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Oh snaps! Sunny has a journal!
I usually don't write much, but what ever is on my mind I'll put here.
About my Chinese and Zodiac Signs - Monkey And The Taurus
The spunky Monkey is the original party animal! Charming and energetic, Monkeys crave fun, activity and stimulation. They truly know how to have a good time and can often be seen swinging from one group of friends to another, attracting a motley crew in the process. Always upbeat, they are considered minor celebrities in their circle thanks to their sparkling wit and that rapier-sharp mind. Perhaps surprisingly, Monkeys are also good listeners and tackle complicated situations with ease. This Sign's natural curiosity lends it the desire to become knowledgeable on a broad range of topics. Monkeys have a show-off side that loves nothing more than to dazzle their pals with all they know.

The Monkey tends to be rather accident-prone due to a certain lack of very high morals. This Sign's first interest is pursuing its own pleasure; this is not a malicious interest, it's just the way the Monkey is. However, this kind of carefree self-involvement can lead to all kinds of scrapes. In love, the Monkey makes a fun, exciting lover -- but one that may have the potential to stray romantically. The good news is, the Monkey’s glib manner and witty repartee can often get this Sign out of a scrape. Perhaps not everyone will be won over by the Monkey -- but do you think the Monkey really cares? The Monkey's world, full of devil-may-care energy and revelry, isn't for everyone. Remember, though, it's not that this Sign is mean; it might just be a bit too curious for its own good. Monkeys often feel the need to try everything at least once, which can make for a merry-go-round of relationships.

The Monkey's love of self-indulgence can also lead to other types of trouble. This Sign may have limited self-control concerning food, alcohol and other pleasurable activities. It's party time all the time for the Monkey, yet when it leads to a monster hangover or a shattered heart (generally someone else's, not theirs), this Sign might actually show a touch of remorse. They won't flat-out admit the error of their ways, but at least they'll pull back and try to tone things down -- for a while.

Monkeys must try to learn to think of others ahead of themselves, at least some

Taurus is the Second Sign of the Zodiac, represented by the Bull which is prized for strength and stamina. The Egyptian Horus was the Bull of Heaven and a white bull was sacrificed in Babylonia at the time of the New Year to placate Ramman, the God of Thunder and Lightning. Taurus peacefully tends and nurtures Spring's garden, bringing forth harmony from chaos. Like the Bull, Taurus does not move unless there is something worth moving for. Taurus likes to keep a firm hand on possessions and nothing makes this Sign happier than secure material prosperity. Taurus craves the good things in life. Dominated by the romantic Planet of Venus, Taurus is deeply loving with strong values, but can be slow to make decisions. Earthbound with worldly goals and in tune with nature, Taurus is the most reliable and faithful Sign of the Zodiac. In essence, Taurus governs practicality and security.
The symbol...or glyph...of Taurus represents the horns and head of the bull. It is the Sign of the Builder. The glyph also outlines the chin and Adam's apple of the human throat (the part of anatomy over which Taurus rules). Symbolically, the glyph is a half-moon forming a cup which rests on the circle of the Sun. The cup represents material power and wealth derived through the force of will (represented by the circle). In Vedic Astrology, this glyph is representative of the Divine Spirit with the crescent above being symbolic of the flowering or blossoming of Spirit in its process of materialisation.

Also known as the Sign of the Producer or Builder, Taurus is Negative in polarity (as are Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). The general characteristics of Negative Signs lean toward introversion and prefer to draw upon personal resources rather than look for external stimuli. Such individuals are naturally more receptive, sensitive and nurturing than are the Zodiac Signs of Positive polarity (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). However, Negative Signs are also likely to be much more cautious, retiring and standoffish than their Positive counterparts with a tendency to keep personal feelings under tight control. Taurus is the most introverted of the Negative Signs (with Virgo a close second).

All Zodiac Signs governed by the Elements of Earth and Water are considered to be Feminine in nature. Thus, Taurus (ruled by earth) is considered Feminine (as are Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). Feminine Signs are traditionally conceived as being more receptive and less active than their Masculine counterparts which are ruled by the Elements of Fire and Air (the Zodiac Signs of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). Feminine Signs focus primarily on the emotional and material world with particular attention to sensitivity and depth of feeling. Feminine Signs are said to be noctural or night-oriented. Therefore, the term "feminine" should be viewed in the same light as the Yin (or dark) Polarity of the Tao.

Taurus is the natural ruler of the Second House of the Zodiac, commonly referred to as the "House of Material Possessions" and known in Vedic Astrology as the "Gate of Hades." This is the field which challenges an individual to define and refine his or her personal sense of values. The things and qualities that a person treasures, cherishes and enjoys are to be found here. This is the area of personal security and gain...money, employment, possessions and life's simple pleasures, as well as its luxuries. The Second House is concerned with ethics, morals, integrity and priorities...what an individual "stands for" and what influences that individual's choices in life. In addition to personal values, this house is traditionally associated with inner and outer talents and resources. The Second House is governed by the Planet Venus (which is also Planetary Ruler of the Seventh House).

The opposite sign to Taurus is Scorpio. From Scorpio, Taurus can learn to recognize the needs of others. Thus, can Taurus natives gain insight not only into the motives of others, but also into their own.

Positive Traits: practical, reliable, patient, persistent, determined, strong-willed, solid, affectionate, warm-hearted and trustworthy with a firm sense of values

Negative Traits: possessive, jealous, lazy, self-indulgent, greedy, boring, unoriginal, stubborn and inflexible in opinion

Likes: permanency, stability, luxury, comfort, pleasure and good food

Dislikes: disruption, being rushed, being indoors, being pushed too hard and any break in routine

Spiritual Goal: To learn the value of insight
Spiritual Correspondence: The Cherubim
Apostle: Simon
Prophet: Haggai
Anatomy: Rules the neck and the throat
Corresponding Tarot Card: The Heirophant or High Priest
Associated Countries: Ireland, Switzerland, Iran, Sweden, Cyprus and Greece
Associated Cities: Dublin, Lucerne, Leipzig and St. Louis
Animals: Cattle
Watchword: Stability
Keynote: Peace
Physical Manifestation: Inertia
Mental Manifestation: Steadfastness
Motto: Gentle and Bold
Quote: I Have

Physical Apperance. (This...is...so...me)

