you ever called 911 because it was a real emergency? No
68. Do you have a messy room? Not particularly.
69. What is your deepest darkest secret ever? I don't have one.
70. Have you ever eaten squid? Yes
71. What color is your hair? Reddish-brownish-black
72. What color are your eyes? Hazel
73. Do you look anyting like your avatar? Not particularly
74. What are you currently saving up for in real life? College
75. Have you ever played Neopets? Yes
76. If you have, what did you think about it? It permits creativity....but too many ads.
77. How many cousins do you have? Multitudes
78. What language do you want to learn? Castillan
79. Do you cuss often? Of course not.
80. What color are the socks you are currently wearing? Striped black and lime green
81. What is your least favorite food? Aforesaid, I'm not particular with my daily fare.
82. Have you ever eaten duck? Yuppers
83. What is your favorite thing to say? Unambiguously
84. What is your favorite thing to type? Splendid
85. Do you have a retainer? No
86. Do you wear hats often? No. Only on excessively rare occasions.
87. Do you like to wear dresses? Of course not.
88. Have you ever snowboarded? No, but I would like to.
89. Have you ever seen the movie Pirates of the Caribbean? Nopers
90. Have you ever seen a Broadway play? No, but I would like to.
91. If so, what was it? I haven't, aforesaid, you imbecile.
92. What do you do most on Gaia? Type about in my Journal.
93. Have you ever won the lottery? No.
94. Spongebob or The Simpsons? Er....what is that? A dishwashing fluid?
95. Would you consider yourself a "dark" person? Not particularly
96. Have you ever signed a petition? Yuppers
97. If so, what for? To shut up an annoying person in my class.
98. What channel do you watch most on TV? I don't watch TV.
99. Sneakers of flip-flops? Sneakers
100. What is your favorite day of the week? Friday
101. What is your least favorite day of the week? Saturday
102. If you could change your name, what would it be? Odyssey
103. What is the most frequently used button on your keyboard? The letter S
104. Do you have long or short hair? Long
106. What year were you born? 1993
107. Concrete or Asphalt? Undomesticated vegetation
108. Are your parents married or divorced? Married
109. MP3 or compact discs? MP3
110. What are you allergic to? (If your allergic to nothing just sneeze) *sneeze*
111. How much gold do you have now? 1642
112. Who is you favorite actress/actor? I don't have a favorite. I'd rather be reading.
113. Is this boring? Not particularly.
114. How old are you? 12 Haven't you asked this?
115. What is your dream career? Cardiologist
116. Have you ever been arrested? Of course not.
117. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in real life? No, they're all idiots.
118. Do you believe in having boyfriend/girlfriend? No, aforesaid, they're all idiots.
143. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No, THEY'RE ALL MORONS.
119. Whats your favorite Movie? The Incredible Journey, it's also a novel by Sheila Burnford.
120. TV show? None, I'd rather be reading.
121. Color? Blue
122. Number? 7
123. Book? All books, besides Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech. Despised that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
124. Game? Sims!
125. Band? Er.....Mozart?
126. Song? Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin.
127. Animal? Wolf
128. Person? Nobody, I'd rather be reading.
129. Sport? *screams in rage* I DESPISE SPORTS!!!!!!!!!!!
130. Season? Winter
131. Why are you doing this? I would like an infinite amount of Gold.
132. What one thing on Gaia do you want the most? Infinite gold.
133. Do you like Wal-Mart? Haven't been there for about 7 years.
134. How tall are you? 5 foot 4 inches.
135. What kind of computer do you have? Dell
136. How many friends do you have on Gaia? 5
137. How many items do you have? 3
138. How many items to you have equipped right now? 6
139. Do you do surveys often? No
140. Have you made your own survey before? No
141. What do you mostly do on Gaia? Umm...haven't I answered this before?
142. Do you role play? No.
143. How many characters have you played? *falls off cliff*
144. Are you new to Gaia? Not particularly
145. Do you like to draw? Yuppers
146. Im sorry Im trying to make this survey as long and tiring as I can so no one will possibly finish are you enjoying it? It's oker.
147. Whats in your sig right now? A picture of two dogs and my signature statement.
148. Has your sig always been the same? Nopers
149. If it hasn't, what has it been before? Just the picture
150. Do you change your avi a lot? No
151. Do you fish on here? No, I plan to.
153. What kind of rod do you have? *falls off cliff*
154. Witch rod do you think is the best? You mispelled 'which'
155. Have you exchanged any fish for anything good? I don't fish
156. How many rare events have you gotten? Zero
157. Have you ever played slots? Nopers
158. Have you gotten anything with your tickets? NOpers
159. Are you saving up your tickets for something? NOW I'm getting a tad tired of this.
160. If so what? stressed
161. Are you a boy or a girl? Girl
162. Do you have a journal? Yes
163. If not did you know you can have one? I have one.
164. If you have a journal how many times have you posted in your journal? About 5
