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I don't know!

xXxTake This SpikexXx
Community Member
Whatever, I don't give a s**t,
Snape I will never truly forgive you, but I still really love you. You are going to still be my "sister" right?Right? Please say yes!!!

OMG!!!!! Tom Felton is SOOOOOO hot!!!!! I am soo up in the air about him!!! He is so hot!!!! I envy him, though. All that money, and being all famous. OH!!! Ok, comment back, I need a new topic to talk about.

Does anybody know what Katie hotters Gaia is? Let me know!!!

I could go on all day about Tom. Or as other people know him as, Draco Malfoy. Grrrr. I am in such a good mood, and there is absolutely nothing that anybody can do to ruin it, and I am talking to Tess an Sarah, even though Sarah is away in Texas.

Enjoy Texas for me, I have always wanted to go there. It must be awesome, with beach, and desert and such. Oh, I could run in circles, I am soo happy!!! And Excited, and in love, but that is beside the point. Tom Felton is the point, for me. I need to go now, befor I screw up your heads, Tom Felton is Da' Bomb!!!! And my crush, and Katies Crush . . . Oops! You all were not supposed to heard that.

Whatever. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow! My mom lost it today. She went away to never-ending-laughter land. I swear. My mom's boyfriend said something, and my mom was on the floor. It sort of creeped me out.

I saw Tom Felton today!!!!!!!! He was on TV!!!!!!!! Oh, I felt like I was ready to faint. Well, I did swoon, but whatever. Oh, and then on the internet, I found a southpark version of him. Have to go, my mom says. : (

Hey, I tuned into *102.9 at just the right time!!!!!! It's Soja' boy, with crack that, followed by Enur, singing Calibreah, and then, a commercial, followed with Kiss Kiss sung by Cris Brown, and then a song that i do not recognize off hand. Oh, and now it's Life House, with Whatever it takes. Hee, Hee!

I wonder if Snape is on the computer yet, and what everybody is doing. My break was all too quiet, and lonely. I am So looking forward to going back to school. I get to see Taylor, Mikey, and Jake tomorrow though. Er . . . Friday. I am so excited.

We are going to the movies to see Tom Felton. No, not really. We don't know what we are going to see. Any recommendations? not I am Legend, because we all saw that already. I don't know, Jake is real down to earth, and Mikey is off in space, so choosing movies is not the easiest thing to do. I am happy, and excited.

This is for Katie - I am drooling over Tom for ya', and I will show you in French just what I have. You need to promise me that you will NOT take it away from me, because I might have to kill you if you do. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!!!!! I really need to get out more. Especially to the movies. Lindsey, have you figured out a way to go see Sweeny Todd yet? Let me know, because I REALLY want to go and see it.

I don't know about you guys, but is my journal confusing? I really don't care. I am such a horrible typist (no comment from you there) I am such a hunt and peckist. Oh well, that has never stopped me, and in elementary, I won a cheesy award because I could type the fastest. I was competing against Mrs. Horvath, my fifth grade teacher, and I could crank out like fifteen more words than her. It was exciting. I am such a rambler, aren't I? Shame. I must get it from Taylor Schaaf - she and I can talk on the phone for literaly hours, if we were not interrupted, and still have things to say.

Did any of you guys get a prank (or pranks) pulled on you for the new year? Taylor did. It was great. She get shaving cream to the face, and her mom covered the toilet seat with vasaline. Needless to say, Taylor fell off the toilet when she reached for the toilet paper. She told me all about it, and I was in absolute stitches by the time she was done. I went to Escalante Mid. Scho'. today. Man, do I miss that school, well parts of it. I saw Mrs. Goodman, and scared her half to death. Hise is being a hermit, and staying away. I keep trying to see him, but so far, no luck. I really should get off now, but lord knows what direction I am going to go in next.

Oh! Did you know that I got hosed by the phone company? Yah, and I am so ready to kill some one. They put me on a contract, so I can't get a new phone for a while. Ok, for two more years. The only way to get a contract is if the store sells me a phone, or they sell the phone for a really cheap price. I brought in my phone, so there was absolutely no reason for me to be put on the contract. GRR! I was supposed to get a slick awesome phone that slides up, but no - my mom gets that one, and I have to be stuck with a razor. I do know that the guy on main who works for Altell is trying to get me off the contract. I hope he figures it out. Oh, and I also know that I might get the slider phone.