Those born under the jurisdiction of Taurus are, for the most part, of a robust and healthy appearance, normally of medium height or somewhat below average. The bodily structure is typically thick, stocky and "squarish," with a large trunk and comparatively short limbs. In a physical sense, they tend to very much resemble their Zodiac mascot, the Bull. The shape of the face is often full and square, displaying somewhat flat features, while the head itself is normally quite round. The ears are usually small and close the head while the chin is rounded, chubby and often sports a dimple. The nose is frequently short, often turned-up at the end with distended nostrils. The eyes (generally large and expressive) are customarily soft and affectionate in appearance...rather like those of a puppy...and members of the opposite sex may find it hard to resist the seductive charm such eyes exude. The neck of a Taurus individual is normally short, thick and sturdy-looking, while the general countenance is serene, characteristic of the Bull's persona, combining great mildness with great strength. Taurus natives are frequently big-boned with large and imposing bodies, giving an appearance of "weightiness" in every sense of the word (this particularly applies to the male Taurus). They seem to have an extra layer of insulating fat, distributed more-or-less evenly over the entire body. However, this layer of fat is by no means unattractive, appearing solid and well-suited to the Taurus frame. Indeed, although many Taurus individuals give the appearance of overall "bigness," they are usually far from what would be considered fat. Stocky or solid is truly a much better description and the average Taurus individual would not be offended in the least by the use of such terms. In general, a Taurus individual is large in build with broad shoulders, representing a great capacity for manual labor.
The majority of Taurus subjects are considered to possess a most excellent physique, displaying the promise of youth, vigor and freshness far into the declining later years of life. That having been said, the big-bodied image of Taurus natives can, however, be misleading and does not always apply. Many are quite thin or even frail, their appearance defying the usual physical characteristics of this Zodiac Sign. Those born in the month of May as opposed to the month of April are likely to have a Gemini, Sagittarius or Pisces Ascendant and this can greatly alter the classical Taurus appearance. In fact, nowhere else in the Zodiac are the physical characteristics of a sign so mitigated by other planetary influences than in Taurus. (The May-born, slight-of-frame, Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire and Audrey Hepburn, for example.) Nonetheless, varied as the natives of this Zodiac Sign may appear, there remains one telltale characteristic by which Taurus individuals can usually be identified: the eyes, which seem to be rather prominent or slightly protruding, having a conical or pointed shape at the cornea...and even the more slender Taurus natives will possess the typical broad shoulders and straight back. The overall appearance of all Taurus individuals exudes a somewhat distinct sensual aura.

The skin of a Taurus individual will be glowing and opaque in nature, soft to the touch and even "creamy" in appearance. However, some may sport a florid complexion which will, nonetheless, be clear in character. The lips are normally full and well-shaped with the teeth typically small and even. Generally, those governed by this Sign move gracefully and well in coordination with others. Although height is likely to be average, there is a tendency to plumpness around the area of the torso and it will usually be necessary for Taurus subjects to wage a constant guard against the proclavity toward easy weight gain. The nostrils may be flared...particularly in times of anger...with the nose and mouth being customarily wide. The hands of a Taurus subject are generally broad, thick and rather short or "pudgy" in shape. The hair of a Taurus individual ranges from dark to the lighter shades of brown, varying in character from naturally wavy to curly to crinkly. Whichever the case, its texture will invariably be thick and soft. There may also be a tuft or curl of hair above the center of the forehead...curiously similar to the growth often found between the horns of a Bull. The voice of a Taurus native is likely to be quite musical with the manner of speech slow but friendly. It should be noted that there are two unconscious mannerisms by which Taurus subjects may be readily identified: the female's tendency to tap the feet in a nervous manner when angry or irritated; and the male's tendency to move the head slowly but noticeably from side-to-side under similar agitated circumstances. In addition, the nostrils of both sexes are liable to become distinctly enlarged.

To some extent, the above descriptions are influenced and affected by the qualities associated with the Decan into which the Taurus individual falls. (To read more about the qualities associated with the Decans of Taurus, please click on the link given below.)
A subject born within the First Decan (April 21 to April 30...also known as the Taurus Decante of Taurus) possesses many physical features that others find most attractive and appealing. These may include: smooth and radiant skin; well-formed sensuous lips; soft and manageable hair; a youthful appearance; and a "ski" nose. There is a tendency for these native to be rather too sensual for their own good and some may need to select a wardrobe which tones down a few of the "too-sexy" features. The hands are likely to be smooth and fleshy, with short rather stubby fingers. However, the nails will probably be well-manicured. First Decan Taurus individuals prefer only the most expensive of clothes, since they revel in the sensuous feel of fine fabrics and the pleasure of an excellent fit. This native is likely to be medium-tall to tall in height, with slim to medium shoulders and a bony build. The forehead is usually broad and the eyes widely separated. On rare occasions, the females of this Decan can be be somewhat flat-chested and both sexes tend toward the thin side in physical build.

The Female

The Taurus woman will always be attractive since she retains her bloom for many years and never fails to take care with her appearance. An excellent home-maker and hostess, this female knows exactly what she wants in a material sense. However, she is not always very wise in the philosophic area. Still, this woman learns quickly and with experience, becomes a valuable asset to any partner who places a successful relationship high on the list for happiness. There are certain to be ups and downs with a female governed by this Sign. Although she is capable of loving in a whole-hearted fashion, she can, if provoked, be very contrary and resentful. However, as a life partner, she will be faithful and true since, from an early age, she is a firm believer in the "one and only" type of love. Even if this female becomes disillusioned later in life and her ideal appears to have been crushed, she will hold fast to her vision of a one mate commitment. In turn, she will demand absolute fidelity. Despite her repeated attempts to dominate, this is a woman who truly wants her partner to be the boss. Indeed, if the female governed by Taurus is allowed to assume leadership of the relationship, then all respect for the mate will doubtless evaporate. In short, however much this woman likes to grumble, she secretly adores to be ruled since it makes her feel protected. It will be necessary to allow the Taurus female a certain amount of freedom to spend as she wishes...and it would be wise to let her do so since she is never wilfully extravagant and generally very careful with money. As a mother, this woman is excellent. She sees to her children's physical needs, minsters to their aches and pains, comforts them and always stands ready to help them. Still, she is not necessarily tolerant if they should step out of line or attempt to express their own personalties in ways of which she does not approve. Nonetheless, she possesses a magnificent sense of humor where her children are concerned although it is said that the Taurus female is a better mother to boys than to girls.
Perhaps the most devoted and dependable woman of the Zodiac in the sense of a long-term commitment, the Taurus female will endure extreme hardship rather than abandon a partner. She will always be satisfied with her mate's efforts on her behalf...and such efforts are likely to be rather ambitious since the Taurus woman is usually quite a pushy character in a somewhat secret way. This is a female who appears to be calm, reserved and everybody's friend, but beneath that sedate composure resides a great deal of jealousy along with the desire to possess the rich things life has to offer. Affectionate and demonstrative, the female ruled by Taurus has a determined and persistent streak. Although she prefers to give the impression that she is dependent, she is perfectly capable of helping herself if the need arises. When given the opportunity to reside in a luxurious home, this woman delights in showing off her truly wonderful house-keeping abilities and her gracious social charm.