165. Have you ever done the hang out thing? No
166. If so, have you done today? NO
167. Are you apart of a guild? Yuppers
168. Do you own a guild? No
169. If you are apart of more then one guild, how many are you apart of? 2
170. What are they called? The Pet Guild, The Writer's Menagerie
171. Do you have a house on gaia? Yuppers
172. If you do, does it have a lot of stuff in it? No
173. Do you own a shop? No
174. Do you like using the emoticons? I suppose
175. Are you a poll whore? Er....I don't think so.
176. Have you gone poll whoreing lately? No......
177. Have you been in an avi contest before? Nopers
178. Are you engaged? Of course not. I'm only 12.
179. Are you married? NO......
180. Do you have kids? Of course NOT.
181. Which continent do you live on? North America
182. Do you live with your parents? Yuppers, of course.
183. Do you have siblings? Nopers, and I take pleasure in the solitude.
184. What color is your room? White, but because of the way the windows were placed, the sun reflects in strident methods during the afternoon and turns it orange.
185. Do you like ice cream? Not particularly.
186. Whats your favorite kind of ice cream? stressed
187. Do you like to dance? No
188. Do you like to sing? Not particularly
189. Do you like music? Very much so
190. Do you hate a kind of music? Yes, rap
191. What is your favorite type of candy? Unripe mangoes and Lemons?
192. Do you like popcorn? Not particularly
193. How much gold do you have now? 1642
194. Are you getting irritated with the questions yet? Not particularly *laughs evilly in your face*
195. Do you have a favorite soda drink? No
196. Whats your favorite soda drink? NO!
197. Have you tried an alcoholic drink before? I'm 12. Are you KA-RAY-ZY?
198. Do you like Kool-Aid? Not particularly.
199. If yes then, whats your favorite kind of Kool-Aid? stressed
200. Do you collect stuffed animals? Yes
201. If not, did you used too? *falls off cliff*
202. Do you collect scented candles? No
203. If so, whats for favorite? stressed You're beginning to irritate me.
204. Do you have a favorite animal; you can't keep as a pet? Yes
205. What is it called? A wolf
206. Do you like your name? It's oker and not commonplace. That makes me special blaugh
207. Do you like it so much, you own stuff with your name on it? No
208. Do you have a job? Not yet, but I like to consider myself an amateur author.
209. What kind of job is it? Oh, you imbecile.
210. Will you be returning to school? I'm still IN school. I'M 12! Are you suffering from short-term memory loss?
211. What are your school colors? Green and gray. By the by, it's a sucky school.
212. Does your school have dances? Not that I'd care.
213. Do you have any piercings? No, and I never wear earrings.
214. If so, how many? *falls off cliff*
215. If you have lots, where? Wow. Short-term memory loss, I'm sure.
216. Do you have a tattoo? No.
217. What is it of? Friggin' moron. I just said I don't have any.
218. Broken any bones? No.
219. If so, what bones did you break? I JUST S- Nevermind, you know?
220. Have you ever broken anyone elses bones? No - have I broken your redundant ones?
221. Sprain anything? Yes.
222. If so, what did you sprain? My thumb.
223. Do you own your own computer? Yuppers
224. Do you own your own phone? Yuppers
225. Do you have cable/digital cable/satellite in your room? Nopers
226. How many vhs movies do you own? about 102
227. How many DVDs do you own? about 20
228. How many cds do you own? Multitudes
229. Do you still have cassette tapes? Not particularly
230. If so how many do you have? I suppose......12?
231. Getting tired of this yet? Ya think?
232. You think I can go further? Yes. However, if you persist in being redundant, I'm going to start throwing YOU off the cliff.
233. How much gold do you have now? 1642. You're not helping at all, you moron.
234. Are you regretting doing this? Not particularly.
235. Are you determined to finish this no matter what? Yes.
236. Are your fingers cramping from answering these questions? No. *laughs evilly in your face*
237. Gonna tell anyone about this? Yeah...it's on my Journal....anyone can see me thrusting your head off a cliff.
238. Have you told anyone yet? No.
239. Indoors or outdoors? Outdoors.
240. Cookies or ice cream? Neither
241. McDonalds or Burger King? Haven't been to McDonalds in 3 years. Haven't been to Burger King in 4 months. Neither.
242. Fast food or restaurant? Home sweet home
243. Dairy Queen or TCBY? Neither
244. Theme parks or fairs? Libraries and museums
245. Rides or games? Video games and roller coasters
246. Water parks or roller coaster rides? Roller coaster rides
247. Love or Lust? Books
248. Family or Friends? Books
249. The sun or The Moon? the Moon
250. Books or TV? BBBBOOOOOKKS, you imbecile.
251. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Lord of the Rings.
252. Mulan or Brother Bear? Mulan
253. Pink or Red? Red
254. Blue or Green? BLUE!!!!!!!!!!
255. Shoes or Sandals? Shoes
256. Alone or with someone? Alone
257. Hilary Duff or Lindsay Lohan? Books
258. Romance or Comedy? Horror
259. Paper view or renting a video? Neither, I'd rather be reading.
260. Taking pictures or video taping? Taking pictures.
261. Computer or laptop? Laptop

