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Journal Table of Contents:
1.) Inhuman characters
2.) Vampire starters
3.) Human Starters
4.) The one, the only, non fiction starter I have

((Alright, here are all the starters I've scribbled down that have inhuman characters and fantasy plots. I consider myself advanced lit. not only because I can write a lot of pretty paragraphs, but because I have a decent grasp of the English language, love to describe things (I am an artist, which means I visualize A LOT), explain more than the blunt present and try my best to keep a good rp going. I expect you to be able to do the same, reply as a character I can work with and never be afraid to through in your own ideas and plot twists. Whatever you have to do to keep the rp spicy I will most likely be able to work with. Despite the standards I have, I am a passive person. So I hope to hear from you via pm, please.))

Lyra the Vampire [X]
Under the light of the full moon the vast forest had a ghostly and luminous glow. The shadows of the trees grew into crooked phantoms, reaching their long arms out to seize expecting prey. Above the haunted forest the sky was clear, no clouds to litter endless midnight blue abyss or block the grim light the moon emitted. It was the perfect setting for the creatures of the night to hunt for their next meal or rather, victim. The vast majority of these particular woodlands were lowly creatures, ones who traveled in groups and would slaughter entire mortal villagers without reason. Some were average, traveling in groups of no more than three and would keep themselves hidden from the eyes of the world. Then there were the strongest creatures of the night, ones who always traveled solitary and were cursed to only walk the earth from dusk till dawn.
Not ten minutes ago, the forest was still with tranquil silence. Nothing stirred within a five mile radius of a massive field. In that field a fight had taken place. There were corpses of low apparitions scatted all about, most of their bodies mangled and torn to shreds. Not one was alive, though there was one person standing in the middle of the field. The figure wore a simple black cloak that covered their entire body, but long strands of orange hair spilled down to their hips. A slender hand rose form the person’s side, once one looked at the pale and smooth skin they would be able to tell it was the arm of a young woman. Her hand and fingers were covered in the blood of the fallen ones around her. Raising it to their lips, the young woman tasted the blood quick, then whipped their arm from their face. A sickened expression went across her half covered face. "This blood is no good." She muttered in an icy voice. Her doll like face was exposed when a light breeze blew across the field, blowing the hood off her head revealing her emerald eyes. "Perhaps I should spent the night hunting for blood worth drinking, mn?"

Paladin of the Heavens[X]

“Every time we come down here they get weaker and weaker,” A young, dirty blonde haired woman complained as she wiped the black blood off her blade in the grass. “I think their blood is thinner. They must be breeding with humans, watering down the strong blood or something.” Letting out a bored sigh the young woman sheathed her blade and then let her eyes scan the small field. There were only three corpses, but not ten minutes ago a nasty battle had taken place and then fallen into silence as the woman stood victorious. Ave Maria, who preferred to be called Ava, was a paladin of the kingdom of Heaven; an angel who fought and slaughtered apparitions than crawled on the earth’s surface like insects. Being a part of heavens army she had the privilege to descend back to earth to fight. That was the one thing Ava loved more than anything else. Combat and the feel of earth below her feet.

Brushing her bangs out of her eyes she strode over to a corpse, her light blue eyes looking down without remorse. The body below her looked like a malformed human with dark blue flesh, pointed ears and claws. It almost fit what the mortals described demons as, which was impressive. Lifting her hand over the body she murmured a few words, then flames spilled out of her palm and onto the body, incarnating it immediately. Ava did that the remaining corpses so that no one would discover them. If those stupid mortals learned of such things… She began to wonder what would happen, though she really had no clue. It wasn’t her job to think about such matters anyway.

Yawning and stretching her arms over her head she looked up at the sun, squinting against the rays. The warmth against her face felt good. “I like it down here.” She said, a strange grin on her rosy lips. She would stay down there if she had the choice, but obviously didn’t. She would have to return to the kingdom and report her victory. Sighing, she strode over to the center of the field, about to open a pathway but then paused. The casual expression on her face vanished as she scanned the edge of the trees. Something is out there. She could feel the eyes on her. Lowering her gloved hand she gripped the hilt of her blade, still looking for any signs of movement.

Feroine the White Dragon of Affluence[X]

“My lord,” A velvet edged voice said through the muted chaos that had befallen outside of the castle walls. Over thirty hours ago the palace of Third Kingdom had been completely surrounded by an invading force. Whether it was another kingdom or a group of barbarians no one knew for sure. All they knew was the invaders were annihilating their soldiers with an unmatchable force. “You are going to die.” Within ten hours the invading kingdom had passed through the outer walls and had began to barbarically ransack all the castles defenses in search of something. The Third Kingdom had been revered for this one prize; The white dragon. The mortal that possessed this legendary creature would rise above all others in wealth, fortune and wealth. All these effects would be brought by the dragon, if it could be tamed. The emperor of the Third Kingdom had speared the dragon’s heart with a golden arrow, making it subservient to him and his kingdom. “Unbind my power, and I will stop them for you.”