Love and Compatibility

Taurus natives are deeply romantic and very loyal souls who value the harmony that a happy home life creates. They will go to any extremes to keep a loved one happy and no sacrifice will be too great in accomplishment of that goal. It is the nature of a Taurus individual to need the good life and that need is reflected in the desire to share such a life with someone special. In a sexual sense, Taurus is straightforward and down-to-earth. Those governed by this Sign prefer a non-nonsense approach and too much verbalizing or complex fantasizing is not a Taurus trait. This is not to say that Taurus natives are incapable of feeling love. Indeed, the depth of passion here may not be understood by others and music...or other forms of sensual expression that are non-verbal...invariably strikes a chord in the nature of a Taurus person. Extremely faithful to friends and family, the Taurus native prefers long-lasting relationships and will seek to build strong alliances, although he or she can be misled by the inherent sensual make-up, particularly when young. Longevity of any union will require a thorough understanding of the Taurus character. This is a virtually immovable Sign, especially if there is a sense of being forced into something. Knowledge of the ways associated with those governed by Taurus and encouragement to slowly but surely accept any changes will assure a relationship of moving forward and remaining vibrant. It takes a great deal to truly anger the Taurus subject who is in love, but disloyalty will usually prove to be the ultimate factor. These are individuals who are slow to attach and equally as slow to detach. In short, break-ups tend to hang on for an eternity. Still, once a Taurus native does close his or her heart, there is very little chance that it will open up again. Most of the troubles here will emerge over jealousy, possessiveness and the inherent inability of Taurus to change in a basic fashion. Those ruled by this Sign can be immovable forces when they so desire and if they have decided they are perfectly happy with something exactly as it is, nobody can pressure them to change. There is a tendency for Taurus persons to regard those they love as cherished objects and this can transform into a very strong jealousy factor. For the same reasons, letting go can also be problematic.
In affairs of the heart, Taurus natives are very discriminating but completely giving once committed. When young, these are romantic and passionate souls who tend to overlook the fact that they will need mental companionship as they grow older. Those governed by Taurus possess a certain glow which the opposite sex will find extremely attractive and well-nigh irresistible, yet Taurus subjects can be dissatisfied in the early years of a long term relationship and it can take them some time to adapt to the needs of any partner. The inherent stubborn nature of this Sign often brings trouble to a union and learning to give is the hardest lesson for Taurus natives. However, it is the most worthwhile lesson that these individuals can learn during the development of their emotional lives. It is unlikely that those who fall under the jurisdiction of Taurus will be attracted by a partner of limited ambition for secretly, these are persons who desire the good things of the world and are willing to work very hard on a personal level to achieve them. Taurus natives love to create a beautiful home and are often outstanding at home-making, decorating, gardening and the social graces. A binding commitment is synonymous with love to Taurus individuals and they are likely to marry quite early. However, any partnership can be beset by quarrels and disagreements, so it will be necessary for these person to curb their jealousy, keep their tempers and maintain a tight rein on the inherent tendency to contradict.

Taurus natives find much pleasure in objects of real and tangible value, services actually performed or whatever else might represent wealth and quality...and relish the prospect of making such items their own. Promises mean little to those governed by this Sign. For example, offer to reward a Taurus individual with either cash or a kiss in exchange for doing a simple task, and he or she will take the money virtually every time in preference to the promise of a less tangible representation of affection. Satisfaction of appetite...whether courtesy of good food, fine wine or romantic pleasure...is high on the list for Taurus individuals. In short, a good meal, delicious cocktail and alluring outfit will most certainly appeal to the Taurus taste. These natives dislike anything that is poorly made, of inferior quality, or shoddy and lacking in any way. This applies not only to material items, but also to less tangible things...love, friendship and cooperation, for instance. Those ruled by Taurus are only interested in what they personally find to look good, sound good, smell good, feel good and taste good. They will want to occupy the best chair in the house and dine on the best china. In short, if a potential partner can make the Taurus individual feel comfortable, then he or she is demonstrating love...at least in the eyes of the Taurus native.

When it comes to long term commitments, many Taurus individuals are prone to become involved early in life, which often results in a union entered into somewhat hastily and frequently ill-advised. It is not unusual for the initial partner of a Taurus native to be lost either by death or separation. In any event, the first long term commitment is apt to turn out disastrously. However, second time around, the relationship is usually productive and blessed with much happiness.

The Taurus female is, by nature, true and sincere. She is also subject to flattery and should guard against associating with those who are false and deceitful, as she may be easily fooled by their apparent friendship. The affections of these women are deep and loyal, although they may be shy in expressing personal sentiments. However, once she makes up her mind that she is will be a friend or a sweeheart, her steadfastness can be relied upon implicitly. To be happy with a Taurus female, it will be necessary to give her credit for the good sense and natural self-reliance that she possesses. Under no circumstances should anyone point out the shortcomings of these women with threats or anger...to do so may well awaken something within that will prove to be far more than what was bargained for. Since Taurus females are ruled by Venus, far more will be accomplished via love and consideration rather than force. Generally, these women are hungry for everything, not just food. They definitely have a fondness for material things and desire romantic interludes. While this female may appear very affectionate, such should not be taken as an invitation to take advantage of her. Any potential partner must be honest and upright at all times. The Taurus woman can see through a phony with her eyes closed. She must be told exactly what a partner is feeling about her and exactly what that partner wants...or does not want...in a relationship. In short, if she detects any "flim-flam" whatsoever, she is likely to simply "jump ship." On the other hand, this is a woman who will seek to test her partner from time to time and a line will need to be drawn between her expectations and what any partner is truly willing to provide. Another problem with females governed by Taurus is their incredible earthiness. At first meeting, her appearance and taste will be impeccable. But once she becomes comfortable with a mate, she has a tendency to become careless in both her appearance and behavior. Not only will she care less about how she looks, but she is also likely to become more indulgent with food and drink. It will be important to ensure that the Taurus woman treats any partner who has become a staple in her life with the same respect as she would a new love interest. Any potential mate must make it clear that the rumpled clothing and expanding waistline will not be accepted as par for the course. In addition, any partner must let this female know what is expected from the relationship on a personal level and the result is likely to be a woman who will be delighted to work toward such a goal.