Yippy!!! Woot!!!!!! Shred the mouse!!!!! Go sit on a muffin!!!! Um, yah. There are some awesome sound tracks on my mom's phone though. I was having fun going through them. Ok, I am completely getting of now. Did any of you stay up to see the ball drop on new years? I did.

I also had to go and see The water horse with my mom. I thumb my nose at that movie. Literally, throwing up under my seat seemed way better. It was cheesy, and meant for little kids. OK! I am really getting off. Kisses for Tom Felton!!!

Wooo!!! It's snowing!!! Ok, that was fained excitment. I really am tired of the snow. I wanted to hit the slopes this winter, but no can do. I'm bummed. I was looking forward to snowboarding. Oh sigh. Well, at least I get to go the movies, and with guy friends. Well, and Taylor Schaaf too. Oh, poop. I have to get off the computer now. That sucks. I'll be back.

Ok, so it snowed, and I didn't get to go to the movies. That was a major blow to me. I was so looking forward to seeing one missed call. Hey! does anybody know when or where or anything about the movie Maximum ride? People were talking about it on Sarah's pro, and I was just wondering, cuz' I hadn't heard anything about it.

Katie and I are off in Tom Felton Land. Well, Katie more than me, but anyhow, stepping away from the sentence, yeah. Katie has pictures of him all over her planner. I have mine in a note book. Katie plans to smother her s**t with him. I plan to just keep my pictures in my notebook. I wanted that sentence to sound funny, but I didn't know how to space and punctuation it. Yeah, that sentence makes a lot of sense.

I hope you all know that in every journal entrie, I am going to mention Something about Tom. You all just have to roll with it. I was trying to get more comments on this, by making it public, but that didn't happen. I like commenting under here too, you know.

I watched a movie in Mr. Coddington's class, and some guy got ran over by a train. It was cool. His blood splattered all over the front of the train, and his head popped off - the train nose caught him under the chin, and kept on going. All the girls in that class screamed, and a few even ran over to the trash can. The guys and I were all fascinated, and if one girl hadn't really thrown up, we would have watched it a few more times.

It was nasty when the girl threw up though. It came out her nose, and her mouth, and we could all hear it splattering in the can. When she was done, she lifted her head up, and vomit was still dripping out of her nose. I didn't feel so bad for her though. She was one of those preppy street jocks who smoke crack and brag about it. Mr. Coddington was over at his desk, ewing and coughing. The guys who sit with me in our little group got a front row seat. These people include Freddy Mendoza, Sage whats-his-last-name from escalante, and Tray heath. Yah, it was pretty intense. When she was done vomiting, she ran out of the room. Some of the other girls who smoke crack and brag about it were looking a little green. Mr. Coddington called it down, and them sprayed some air freshener over the can. I didn't want to tell you guys this at lunch, because it was after all lunch.

I hate Mrs. Devorack with a burning hatred passion. She should go and suck on one of her gas faucets for a touch, with the gas on full, and then I'll risk my life and light a match and shove it down her throat. And laugh as her face gets all red, and the smell of burning bodies fill the air, and she Explodes. She deserves it. Or I could be like the Japanese, and shove a hose down her throat and turn on the water full blast, and after a long bit, jump on her stomach and cause her stomach to burst. She really needs to burn in hell. Actually, I don't think Satan would really appreciate her company, but she sure as hell doesn't belong in heaven. I call her the vulture, and when she talks, her neck bulges and shrinks. It's all people talk about after class.

My hands are getting cold, and so I think I will leave it at this one last story.

I promise that this one will not make you puke.