A grin then went across the elderly emperors lips. His glossy eyes looked up at the slender white haired female that leaned over him. “I can’t do that, Feroine.” He coughed, blood trickled down his chin. There were five arrows sticking in his body, three in his chest, one in his shoulder and one in his stomach. Blood stained his silk green garments and pooled onto the marble floor below him. Feroine had him in her lap, her hand running across the wounds in attempt to numb their pain with what power she was allowed to use.
“You have to unless you want your kingdom to be burned to dust.” She informed him, her soft voice soothing the dyeing man. Feroine thought at first the king was deranged from blood loss, but by looking into his eyes she saw he was serious. He no longer had the desire to rule this kingdom. The only reason he was emperor was because she shot a golden arrow through her heart. Having the white dragon by his side he claimed the empty throne and made the kingdom prosper under his rule. It all of course was because of her.

Looking to the barred door of the throne room her lips thinned to a straight line. The invaders would be there any moment and the emperor was no longer willing to use her powers to stop them. “Once I die you will be freed from my service.” The emperor’s bloody, wrinkled hand rose to touch her cheek. “As my final order to you, Feroine,” He coughed, his voice cracked with weakness. “I do not want you to be ruled by a corrupt man.” His hand fell to squeeze the hand she had laid on his chest. “Do not let a mortal use you for corruption.” The two stared at each other in silence for a moment, seeming unable to hear the chaos that ensued beyond the walls. Moments later the light in the king’s eyes faded. A sad expression crossed Feroine’s face as she closed his eyes with her blooded hand.

After that there was an explosion of golden sparks from her chest, her body started to radiate a silver light as she stood. A smirk went across her face that revealing jagged, pointed teeth. Her powers were no longer bound by a human. They were returning to her physical body. From her skull six ashen horns grew as her the pupils of her azure eyes became serpentine. “My former master,” Her voice, still laced with velvet had a cold, uncivil tone. “I will never allow a human to enslave me.” The way she saw it all humans were corrupt. No matter who pierced her heart and became her master would use her for corruption. In order to keep the promise to her deceased master she would not allow anyone to rule her. Drawing the blade strapped to her hip she turned to look at the barred doors. The invaders were on the other side, trying to get in. Shifting her footing to stand over her fallen master she waited patiently for them to enter. No longer being ordered no to she would butcher them and devour their leader.

Tonight We Start the Fire [X]

Aligned symmetrically around a large crowd of soundless villagers were seven tall wooden stakes protruding from piles of kindling wood. Each being soaked in oil, the executors needed to make sure each fire would birth flames that would lick the sky. This preparation was for seven young woman accused and found guilty of maleficium: Witchcraft. All seven trials were held in a single day, six of the girls pleaded innocent, every girl found guilty. As punishment each girl was to be burned by funeral pyre, turning her body to ash and forever incinerating her abomination of a soul. The villagers believed by destroying their physical bodies their soul would wander powerless in the deepest pits of hell.
A few moments before dusk the seven girls were lead to their stakes, only one putting up a fight. With her hands bound behind her back she could not do much against the two larger men that dragged her to her doom. The rest expect for one seemed to be dejected, sobbing silently or looking blankly at the crowd of people. Only one was smiling, looking at the mortals as if it were any other day. “Beautiful evening, wouldn’t you agree?” A raven haired girl said to the priest as she walked past him, the two guards tightening their grip around her slender arms. The black haired girl was the only one that pleaded guilty, saying she was not going to bother lying when she was going to be executed no matter what. Even being tied to the center stake so the villagers the raven haired girl seemed to be humming, her dark eyes scanning the tops of the trees. Spotting a crow the girl smirked. “What a pretty bird.” She cooed. The guards looked at one another, hurrying their tying so they could get away from the girl.