The Taurus woman will always be an attractive partner since she retains her "bloom" for many years and never fails to take care with her appearance. An excellent home-maker and hostess, this female knows exactly what she wants in a material sense. However, she is not always very wise in the philosophic area. Still, this woman learns quickly and with experience, becomes a valuable asset to any partner who places a successful relationship high on the list for happiness. There are certain to be ups and downs with females governed by this Sign. Although she can love whole-heartedly, she can, if provoked, be very contrary and resentful. Once committed, however, she will be faithful and true since, from an early age, she is a firm believer in the "one and only" type of love. Even if this female becomes disillusioned later in life and her ideal appears to have been crushed, she will hold fast to her vision of a one mate commitment. In turn, she will demand absolute fidelity. Despite her repeated attempts to dominate, this is a woman who truly wants her partner to be her boss. Indeed, if females governed by Taurus are allowed to assume leadership of the relationship, all respect for her mate will doubtless evaporate. In short, however much this female likes to grumble, she secretly adores to be ruled since it makes her feel protected. It will be necessary to allow this woman a certain amount of freedom to spend as she wishes...and it would be wise to let her do so since she is never wilfully extravagant and generally very careful with money. For a relationship to last, it will be necessary for any mate to flatter this woman in order to keep her. She also needs to be cajoled, playfully teased and constantly told that she is loved. She may not always take these things seriously, but she will relish them all the same. This is a female who abhors being taken for granted and thus, will want to hear expressions of gratitude...but above all else, this woman craves affection.

Positive Aspects Of Taurus In Love:
Loyal - Dedicated - Generous - Protective - Caring - Doting - Understanding - Stable

Negative Aspects Of Taurus In Love:
Jealous - Possessive - Controlling - Immobile - Overly Serious

Romantic Style:
Affectionate - Satisfying - Can Be Generous
Taurus natives value peace, harmony and stability. They look toward the long-term rather than short-lived excitement, preferring a mate who makes them feel emotionally secure. In return, they provide plenty of affection and generosity, but are prone to be jealous and possessive of any partner. These are souls who require creature comforts in order to operate at their maximum...romantically and otherwise. Subjects of Taurus are not particularly interested in dazzling ideas. They believe in playing it steady and safe. Those governed by this Sign have an unfortunate trait of frequently becoming quickly and deeply involved with the first individual they meet who happens to capture their romantic interest.

The Legend

For centuries, worship of the bull has been prevalent in many nations of the ancient world...Greece, Egypt, Assyria and Persia, for example...and Taurus is related to many of the great bulls of antiquity. Even today in India, Nandi (the Sacred White Bull of Siva) continues to remain the object of much veneration. The symbolism of the bull is synonymous with strength, vitality and male impulsiveness. It is also linked to storms, hurricanes, thunder and the Crescent Moon.
In Ancient Greece, bulls were sacrosanct to Poseidon (Greek God of Sea and Storms), as well as to Dionysus (Greek God of Male Fertility) and there are a variety of myths associated with Taurus. In one such legend, Taurus represents the white bull which sired the famous Minotaur, whose mother was the wife of King Minos of Crete. This bull was sent to Minos as a sign that he was the rightful heir to the throne. However, Minos did not sacrifice the bull to Poseidon as he had been instructed to do, so the ever-vengeful Sea God caused Pasiphaë, Minos' queen, to fall in love with the creature. In a later myth, Theseus of Athens travels to Crete and (with the help of Ariadne) slays the dreadful Minotaur...a flesh-eating monster who had been locked in a Labyrinth and reported to have the figure of a man, but sporting a bull's head which could breathe fire. In yet another Greek myth, Taurus was one of a mighty pair of brazen-hooved bulls which could breathe fire and appeared to be untamable. These bulls were forged by Hephaistos, the lame Greek God of MetalWorkers, whose smithy lay beneath the crater of Mount Aetna in Sicily. In order to win the Golden Fleece, Jason of the Argonauts had to yoke the two bulls without aid from any other party. This task symbolized the hero's duty to curb the violence of his passions before acquiring this symbol of spiritual perfection.

Perhaps the most well-known Greek myth, however, is the one which tells of a white bull who was none other than the great God Zeus himself in disguise. This particular legend relates how Zeus became enamored with Europa, daughter of King Agenor of Tyre (a city in Phoenica) and his queen, Telephassa. Knowing that his appearance would both dazzle and terrify the lovely young maiden, Zeus cloaked himself as a white bull with horns of mother-of-pearl and a silver moon emblazoned upon his forelock. While Europa was playing one day by the waters edge, she espied a majestic bull grazing amid her father's herd. Upon approaching the animal, it knelt down before her and allowed the girl to climb upon its back. Once she had mounted, it sprang to its feet and rode the waves across the sea to Crete. There, Zeus made the beautiful Europa his mistress, informing her that all the land she could see from the island now belonged to her. This land became known as the Continent of Europe.

Europa eventually bore Zeus three sons...Minos (the future King of Crete), Rhadamanthys (who later became one of the Three Judges of the Dead) and Sarpendon (who founded the Greek city of Miletus in Asia Minor). The image of the bull was later placed into the heavens by Zeus, where the animal now roams the lush, heavenly pastures of late Spring and is extremely protective of the cows and calves in his herd.