We're waiting for the bus right, me, Lindsey, and Marrisa, ok. All the other buses pull up, and all the other buses leave. Ok, so it's like 4 : oh I don't know 17, and still no bus in sight. Lindsey, Tess and I all have to pee, like really bad, but we're afraid of going, just in case of some freak thing, she pulls up. Tess and Lindsey started to sing words to the tune of "if your happy and you know it". Yeah. So around 4:25, here comes our bus.
Noses are running, feet are frozen, hands are red from the cold, and were all miserable. We get on the bus, and we sit there, and sit there and sit there. Something was wrong with the chains in the back of the bus, and I don't really understand the problem, and the back exit door is open right. So ok whatever. Time goes by and Beckie gets on here radio.
People are complaining about not going. Beckie teased up and told us to pass our food up, and to find our warmest clothes because it looked like we were going to spend the night on the bus. She radios in to the repair shop, ok, and time goes by. It's like 4:45, and finally, the repair people show up. They work on the back of the bus, doing something. I am trying to call my mom, people are talking to me at the same time, and she doesn't pick up. I tried everything to get a hold of her. Nothing. It's about 5:00 when we pull out of the school. Were heading toward Wildcat, and Melanie radios in. She's in a ditch. Great, and that was the next bus that I had to take. I finally get a hold of my mom, and she says that she is just leaving Wal-mart and that I should get off the bus and hang out.
She would come and pick me up. Well, Elliott Salazar, and a another girl with her sister live on my road. My mom agrees to pick them up too. We all troop off the bus,and the wind is horrible. We are all huddled up, shivering, my teeth sounding like sleet on a tin roof. About ten or fifteen minutes go by, and by this time, it's nearing 5:30, and here comes my mom. We all run to the car and pile in. It's tight, but we all manage. We get done wild cat, and were going to turn onto a road that will lead us past everybody's house. It had not been plowed. We were fishtailing, and sliding, and going every which way except around in a circle. We finally get to the girl and her sisters house, and they get out.
Elliott's house is like a thirty second drive further down. We drop him off too, and go home. The roads got better, and we made it home, at 6:15 in the evening. I fell bad for Wolfie, because he got home around 7:00.

Well, that's my adventure for the day, and now my hands are icicles, why I do not know, and now, I shall go. Toodle-pip!!!

I am so excited for Monday morning!! Can't type with me sweatshirt on the way I have it. Oh man, oh man, oh man,oh man, oh man, oh man!!! I really can't wait for Monday. Why? Because Katie is going down to Farmington, to Hot Topic, to go and buy two Syltherin Sweatshirts!!! I am soo excited that I can barely type out the roight letters. Well, ok, and something elce too. I am quivering, I am so excited. I just hope like badly that they are not slod out. My words, you need to switch around a few letters, and you will see the word. I am sorry. I will go back, and try to fix that, but there are no garontees.

It feels really good to be back at the computer, even though it is beeping at me whenever I hit the kesy. I am listening to the radio, and typing. I really don't know why I put that. I need some good book recommendations. Do you all have any? Let me know. Or actually read this. That would help. I am so mad at my mom. Why? Because she found all of my saved pictures of tom felton, and she deleated them all!!! I am so heart broken.

Well, not that much. I really want to see Kennith back at school - he missed like two weeks befor break, and he is still gone. Ok, he came back to school for a half day, and then he left. Katie told me something really interesting, even though I already knew about it. She told me that Avery had a brother, presumably a step brother. She pointed him out to me, but I didn't get a really good look at him. All I can tell you, is that they have absolutely nothing in common. Avery's brother has glasses, and really dark hair. Also, he is way shorter. It was odd.

Tom felton has a fourteen inch wand, but I have a nineteen point five inch wand. That was a really odd comment. I really don't know what to say. Today in French, I had to listen to some creepy guy talk in French. He disturbed me. Greatly. I am bored, have nothing to talk about, and will leave.

Hee, Hee, Hee. Today, a truck got stuck really bad in the ditch between my house, and the corner. It was funny. They had snow shovels and was trying to dig themselves out. This was around eleven o'clock. My mom refused to let me go and tell them about my neighbor, who has a front end loader. She was in one of her moods. The long of the short of it was around four, after cars came, "helped" and left, two trucks came and relentlessly tried pulling and pushing, with a chain connecting them together, pulled the people out. I was amused greatly by the whole thing.

Sorry if that one story made you sick, with the girl throwing up.. I like adding all the details. This song is AWESOME!!! I am listening to the radio.

I am currently looking up pictures of Tom Felton, but I am so not into it. Whatever. That was my laugh of the day, signing off.

Tom Felton may have a fourteen inch wand . . . but I have a nineteen and a half inch wand. biggrin ninja 4laugh

My hand hurts . . . throb, throb, throb. I yie yie.

My mom has to go to the hospital for surgery.

User Comments: [12]
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue Sep 11, 2007 @ 04:17am
I said I was sorry... please forgive me.... crying pleeeaaaassseee.... Besides it wasn't me it was the Garbage Faeries that stole your paper.

comment Commented on: Sun Jan 06, 2008 @ 06:29am
wow that was quite a lot

Community Member
xXxTake This SpikexXx
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue Jan 15, 2008 @ 12:11am
I am bored, and need the gold.

comment Commented on: Sun Feb 17, 2008 @ 05:35am
Obviously my journal is really popular, *roll,roll*

xXxTake This SpikexXx
Community Member
User Comments: [12]
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