Have you ever

262. Been Sick? Of course.
263. Told someone you loved them? My father, my mother, my dogs
243. Been told your loved? By my father, my mother, and my dogs (yeah, they talk, MUAHAHA.)
265. Hated someone? Yes
267. Been told your pretty? Yeah
268. Been told your ugly? No.........
269. Been told your fat? No......
270. Hurt yourself by accident? Yes
271. Hurt yourself on purpose? No
272. Read a book? EVIDENTLY, YOU MORON!!!!!!
273. Missed anyone? My dogs! My family! My books!!!!!!!
274. Wished to be alone? Constantly, yes
275. Wanted candy? No
276. Ate any candy? Not particularly
277. Saw a ghost? No, wish I would
278. Been on a date? No, and never will be.
279. Went shopping? Yeah.
280. Smoked a cigarette? No, and because my dad almost died because of 4 heart attacks because of smoking, I never will.
281. Ridden on a subway? No, probably will in 2006.
282. Made a frog out of clay? Er......no.
283. Looked under your bed to see if there is a monster before you go to sleep? No
284. Written a book? Yes, of course.
286. Broke curfew? Don't have a curfew.
287. Been kissed? By my parents.
288. Feelings hurt? Yuppers
289. Hurt someones feelings? Yuppers. Most sorrowful incident ever.
290. Got into a fight? Yuppers. ME WON ME WON!
291. Watch something on the news and find out someones missing? Yupper

Do you like....

292. Mulan? Yupper
293. Brother Bear? Not particularly
294. The Little mermaid? No.....
295. Tarzan? No........
296. Pizza? Not particularly.
297. Cheese? Not particularly.
298. Ice Cream? Not particurly.
299. Harry Potter? No. Books are okay........character's kinda wacky.
300. Lord of the Rings? Yupper
301. A Series of Unfortunate Events? Kinda
302. Dogs? Of course.
303. Fish? Not particularly.
304. 50 Cent? No.
305. Gaia? of course.
306. Chatter box forum? Sure.....
308. Country? Not particularly
309. Hip Hop? Despise it.

Do you wish you could?

310. Fly? Somewhat
311. Breathe under water? Irrefutably. That would be splendid.
312. Stop these Questions? No, they aid me in earning Gold.
313. Be a super hero? No, too much responsibility and a multitude of expectations.
314. Be invisible? Sure.
315. Run at the speed of light? Not particularly.
316. Do something you've never done? Not particularly.....
317. Have a magic ability? Not particularly......I'd want telekinesis, though.
318. Be a superheroes sidekick? No.......
319. Walk in someone elses shoes? Viperfish don't wear shoes.
320. Make world peace? Yupper
321. End world hunger? Yupper, as long as Zankou Chicken is still available in the aftermath.
322. Make the hungry not hungry? Yupper
323. Find a cure for an incurable disease? Yupper
324. Hire a maid to clean your room? No, that's inequitable.

325. Can you do back flips? No
326. Have you ever seen a fairy? No
327. Would you walk 100 miles to see someone you love for 20 minutes? No
328. Are you going to keep going? Of course. I'm not even that tired.