Ruling Planet

Taurus is dominated by Venus, the planet which also rules Libra. Venus was named for the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty. In its highest form, Venus provides the finest of all planetary influences. It denotes a kindly and harmonious nature, possessed with a desire for happiness and comradeship. Beauty, charm, love of music and gaiety all belong to the make-up of a Venus individual. Those under the influence of this planet will spare no effort in the creation of comfortable surroundings. They enjoy home life and form firm and lasting friendships. Such are the positive aspects bestowed by Venus. In contrast, however, lack of harmony is disturbing to natives of Venus, causing them to become emotional over disputes. Being kindly souls, they are easily offended and will resent even slight neglect. Unless those ruled by this planet are careful in their choice of friends or those upon whom they shower affection, the result may be misunderstanding.
Those whose ruling planet is Venus do have a tendency to become careless and indolent. They can give way to useless pleasure and love of show. The affairs of Venus are affairs of the heart, not the head. Unless such affection is reciprocated, Venus subjects may turn to new friends and new fields. These negative aspects cause those ruled by Venus to apear paradoxical to people who do not understand them. This side of the Venus character may place too much value on appearances and too little on true human worth. There is a slack and indecisive side to those ruled by this planet which can lead to hesitancy in the face of danger.

Parties, social functions, gifts, adornments, fashions and all sorts of luxuries fall within the jurisdiction of Venus. This is a planet of good taste and proper balance. Thus, the social graces and vanities come under its guidance. Venus represents the world of values. What is liked, what is disliked, how a person feels about others, the way in which a person is capable of being happy...of giving and receiving love...are all governed by Venus. Although these natives may be well aware of their own attractiveness and charm, they are not necessarily vain. They are companionable people and, indeed, probably need company more than any other Sign of the Zodiac. These are usually artistic souls, but ones who possess a passive quality which is not always desiring in a lustful way, being quietly receptive to all the good things in life.

In an astrological sense, the influence of Venus is associated chiefly with things admirable and desirable...love, beauty (together with the love of beauty for its own sake) and appreciation of the arts. It is also aligned with harmony, unison, peace, reconcilliation and the enjoyment of pleasure. The influence of Venus is felt in all types of relationships concerning business and social ties, as well as love and sexual bonds. Venus is also associated with marriage, fertility, good food and drink, and all the creature comforts which make Earth a pleasant place to live.

It was once traditionally believed that males whose ruling planet was Venus would be threatened by death at the hands of a woman. Later interpretations suggested that the male might, instead, be destined to domination by women. In the astrology of politics, Venus rules victory in war.

Physically, many Venus subjects possess what has been termed as "the ideal," having finely-molded features and a well-proportioned physique. They take pride in their appearance and have an ease of manner and natural charm by which they display themselves at their best.

The metal which correlates most closely to Venus is copper, which mixes easily with other metals and tends to the pastel in colorization. In other words, it changes to pink, green and purple when heated. Copper is considered the perfect alloy. In an anatomical sense, Venus is closely related to the kidneys and also to the sensory organs...the body's receptors. This is hardly surprising since these are the areas which tell a person what does and does not feel good and Venus is synonomous with pleasure, satisfaction and contentment.

Items particularly associated with Venus are: daffodils and daisies; ash and birch trees; fruits (anything from apples to apricots); swans; dolphins; salmon and doves. The semi-precious stones linked to this planet are: cornelian; lapis lazuli and sapphires. Friday is considered a particularly lucky day for those who fall within the jurisdiction of this planet, while the special associated colors are shades of pastels...such as pinks and blues.

The great moral lesson to be learned by the children of Venus is that there are benefits to be reaped when one is decisive.
However, they also need to learn that thinking with the head is a desirable trait and should teach themselves
to become more centered, thus giving direction to their lives.

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Once thought to be two separate bodies (named "Hesperus" as an evening star and "Phosphurus" or "Eosphorus" as the morning star), Venus is the second planet from the Sun and the sixth largest. Venus has been known since prehistoric times. Viewed from Earth, it is the brightest object in the heavens, except for the Sun and the Moon, and was formerly referred to as the "Jewel of the Sky," so named because it was the brightest of all planets known to the ancients. Venus traces an orbit which is closer to a perfect circle than any other planet, but with a retrograde or backward rotation. Therefore, on Venus, the Sun rises in the West and sets in the East while the wind travels always westward. Venus cannot be missed when it is well-placed in the evening sky, being by far the brightest "star" of all. In fact, if one knows exactly where to look, Venus may even been seen in broad daylight. Like the Moon and Mercury, Venus has phases and when it presents a crescent phase, is known as the Ashen Lights. With a very few exceptions, all of the surface features of Venus (such as Guinevere Planitia, Sif Mons and Aphrodite Terra) are named for female figures. There is also a crater which honors the famed jazz singer, Billie Holliday.

Venus is sometimes regarded as the Earth's sister planet and, in some ways, they are quite similar. Venus is only slightly smaller than Earth, both have few craters indicating relatively young surfaces and their densities and chemical compositions are comparable. However, in many important ways, the two planets are radically different. The atmosphere of Venus is composed mainly of carbon dioxide and there are several layers of thick clouds consisting of sulfuric acid. These clouds completely obscure Venus' surface and the dense atmosphere creates a runaway greenhouse effect. The surface temperature of Venus is inferno-like, being hot enough to melt lead and even at night, the temperature barely drops. The surface of Venus is actually hotter than that of Mercury, despite being nearly twice as far from the Sun. It seems likely that Venus once had large amounts of water which boiled away. The majority of the surface now consists of gently-rolling plains with little relief. There are also several broad depressions and two large highland areas in the Northern Hemisphere. Both day and night, lightning and continuous thunder flash and boom across a rainless sky. The oldest terrains on Venus appear to be approximately 800 million years old. Extensive volcanic activity at that time has obliterated the earlier surface, including any large craters which may have featured in the initial history of Venus' formation.

The first spacecraft to visit Venus was Mariner 2 in 1962. It was subsequently visited by many others. Most recently, the orbiting U.S. spacecraft Magellan produced details maps of the surface of Venus by means of radar. Magellan unveiled a planet with a tortured surface shaped by a history of geological violence, tectonic deformation, volcanism and impact cratering. At least 85% of Venus is covered by volcanic rock...mostly lava flows which form the planet's vast plains. Because there is no rainfall, oceans or strong winds existing on Venus, little erosion occurs. The planet has no magnetic field (perhaps due to its slow rotation) and has no satellites or moons.

