My name is Cruor Imbibo. I am ancient, as you well know. I can see the gears going, the switches switching in your mind. You know there is something wrong about me. You can't tell what it is, just yet, but you know that I'm not human. If you asked where I came from, I would have to lie to give you an answer. I don't know. If you asked my age, I would simply tell you that I am ancient. Perhaps you think of me as some Vampire, or perhaps a demon. Angel even. I am neither of them. I exist outside of the rules. Frankly, I shouldn't exist. I am unique, in a world of copies, I am the center, in a world of turns. My powers are that I am power. I am made up of the darkness, the light, the shadows the setting sun, and the rising moon. Death has no power over me, and life is a burden to me. My existence shouldn't be, yet here I I ******** am...