329. Describe your perfect date: A book????!
330. Have you ever smoked pot? No, and will never accomplish such.
331. If you had a chance to go on a trip where would it be to? The Amazon rainforest
332. Do you believe in love at first sight? No
333. What's your lest favorite chore? You mispelled 'least'. I don't dislike any chores.
334. Do you even have chores? Of course.
335. How much gold do you think you would have if you never bought anything? 7000, currently
336. What's your Gaian Username? chihiro210
337. How much gold do you have? 1642, this proves you're not helping.
338. What does your dream avi have on it? Demonic items, a Coco kitty
339. Do you drink alcohol? No, and I never will
340. What is your Mom's middle name? Leah
341. What is your Dad's first name? Frederic
342. What month where you born in? September
343. Name the 7th month. July
344. What do your parents call your Grandma? Mom
345. Do you wear diapers? No. Do you?
346. Do you like KiKi Kitty's? No
347. Have you ever slept with a blankie? Yupper
348. What age where you when you stopped wetting the bed? Negative zero...and you mispelled 'were'.
349. How did you find out Gaia was a site? My friends. By the by, they're better than you.
350. Are you active? Not particularly.
351. How much gold do you have? 1642, you moron.
352. How much more gold do you have now? 1642, you even worse imbecile.
353. Are you doing these in separate posts? No. Why?
354. What is your favorite kind of dog? German Shepherd
355. What is your favorite website? Gaia
356. Type a random word: Unambiguously
357. Do you think the end is coming up? Sure....
358. Do you have a mule? Yeah. I live in Los Angeles, 2005. I RIDE A MULE TO SCHOOL EVERYDAY.
359. Have you ever kissed a big spider? No, but I drowned one.
360. Do you donate to your friends? No, but once I become infinitely rich, I shall. And then, online, drown them.
361. What is your favorite letter? S
362. Where is your computer located? The Saharan Desert.
363. Have you ever choked on a gumball? No. Have you?
364. Have you ever got stung by a bee? No. Have you?
365. Have you ever had warts? No. Do you?
366. Have you ever had zits? No. Have you?
367. Do you use face cleanser? Antibacterial soap.
368. If you do is it clean and clear? I just told you what it is.
369. Have you ever had a accident in your bed after the age of 10? No, have you?
370. Have you ever sneaked into a movie without buying a ticket? No, have you?
371. Have you ever hacked someones account? No, have you?
372. Have you ever talked to yourself out loud in school? Yupper
373. Have you ever got coal for Christmas? No. Have you?
374. Have you ever accidently flushed your favorite thing in a toilet? No. Books won't go down...
375. After Christmas or Easter, have you ever seen Santa's or the Easter Bunny's footprints around the house? No. I've seen mine. Have you?
376. Have you ever slept with a blankie? Yupper. Have you?
377. Have you ever punched your mom or dad? Of course not. Have you?
378. Have you ever seen a UFO? I can't be certain.
379. Would you rather freeze to death or burn to death? Freeze
380. How long are your showers? About 30 minutes long
381. Do you like getting mail? Not particularly.
382. Do you like cheese? Not particularly. Do you?
383. How many posts do you post a day? 0.13, or so.
384. Bump once: No thanks, you peculiar idiot suffering from insanity. I'd rather not humor you. And bump into what?
393. Can you dive? Yupper. You know, you should try jumping into pools emptied of water. It's fun.
394. Whats your worst fear? I don't have a fear.
395. Do you like someone? No. Everyone's an idiot.
396. Whats their name? YOU IDIOT!
397. Are you in love? No, everyone's an IDIOT
398. Do you believe in love? Not particularly.
399. What do you like most about Gaia? The Art arena
400. Whats the scariest thing you've done? Er....eaten frog?
401. Are you listening to music right now? Nopers
402. If so, what kind? YOU IMBECILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
403. Do you know how many pints are in a gallon? 4
404. Do you hate me for typing so many questions yet? No. *laughs evilly in your face*
405. How much gold do you have now? 1642.
406. How much more do you think you'll get? None, as of yet. Why? You think you're helping?
407. Why did you choose that user name? Primarily because it's better than yours, whatever yours is.
408. So, are you gonna stick around to get in the Hall of fame? I always attempt to.
409. Take the poll if you havent already. Nah thanks. I'd rather be reading.
410. Are you observant? If I cared to be such.
411. Positive or negative? I consider myself optimistic.
412. Do you have more gaia friends then real life friends? No
413. Do you remember what question 12 was? Yes, about my dreams.
414. Do you like the movie Napoleon Dynamite? Never seen it.
415. What is your favorite website? Gaia
416. Is this quiz stupid? It's severely redundant.
417. Is it getting boring? Not particularly. I laugh evilly.
418. What is your favorite cereal? Total, or Honey Bunches of Oats
419. Can you force yourself to burp? No. Can you?
420. Where would you like to go in the world? The Amazon.
421. What are you going to do when you finish this quiz? Read, apparently.
422. What time is it now? 7:35 PM
423. What time did you start this quiz? Tomorrow.
424. What time do you think you'll finish? Yesterday.
425. Did you know that it is not even half over yet? No. I already finished it.
426. Have you done things you wish you could take back? Not particularly.
427. Do you wish some people could just go away? Yes. Intelligence grows in solitude.
428. Do you ever wish time could stop? Not particularly.
429. Do you wish I would just go away? Not particularly. You're supposed to help me earn Gold.
430. How much gold do you have now? 1642

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Dec 17, 2005 @ 04:48am
Question #395! I do like someone!! I'm telling this to the world, but I do, and I don't know what to do about it... ^_^ Hey Sarah, what's up?

commentCommented on: Sun Dec 18, 2005 @ 05:10am
wow Sarah! I didn't know you were ambidextruous! ^_^ I'm right handed...

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