Luck and Good Fortune

Luck is defined as that which happens to a person...an event, good or ill...which affects an individual's interests or happiness and which is deemed causal. It is a series of such events which are regarded as occurring by chance, fate or fortune...often, a person's habitual or characteristic fortune. It has been said that luck is better than skill.
In Greek Mythology, the Goddess of Luck is Tyche, known to the Romans as Fortuna. She is often portrayed holding a double-sided rudder that could steer mankind to good or bad luck. She also frequently holds a cornucopia (horn of plenty) to symbolize prosperity and is sometimes blindfolded to indicate that luck is a matter of "blind chance." In addition, Tyche occasionally sports wings to symbolize how good fortune might be fleeting. A ball, representative of the manner in which luck "rolls according to chance" is often associated with this Goddess. Tyche is said to teach the paradoxical message that life is essentially a game of dice, determined by chance, and that nothing is ever set in stone. No matter how certain an individual might be that something will happen, there is always an underlying element of chance, and it would be wise to expect the unexpected. Instead of submission to Fate, Tyche provides the encouragment for individuals to take things into their own hands, thus making their own destiny. In was in Tyche's temple that the first set of dice were dedicated by Palamedes, perhaps indicating the capriciousness of life and luck...and the fickle manner in which the fortunes of mortals are often decided.

"Luck affects everything;
Let your hook always be cast;
In the stream where you least expect it,
There will be a fish."
-- Ovid --


The lucky number for Taurus is six (also known as the Hexad). It is the mystic number of Venus and a number which Taurus shares with those individuals born under the Sign of Libra. Six represents family and symbolizes the home, parents, healers and counselors. It is representative of domestic bliss, responsibility, compassion, marriage and devotion. Six is also associated with fraternity and brotherhood...or sorority and sisterhood. It is the common bond of closeness between people, representing love, nurturing, harmony and justice. Six is the perfect divider of the circle and the radius of a circle divides its circumference into the six points of the hexagon to form the Seal of Solomon...the hexagram. In geometry, six is the hexagon...two triangles which share a common side. Similarly, in mathematics, six is two threes, also known as the second perfection. A mystic number represented in nature by the formation of crystals, honeycomb, snowflakes and flowers, six is a happy number with the power to ward off evil. It is said the the cycle of life has six periods (birth, growth, decay, death, absorption and metamorphosis) and that there are six states of man (love, chastity, death, fame, time and eternity). Six is also perfection in the form of power, expressed by the symbolism of six equilateral triangles in a circle. In a biblical sense, the world was created in six days (man being created on the sixth) and in Jewish tradition, took six thousand years. Six is the number of points found on the Star of David and in the Cabala, it is the center of equilibrium...the junction of two perfect triangles. This number has also been designated as the mark of the Beast...the Anti-Christ. In China, the number six was, above all else, the number of Heaven. In Mayan lore, six was considered to be unlucky...the day of the rain and storm god and the number of death. If the divisors of six are added (1+2+3), the answer is the number six...there is hardly any other number which will give such a result. Not only does adding the divisors make six, so does their multiplication (1x2x3). It is also the center of the first five even numbers (2-4-6-8-10) and is often called a "pivoting number" which creates a cycle of sorts.
In biblical numerology, six is the Number of Man. Man was created on the sixth day and labors for six days only. The Serpent was also created on the sixth day. The Sixth Commandment is, "Thou shalt not murder." Six words are used for man: Adam; ish; Enosh; gehver; anthropos and anar. In addition, 6 x 6 = 36. 36 + 35 + 34 + 33 + 32 . . . 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 666. 666 is the number of the Antichrist, meaning that the name of the Antichrist in Greek adds up to 666. This is generally considered to be a mockery of the Trinity.

Six is feminine in nature and, when associated with Taurus, resides in the Second House of Money and Possessions, governing all things lucrative. It is the number of luck and chance...life and strength...honesty and beauty...a number which is capable of both creation and destruction. In short, it may have an equally strong tendency toward evil as it does toward good...toward rebellion as it does toward union with God. It is the number of mutual hating and giving...of mystic destiny. The colors associated with the number six are all those within the blue family. Its peak tends to be during the daylight hours, with its natural element being earth and its associated gems being emeralds and turquoise.


The lucky color for Taurus is green. Green is one of the colors associated with Venus, this Sign's ruling Planet. In a positive sense, green suggests nature...plants and forests...life, stablity and restfulness. On the negative side, some tones of green can suggest decay...fungus and mold...toxicity or artificiality. Green should never be worn on serious or practical occasions. It has a soothing effect on the nerves and has come to symbolize prosperity. Green is representative of nature as a whole, the environment and vigor. However, it can also symbolize jealousy and envy. In addition, green has also been regarded as the color of eternal life, as seen in evergreens which never change their color from season to season. This color is often used in hospitals because it is thought to be easier on the eye and aids in lowering the stress levels of both patients and caregivers. Green it is believed to an unlucky color for those who are about to be married, but is otherwise considered lucky if an individual wishes to attract attention. Green has the passive and harmonic oval form.

Green strikes the eye in such a way as to require no adjustment whatsoever. Therefore, it is a restful color. Being located in the centre of the spectrum, it is the color of balance...a concept which carries more importance than many realize. When the world surrounding an individual contains plenty of green, it indicates the presence of water and thus, little danger of famine. Therefore, humankind on a primitive level becomes reassured by green. The negative aspect of this color can indicate stagnation and, if used incorrectly, will be perceived as being too bland. Green is a feminine color of passiveness and peace, wisdom of nature, eternal life and hope. However, it can also be perceived as defensive and cautious...weakening and static. In Christian worship, art, architecture and design, green symbolizes the breaking of shackles and freedom from bondage. It is the color of fertility. In Christian symbolism, it represents bountifulness, hope and the victory of life over death. It is one of the colors associated with Christmas and the long season of the Trinity in Summer. In heraldry, green is symbolic of youth and hope.

Positive Qualities Of Green: Harmony - Balance - Refreshment - Universal Love - Rest - Restoration - Reassurance - Environmental Awareness - Equilibrium - Peace
Negative Qualities Of Green: Bordeom - Stagnation - Blandness - Enervation

Taurus individuals are also drawn to deep blues, violets and occasionally, pastels or florals, preferring soft patterns that are suggestive of nature or natural things. They are also attracted to soothing colors that created harmony and peace, such as the calming hue of lilac. The colors of Taurus often have luscious of sensuous associations. Taurus natives also benefit from the color yellow, which inspires the mind and helps to offset the inherent tendency of this Sign toward indolence and apathy.