After every preparation was done the priest stood before the seven girls, reading from a sacred book in his hand. The villagers could be heard murmuring to one another, all worried that even if they girls were burned to ashes their ghosts would continue to haunt their village. “You know, ladies.” The raven haired girl interrupted the priests rambling. “I know a way out of this for all of us, care to cooperate?” A hush fell over the crowd, all eyes on the center. “Don’t try to lie to me, I know five of you are just like me, just not valiant enough to admit it.” Looking over her shoulders she gave her fellow victims a warm smile.
“Light the pyre!” The priest ordered, worried if they weren’t burned immediate they would break free. The guards, each holding a torch threw it on the oil soaked kindling that lay in front of every stake. Two of the girls began to scream, the flames crawling to their bare feet. Hushing the girls the raven haired girl began to speak to them, though her words were unheard by the villagers as they began chanting. Eventually thick black smoke obscured the view of the girls, though the charisma of the blood thirsty villagers never broke. They knew it would all be over soon, the witches could not terrorize them once their souls were sent to hell.
However, something happened that made the crowd fall into silence again. Figures of crows began tearing from the black cloud, swooping over the villagers while leaving the smell of cinders and ashes behind. Eventually all the smoky crows began to circling together in front of the priest, who was frozen in shock. Just like smoke the crows fused together, forming the figure of a beautiful woman in front of him. Her sleek black hair spilled over her shoulders, her skin like white satin and marked with strange red designs. Opening her crimson red eyes and giving a warm smile to the crowd the woman extended her arms like wings. “Do you want to know where dreams come from?” She asked in a velvet rimmed, cold voice. When she saw the crowd was in too much shock to speak she extended her fingers as well. “Some show their faith, while some show none.” Near the end of her words smoky vulture burst from her arms, attacking the villagers like ravenous wolves.
However none touched the priest. Looking at him, her cold crimson eyes flashed. “My name is Estella, a being created from the persona of six witches and one mortal.” Looking at the priest without remorse she raised a slender hand and drove it like a blade through his chest until her bloody hand broke through his back. “If you’re going to kill some one, don’t apologize to your god.” Her arm slowly went back into his body, gripping his still beating heart. “Apologize to them.” With a single merciless squeeze the man’s heart stilled between her fingers. Seeming pleased with her word she kicked the body away from her, as she did a vulture landed like a pet on her shoulder. Stoking its head and cooing sweetly Estella watched the rest of her minions destroy the village that had implemented her.

The Banished Goblin Queen [X]

The brisk winter morning spilled over the kingdom of the Seventh Province. Slowly it would illuminate the freshly fallen snow, which glittered like diamonds against the yellow rays. The big white buildings would almost glow as well with the snow reflecting the rays, and towering over all those white buildings the grand grey castle would remain dull. In this continent all the kingdoms were in balance, harmony as many would call it. As a result there were no names, just numbers counting one to thirteen. The Seventh Province was almost directly in the middle of the continent, so that was where the thirteen kings would hold counsels and meetings to discuss matters mortal kings discussed. Today was one a day that a counsel would be held for the leaders, so the atmosphere around the province was more lively than usual. There were more guards in the streets as usual, more people being arrested for suspicious behaviors. The last thing the Seventh Province needed was trouble on this day, for it would make them look foolish in the eyes of the other twelve provinces. Though, trouble was exactly what the Seventh Province would get on the day of counsel.
Even miles away their march could be heard. It sounded as if some one was beating giant drums on the horizon, and gradually it was getting louder. As the sun rose over the distant hills their black mass could finally be seen marching towards the kingdom. Goblins. Their smoky breath could be seen escaping their metal helmets, their sharpened spears and swords gripped tightly by their large gloved hands. It all stood out and would send shivers down the spines of mortals, but one thing stood out more than the goblins. Munikena the WarSeeker. Their leader; a human looking woman with flame red hair and eyes colder than the frigid winter night. They marched shoulder to should at a steady pace through the freshly fallen snow, hungry for the battle that would begin shortly. Munikena walked in front of the mass, her large sword mounted on her back and a grin on her purple lips. “Today is the day, my lovelies!” She announced and turned around to face her army. “With all thirteen kings here we will stampede over the kingdom and take their worthless heads!” Drawing her blade and holding it high all the goblins let out bone chilling howls, and with her signal they all started running for the walls.
Like any battle it took some time for the goblins to get through the perimeter wall, but once they did all hell broke loss. Blood stained the dirt ground. Fire spread from house to house. Woman, men and children cleaved on sight. Soldiers were torn limb from limb. Such brutality could only be expected from goblins. They fought not for spoilers, woman, money or even power. They fought merely just to kill. For blood. Munikena was no exception.

That was almost seven years ago.

Standing on the corner of a dirt road stood a petite red head, looking no more than eighteen years old. Her long hair was twisted back in a loose braid, her clothes were a brown tunic and baggy black pants. She looked like any other mortal girl, expect for her icy blue eyes. That petite young woman was, or once was Munikena the WarSeeker. The battle seven years ago was a horrid failure when she was confronted by a wizard. He stripped her of all her power, her army, and even her name. Now her name was Tamil, and she was his servant. She spends her days doing house chores, shopping and sometimes assists the wizard in experiments. Tamil was resistant at first, always declaring with pride she would one day rise to power again. Though the wizard would hit her on the head with his staff and tell her to go make dinner. So, after seven years her rebellious fire faded and she did her chores without resistance. Today was like any other day, she was walking towards town to pick a few things for the wizard. A bored expression lingered on her face as she scanned the trees around her. The path she walked along cut through s forest, and even in this cursed form she could sense it wasn’t a civil forest. “….”

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    commentCommented on: Sat Dec 01, 2007 @ 10:28pm

    commentCommented on: Sun Jan 03, 2010 @ 12:21am
    You know,i do want to RP you but i cant decide which.

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