Other Favorable Colors: Pink - Orange - Cream - Coral - White - Bright Brown - Bright Black
Unvavorable Colors: Grey - Dull Brown - Red - Variegated Colors - Faded Colors


The lucky flower for Taurus is the violet, the common name of a group of flowering plants. The blossoms of this flower are generally considered to be among the most attractive of all cultivated or wild blooms. Violets can be found throughout most of the world. Certain varieties bear white and yellow flowers, but the blue and purple violets are generally viewed as the most favored. The leaves of the violet are considered to be rather palatable and can be used to make salads, candies and jellies. The name is said to be derived from vias, which means "wayside." The violet is sometimes called the Flower of Modesty because it hides its blooms within its heart-shaped leaves. It is also referred to as Our Lady's Modesty because it was said to have blossomed when the Virgin Mary said to the Angel Gabriel, who had come to inform her she was to bear the Son of God, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord." Monks in the Middle Ages perceived this flower as the symbol of the trinity in their three colors and it was once believed that God gave the plant its heart-shaped leaves as a medicinal aid for cardiac disease.

The violet is associated with a number of different symbolic meanings. The blue variety is used as a token of friendship and rememberance, while the purple violet symbolizes faithful love. Alpine violets are used in bouquets to request candid words...originally a Sylvan custom, although its source has become obscured with the passage of time. Due to the reclusiveness of their tiny yellow blossoms, wood violets represent secrecy. The flaming violets of River's Rest are said to be magical creations rather than natural flowers, but they too have earned a place among floral symbolism, representing intellectual brilliance. Often, the violet is considered to be a flower of ill and was once believed to encourage fleas to move into the home. However, it is also credited with a some positive qualities. For example, it is said that to wear a violet around the neck can prevent drunkenness and it was once used to guard against deception, as well as to create an atmosphere of trust and honesty. The violet was the favored flower of Mohammed and of Napoleon Bonaparte...indeed, supporters nicknamed him "Corporal Violet, the little flower that returns with Spring." His wife, Josephine, wore these flowers at their wedding ceremony and on each anniversary, Napoleon would send her a boquet of violets. The blossoms were also showered on her coffin when she died and before being exiled to the Island of St. Helena, Napoleon visited Josephine's tomb, where he picked violets growing at her graveside...placing the blossoms in a locket which was found around his neck upon his death. Is is said that to dream of violets indicates an advance in life. Although basically considered to bring good luck when given as a gift, violets that bloom in Autumn are thought to foretell of epidemics or death which will follow within the year and is considered in some cultures to be a funeral flower. Once thrown in graves for remembrance in rural England, the mourners also carried violets to protect themselves against poisonous exhalations while in the cemetery. In Ancient Greece, so many violets were placed in a grave that they sometimes almost completely concealed the body. In the language of flowers, the basic meaning of the violet is modesty, purity and charm against evil. However, the blue violet also means watchfulness and faithfulness and is associated with the phrase, "I'll Always Be True." The white violet is associated with the phrase, "Let's Take A Chance On Happiness," while the yellow violet conveys modest worth.

According to Greek legend, the violet was created by Zeus, who was in love with a nymph named Io, daughter of Inachus, a River God. In order to hide Io from the suspicious eyes of his wife, Hera, Zeus changed the nymph into a white heifer, but Io began to weep bitterly because of the harshness of the coarse common grass she was forced to eat in bovine form. Thus, Zeus decided to create a new and more suitable plant on which the delicate Io could feed by transforming her tears into the sweet-smelling violet. In Roman myth, it was Venus who made the violet blue. She had been disputing with her son, Cupid, as to which was more beautiful...herself or a bevy of girls...and Cupid, with no fear of his mother, declared it to be the maidens. This statement sent Venus into such a rage, that she beat her rivals until they turned blue and were transformed into violets. In English folklore, a tale sets forth that King Frost felt lonely in his huge ice palace, where everything was frozen and lifeless. Thus, he sent his courtiers out to search for a lovely girl who would melt his frigid heart and bring him happiness. The courtiers found a very shy maiden named Violet and presented her to the King. He immediately succumbed to her charm and fell in love with the gir. Although once a strict and passionless monarch, King Frost slowly became gentle and warmhearted, vowing to his people that the harsh and endless winters of his realm would become milder for one half of each year. Such was the tender effect that Violet had upon the King. She pled with him to allow her to visit her people once more and because of the love her bore her, King Frost granted her wish to reside with her family each Spring. His sole condition was that she could only return to them in the form of a flower for part of the year...coming back to her husband's icy realm each Winter.


The lucky gem for Taurus individuals born in April is the diamond. They share this fortunate jewel with those Aries individuals who were also born during the same month. The diamond, a sparkling precious stone, white or blue in color, is sometimes referred to as the king of crystals (or king stone) and stone of invulnerability. Traditionally, this jewel is the symbol of purity and innocence, and considered to be most lucky when worn on the left side of the body. The hardest of all precious gems (and the hardest substance known in nature), it is a crystalline form of carbon. The word diamond is derived from adamas, which is Greek in origin and means "indomitable" or "unconquerable," suggesting the eternity of love. It represents strength, virtue, bravery, fearlessness, invincibility and insight, bestowing these fine attributes upon its wearers. The Hebrews believed that the diamond lost its sparkle if touched or worn by a traitor and in ancient times, it was thought to drive away the Devil. The Hindus once held the belief that a flawed diamond (or one containing spots or specks) was so unlucky that it could deprive the God Inda of his highest heaven. The first river-bed (alluvial) diamonds were thought to have been discovered around 800 B.C.

The diamond is considered to be the greatest of all gem stones, revered throughout the ages not only for its great beauty and strength, but also for its powerful positive spiritual and physical influences. This stone is said to enhance the wearer with charm and beauty. Physically, it is believed to strengthen the kidneys and reproductive organs and afford protection against severe disease. The Ancient Romans believed that the diamond, when worn on the left side next to the skin, endowed bravery and daring to the the wearer. During the Middle Ages Queen Elizabeth I was made a gift of a diamond to ward off the plague and Napoleon carried a sword with a diamond in the hilt to assure victory in battle. Antiquated writings tell of a diamond which hung about the neck of Abraham which could cure the illness of any man who gazed upon it, and it is said that when Abraham died, the Lord sealed the gem within the sun. Even today, the diamond engagement ring remains the accepted token of promised love and loyalty. It is thought that this tradition may have begun in 1477 when Maximilian I of Austria presented a diamond ring to Mary, daughter of the Duke of Burgundy, as a betrothal gift. To dream of diamonds was once thought to be a sure sign of success, wealth and happiness.

A history of tragedy and misfortune has often accompanied the more highly-prized examples of the diamond. Stones such as the Hope Diamond were so unfortunate and brought such ill-luck that the very mention of its name once struck terror into peoples' hearts. However, the gem itself is not unlucky...the bad luck being mainly brought about by the greed and lust with which humankind has fought and thieved and connived in order to obtain such great wealth. Indeed, legend states that a diamond purchased out of greed, or one that is stolen or won from another, will not bring good luck to the wearer. A diamond given as a gift or which is representative as a token of trust and affection between sweethearts can never bring ill-luck. According to lore, the diamond came into existence when the God of Mines called together all his noblemen and instructed them to bring him one of every variety and color of gemstone in existence. Once he had received the collection, he crushed them, forming one magnificent jewel of rare beauty, purity and indestructibility...the diamond. The diamond is the traditional gem for the 10th, 30th and 60th Wedding Anniversaries. It is also known as the Winter Gemstone.


The lucky day for those who fall under the jurisdiction of Taurus is Friday. The origin of this day derives from Norse Mythology and Frigg, a kind and beautiful Goddess who was married to Woden or Odin, the most powerful of the Norse Gods. Together, Frigg and Odin watched the happenings all over the world. Frigg was the Goddess of Nature. She controlled everything smallest hamlet to the largest jungle and was also the Goddess of Love and Marriage, as well as being the Goddess of Housewives, the Sky and the Clouds . Those who worshipped Frigg held her in such high esteem that they named a day in her honor, calling it Frigedaeg, which later became known as Friday.

The Saxons originally referred to Friday as Frigga's Tag, which is also where the German nation gets their modern name for the name. Frigga and Woden had seven sons who are reputed to be the founders of the seven Saxon Kingdoms of England...Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex, East Anglia, Essex, Kent and Sussex. Alghough Frigga was permitted to share the throne with Woden, she spent most of her time spinning and looking after the welfare of mortals who lived on Earth. She was also known to smooth the paths of sweethearts and married people. Another of Frigga's duties was to spread knowledge on the administration of justice. Those humans who had to decide legal issues and cases would look to Frigga for guidance. In addition, defendants in legal cases would call upon her to help them prove their innocence. Thus, this Goddess was responsible for teaching and symbolized the fact that wisdom cannot exist without learning.

Friday is viewed as one of the most popular days. The love for this day is undoubtedly engendered by the fact that in the Western World, it is the last workday of the week. In predominantly Moslem cultures, Friday is considered a Holy Day...a day to gather in the mosques at noon for prayers and to spend the day in religious contemplation. Since mankind's early history, a Friday that falls on the 13th day of a month has been thought to be unlucky. Historians theorize that this may be because there were thirteen persons present at the Last Supper of Christ and that this number proved unlucky. It was also on a Friday that Jesus was crucified. The Friday crucifixion spawned an Eastertime holiday known as Good Friday. The appellation "good" was likely a corruption of the word "God." Therefore, Good Friday was originally, God's Friday...the day Christians believe God showed his love for the world by relinquishing his son. According to an ancient rhyme, Friday's child is loving and giving.


FLOWERS/HERBS: Alfalfa, Coltsfoot, Honeysuckle, Lily-of-the-Valley, Primrose, Tulip,
Mushrooms, Myrtle, Rose, Sesame, Tansy and Vervain
OILS: Cardamon, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Thyme and Jasmine
GEMSTONES: Sapphire, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Moss Agate, Jade and Opal
ANIMALS: Bull and Cow
TREES: Apple, Almond, Cherry, Walnut, Ash, Sycamore and Myrtle
BIRDS: Dove, Sparrow and Swan
METAL: Copper

The Seaons

Taurus is a Spring Zodiac Sign (as are the Signs of Aries and Gemini). This time of the year is also known as the Vernal Equinox when the days and nights are of equal length. In the Northern Hemisphere, Spring begins on March 21, while in the Southern Hemisphere, it begins around September 23. However, for the purposes of Astrology, the Northern Hemisphere timeframe marks the beginning of this Season. Spring is the First Quarter (or Quadrant) of the yearly cycle, traditionally associated with the period of new growth and/or rebirth.
In terms of the human life cycle, Spring represents the time of birth to the age of twenty-one...the active period of development encompassing birth, infancy, childhood and adolescence. Governed by the faculty of intuition, this period represents an objective manifestation and has an unconscious orientation. In short, although objective growth is taking place in an external fashion, the internal state remains highly subjective. This is largely due to the fact that Venus (which rules the Zodiac Sign of Taurus) is classified as an "inner" or "personal" planet, meaning it is relatively small in size as well as being close to the Earth and the Sun. This time of human life also displays an exceedingly subjective or personal orientation. The developing child perceives the world largely as an extension of himself or herself. Apprehension of life is colored by intuition and powerful unconscious drives. The ability of a child to absorb and assimilate impressions of the outside world is truly quite astonishing and, on occasion, the young person will be at the mercy of such powerful forces, not always acting in the most rational or conscious manner.

In general, individuals who fall under the jurisdiction of Spring possess a great enthusiasm for life. The energy here is prodigious in terms of initiating projects and the ability to survive and/or adapt is noteworthy. Frequently more extroverted than introverted, Spring subjects are prone to have a heavy impact on their environment. However, the capacity to dutifully or doggedly adhere to one activity is often lacking. Natives of Spring are fond of sharing their thoughts. They also like to create and produce and, more than those who fall under the jurisdiction of the other Seasons, crave relatively constant appreciation and approval for what is accomplished. A desire for freedom also characterizes many individuals born in the Spring and they may not react favorably to having restrictions imposed upon them. Subjects ruled by this Season need to grow, expand and make their mark upon the world. Spring natives often emit a childlike air their entire lives...innocence, spontaneity and impulse are all inherent traits associated with these individuals. Normally positive in outlook, the Spring individual may well be adverse to overly-serious attitudes and possess little patience for those whose orientations are negative.

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